Anuganga Kulenthiran

Anuganga Kulenthiran

Anuganga Kulenthiran

B.Tech. Biotechnology Sri Lanka

As I near the end of my third year in college, I am glad I can say that VIT has been more than just the source of a degree. Life away from home was a haunting thought, especially when away from home meant another country on the whole. But, let’s just say that over the years, the surreal sense of VIT being more of a home to me than my hometown itself has taken over me.

The display of an array of talents in the form of club and chapter events in VIT have helped students in exploring their hidden abilities. Dancing for one, was a part of my life that I assumed to be long lost when I left home. So, it was a beautiful experience unfolding a new chapter of dance as I rediscovered classical dance in a new light in the form of MAYA (VIT Dance Club). For a hard-core Bharathanatyam dancer who could only imagine Carnatic music accompanied by mridangam beats, Maya was an eye-opener that made me realize that sky was the limit (having performed Classical dance to the song Counting Stars) when it came to dancing. I was also given the opportunity to participate in various cultural nights and college fests as a result not to forget the inspiring people I’ve met.

On the whole, I’m grateful to VIT for the amazing people it has brought into my life and everything I have learnt in the past three years. Not just engineering, but life lessons too.

Bernhard Sahungwa

Life was not easy at the beginning of my studies in VIT. I was miles away from home, adjusting to a new environment, and had to start over making friends. With time, however, I started adjusting and seeing things differently.

Life became more interesting when I came to know that VIT has numerous opportunities for pursuing your sports interests. Sports have been always a part of my life. I joined the VIT football team right in the first year and then later joined the athletics team as well. This gave me a lot of joy. Now I can proudly say my life in VIT has been great, VIT has made me grow mentally and physically. One thing I love more about VIT is that everything is available and life is very cheap. VIT, I can say, is a great place for studies, the environment is conducive, people are helpful and it gives you a chance to show your talents

Chen Jiankai

Chen Jiankai

Chen Jiankai

B.Sc Computer Science China

“Best of all, VIT has set up a separate Chinese canteen, so we get to eat familiar food.”

When I came to VIT University, it thrilled me to see such a beautiful campus. I have learned a lot here and made many friends. On holidays, the school organizes a wide range of extra-curricular activities. When we encounter difficulties, the International Office always does their best to help us. Being here will certainly enhance my future. At a place for studies, the environment is conducive, people are helpful and it gives you a chance to show your talents.

Choi Inseok

Choi Inseok

Choi Inseok

B.B.A Korea

VIT University has given wings to the dreams I had for my career. VIT provides a lot of programmes, fantastic infrastructure and academic activities. The most important thing is the faculties are willing to help you reach your dreams.

I am proud of myself because I can contribute to the world as a VITian


'So why India and why VIT?'

That's the first question I always face when anyone gets to know that you are a foreigner. The answer differs for everyone. For me, it was just that I wanted to experience studying away from home and this was a good place to start with. The few main things that attracted me to VIT was the academic excellence, infrastructure and Riviera. I actually spent more time watching Riviera videos on YouTube than researching the university!

The academics are great here. Apart from classes, you have good lab facilities, workshops to learn outside class. There are many clubs and chapters as well, be it technical or non-technical, both will keep your hours busy. I am a part of VIT Health Club and was a part of Community radio. I got a chance to register as a member of the dance club for extracurricular activities where I got to learn dance forms from different parts of India which was the best part of all!

Hansroy Nemdharry

Hansroy Nemdharry

Hansroy Nemdharry

Mauritius B.Sc. Multimedia and Animation

My experience at VIT has been top notch. If there is anything to regret it is just that I cannot spend a few more years of my life here.”

When I decided to come to VIT all I knew about Vellore is that there was a big prison. I wondered day and night for over a month if it was the right decision. Here I am now at the end of my third year, jotting down my feelings with teary eyes. VIT has been more than a home to me. The first few months were the hardest for me, it was hard to communicate with my peers. It took a real toll to get used to the food. Even now you give me ten chances and I’m sure I can’t spell the names of many dishes in the mess.

As a semester passed I grew closer to people, I made a few friends whom I know would be with me for life. VIT has always been my survival support system. The faculty and management are very approachable and have helped me in everything, may it be hostel room or the classes the care is the same. Living up to the motto VIT has truly groomed me to be a professional. VIT sure has provided me with a "place to learn, a chance to grow".

Hu Xiaoyu

Hu Xiaoyu

Hu Xiaoyu

B.Sc.Computer Science China

VIT has offered me a lot of opportunities to develop my career and personal skills. The university has offered me a platform to develop a specific field of interest regarding my career. It was also great that I got to study at the Hong Kong University of science and technology before coming here to complete my course. I’m really grateful to VIT for that.

Being here as also helped me improve my teamwork and leadership qualities. It also supported me in building my communication skills as I got an opportunity to work with different kinds of people from different countries. I’ve also had the opportunity to work with internships where I can gain relevant work experience in my field of interest.

I am proud to be a VITian!

James Malongo

My experience here at VIT University has been very beneficial so far. Relatively smaller class sizes enable direct student-instructor interactions for effective learning and the instructors are readily available after class hours to help clear any doubts. The university also boasts an excellent library with tons of books and e-resources spanning a plethora of subjects and fields of study, the RFID technology implemented there ensures that borrowing and returning books is a hassle-free process.

In addition to that, VIT University plays host to thousands of students from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds from all over India and other parts of the world. This has enabled me to develop personally by learning how to deal effectively with different kinds of people, which is important in a world where globalization is taking centre stage.

Kanyampa Manda

Kanyampa Manda

Kanyampa Manda

B.Tech Mechanical Engineering Zambia

Coming to VIT was something I hadn't anticipated but ever since I’ve come here, the experience has been amazing. The past eighteen months have opened my eyes to a whole new world and my perspective on life has been broadened by my interaction with people from different backgrounds and cultures.

Outside of class, it's beneficial too. Being on both the football and athletics teams has enabled me to be in peak physical condition which also aids focus and helps in studies. It has also earned me a few free trips!

Most importantly, I've also made a lot of friends whom I'll never forget. It's an amazing experience and I'll just keep enjoying each day as it comes.

Li Cun Qi

Li Cun Qi

Li Cun Qi

B.Com China

“I’m grateful to VIT for encouraging me to be myself.”

I’ve learnt a lot out here while working towards developing myself both personally and career-wise. I have felt deep concern for my wellbeing and special attention to my learning and education. This has helped me adapt fast to the school environment.

Teachers and classmates are friendly. Being here has taught me to communicate freely with students from different countries and this practice has laid a good foundation for the future. I am indeed proud to be studying here.

Maureen Manjoro

Maureen Manjoro

Maureen Manjoro

B.Com. Computer Applications Zimbabwe

I dream that one-day l will build a University in my country and other countries and be a ray of hope not only to my country but the whole world as well. I still believe education is power and hope to be a part of the movement towards it.

When anyone chooses an educational institution, the first thing that comes to the mind is academics. You may also dream of being in extra-curricular activities and possibly becoming a star in what you are good at, but those are secondary. I too dreamt of all this when l came to VIT University, I didn’t, however, expect to both live my dreams and grow in the process. Though this isn’t the typical ‘university life’ that everyone expects, my time in VIT has definitely been exceptional.

At first, l felt overwhelmed - adjusting to the new environment, away from home, culture, food - you name it! But once I accepted the fact that this was my life for the next 3 years I started noticing the ocean of opportunities around me. Making a lot of good friends, participating in great clubs, playing the sports l love most and of course balancing it all with my academics became my aim. I joined the basketball team and also became of the club M. A. D. (Make a difference)

I can now go out there and pursue any career of my choice knowing l can do it. It is a feeling l would not want to forget. Now l walk around the campus with a broad smile knowing l have an unending story to tell about my University life. If l were to choose all over again the Universities l would want to go, VIT will be first on my list.

I didn’t just learn and grow. I had the time of my life.

Maurine Mbawa

Maurine Mbawa

Maurine Mbawa

B.Com. Computer Applications Tanzania

VIT has helped me learn how to express myself and have the confidence to speak about what I think is right. I see a big difference from my first year and now. It has made me a better person and reminded me that college is not only about studies but growing in other areas such as our social life, interacting with people from different places, improving my talents by participating in various competitions, a chance to know other people's ideas as well and learning from them. Living together as one community is hard mostly because there are cultural differences and a barrier in language but despite all this, we love each other and help one another as a family.

VIT is home despite not having our parents and relatives at this place; we have guardians to help us and be there for us such as our proctors, programme chairs, faculty and most of all the international relations office.

Nabanoba K Juliet

Nabanoba K Juliet

Nabanoba K Juliet

B.Sc. Multimedia and Animation Uganda

Being a part of VIT University opened up a world of opportunities and possibilities for me. I have met so many beautiful and loving people from different parts of the world who have made VIT a home away from home and also taught me so much about different aspects of life. I also learnt so much from my devoted teachers and through seminars. The brilliance of different functions held like graVITas and Rivera also inspired me to be creative and to be the best I can be. I have been blessed to be a part of this institution and I believe it has moulded me into a better individual.

Netra B. Ghalley

Netra B. Ghalley

Netra B. Ghalley

B.Tech Civil Engineering Bhutan

My experience in VIT has been amazing. VIT is not only a learning institute but also a home away from home for me. I expected that as a foreigner, who probably wasn't very equipped with the ways of the outside world, I would struggle to adjust in this new environment. However, with the support that I got from the university, I was comfortable within a short span of time.

The University is home to students from all over the world. And this has helped me gain a broader perspective on people and an understanding of diverse cultures and backgrounds. It is here that I have learnt to recognize my true potential and focus on its development.

I am also a part of Student Club known as Youth Red Cross (NGO) where I get to help underprivileged and vulnerable sections of the society. This service has helped me see the world with a different perspective. VIT has given me a lot to grow as an individual and I hope it continues to do so.

Pearl A. Hazel

Pearl A. Hazel

Pearl A. Hazel

B.Sc. Multimedia and Animation Rwanda

I've always loved to draw and work with my hands and that is why I leapt at the opportunity to join the Bachelor's program in Multimedia and Animation here; not only did I get a degree in animation, but also in Multimedia which is very important in gaining a wider scope in the entertainment field. Like a tree, my course is filled with so many branches that one is literally spoiled for choice when it comes down to selecting a major. The Professors are so helpful because they are patient and also their passion for the field fuels us, students, to want to give our best.

Education aside, VIT has also opened up the world to me. The different cultures here, from all over the world, make my understanding of life better because I am able to adjust my mind to different situations. I leave for my home country Uganda this year after three wonderful years but I will always remember India, more specifically, VIT as a home away from home.

Thank you VIT for this amazing experience!

Rahul Nagarkoti

Studying away from home is always a difficult decision to make. Studying in another country, all the more. However, my experience in VIT has helped me grow from strength to strength both as a person and as a student. I try to make the best of the variety of facilities provided by the University that allow me to pursue my extra-curricular interests in tandem with my academic. Something I’ve done since my school days.

I dedicate most of my free time to my favourite sport and representing the University football team is an experience I have always relished. Meeting new people, I learn new things each day and have found some great friends who complete the picture of ‘University Life’ I had in mind when I arrived here.

A place to learn, a chance to grow indeed!

Tashi Gyeltshen

Tashi Gyeltshen

Tashi Gyeltshen

B.Tech Civil Engineering Bhutan

Truly a place to learn and grow. Incorporating all the modern needs of students with a sea of opportunities, VIT has nurtured my sense of responsibility and confidence. The faculty is ever ready to help me with studies and personal challenges.

VIT has offered me more than what a student would desire for as his educational accomplishment. I am truly grateful to be part of this outstanding university.

Wang Xiaolong

Wang Xiaolong

Wang Xiaolong

B.Sc. Computer Science China

The time I spent in VIT will be the deepest memory of my life. It is here that I have received the greatest opportunity to develop my career and personality.

This is the first time studied abroad. When I come here, however, everything was different and I was worried that my English wouldn’t be good enough to keep up with the pace. The university, however, is really beautiful and the teachers are really kind and patient. My time in VIT has helped me improve both my subject expertise as well as my fluency in English. I’ve gained so much from this university that I’ve decided to stay back and pursue my Masters here as well!

Wang Shengyu

Wang Shengyu

Wang Shengyu

B.COM China

In China, VIT is a much-known university. A lot of other people I know are proud to have graduated from here. For us international students, we face obvious obstacles and constraints such as language, self-reliance, as well as difficulty in performance and results. However, this being an inclusive school, has a variety of teaching and other support staff, who help make it easier for students to work hard and achieve good results. The students and faculty here are very friendly, happy to help and care about our welfare. It's a matter of pride for me to graduate from VIT University.

Wu Dan

Wu Dan

Wu Dan

B.COM China

Studying here, in India, has helped me improve my English ability. I have made many new friends and had diverse experiences. With the rich culture of this country and exciting campus amenities; suffice it to say that my college life has indeed been colourful.

At VIT, I’m not merely gaining subject expertise, I’m getting the first real taste of independence in life and this has been bittersweet. Living far away from your family on your own, I have learned to handle the ups and downs of life independently. While giving me an opportunity to converse with and learn from experts, I’m usually busy with plenty of assignments and projects that I’m sure will take me down the road to a great career. The university has laid a solid foundation for my future.

Zhao Lu

Coming to India and studying at VIT University has been one of the best decisions in my life. From day one I felt I was in an overwhelmingly friendly environment. Both the teachers and students have been so welcoming that I've never felt lonely here. I've gained not only an academic education but one about life as well. There have also been so many opportunities to make new friends, learn about cultures and develop my career.

I'll always be grateful to this university and all the people I've met in India.

Aniisah Rakeebah Hosany

Aniisah Rakeebah Hosany

Aniisah Rakeebah Hosany

M.Tech. Biomedical EngineeringMauritius

The time I spent at VIT had been the most important of my academic life. As a multicultural university, I have never felt foreign. It is amazing how foreign students, as well as locals, are valued and pampered. VIT is so much more than just a "brick and mortar" building. It is a temple of knowledge. The staff is competent and well-disposed and the course material is neat. I am grateful for everything and look forward to returning the favour as a professional

Bintou Kaba

Bintou Kaba

Bintou Kaba

M.Sc. Applied MicrobiologyGuinea

My journey in VIT has been amazing ever since I joined here. I have had so many opportunities to build myself and to become whom I wish to be and to look and achieve beyond what I thought possible.

I have met good lecturers and classmates from various countries and I’ve also met some reliable and wonderful African friends. In fact, learning one another's culture and language has been one of the best things for me here. The good memories of VIT will stay with me forever. I am glad to be a VITian.

Chido Tazivazvino

Chido Tazivazvino

Chido Tazivazvino

M.Sc. Computer ScienceZimbabwe

I will always value the time I've spent in VIT, both in an academic and personal capacity.

The University has helped me mould my career in so many ways and has given me a direction in what to do in the next phase of my life. The abundance of academic resources in the form of high tech equipment, state of the art library along with the challenging curriculum and great lecturers have played a great role in my academic performance and growth.

The University has also greatly aided in my personal growth and development. The wide mix of cultures and ethnicities has been an eye-opener for me.

Coker Ireoluwatomiwa Oswald

Coker Ireoluwatomiwa Oswald

Coker Ireoluwatomiwa Oswald

M. Tech. Communication EngineeringNigeria

'With an eco-system extremely ideal for learning, VIT as an institution lives up to its mantra. She empowers her faculty and student body with the resources required to conduct innovative researches based on knowledge gained in her four walls, with a focus on tackling challenges that the human race face.

My journey in VIT has been a magnificent one so far considering her impact on my career, I have presented a platform where I could undertake diverse professional training on Cisco Systems to Microsoft in the labs existing on the Campus.

Rivera and Gravitas are events that are much awaited for as it brings a chance to witness the cultural diversities existing in the campus. So far, I would be glad to undertake another program here if the opportunity appeared.

Thayalan Ganeshan

Thayalan Ganeshan

Thayalan Ganeshan

M.Tech. Energy and Environmental EngineeringMauritius

Leaving your country and your family to go abroad is always a big and difficult decision. The initial apprehension about whether that decision is right or wrong still lingers. I am happy to say that those fears are easily overcome once you step into VIT.

The work culture is different as people from diverse cultural backgrounds mingle and work together towards the same goal. Student participation in the various community programs makes it all the more interesting.

The University mentors you as well to face the world as not a single day goes by without the conduction of a workshop or training program. I have had the pleasure of participating in debates, the water conservation week as well as the various cultural festivals organized. Each of these experiences has been quite enjoyable and I am looking forward to others

Long Yi

Long Yi

M.Sc. Computer ScienceChina

The first year I come to VIT, everything was strange for me - the culture, the language and campus life. My Indian classmates were friendly and spoke slowly, and explained the meaning of words and many things unique here. My classmates also helped me out with notes and copies for review. Faculty have been supportive, given that I’m a foreign student. One thing that VIT has taught me is to be independent - If you want to get something done, just roll up your sleeves and do it. The University will not tell you the solutions of problems but will show you the way to solve it.

After completing my B.Sc. Computer Science here, I have moved on to continue with my Masters. What can I say - Once a VITian, always a VITian.

Tek Kadayat

Tek Kadayat

M.Tech. Biomedical EngineeringNepal

It’s been a great pleasure to be the part of the esteemed Institution which has been imparting quality education for over 3 decades.

I was searching for a star but I found a galaxy when I came to VIT. The abundance of academic resources and great lecturers has played a great role in my academic and skill development and growth. I have been able to actually look at the world from a different perspective.

I will always value the time I've spent in VIT with a wide mix of cultures and ethnicities.

Toshen M. Thomas

Toshen M. Thomas

Toshen M. Thomas

Master of Computer Applications (MCA)U.S.A.

Ever since I began my life at VIT, I felt like I have entered into a Nano world. Modern, innovative and student friendly campus with sophisticated computer labs will make the better of anyone who opts for their studies here. If 'Sky is the limit', here in VIT, there is no limit as to what one is to become. Various add-on courses, friendly staff and professors all help to make the life at VIT a wonderful experience. The flexible time table helps one to add additional course certificates under one’s belt. It is also important to know various cultures of the world, and the International student community at VIT offers an opportunity to do so.

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  • International Relations Office
  • # 109, Floor I, Dr.M.G.R. Block
  • VIT Vellore - 632014
  • Tamil Nadu, India
  • Phone :+91-416-220 2070 / 2072
  • Fax : +91-416-2243118
  • Email :[email protected]