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International Virtual Conference on Immersive Education with VR/AR - ICEVAR'20
Jun 25 - Jun 25

International Virtual Conference on Immersive Education with VR/AR - ICEVAR'20

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VIT School of Design (V-SIGN) at Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India – welcomes the submission of papers to this virtual conference with pride. For over a decade, educational researchers and practitioners have been exploring how innovative means could be integrated into traditional learning to enrich the learning experience and enhance learning effectiveness. Enabled by these innovative means, brand new learning environments can be created to better support teaching and learning activities in different subject disciplines at different levels, for example – Education environments powered by VR/AR. They emphasize learning flexibility, effectiveness, efficiency, engagement, and reflectiveness, where both formal and informal learning is integrated. It is believed that learning experience can be enriched and that learning effectiveness can be enhanced, through the adaptation of individual learning traits and preferences, increased degree of engagement, timely feedback and guidance, and provision of media-rich contents.

