International Conference on Recent Trends in Construction Materials and Structures (ICON2019) 18-20 September 2019 (Inaugural Function)

School of Civil Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology organized a three days International conference on “Recent Trends in Construction Materials and Structures” (ICON2019), from 18th to 20thSeptember. Dr. G. Viswanathan, the founder and Chancellor of VIT inaugurated the conference by lighting the Deepam in the presence of the Chief Guest, Thiru P.G. Venkatram, Chief Executive of L&T Infrastructural Engineering Ltd., Chennai. Our chancellor, during his presidential address, he comprehended the importance of civil engineering and added that it was the first established department at VIT. He also cited that civil engineering being the mother of all engineering branches will always subsist to show its prominence in this word. He informed the gathering about the humongous investment plan of the Indian Government in infrastructure development and how it creates opportunities to civil engineers for building their careers in this field. A conference Souvenir was released by the Chancellor and the Chief Guest.
Thiru P.G. Venkatram has nearly 30 years of experience in design of bridges. He is involved in the design of a number of cutting-edge cable supported bridges. In his inaugural address, he reiterated the importance of being a civil engineer. He called civil engineering as the “glue that holds all the society together.” He appreciated the delegates for coming forward and presenting their research and informed that their work has to go through a lot of steps such as testing, prototyping, validation and checks on safety and reliability before being used in practice. He said that “knowledge shared is knowledge multiplied” and appreciated the organizers for this opportunity to share knowledge.
The conference had some keynote speeches from eminent speakers, Dr. Choong kok Keong, Associate professor Universiti Sains Malaysia, Dr. Lau Hieng Ho, Professor and Pro-Vice Chancellor, Swinburne University of Technology, Malaysia, Dr. Prachand Man Pradhan, Associate Professor, Kathmandu University, Nepal and Dr.Radhey Sharma, Professor, West Virginia University, USA.
As a part of the event, a pre-conference workshop on “characterization and micro-structure analysis of concrete” has been organized with 80 participants form institutions across India on 17th September 2019. The resource persons, Dr. Manu Santhanam, IIT Madras, Dr. B.B. Das, NIT Karnataka and Dr. J Karthikeyan, NIT Trichy have delivered thought-provoking lectures. A technical design contest namely Make-A-Thon was conducted where 96 students of VIT, formed into 16 groups, exhibited their creativity in all the five themes provided to them. The best design model was awarded with a cash prize of Rs. 6000
The scientific committee of ICON 2019 received more than 100 research abstracts. After peer reviewing all the abstracts, 52 delegates are presenting their research paper in the conference. Eventually, selected papers will be submitted to SCOPUS indexed publications namely, ACI Material Journal and Disaster Advances and Springer’s Proceedings for consideration for publication.

It is well known that the microstructure of concrete has a significant role in influencing its properties include strength and durability due to the effect of various parameters like porosity, permeability, and pore size distribution. To achieve high strength and good durability properties, to prevent concrete deterioration, to reduce the capillary porosity and to accomplish a substantial reduction in the total porosity, a need to reduce the gel porosity is required. This leads to a change in the C-S-H structure from porous to more crystalline phase, i.e., change in concrete micro-structure. Therefore, gaining a deeper understanding of how the performance of concrete is impacted by its microstructure is of prime significance. This workshop aims to provide a platform to impart knowledge on the microstructure of concrete and its influence on the behavior of concrete.

A technical Design Context namely ICON2019 - Make-A-Thon was organised by Dr. A. Sofi, Associate Professor & HOD, Dr. T. Meena, Associate Professor, and Dr. J. Jayaprakash, Professor, School of Civil Engineering, VIT. This event was held on 10th August 2019 at Foodys, VIT, Vellore. A total of 96 students from both UG and PG programmes of School of Civil Engineering, participated in the make-a-thon event. The students of 16 groups exhibited their creativity in five different themes that includes Earthquake Engineering, Building Stability on slope, Bridges, and Tall Structures to them. The best design model was awarded with a cash prize of INR 6000.