School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCOPE)



S.No. Month School/ Centre Author (s) Title Journal Type of Collaboration TR Impact Factor
1 Jan'2024 SCOPE Singh S., Singh G., Singh S., Misra S.C. Understanding green procurement dynamics: An assessment framework for public sector organizations Journal of Environmental Management National 8.7
2 Jan'2024 SCOPE Periyanayagi S., Raja S.P., Vairachilai S. Multipoint communication using a fog- robotic coordinated nodal conveying system for wireless networks Journal of Network and Computer Applications National 8.7
3 Jan'2024 SCOPE Veeragandham S., Santhi H. Optimization enabled Deep Quantum Neural Network for weed classification and density estimation Expert Systems with Applications VIT 8.5
4 Jan'2024 SCOPE Nalluri S., Sasikala R. Pneumonia screening on chest X-rays with optimized ensemble model Expert Systems with Applications VIT 8.5
5 Jan'2024 SCOPE Dixit C., Satapathy S.M. Deep CNN with late fusion for real time multimodal emotion recognition Expert Systems with Applications National 8.5
6 Jan'2024 SCOPE Sasmal P., Sharma V., Prakash A.J., Bhuyan M.K., Patro K.K., Samee N.A., Alamro H., Iwahori Y., Tadeusiewicz R., Acharya U.R., P?awiak P. Semi-supervised generative adversarial networks for improved colorectal polyp classification using histopathological images Information Sciences International 8.1
7 Jan'2024 SCOPE Lin Q., Li X., Cai K., Prakash M., Paulraj D. Secure Internet of medical Things (IoMT) based on ECMQV-MAC authentication protocol and EKMC-SCP blockchain networking Information Sciences International 8.1
8 Jan'2024 SCOPE Vodyaho A., Zhukova N., Delhibabu R., Subbotin A. Continuous agile cyber?physical systems architectures based on digital twins Future Generation Computer Systems International 7.5
9 Jan'2024 SCOPE Sivapriya G., Manjula Devi R., Keerthika P., Praveen V. Automated diagnostic classification of diabetic retinopathy with microvascular structure of fundus images using deep learning method Biomedical Signal Processing and Control National 5.1
10 Jan'2024 SCOPE Balasubramaniam S., Vijesh Joe C., Manthiramoorthy C., Satheesh Kumar K. ReliefF based feature selection and Gradient Squirrel search Algorithm enabled Deep Maxout Network for detection of heart disease Biomedical Signal Processing and Control International 5.1
11 Jan'2024 SCOPE Pabitha P., Nivitha K., Gunavathi C., Panjavarnam B. A chameleon and remora search optimization algorithm for handling task scheduling uncertainty problem in cloud computing Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems National 4.5
12 Jan'2024 SCOPE Ghosh H., Maurya P.K., Bagchi S. Secret sharing based RFID protocol using ECC for TMIS Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications National 4.2
13 Jan'2024 SCOPE K K., S R., Raja S.P., Rowlo P.K. Generation Expansion Planning considering environmental impact and sustainable development for an Indian state using the LEAP platform Utilities Policy National 4
14 Jan'2024 SCOPE Sripriyanka G., Mahendran A. Securing IoMT: A Hybrid Model for DDoS Attack Detection and COVID-19 Classification IEEE Access VIT 3.9
15 Jan'2024 SCOPE Nenavath D.N., Perumal B. Artificial Marker to Predict (Banganapalle) Mango Fruit Size at Multi-Targets of an Image Using Semantic Segmentation IEEE Access VIT 3.9
16 Jan'2024 SCOPE Akhdar H., Nataraj S.K., Alinad T., Sivanesan T., Alanazi N., Alodhayb A.N. Blood component detection using photonic crystal fibre sensor Optical and Quantum Electronics International 3
17 Jan'2024 SCOPE Divya K., Kannadasan R. A systematic review and applications of how AI evolved in healthcare Optical and Quantum Electronics VIT 3
18 Jan'2024 SCOPE Paranthaman R.N., Sonker A., Varalakshmi S., Madiajagan M., Daya Sagar K.V., Malathi M. Reinforcement learning-based model for the prevention of beam-forming vector attacks on massive MIMO system Optical and Quantum Electronics National 3
19 Jan'2024 SCOPE Yousuff M., Babu R., Rathinam A. Nonlinear dimensionality reduction based visualization of single-cell RNA sequencing data Journal of Analytical Science and Technology International 2.4
20 Jan'2024 SCOPE Kalimuthu M., Ramya M., Sreethar S., Nandhagopal N. Gastric cancer classification in saliva data samples using Levy search updated rainfall hybrid deep dual-stage BILSTM Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence National 2.2
21 Jan'2024 SCOPE Gobinath C., Gopinath M.P. Deep convolutional neural network for glaucoma detection based on image classification Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems VIT 2
22 Jan'2024 SCOPE Mohamed Yousuff A.R., Zainulabedin Hasan M., Leveraging deep learning models for continuous glucose monitoring and International Journal of System Assurance International 2
23 Jan'2024 SCOPE Chandrababu M., Senthilkumar K. Secure intrusion detection system for IOT sensor data using LR-ECC and FY-SFL-DLNN algorithm Journal of Control and Decision VIT 1.7
24 Jan'2024 SCOPE Thangam E., Manikandan B.V., Kannan S., Raja S.P. Low-cost and flexible generation expansion planning with localization of power plants in a test bus system Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Transactions of the Chinese Institute of Engineers,Series A National 1.1
25 Jan'2024 SCOPE Kannamma R., Umadevi K.S. An efficient frame preemption algorithm for time-sensitive networks using enhanced graph convolutional network with particle swarm optimization Measurement: Sensors VIT -
26 Jan'2024 SCOPE Palani S., Rameshbabu K. A secured energy aware resource allocation and task scheduling based on improved cuckoo search algorithm and deep reinforcement learning for e-healthcare applications Measurement: Sensors VIT -
27 Jan'2024 SCOPE Pradeep C A., Amali D G.B., Noel M.M., Ghalib M.R., Subramaniam P.R., Venugopal C. Novel Darknet traffic data synthesis using Generative Adversarial Networks enhanced with oscillatory Growing Cosine Unit activated convolution layers International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering International -
28 Jan'2024 SCOPE Tiwari P., Pal S. Exploring green brand equity for millennials: an SEM-ANN analysis of green brand knowledge, environmental attitude, and green brand image International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management International -
29 Jan'2024 SCOPE Leelavathy S.R., Mekala A.M. Integrating Indigenous Knowledge with Deep Learning for Meteorological Drought Prediction International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering VIT -
30 Jan'2024 SCOPE Kaneti V.R., Masih J., Yoganand S., Singh B., Bhargava R., Bajaj R., Deepak A., Shrivastava A. Supervised Learning for Edible Mushroom Identification: Promising Results and Implications for Food Safety International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering National -
31 Jan'2024 SCOPE Purushothaman S., Shanmugam G.S., Nagarajan S. Achieving Seamless Semantic Interoperability and Enhancing Text Embedding in Healthcare IoT: A Deep Learning Approach with Survey SN Computer Science National -
32 Jan'2024 SCOPE Krishnamoorthy P., Sathiyanarayanan M., Proença H.P. A novel and secured email classification and emotion detection using hybrid deep neural network International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering International -
33 Jan'2024 SCOPE George G.V., Hussain M.S., Hussain R., Jenicka S. Efficient Road Segmentation Techniques with Attention-Enhanced Conditional GANs SN Computer Science VIT -
34 Jan'2024 SCOPE Geetha P., Saju Raj T., Malathi G., Akhil Nair R., Uma S. Compressive Sensing for Image Reconstruction: A Deep Neural Network Approach International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering National -
35 Jan'2024 SCOPE Suresh A., Ranjithkumar S., Nithya N.S., Kumar S.V., Girirajan S. A Hybrid Cellular Automata - Patch Based Local Principal Component Analysis Techniques for Improving Image De-Noising International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering National -
36 Jan'2024 SCOPE Preetha M., Archana A.B., Ragavan K., Kalaichelvi T., Venkatesan M. A Preliminary Analysis by using FCGA for Developing Low Power Neural Network Controller Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering National -
37 Jan'2024 SCOPE Venu S., Kumar R.G., Kumar M.K., Gowtham Prasad T.V.S., Suresh B., Neelima P. An Intelligent and Service Based Smart Agriculture Recommendation System International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering National -
38 Jan'2024 SCOPE Nalluri S., Sasikala R. Detection and Difference of Pneumonia from other Chest/Lung Disease using Multi-model Data: A Hybrid Classification Model International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering VIT -
39 Jan'2024 SCOPE Vishwakarma S., Bhardwaj S.K., Bihari A., Tripathi S., Agrawal S., Joshi P. Cancer Gene Clustering Using Computational Model GMSARN International Journal National -
40 Jan'2024 SCOPE Bhardwaj S.K., Vishwakarma S., Bihari A., Tripathi S., Agrawal S., Joshi P. Protein Enzyme Sequence Class Prediction using Computational Model GMSARN International Journal National -
41 Jan'2024 SCOPE Suganya A., Aarthy S.L. Application of Deep Learning in the Diagnosis of Alzheimer?s and Parkinson?s Disease: A Review Current Medical Imaging VIT 1.4
42 Jan'2024 SCOPE Shermila J.P., Victor A., Manoj S.O., Devi E.A. Automatic detection and classification of disease in citrus fruit and leaves using a customized CNN based model [Detección y clasificación automática de enfermedades en frutas y hojas de cítricos utilizando un modelo basado en CNN personalizado] Boletin Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromaticas National 0.7
43 Jan'2024 SCOPE Shakeer S.M. A Study of Federated Learning with Internet of Things for Data Privacy and Security using Privacy Preserving Techniques Recent Patents on Engineering VIT -
44 Feb'2024 SCOPE Venkatesan R., Balaji G.N. Balancing composite motion optimization using R-ERNN with plant disease Applied Soft Computing National 8.7
45 Feb'2024 SCOPE Agrawal R., Mishra H., Kandasamy I., Terni S.R., Vasantha W.B. Revolutionizing subjective assessments: A three-pronged comprehensive approach with NLP and deep learning[Formula presented] Expert Systems with Applications International 8.5
46 Feb'2024 SCOPE K N., M K., Easwaramoorthy S.V., C R D., Yoo S., Cho J. Hybrid approach of deep feature extraction using BERT? OPCNN & FIAC with customized Bi-LSTM for rumor text classification Alexandria Engineering Journal International 6.8
47 Feb'2024 SCOPE Nanthini K., Tamilarasi A., Sivabalaselvamani D., Suresh P. Automated classification of Alzheimer's disease based on deep belief neural networks Neural Computing and Applications National 6
48 Feb'2024 SCOPE Allam J.P., Sahoo S.P., Ari S. Multi-stream Bi-GRU network to extract a comprehensive feature set for ECG signal classification Biomedical Signal Processing and Control National 5.1
49 Feb'2024 SCOPE Du Q., Subramanian M., Pan D. Human-Computer Interaction Corporate Law Education for Directors: A Machine Learning Approach International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction International 4.7
50 Feb'2024 SCOPE Mishra M., Acharjya D.P. A hybridized red deer and rough set clinical information retrieval system for hepatitis B diagnosis Scientific Reports VIT 4.6
51 Feb'2024 SCOPE Yesodha K., Krishnamurthy M., Selvi M., Kannan A. Intrusion detection system extended CNN and artificial bee colony optimization in wireless sensor networks Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications National 4.2
52 Feb'2024 SCOPE Raji N.R., Kumar R.M.S., Biji C.L. Explainable Machine Learning Prediction for the Academic Performance of Deaf Scholars IEEE Access National 3.9
53 Feb'2024 SCOPE Narayanan G., Cviti? I., Perakovi? D., Raja S.P. Role of Blockchain Technology in Supplychain Management IEEE Access International 3.9
54 Feb'2024 SCOPE Viswanathan A., Umamaheswari M., Sathya M., Yadav S.J.K.D. Design a novel hybrid optimization with tuned deep convolutional neural network classifier for brain tumor segmentation and classification Multimedia Tools and Applications National 3.6
55 Feb'2024 SCOPE Gayatri E., Aarthy S.L. Reduction of overfitting on the highly imbalanced ISIC-2019 skin dataset using deep learning frameworks Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology VIT 3
56 Feb'2024 SCOPE Banoori F., Ijaz N., Shi J., Khan K., Liu X., Ahmad S., Prakash A.J., Plawiak P., Hammad M. Few-Shot Bioacoustics Event Detection using Transudative Inference with Data Augmentation IEEE Sensors Letters International 2.8
57 Feb'2024 SCOPE Suresh A., Dwarakanath B., Nanda A.K., Santhosh Kumar P., Sankar S., Cheerla S. An Evolutionary Computation-Based Federated Learning for Host Intrusion Detection in Real-Time Traffic Analysis Wireless Personal Communications National 2.2
58 Feb'2024 SCOPE Aruna Sri P., Santhi V. The reptile optimized deep learning model for land cover classification of the uppal earth region in telangana state using satellite image fusion Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems VIT 2
59 Feb'2024 SCOPE Ravindra Krishna Chandar V., Baskaran P., Mohanraj G., Karthikeyan D. Deep iterative fuzzy pooling in unmanned robotics and autonomous systems for Cyber- Physical systems Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems National 2
60 Feb'2024 SCOPE Gu X., Wang Q., Ji S., Zhou D., Raj R.S.P. Trajectory Method for Defense Human Motion Posture Based on Nano-Sensor Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology International 1
61 Feb'2024 SCOPE Rakesh B., Parveen Sultana H. A Lightweight Secure Group Communication Methodology for RPL Based IoT Networks International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering VIT -
62 Feb'2024 SCOPE Arivoli A., Paul S.B. Predicting Human Activity and Behavior Patterns from Cell Phone Data Using Machine Learning International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Scope VIT -
63 Feb'2024 SCOPE Malathy N., Sathya K., Baskaran P., Somasundaram S.K. An Improved Red Panda Optimizer for Effective Construction Site Design International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Scope National -
64 Feb'2024 SCOPE Pankaja L.P., Sivagami M. LT-LBP-Based Spatial Texture Feature Extraction with Deep Learning for X-Ray Images Journal of Computer Science VIT -
65 Feb'2024 SCOPE Vargas J.C.J., Ghanimi H.M.A., Sivaprakash S., Amarendra M., Rajendiran M., Cotrado Lupo S.L. Intrusion Detection in Internet of Things Systems: A Feature Extraction with Naive Bayes Classifier Approach Journal of Machine and Computing International -
66 Feb'2024 SCOPE Melgarejo Bolivar R.P., Kumar S.N.K., Priya V.A., Amarendra K., Rajendiran M., Mamani E.G.C. 6G Traffic Prediction with a Novel Parallel Convolutional Neural Networks Architecture and Matrix Format Method Integration Journal of Machine and Computing International -
67 Feb'2024 SCOPE Sivalingam P., Asirvatham D., Marjani M., Syed Masood J.A.I., Chakravarthy N.S.K., Veerisetty G., Lestari M.T. A review of travel behavioural pattern using GPS dataset: A systematic literature review Measurement: Sensors International -
68 Mar'2024 SCOPE Sudha M., Chandrakala D., Sreethar S., Shrivindhya A. Energy Efficient Spiking Deep Residual Network and Binary Horse Herd Optimization Espoused clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Applied Soft Computing National 8.7
69 Mar'2024 SCOPE Sanjay V., Swarnalatha P. Effective classification of alzheimer disease based on image tractography framework utilizing GM-ABC-NN Alexandria Engineering Journal VIT 6.8
70 Mar'2024 SCOPE Vivekrabinson K., Ragavan K., Jothi Thilaga P., Bharath Singh J. Secure Cloud-Based Electronic Health Records: Cross-Patient Block-Level Deduplication with Blockchain Auditing Journal of Medical Systems National 5.3
71 Mar'2024 SCOPE Chawla T., Mittal S., Azad H.K. MobileNet-GRU fusion for optimizing diagnosis of yellow vein mosaic virus Ecological Informatics VIT 5.1
72 Mar'2024 SCOPE Ramgirkar A., Rao V., Talhar J., Mishra T.K., Narayanan S.J., Satapathy S.M., Perumal B. Mining of heterogeneous time series information for predicting chlorophyll accumulation in oceans Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems International 4.5
73 Mar'2024 SCOPE Pandian M.T., Somasundaram D., Sahu H.K., Sindhu A.S., Kumaresan A., Watson N.V. Optimizing Large-Scale RFID Networks with Energy–Efficient Dynamic Cluster Head Selection: A Performance Improvement Approach IEEE Access International 3.9
74 Mar'2024 SCOPE Jacob N., Viswanatham V.M. Sentiment Analysis using Improved Atom Search Optimizer with a Simulated Annealing and ReLU based Gated Recurrent Unit IEEE Access VIT 3.9
75 Mar'2024 SCOPE Chaki J., Ucar A. An Efficient and Robust Approach Using Inductive Transfer-Based Ensemble Deep Neural Networks for Kidney Stone Detection IEEE Access International 3.9
76 Mar'2024 SCOPE Babu B.P., Narayanan S.J. Optimizing Target Recognition in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery: A Hyperparameter- Tuned Approach With Iterative Transfer Learning and Branched- Convolutional Neural Network IEEE Access VIT 3.9
77 Mar'2024 SCOPE B D., V P., R M., M S., B.V B., A C. Detecting the symptoms of COVID-19 during pandemic environment using smart spectacle thermal images and deep capsule networks Multimedia Tools and Applications National 3.6
78 Mar'2024 SCOPE Meena G., Mohbey K.K., Kumar S. Monkeypox recognition and prediction from visuals using deep transfer learning- based neural networks Multimedia Tools and Applications National 3.6
79 Mar'2024 SCOPE Magadum H., Azad H.K., Patel H., R R.H. Music recommendation using dynamic feedback and content-based filtering Multimedia Tools and Applications VIT 3.6
80 Mar'2024 SCOPE Mahajan-Tatpate P., Dhume S., Jayakumar N., Chendake Y., Separation of Cr and Mn by polysulfone (PSF) based ultrafiltration (UF) membranes Environmental Engineering Research National 3.5
81 Mar'2024 SCOPE Aswathy C.S., Roy C.B., Shahina K., Vinod M.P., Biji C.L. Comparative transcriptomic analysis of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) clones differing in disease tolerance provides novel insights into the disease response associated with abnormal leaf fall disease caused by Phytophthora meadii South African Journal of Botany National 3.1
82 Mar'2024 SCOPE Idhaya T., Suruliandi A., Raja S.P. A Comprehensive Review on Machine Learning Techniques for Protein Family Prediction Protein Journal National 3
83 Mar'2024 SCOPE Bobde Y., Narayanan G., Jati M., Raj R.S.P., Cviti? I., Perakovi? D. Enhancing Industrial IoT Network Security through Blockchain Integration Electronics (Switzerland) International 2.9
84 Mar'2024 SCOPE Soundrapandiyan R., Rajendiran K., Gurunathan A., Victor A., Selvanambi R. Analysis of DWT?DCT watermarking algorithm on digital medical imaging Journal of Medical Imaging VIT 2.4
85 Mar'2024 SCOPE Narasimhan G., Victor A. Grey wolf optimized stacked ensemble machine learning based model for enhanced efficiency and reliability of predicting early heart disease Automatika VIT 1.9
86 Mar'2024 SCOPE Manivannan R., Senthilkumar S., Kalaivani K., Prathap N. Performance enhancement of cloud security with migration algorithm for choosing virtual machines in cloud computing Engineering Research Express National 1.7
87 Mar'2024 SCOPE Nikhil U.V., Stamenkovic Z., Raja S.P. A study of elliptic curve cryptography and its applications International Journal of Image and Graphics International 1.6
88 Mar'2024 SCOPE Anusha K., Ajay P., Ramesh M., Muthukumaran N., Rajeshkumar C., Sangeetha K., Rajeshkumar G., Ahilan A. HOEEACR: Hybrid Optimized Energy-Efficient Adaptive Clustered Routing for WSN IETE Journal of Research National 1.5
89 Mar'2024 SCOPE Sanjay V., Swarnalatha P. Development of hybrid deep CNN with denoising MLP for accurate prediction of Alzheimer?s disease Intelligent Decision Technologies VIT 1
90 Mar'2024 SCOPE Gayathri P., Geetha N., Sridhar M., Kuchipudi R., Suresh Babu K., Maguluri L.P., Kiran Bala B. Deep Learning Augmented with SMOTE for Timely Alzheimer's Disease Detection in MRI Images International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications National 0.9
91 Mar'2024 SCOPE Zou D., Wang G.-G., Sangaiah A.K., Kong X. A memory-based simulated annealing algorithm and a new auxiliary function for the fixed-outline floorplanning with soft blocks Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing International -
92 Mar'2024 SCOPE Ali S.M., Kumaran N., Balaji G.N. Individual Updating Strategies-based Elephant Herding Optimization Algorithm for Effective Load Balancing in Cloud Environments International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security National -
93 Mar'2024 SCOPE P?R? M., J? D. A heart disease prognosis pipeline for the edge using federated learning e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy VIT -
94 Mar'2024 SCOPE Sumathi K., Sendhil Kumar K.S. A Systematic Review of Fundus Image Analysis for Diagnosing Diabetic Retinopathy International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering VIT -
95 Mar'2024 SCOPE Sonsare P.M., Gunavathi C. A novel approach for protein secondary structure prediction using encoder-decoder with attention mechanism model Biomolecular Concepts National -
96 Mar'2024 SCOPE Sai K.B., Raghu R., Nukala S.S.V., Jayaraman J., Jayaraman V. Home-based Detection and Prediction of Diabetic Foot Ulcers at Early Stage Using Sensor Technology and Supervised Learning Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series) VIT -
97 Mar'2024 SCOPE Figueroa N.T.E., Priya V.A., Shanmugam S.K., Kumar K.V., Sengan S., Bolivar A.M.C. Adaptive Approach to Anomaly Detection in Internet of Things using Autoencoders and Dynamic Thresholds Journal of Machine and Computing International -
98 Mar'2024 SCOPE Rajasekaran A.S., Sowmiya L., Maria A., Kannadasan R. A survey on exploring the challenges and applications of wireless body area networks (WBANs) Cyber Security and Applications National -
99 Apr'2024 SCOPE Bhasker B., Murali S. An Energy-Efficient Cluster-based data aggregation for agriculture irrigation management system using wireless sensor networks Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments VIT 8
100 Apr'2024 SCOPE Velmurugan S., Prakash M., Neelakandan S., Martinson E.O. An Efficient Secure Sharing of Electronic Health Records Using IoT-Based Hyperledger Blockchain International Journal of Intelligent Systems International 7
101 Apr'2024 SCOPE Kishor M.H., Madhu Mohan M.L.N. Application of thermotropic ferroelectric liquid crystals in electrical vehicle Journal of Molecular Liquids National 6
102 Apr'2024 SCOPE Agarwal A., Sahu D., Nautiyal A., Gupta M., Agarwal P. Fusing crowdsourced data to an adaptive wireless traffic signal control system architecture Internet of Things (Netherlands) National 5.9
103 Apr'2024 SCOPE A S., Bolla D.R., Kalpana Y.B., J G.J., R.M M.S., R S.V. Analysing the impact on groundwater quality using dynamic programming and vision transformer Groundwater for Sustainable Development National 5.9
104 Apr'2024 SCOPE Nagachandrika B., Prasath R., Praveen Joe I.R. An automatic classification framework for identifying type of plant leaf diseases using multi-scale feature fusion-based adaptive deep network Biomedical Signal Processing and Control National 5.1
105 Apr'2024 SCOPE Rajasekar S.S., Balamurugan R. GoldenFish Sentinel feature selection with SBM classifier for automatic seizure detection from EEG data Biomedical Signal Processing and Control National 5.1
106 Apr'2024 SCOPE Thota C., Jackson Samuel D., Musa Jaber M., Kamruzzaman M., Ravi R.V., Gnanasigamani L.J., Premalatha R. Image Smart Segmentation Analysis Against Diabetic Foot Ulcer Using Internet of Things with Virtual Sensing Big Data International 4.6
107 Apr'2024 SCOPE Velmurugan S., Prakash M., Neelakandan S., Radhakrishnan A. Provably secure data selective sharing scheme with cloud-based decentralized trust management systems Journal of Cloud Computing International 4
108 Apr'2024 SCOPE Sundararajan K., Srinivasan K. A Synergistic Optimization Algorithm with Attribute and Instance Weighting Approach for Effective Drought Prediction in Tamil Nadu Sustainability (Switzerland) VIT 3.9
109 Apr'2024 SCOPE Deepika S., Jaisankar N. Detecting and Classifying Myocardial Infarction in Echocardiogram Frames with an Enhanced CNN Algorithm and ECV-3D Network IEEE Access VIT 3.9
110 Apr'2024 SCOPE Sasikumar K., Nagarajan S. Comprehensive Review and Analysis of Cryptography Techniques in Cloud Computing IEEE Access VIT 3.9
111 Apr'2024 SCOPE Chaki J., Wozniak M. Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Action (2019-2023): A Review on Brain Stroke Detection, Diagnosis, and Intelligent Post-Stroke Rehabilitation Management IEEE Access International 3.9
112 Apr'2024 SCOPE Davamani K.A., Jawahar M., Anbarasi L.J., Ravi V., Al Mazroa A., Robin C.R.R. Deep transfer learning technique to detect white blood cell classification in regular clinical practice using histopathological images Multimedia Tools and Applications International 3.6
113 Apr'2024 SCOPE Vasanthi P., Madhu Viswanatham V. Sentiment analysis of multi social media using machine and deep learning models: a review Multimedia Tools and Applications VIT 3.6
114 Apr'2024 SCOPE Thiruppathi P., Balasubrahmaniam L.D., Manoharan K.G., Ananthakirupa Balasubramanian A.A. Multiband plasmonic MIMO antenna array for 6G communications Optical and Quantum Electronics National 3
115 Apr'2024 SCOPE Dhariwal N., Sengupta N., Madiajagan M., Patro K.K., Kumari P.L., Abdel Samee N., Tadeusiewicz R., P?awiak P., Prakash A.J. A pilot study on AI-driven approaches for classification of mental health disorders Frontiers in Human Neuroscience International 2.9
116 Apr'2024 SCOPE Saman S., Jamjala Narayanan S. Optimal feature subset selection for MRI brain tumor classification using improved ant-lion optimization Evolutionary Intelligence VIT 2.6
117 Apr'2024 SCOPE Ayyasamy S., Chandran B.P., Gunamony S.L., Shanmugam R. Investigations on ACS-Fed Wearable Antenna With Frequency Reconfiguration Between n78 and WLAN Band Wireless Personal Communications National 2.2
118 Apr'2024 SCOPE Anusha R., Saravanan R. Enhancement of Lightweight Secure Blockchain Based Edward-El Gamal in the Internet of Things (IoT) Wireless Personal Communications VIT 2.2
119 Apr'2024 SCOPE Nithya N.S., Thota S., Rathour L., Shanmugasundaram P. A new multi-criteria decision making method for the selection of construction contractors using interval valued fuzzy set BMC Research Notes International 1.8
120 Apr'2024 SCOPE Divya R., Ramesh S., Karunanithi K., Raja S.P. Measurement of State of Charge of Lithium- Nickel Manganese Cobalt Battery using Artificial Neural Network and NARX Algorithm International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems National 1.7
121 Apr'2024 SCOPE Balamurugan M., Balamurugan R. Double attention Res-U-Net-based Deep Neural Network Model for Automatic Detection of Tuberculosis in Human Lungs International Journal of Image and Graphics VIT 1.6
122 Apr'2024 SCOPE Balaji G.N., Mary S.A.S.A., Mantravadi N., Shajin F.H. Graph CNN-ResNet-CSOA Transfer Learning Architype for an Enhanced Skin Cancer International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools National 1.1
123 Apr'2024 SCOPE Fernau H., Kuppusamy L., Raman I. On the computational completeness of generalized forbidding matrix grammars Theoretical Computer Science International 1.1
124 Apr'2024 SCOPE Singh B.M., Jaisankar N. Secure Sharing of Patient Controlled e- Health Record using an Enhanced Access Control Model with Encryption Based on User Identity International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications VIT 0.9
125 Apr'2024 SCOPE Saran Raj S., Surendiran B., Raja S.P. Designing a deep hybridized residual and SE model for MRI image-based brain tumor prediction Journal of Clinical Ultrasound National 0.9
126 Apr'2024 SCOPE Viswanathan A., Kumar V.S., Umamaheswari M., Janarthanan V., Jaganathan M. Semantic segmentation based on enhanced gated pyramid network with lightweight attention module AI Communications National 0.8
127 Apr'2024 SCOPE Devi B.R., Ashok K.S., Gowda S.K., Sumalatha K., Kadiravan G., Painam R.K. Efficient NetB3 for Enhanced Lung Cancer Detection: Histopathological Image Study with Augmentation Journal of Information Technology Management National -
128 Apr'2024 SCOPE Ramesh T., Santhi V. Hybrid Optimization Model Integrating Gradient Descent and Stochastic Descent for Enhanced Osteoporosis and Osteopenia Recognition Journal of Machine and Computing VIT -
129 Apr'2024 SCOPE Sudharson K., Anita C.S., Berlin M.A., Eswari Petchiammal G., Deepika J., Selvi K. Real-Time Anomaly Detection in IoT Networks Using Deep Learning over Wireless Channels SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering National -
130 Apr'2024 SCOPE Hemalatha S., Vijayakumar S., Gurunathan A., Masilamani A., Prasad G.D., Balasubramaniyan K., Devi C.D., Maguluri L.P. Enhancing MANET Security: A Watch Dog Routing Algorithm Approach for Intruder and Black Hole Attack Detection International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements National -
131 Apr'2024 SCOPE Priyanka E.B., Thangavel S., Mohanasundaram R., Subramaniam S. Artificial Intelligence Approaches in Healthcare Informatics Toward Advanced Computation and Analysis Open Biomedical Engineering Journal International -
132 Apr'2024 SCOPE Srilakshmi N., Kannan N. Architectural framework for multiplayer cooperative cloud gaming to optimise quality of service International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations VIT -
133 Apr'2024 SCOPE Sundaresan V.A., Chandrapragasam T., Rajaganesh T.N., Vimal P., Vadivelu M. An EDGE based end-2-end system architecture for retail stores International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore) International -
134 Apr'2024 SCOPE Casheekar A., Lahiri A., Rath K., Prabhakar K.S., Srinivasan K. A contemporary review on chatbots, AI- powered virtual conversational agents, ChatGPT: Applications, open challenges and future research directions Computer Science Review VIT 12.9
135 Apr'2024 SCOPE Shirke S.A., Jayakumar N., Patil S. Design and performance analysis of modern computational storage devices: A systematic review Expert Systems with Applications National 8.5
136 May'2024 SCOPE Singh U., Abhishek K., Azad H.K. A Survey of Cutting-edge Multimodal Sentiment Analysis ACM Computing Surveys National 16.6
137 May'2024 SCOPE Gayatri E., Seshadri Lakshminarayanan A. Skin cancer classification enabled mobile neuro fuzzy network and entropy with weber local binary pattern based for feature extraction Expert Systems with Applications VIT 8.5
138 May'2024 SCOPE Rajapackiyam E., Devi A., Reddy M.S., Arumugam U., Vairavasundaram S., Vairavasundaram I., Suresh V. An efficient computation offloading in edge environment using genetic algorithm with directed search techniques for IoT applications Future Generation Computer Systems International 7.5
139 May'2024 SCOPE Patel A.N., Murugan R., Srivastava G., Maddikunta P.K.R., Yenduri G., Gadekallu T.R., Chengoden R. An explainable transfer learning framework for multi-classification of lung diseases in chest X-rays Alexandria Engineering Journal International 6.8
140 May'2024 SCOPE Balamurugan M., Balamurugan R. An efficient deep neural network model for tuberculosis detection using chest X-ray images Neural Computing and Applications VIT 6
141 May'2024 SCOPE Priya J.C., Praveen R., Nivitha K., Sudhakar T. Improved blockchain-based user authentication protocol with ring signature for internet of medical things Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications National 4.2
142 May'2024 SCOPE Neha Margret I., Rajakumar K., Arulalan K.V., Manikandan S., Valentina Statistical Insights Into Machine Learning- Based Box Models for Pregnancy Care and Maternal Mortality Reduction: A Literature Survey IEEE Access International 3.9
143 May'2024 SCOPE Rote T.R., Krishnamoorthy M., Bhatia A., Yadav R., Raja S.P. Distributed Memory Implementation of Bron-Kerbosch Algorithm IEEE Access VIT 3.9
144 May'2024 SCOPE Shafi S.M., Chinnappan S.K. Segmenting and classifying lung diseases with M-Segnet and Hybrid Squeezenet- CNN architecture on CT images PLoS ONE VIT 3.7
145 May'2024 SCOPE Sheik S.A., Durai S. Cryptography with optimal deep learning- based authentication scheme for preserving anonymity in telecare medical information system Multimedia Tools and Applications VIT 3.6
146 May'2024 SCOPE Lokesh B., Shanthi S., A G.M., S Y., B B., Girisun T.C.S., Rahulan K.M. Luminescence and two-photon absorption assisted optical limiting properties of Ag- doped CdWO4 nanorods Journal of Solid State Chemistry National 3.3
147 May'2024 SCOPE Saha S., Perumal I., Niveditha V.R., Abbas M., Manimozhi I., Bhat C.R. Contextual Information Based Scheduling for Service Migration in Mobile Edge Computing International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control International 2.7
148 May'2024 SCOPE Mohan P., Aishwarya S. Optimizing building material selection: A machine learning approach for efficient concrete compressive strength forecasting Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems VIT 2
149 May'2024 SCOPE Ruby Elizabeth J., Kesavaraja D., Ebenezer Juliet S. A deep learning model based glaucoma detection using retinal images Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems National 2
150 May'2024 SCOPE Karthick M., Kumar S.S., Vivek D., Viswanathan A. Ep-Satty-MCDM based business decision- making model using behaviour and review data Intelligent Data Analysis National 1.7
151 May'2024 SCOPE Sony P., Siva Shanmugam G., Nagarajan S. Enhancement of Semantic Interoperability in Healthcare Systems Using IFCIoT Architecture KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems National 1.5
152 May'2024 SCOPE Jonnalagadda A., Mohanty D., Zakee A., Kamalov F. Modelling Data Poisoning Attacks Against Convolutional Neural Networks Journal of Information and Knowledge Management International 1.2
153 May'2024 SCOPE Jaiswal S., Chandra Mohan B. Deep learning-based path tracking control using lane detection and traffic sign detection for autonomous driving Web Intelligence VIT 0.3
154 May'2024 SCOPE Divya R., Karunanithi K., Ramesh S., Raja S.P. A hybrid multilayerperceptron- extremegradientboost approach for precise state of charge and state of health assessment e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy National -
155 May'2024 SCOPE Patel D., Trivedi D., Raval U., Dennisan A. 2F-Authsys: A hyperlocal two-factor authentication system using Near Sound Data Transfer Journal of Applied Research and Technology VIT -
156 May'2024 SCOPE Eswar Reddy R., Santhi K. Exploring Mental Fatigue and Burnout in the Workplace: A Survival Analysis Approach EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology VIT -
157 May'2024 SCOPE Menaka M., Sendhil Kumar K.S. Supportive particle swarm optimization with time-conscious scheduling (SPSO-TCS) algorithm in cloud computing for optimized load balancing International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering VIT -
158 May'2024 SCOPE Patle B.R., V V. Optimization enabled LeNet for big data classification using MapReduce framework on COVID-19 data Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering VIT -
159 May'2024 SCOPE Mahalakshmi S., Dheeba J. Bio Inspired Approach on Automatic License Plate Recognition Technique [Enfoque bioinspirado sobre la técnica de reconocimiento automático de matrículas] Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia - Serie de Conferencias VIT -
160 May'2024 SCOPE Deka R.K., Ghosh A., Nanda S., Barik R.K., Saikia M.J. Smart Healthcare System in Server-Less Environment: Concepts, Architecture, Challenges, Future Directions Computers International 2.8
161 Jun'2024 SCOPE Philip A.O., M U S., Paul R., Saravanaguru R.A.K. Towards intelligent trust-based incident and evidence management models for Internet of Vehicles: A survey Computers and Electrical Engineering National 4
162 Jun'2024 SCOPE Das D., Sengupta S., Satapathy S.M., Saini D. HOGWO: a fog inspired optimized load balancing approach using hybridized grey wolf algorithm Cluster Computing International 3.6
163 Jun'2024 SCOPE Rajasekar V.R., Rajkumar S. DSAT-IDS: Dissimilarity and Adaptive Threshold-based Intrusion Detection system to mitigate selective forwarding attack in the RPL-based 6LoWPAN Cluster Computing VIT 3.6
164 Jun'2024 SCOPE Suruliandi A., Idhaya T., Raja S.P. Drug Target Interaction Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques ? A Review International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence National 3.4
165 Jun'2024 SCOPE Nair S.S., Subaji M. Automated identification of breast cancer type using novel multipath transfer learning and ensemble of classifier IEEE Access VIT 3.4
166 Jun'2024 SCOPE Ravindran U., Gunavathi C. Cancer Disease Prediction Using Integrated Smart Data Augmentation and Capsule Neural Network IEEE Access VIT 3.4
167 Jun'2024 SCOPE Alhazmi S., Rahmani M.K.I., Arif M., Nafis M.T. Developing Intelligent and Immutable Vaccine Supply and Operation Platform Using Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence Technologies IEEE Access International 3.4
168 Jun'2024 SCOPE Karpurasundharapondian P., Selvi M. A comprehensive survey on optimization techniques for efficient cluster based routing in WSN Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications VIT 3.3
169 Jun'2024 SCOPE Prasad M.H., Swarnalatha P. Marine predators optimization with deep learning model for video-based facial expression recognition Expert Systems VIT 3
170 Jun'2024 SCOPE Geetha R., Jegatheesan A., Dhanaraj R.K., Vijayalakshmi K., Nayyar A., Arulkumar V., Velmurugan J., Thavasimuthu R. CVS-FLN: a novel IoT-IDS model based on metaheuristic feature selection and neural network classification model Multimedia Tools and Applications International 3
171 Jun'2024 SCOPE Aruna Sri P., Santhi V. Enhanced land use and land cover classification using modified CNN in Uppal Earth Region Multimedia Tools and Applications VIT 3
172 Jun'2024 SCOPE Rao D.P., Krishnasamy V.D., Selvaraju M., Sundramurthy V.P., Kandavalli S.R., Chitra M.S., Sivasamy N., Thirumoorthy P. Adsorptive removal of cadmium from electroplating wastewater using hybrid composite of thiol-grafted seed gum of Tamarindus indica and Teff hay biocarbon Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie International 3
173 Jun'2024 SCOPE Yesodha K., Krishnamurthy M., Thangaramya K., Kannan A. Elliptic curve encryption-based energy- efficient secured ACO routing protocol for wireless sensor networks Journal of Supercomputing National 2.5
174 Jun'2024 SCOPE Bapuram B., Subramanian M., Mahendran A., Ghafir I., Ellappan V., Hamada M. Extended water wave optimization (EWWO) technique: a proposed approach for task scheduling in IoMT and healthcare applications Evolutionary Intelligence International 2.3
175 Jun'2024 SCOPE Murugeswari P., Kopperundevi N., Annalakshmi M., Clarinda S.S. An effective reconstructed pyramid crosspoint fusion for multimodal infrared and visible images Signal, Image and Video Processing National 2
176 Jun'2024 SCOPE Dhiravidachelvi E., Devadas T.J., Kumar P.J.S., Pandi S.S. Enhancing image classification using adaptive convolutional autoencoder-based snow avalanches algorithm Signal, Image and Video Processing National 2
177 Jun'2024 SCOPE Sundararajan R.K., Jayaraman G., Arunkumar S., Jeyapandian M., Kaliyaperumal K., Perumal D., Dhulipala V.R.S. EECAS: Energy Efficient Clustering and Aggregator Node Selection for Wireless Sensor Networks Wireless Personal Communications National 1.9
178 Jun'2024 SCOPE Vandana C.P., Basha S.A., Madiajagan M., Jadhav S., Matheen M.A., Maguluri L.P. IoT resource discovery based on multi faected attribute enriched CoAP: smart office seating discovery Wireless Personal Communications International 1.9
179 Jun'2024 SCOPE Navin K.S., Khanna Nehemiah K., Jane N.Y., Arputharaj K. Clinical Dataset Classification Using Feature Ranking And Satin Bower Bird Optimized SVMs Computer Journal National 1.5
180 Jun'2024 SCOPE Yesodha K., Viswanathan S., Krishnamurthy M., Kannan A. Multi-lingual encryption technique using Unicode and Riemann zeta function and elliptic curve cryptography for secured routing in wireless sensor networks Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience National 1.5
181 Jun'2024 SCOPE Prabhu T.N., Ranjeethkumar C., Mohankumar B., Rajaram A. Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Detection Framework for False Data Injection Attacks in Power Systems International Journal of Renewable Energy Research National 1
182 Jun'2024 SCOPE Sahaaya Arul Mary S.A., Anwar Basha H., Mohanraj G., Kiruthikaa R., Saranya N. Leveraging 5G and cloud computing for outlier detection in IoT environments: A KNN approach Internet Technology Letters National 0.9
183 Jun'2024 SCOPE Jayaraman S., Mahendran A. An Improved Facial Expression Recognition using CNN-BiLSTM with Attention Mechanism International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications VIT 0.7
184 Jun'2024 SCOPE Atrey J., Regunathan R., Rajasekaran R. Real-world application of face mask detection system using YOLOv6 International Journal of Critical Infrastructures VIT 0.5
185 Jun'2024 SCOPE Victor A., Arunkumar G., Kannadasan R., Rajkumar S., Selvanambi R. Survey on Effective Disposal of E-Waste to Prevent Data Leakage Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science VIT -
186 Jun'2024 SCOPE G. S., M.A. S.D. Violence detection in crowd videos using nuanced facial expression analysis Systems and Soft Computing VIT -
187 Jun'2024 SCOPE Sinduja A., David H.B.F., Kumar C.S., Raja S.P. Detecting tumors in medical images using segmentation and feature extraction techniques e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy National -
188 Jun'2024 SCOPE Prasad S., Gupta H., Ghosh A. Leveraging the Potential of Large Language Models Informatica (Slovenia) International -
189 Jun'2024 SCOPE Vairachilai S., Periyanayagi S., Raja S.P.R. PIPR Machine Learning Model: Obesity Impact Analysis Open Biomedical Engineering Journal National -
190 Jun'2024 SCOPE Arif M., Goswami A., Saibaba C.H.M.H., Sharada K., Pandey T.K., Nigam A. Securing the Future of Digital Marketing through Advanced Cybersecurity Approaches and Consumer Data Protection Privacy and Regulatory Compliance Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management International -
191 Jun'2024 SCOPE Rajarajeswari P., Parajuli S., Luitel P., Parajuli A. Object Oriented Design Approach for the Implementation of Secure Aircraft Management System Based on Machine Learning Nanotechnology Perceptions VIT -
192 Jun'2024 SCOPE Kotti J., Padmaja B., Deepa D. Enhancing Gesture-Controlled Virtual Mouse and Virtual Keyboard Using AI Techniques Journal of Mobile Multimedia National -
193 Jun'2024 SCOPE Kadhiravan D., Pradeepa J., Ragavan K. Remote Disease Diagnosis through IoMT- Enhanced Blood Cell Classification with Deep Learning Open Biomedical Engineering Journal National -
195 Jun'2024 SCOPE Obbineni J.M., Kandasamy I., Ramesh M., Smarandache F., Kandasamy V. Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps for Clinical Decision Making in Mental Healthcare: A Federated Learning Approach Neutrosophic Sets and Systems International -
198 Jun'2024 SCOPE Chaki J., Deshpande G. Brain Disorder Detection and Diagnosis using Machine Learning and Deep Learning - A Bibliometric Analysis Current neuropharmacology International 4.8
199 Jul'2024 SCOPE Kim B., An E.-J., Kim S., Sri Preethaa K.R., Lee D.-E., Lukacs R.R. SRGAN-enhanced unsafe operation detection and classification of heavy construction machinery using cascade learning Artificial Intelligence Review International 10.7
200 Jul'2024 SCOPE Durairaj A., Madhan E.S., Rajkumar M., Shameem S. Optimizing anomaly detection in 3D MRI scans: The role of ConvLSTM in medical image analysis Applied Soft Computing National 7.2
201 Jul'2024 SCOPE Kumar P., Samui P., Armaghani D.J., Roy S.S. Second-order reliability analysis of an energy pile with CPT data Journal of Building Engineering International 6.7
202 Jul'2024 SCOPE Lefoane M., Ghafir I., Kabir S., Awan I.-U., El Hindi K., Mahendran A. Latent Semantic Analysis and Graph Theory for Alert Correlation: A Proposed Approach for IoT Botnet Detection IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society International 6.3
203 Jul'2024 SCOPE Swathi M., Regunathan R. A multi-fusion approach to classify pharyngitis, tonsillitis and oral cancer with iterative relief feature weighting Alexandria Engineering Journal VIT 6.2
204 Jul'2024 SCOPE Sundaram K., Sri Preethaa K.R., Natarajan Y., Muthuramalingam A., Ali A.A.Y. Advancing building energy efficiency: A deep learning approach to early-stage prediction of residential electric consumption Energy Reports International 4.7
205 Jul'2024 SCOPE Paulraj S., Vairavasundaram S. M2VAD: Multiview multimodality transformer-based weakly supervised video anomaly detection Image and Vision Computing National 4.2
206 Jul'2024 SCOPE Thiagarajan J.D., Kulkarni S.V., Jadhav S.A., Waghe A.A., Raja S.P., Rajagopal S., Poddar H., Subramaniam S. Analysis of banana plant health using machine learning techniques Scientific Reports International 3.8
207 Jul'2024 SCOPE Dhume S., Chendake Y., Mahajan-Tatpate P., Chavan S., Khomane R., Jayakumar N. Optimization of Polysulfone Based Membranes Using Charged Graphite Nano Platelets for Separation of Manganese and Chromium (VI) From Water Water, Air, and Soil Pollution National 3.8
208 Jul'2024 SCOPE Munusamy V., Senthilkumar S. Emerging trends in gait recognition based on deep learning: a survey PeerJ Computer Science VIT 3.5
209 Jul'2024 SCOPE Shyamala K., Navamani T.M. Design of an Efficient Prediction Model for Early Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis IEEE Access VIT 3.4
210 Jul'2024 SCOPE Vision Paul V., Masood J.A.I.S. Exploring Predictive Methods for Cardiovascular Disease: A Survey of Methods and Applications IEEE Access VIT 3.4
211 Jul'2024 SCOPE Kumar Pandey A., Sekhar Roy S. Extractive Question Answering Over Ancient Scriptures Texts Using Generative AI and Natural Language Processing Techniques IEEE Access VIT 3.4
212 Jul'2024 SCOPE Sundararajan K., Srinivasan K., Kaliappan J. Improving Meteorological Drought Prediction in Tamil Nadu Through Weighted Dataset Construction and Multi- Objective Optimization IEEE Access VIT 3.4
213 Jul'2024 SCOPE Subramani S., Selvi M. Intrusion detection system and fuzzy ant colony optimization based secured routing in wireless sensor networks Soft Computing VIT 3.1
214 Jul'2024 SCOPE Arulkumar V., Aruna M., Prakash D., Amanullah M., Somasundaram K., Thavasimuthu R. A novel cloud-assisted framework for consumer internet of things based on lanner swarm optimization algorithm in smart healthcare systems Multimedia Tools and Applications National 3
215 Jul'2024 SCOPE Kandavalli S.R., Sundramurthy V.P., Krishnasamy V.D., Prasad G.N.R., Kasi U.K., Rajesh S., Bioresin based hybrid green composite preparation using Holoptelea integrifolia fibers reinforced by Ziziphus jujuba seed Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie International 3
216 Jul'2024 SCOPE Anusha N., Tapas Bapu B.R., Selvakumaran S., Vijayaraj A., Ramesh Kumar C., Raji P. Cyber intrusion detection using dual interactive Wasserstein generative adversarial network with war strategy optimization in wireless sensor networks Multimedia Tools and Applications National 3
217 Jul'2024 SCOPE Shedole S.M., Santhi V. Hybrid deep learning based digital image watermarking using GAN-LSTM and adaptive gannet optimization techniques Multimedia Tools and Applications VIT 3
218 Jul'2024 SCOPE Biji C.L., Dagala A.K., Sinha M.G., Priyanka N.D., Dhanasekaran G., Suresh S., Shahina K., Nair A.S., Sabu K.K., Anith K.N. Transcriptome sequencing and differential expression analysis in bacterial wilt tolerant and susceptible clones of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) following Ralstonia solanacearum infection Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology National 2.8
219 Jul'2024 SCOPE Nikhil U.V., Pandiyan A.M., Raja S.P., Stamenkovic Z. Machine Learning-Based Crop Yield Prediction in South India: Performance Analysis of Various Models Computers International 2.6
220 Jul'2024 SCOPE Paulraj D., Neelakandan S., Prakash M. A Novel Quantum Chimp Optimization with DNA Sequence Based Multihop Secure Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Wireless Personal Communications National 1.9
221 Jul'2024 SCOPE Katta P., Karunanithi K., Raja S.P., Ramesh S., Prakash S.V.J., Joseph D. Optimized Deep Belief Network for Efficient Fault Detection in Induction Motor Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal National 1.7
222 Jul'2024 SCOPE Masilamani A., Krishnan S., Singh B., Chellatamilan T. Tangent sine search optimization enabled energy prediction and SWIPT-based power transfer for energy-aware communication in WSN International Journal of Communication Systems VIT 1.7
223 Jul'2024 SCOPE Rathi K., Gomathi V., Raja S.P. A novel approach of visual image reconstruction from fMRI using Kohonen Network Information Maximizing Generative Adversarial Network International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing National 0.9
224 Jul'2024 SCOPE Jain S., Johari S., Delhibabu R. The Future of Cryptocurrency Market Analysis: Social Media Data and User Meta- Data Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics National 0.8
225 Jul'2024 SCOPE Sudarsa D., Nagaraja Rao A., Sivakumar A.P. Data Security Optimization at Cloud Storage using Confidentiality-based Data Classification International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications National 0.7
226 Jul'2024 SCOPE Tenepalli D., Navamani T.M. Design and Development of an Efficient Explainable AI Framework for Heart Disease Prediction International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications VIT 0.7
227 Jul'2024 SCOPE Ahmed M.E., Arif M., Rahmani M.K.I., Nafis M.T., Ali J. Smart Parking: An Efficient System for Parking and Payment International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications International 0.7
228 Jul'2024 SCOPE Sanjay V., Swarnalatha P. An effectual recommendation model using hybrid learning models for early detection of Alzheimer?s disease Intelligent Decision Technologies VIT 0.6
229 Jul'2024 SCOPE Khairwa A., Thangavelu A. Moving object detection for surveillance video frames using two stage multi-scale residual convolution neural networks International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing VIT 0.5
230 Jul'2024 SCOPE Anand A., Suhaas S., Anand U., Bihari A. A CNN Based Deep Learning Model for Black and White Image Colorization GMSARN International Journal VIT -
231 Jul'2024 SCOPE Shedole S.M., Santhi V. A Robust Dual Watermarking using Grey Wolf Optimization, Selective Encryption and Journal of Machine and Computing VIT -
232 Jul'2024 SCOPE Jai Kumar B., Mohanasundaram R. A Study of Machine Learning Algorithms Performance Analysis in Disease Classification Open Biomedical Engineering Journal VIT -
233 Jul'2024 SCOPE Laxmikanth P., Vijayasherly V., Mounika M., Swetha P., Adilakshmi J., Bhavsingh M. AquaPredict: Deploying Data-Driven Aquatic Models for Optimizing Sustainable Agriculture Practices SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering National -
234 Jul'2024 SCOPE Devisivasankari P., Lavanya K. Brain tumour classification in MRI: self- improved osprey optimised U-Net model for segmentation and fused deepnet model- based classification International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications VIT -
235 Jul'2024 SCOPE Kerai S., Khekare G. Contextual embedding generation of underwater images using deep learning techniques IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence VIT -
236 Jul'2024 SCOPE Lavanya K., Maniar P.A., Rokade T.R., Jain N., Lakshmanan R. CUSTOMIZED U-NET CNN MODEL FOR TOMATO LEAF-BASED DISEASE CLASSIFICATION Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association VIT -
237 Jul'2024 SCOPE Bhagwatrao G.R., Lakshmanan R. Design of a Model Using Machine Learning and Deep Dyna Q Learning Integration for Improved Disease Prediction in Remote Healthcare Journal of Machine and Computing VIT -
238 Jul'2024 SCOPE Suresh R., Rao A.N., Reddy B.E. Effective statistical texture features for segmenting mammogram images based on M-ARKFCM with multi-ROI segmentation method International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms National -
239 Jul'2024 SCOPE Shenbagarajan A., Ragavan K., Shenbagalakshmi G., Venkatesh R. MRI Brain Tumor Segmentation using Cuckoo-based Dimensionality Reduction and Ensemble Convolutional Neural Network Open Biomedical Engineering Journal National -
240 Jul'2024 SCOPE Komathi A., Kishore S.R., Velmurugan A.K., Pavithra M.R., Selvaraj Y., Begum A.S., Muthukumaran D. Network load balancing and data categorization in cloud computing Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science National -
242 Jul'2024 SCOPE Tenepalli D., Navamani T.M. A Systematic Review on IoT and Machine Learning Algorithms in E-Healthcare International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems VIT -
243 Aug'2024 SCOPE Kim B., Sri Preethaa K.R., Song S., Lukacs R.R., An J., Chen Z., An E., Kim S. Internet of things and ensemble learning- based mental and physical fatigue monitoring for smart construction sites Journal of Big Data International 8.6
244 Aug'2024 SCOPE Patel A.N., Srivastava G., Maddikunta P.K.R., Murugan R., Yenduri G., Gadekallu T.R. A Trustable Federated Learning Framework for Rapid Fire Smoke Detection at the Edge in Smart Home Environments IEEE Internet of Things Journal International 8.2
245 Aug'2024 SCOPE Sivamayilvelan K., Rajasekar E., Vairavasundaram S., Balachandran S., Suresh V. Flexible recommendation for optimizing the debt collection process based on customer risk using deep reinforcement learning Expert Systems with Applications International 7.5
246 Aug'2024 SCOPE Suresh P., Keerthika P., Manjula Devi R., Kamalam G.K., Logeswaran K., Sadasivuni K.K., Devendran K. Optimized task scheduling approach with fault tolerant load balancing using multi- objective cat swarm optimization for multi- cloud environment Applied Soft Computing International 7.2
247 Aug'2024 SCOPE Priyadharshini S., Ramkumar K., Vairavasundaram S., Narasimhan K., Venkatesh S., Amirtharajan R., Kotecha K. A Comprehensive framework for Parkinson's disease diagnosis using explainable artificial intelligence empowered machine learning techniques Alexandria Engineering Journal National 6.2
248 Aug'2024 SCOPE Sanjay V., Swarnalatha P. Dominant hippocampus segmentation with brain atrophy analysis-based AD subtype classification using KLW-RU-Net and T1FL Alexandria Engineering Journal VIT 6.2
249 Aug'2024 SCOPE Singh S., Jadli H., Padma Priya R., Surya Prasath V.B. KDTL: knowledge-distilled transfer learning framework for diagnosing mental disorders using EEG spectrograms Neural Computing and Applications International 4.5
250 Aug'2024 SCOPE Basha N.K., Ananth C., Muthukumaran K., Sudhamsu G., Mittal V., Gared F. Mask region-based convolutional neural network and VGG-16 inspired brain tumor segmentation Scientific Reports International 3.8
251 Aug'2024 SCOPE Vijayakumar A., Vairavasundaram S., Koilraj J.A.S., Rajappa M., Kotecha K., Kulkarni A. Real-time visual intelligence for defect detection in pharmaceutical packaging Scientific Reports International 3.8
252 Aug'2024 SCOPE Masood J.A.I.S., Kalyan Chakravarthy N.S., Asirvatham D., Marjani M., Abdulkareem Shafiq D., Nidamanuri S. A Hybrid Deep Learning Model to Predict High-Risk Students in Virtual Learning Environments IEEE Access International 3.4
253 Aug'2024 SCOPE Jayachandran J., Vimala Devi K. EER-CGHHOA: A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Driven Dynamic Clustering for Energy Efficient Routing in Border Surveillance WSNs IEEE Access VIT 3.4
254 Aug'2024 SCOPE Sujaykumar Reddy M., Karnati H., Mohana Sundari L. Transformer-Based Federated Learning Models for Recommendation Systems IEEE Access VIT 3.4
255 Aug'2024 SCOPE Subbaiah C.V., Govinda K. Energy-aware and trust-based cluster head selection in healthcare WBANs with enhanced GWO optimization Computing VIT 3.3
256 Aug'2024 SCOPE Sridharan S., Venkataraman S., Raman M., Raja S.P. Early Prognostics of Remaining Useful Life in Lithium Ion Batteries Using Hybrid LSTM- Att-MLP Model with Fusing Aging Information Journal of the Electrochemical Society National 3.1
257 Aug'2024 SCOPE Kalamkar S., Amalanathan G.M. MDA-ViT: Multimodal image fusion using dual attention vision transformer Multimedia Tools and Applications VIT 3
258 Aug'2024 SCOPE Mahesh P., Soundrapandiyan R. Yield prediction for crops by gradient-based algorithms PLoS ONE VIT 2.9
259 Aug'2024 SCOPE Sreedhar R., Karunanithi K., Ramesh S., Raja S.P., Pasham N.K. Optimizing grid connected photovoltaic systems using elementary LUO converter and GWO-RBFNN based MPPT Electrical Engineering National 1.6
260 Aug'2024 SCOPE Ramalakshmi K., Srinivasa Raghavan V., Kaliappan J., Srinivasan K. Edge-Preserved Tversky Indexive Hellinger with Deep Perceptive Czekanowski-Based Image Classification Journal of Sensors National 1.4
261 Aug'2024 SCOPE Pandey A.K., Roy S.S. CANBLWO: A Novel Hybrid Approach for Semantic Text Generation International Arab Journal of Information Technology VIT 1.3
262 Aug'2024 SCOPE Hegde D., Balaji G.N. P-CNN: Percept-CNN for semantic segmentation Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization VIT 1.3
263 Aug'2024 SCOPE Mouleeswaran S.K., Ramesh K., Manikandan K., Anbalagan V. Dynamic Smartcard Protection and SSELUR- GRU-Based Attack Stage Identification in Industrial IoT Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA) National 1.1
264 Aug'2024 SCOPE Chithambaramani R., Jayashree K., Krishna B.V., Mohan P. An Efficient Ontology-Based Semantic Interoperability Using MSGO-RNN in Cloud Computing Journal of Optimization National 1
265 Aug'2024 SCOPE Visalini K., Alagarsamy S., Raja S.P. Detecting Epileptic Seizures Using Symplectic Geometry Decomposition-Based Features and Gaussian Deep Boltzmann Machines International Journal of Image and Graphics National 0.8
266 Aug'2024 SCOPE Dinesh P., Lakshmanan R. Deep Learning-Driven Citrus Disease Detection: A Novel Approach with DeepOverlay L-UNet and VGG-RefineNet: Deep Learning-Driven Citrus Disease Detection International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications VIT 0.7
267 Aug'2024 SCOPE Kotti J., Banu J.M.S., Lakshmanan R. Recurrent Shephard convolutional neural network for heart disease prediction in spark framework International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing National 0.7
268 Aug'2024 SCOPE Sumathi M., Kamakshi S., Sailendra K., Deepak T., Khatri G., Raja S.P. Blockchain-based health insurance claim processing and management system Multiagent and Grid Systems National 0.6
269 Aug'2024 SCOPE Padmanaban H., Rajarajan G., Nagarajan S. Xception Taylor Cascade Neuro Network based infection level identification of tuberculosis using sputum images Intelligent Decision Technologies International 0.6
270 Aug'2024 SCOPE Asha K.N., Rajkumar R. Cross domain and adversarial learning based deep learning approach for web recommendation International Journal of Critical Infrastructures VIT 0.5
271 Aug'2024 SCOPE Joshi S., Priscila S.S., Rajest S.S., Srivastava K., Surendhar S.P.A., Rajasekaran R. Nonlinear control-based class-D amplifier for audio intelligent infrastructure applications International Journal of Critical Infrastructures National 0.5
272 Aug'2024 SCOPE Sumanth V., Anitha K., Christinal J.B., Sekhar G.S., Khekare G., Patil H., Kumar N.M., Rajaram A. ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION MONITORING IN REMOTE WILDERNESS AREAS Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology National -
273 Aug'2024 SCOPE Gupta S., Navamani T.M., Ghai S., Gupta R. Analysing accessibility in e-wallet apps for the elderly International Journal of Business Information Systems VIT -
274 Aug'2024 SCOPE Mariappan R. Design and Implementation of Long Range Wide Area Networks for Future Industrial IoT Applications International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control VIT -
275 Aug'2024 SCOPE Leelavathy S.R., Mekala A.M. Drought Prediction with Feature Enhanced LSTM Model using Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management VIT -
276 Aug'2024 SCOPE Senkamalavalli R., Sankar S., Parivazhagan A., Raja R., Selvaraj Y., Srinivas P., Varadarajan M.N. Enhancing clinical decision-making with cloud-enabled integration of image-driven insights Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science International -
277 Aug'2024 SCOPE Dar G.M., Delhibabu R. Exploring emotion detection in Kashmiri audio reviews using the fusion model of CNN, LSTM, and RNN: gender-specific speech patterns and performance analysis International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore) VIT -
278 Aug'2024 SCOPE Thakur S., Jha A.R., Mehta D.A., Lavanya K. Flood Detection and Safe Path Finding Using Dense Neural Network (DNN) International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Scope VIT -
279 Aug'2024 SCOPE Palaniappan D., Thurai Pandian M., Sindhu A.S., Premavathi T., Jain R., Singh S. Implementation of Deep Learning Application for Emergency Maintenance of Medical Linear Accelerator International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Scope National -
280 Aug'2024 SCOPE Punj S., Kejriwal P., Raja S.P. Metaverse miracles: enhancing healthcare experiences through virtual reality International Journal of Learning and Change VIT -
281 Aug'2024 SCOPE Nooka A., Sejal S., Lokesh K., Rajarajeswari P. Prediction of Heart Attack Risk and Detection of Sleep Disorders Using Deep Learning Approach International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Scope VIT -
282 Aug'2024 SCOPE Kari V., Amalanathan G.M. Renaissance of Fuzzy and Fast Matching Entity with DSHS Algorithm SN Computer Science VIT -
283 Aug'2024 SCOPE Ashok A.V., Adhikesavalu A., Priya G. A Review on Different Approaches to Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Heart Disease International Research Journal of VIT -
284 Aug'2024 SCOPE Dutta D., Priya G. Exploring the Landscape of Blockchain Technology: History, Applications, Challenges and Future Directions Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review VIT -
285 Aug'2024 SCOPE Gopichand G., Sarath T., Dumka A., Goyal H.R., Singh R., Gehlot A., Gupta L.R., Thakur A.K., Priyadarshi N., Twala B. Use of IoT sensor devices for efficient management of healthcare systems: a review Discover Internet of Things International -


S. No. Month School/ Centre Author (s) Title Journal Type of Collaboration TR Impact Factor
1 Jan'2023 SCOPE Philip A.O., Saravanaguru R.A.K. Multisource traffic incident reporting and evidence management in Internet of Vehicles using machine learning andblockchain Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence VIT 7.802
2 Jan'2023 SCOPE Pandya S., Srivastava G., Jhaveri R., Babu M.R., Bhattacharya S., Maddikunta P.K.R., Mastorakis S., PiranM.J., Gadekallu T.R. Federated learning for smart cities: A comprehensive survey Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments International 7.632
3 Jan'2023 SCOPE Nirmalapriya G., Agalya V., Regunathan R., Belsam Jeba Ananth M. Fractional Aquila spider monkey optimization based deep learning network for classification of brain tumor Biomedical Signal Processing and Control National 5.076
4 Jan'2023 SCOPE Shelke M.B., Lee J.G., Samanta S., Deshmukh S.N.,Bhalke Daulappa G., Mannade R.B., Sivaraman A.K. An Ensemble Based Approach for Sentiment Classification in Asian Regional Language Computer Systems Science and Engineering International 4.397
5 Jan'2023 SCOPE Nagarajan A., M P G. Hybrid Optimization-Enabled Deep Learning for Indoor Object Detection andDistance Estimation to Assist Visually Impaired Persons Advances in Engineering Software VIT 4.255
6 Jan'2023 SCOPE Nain Z., Shahana B.,Chaudhry S.A., Viswanathan P., Mekala M.S., Kim S.W. Optimizing Service Stipulation Uncertaintywith Deep Reinforcement Learning for Internet Vehicle Systems Computers, Materials and Continua International 3.86
7 Jan'2023 SCOPE Peng J., Zhao Y., Zhang D., Li F., Sangaiah A.K. DSAFF-Net: A Backbone Network Based on Mask R-CNN for Small Object Detection Computers, Materials and Continua International 3.86
8 Jan'2023 SCOPE K V.B., S R., Verdú E., K K., S P R. An optimal power flow solution to deregulated electricity power market usingmeta-heuristic algorithms considering load congestion environment Electric Power Systems Research International 3.818
9 Jan'2023 SCOPE Venkatesh K., Pasupathy S., Raja S.P. A Construction of Object Detection Model for Acute Myeloid Leukemia Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing National 3.401
10 Jan'2023 SCOPE Wang Y., Ma Y., Huang H., Wang B., Acharjya D.P. A split merge clustering algorithm based on the k-nearest neighbor graph Information Systems International 3.18
11 Jan'2023 SCOPE Subramani S., Selvi M. Multi-objective PSO based feature selectionfor intrusion detection in IoT based wireless sensor networks Optik VIT 2.84
12 Jan'2023 SCOPE Das P., Singh M., Karras D.A., Roy D.G. Block-A-City: An Agricultural Application Framework Using Blockchain for Next-Generation Smart Cities IETE Journal of Research International 1.877
13 Jan'2023 SCOPE Sudarsa D., A. N.R., Sivakumar A.P. An effective and secured authentication andsharing of data with dynamic groups in cloud Data and Knowledge Engineering National 1.5
14 Jan'2023 SCOPE Sreedharan R., Raja Balachandar S., Raja S.P. Existence of mild solutions for perturbed fractional neutral differential equations through deformable derivatives in Banach spaces International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution andInformation Processing National 1.276
15 Jan'2023 SCOPE Kaliyaperumal K., Murugaiyan C., Perumal D., Jayaraman G., Samikannu K. Combined Ensemble Intrusion Detection Model using Deep learning with Feature Selection for Fog Computing Environments Acta Scientiarum - Technology National 0.655
16 Jan'2023 SCOPE Chaki J., Wo niak M. Deep learning for neurodegenerative disorder (2016 to 2022): A systematic review Biomedical Signal Processing and Control International 5.076
17 Jan'2023 SCOPE Kumar R., Arjunaditya, Singh D., Srinivasan K., Hu Y.-C. AI-Powered Blockchain Technology for Public Health: A Contemporary Review, Open Challenges, and Future ResearchDirections Healthcare (Switzerland) International 3.16
18 Jan'2023 SCOPE Subramani S., Selvi M., Kannan A., Santhosh Kumar S. Review of Security Methods Based on Classical Cryptography and Quantum Cryptography Cybernetics and Systems VIT 1.859
19 Jan'2023 SCOPE Dhanasekaren K., Aluri S.T., Karthikeyan N., Baskaran S.H., Selvanambi R. A Study on the Impact of Sentiment Analysis on Stock Market Prediction Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications VIT -
20 Feb'2023 SCOPE Saravanan V., Sreelatha P., Rao Atyam N., Madiajagan M., Saravanan D., Ananthkumar T., Parveen Sultana H. Design of deep learning model for radio resource allocation in 5G for massive iot device Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments International 7.632
21 Feb'2023 SCOPE Deepa D., Jothi K.R. Classification of Request-Based Mobility Load Balancing in Fog Computing Computer Systems Science and Engineering VIT 4.397
22 Feb'2023 SCOPE Rayaguru N.K., Lindsay N.M., Crespo R.G., Raja S.P. Hybrid bat grasshopper and bat modified multiverse optimization forsolar photovoltaics maximum power generation Computers and Electrical Engineering International 4.152
23 Feb'2023 SCOPE Anjaneyulu M., Kubendiran M. Short Term Traffic Flow Prediction Using Hybrid Deep Learning Computers,Materials and Continua VIT 3.86
24 Feb'2023 SCOPE Vimala B.B., Srinivasan S., Mathivanan S.K., Muthukumaran V., Babu J.C., Herencsar N., Vilcekova L. Image Noise Removal in Ultrasound Breast Images Based on Hybrid Deep Learning Technique Sensors International 3.847
25 Feb'2023 SCOPE Nandhini R.S., Lakshmanan R. QCNN_BaOpt: Multi-Dimensional Data-Based Traffic-Volume Prediction in Cyber PhysicalSystems Sensors VIT 3.847
26 Feb'2023 SCOPE Gothwal P., Kumar A.,Rathore D., Mukherji R., Vetriselvi T., Anandan S. Response Surface MethodologyAnalysis of Energy Harvesting System over Pathway Tiles Materials National 3.748
27 Feb'2023 SCOPE Deelip M.S., Kannayaram G. Exponential-sunflower optimization and deep convolution neural network for secure routing and prediction in internet of things Journal of Ambient Intelligence andHumanized Computing VIT 3.662
28 Feb'2023 SCOPE Maurya P.K., Ghosh H., Bagchi S. MDS Code Based UltralightweightAuthentication Protocol for RFID System IEEE Access National 3.476
29 Feb'2023 SCOPE Lavanya K., Mahendran A., Selvanambi R.,Mazzara M., Hemanth J.D. Tunicate Swarm Algorithm with Deep Learning Based Land Use andCover Change Detection in Nallamalla Forest India Applied Sciences (Switzerland) International 2.838
30 Feb'2023 SCOPE Subramani N., Mardani A., Mohan P., Mishra A.R., Ezhumalai P. A fuzzy logic and DEEC protocol- based clustering routing method for wireless sensor networks AIMSMathematics International 2.739
31 Feb'2023 SCOPE Phani Praveen S., Ali M.H., Jarwar M.A., Prakash C., ReddyC.R.K., Malliga L., Chandru Vignesh C. 6G assisted federated learning for continuous monitoring in wireless sensor network using game theory Wireless Networks International 2.701
32 Feb'2023 SCOPE Punuri S.B., Kuanar S.K., Kolhar M., Mishra T.K.,Alameen A., Mohapatra H., Mishra S.R. Efficient Net-XGBoost: An Implementation for Facial EmotionRecognition Using Transfer Learning Mathematics International 2.592
33 Feb'2023 SCOPE Alfred Daniel J., Chandru Vignesh C., Muthu B.A., Senthil Kumar R., Sivaparthipan C., MarinC.E.M. Fully convolutional neural networks for LIDAR camera fusion for pedestrian detection in autonomous vehicle Multimedia Tools and Applications International 2.577
34 Feb'2023 SCOPE Ali M.H., Jaber M.M., Alfred Daniel J., Vignesh C.C.,Meenakshisundaram I., Kumar B.S., Punitha P. Autonomous vehicles decision- making enhancement using self- determination theory and mixed- precision neural networks Multimedia Tools and Applications International 2.577
35 Feb'2023 SCOPE Isaac A., Nehemiah H.K., Dunston S.D., Kannan A. Feature selection and classification using bio-inspired algorithms for the diagnosis of pulmonary emphysema subtypes International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology National 2.177
36 Feb'2023 SCOPE Roy S.S., Hsu C.-H.,Samaran A., Goyal R., Pande A., Balas V.E. Vessels Segmentation in Angiograms Using Convolutional Neural Network: A Deep Learning Based Approach CMES -Computer Modeling inEngineering and Sciences International 2.027
37 Feb'2023 SCOPE Sundaramurthy S., Sugumaran V., Thangavelu A., Sekaran K. Predicting rheumatoid arthritis from the biomarkers of clinical trials using improved harmony search optimization with adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems International 1.737
38 Feb'2023 SCOPE Idhaya T., Suruliandi A., Calitoiu D., Raja S.P. Calibrating the classifier for protein family prediction with protein sequence using machine learning techniques: An empirical investigation International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and InformationProcessing International 1.276
39 Feb'2023 SCOPE Samsudeen S., Ali M.H., Vignesh C.C., Kamruzzaman M.M., Context-specific discussion of Airbnb usage knowledge graphs for improving private social systems Journal of Combinatorial Optimization International 1.262
40 Feb'2023 SCOPE Pal S., Selvanambi R., Malik P., Karuppiah M. A Chaotic System and Count Tracking Mechanism-based Dynamic S-Box and Secret Key Generation International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and National -
41 Feb'2023 SCOPE Krishnadoss N., Ramasamy L.K. A study on high dimensional big data using predictive data analytics model Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering andComputer Science VIT -
42 Feb'2023 SCOPE Sumathi M., Vijayaraj N., Raja S.P., Rajkamal M. HHO-ACO hybridized load balancing technique in cloud computing International Journal of Information Technology(Singapore) National -
43 Feb'2023 SCOPE Ramathulasi T., Babu M.R. Assessing User Interest in Web API Recommendation using Deep Learning Probabilistic Matrix Factorization International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications VIT -
44 Feb'2023 SCOPE Badugu A., Arunab K.S., Mathew A., Sarwesh P. Spatial and temporal analysis of urban heat island effect over Tiruchirappalli city using geospatialtechniques Geodesy and Geodynamics National -
45 Feb'2023 SCOPE Deepa T.P., Rao A.N. Classification of normal and abnormal overlapped squamous cells in pap smear image International Journal of System AssuranceEngineering and Management VIT -
46 Feb'2023 SCOPE Sarkar C., Das B., Rawat V.S., Wahlang J.B., Nongpiur A., Tiewsoh I., Lyngdoh N.M., Das D., BidarolliM., Sony H.T. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technology Driven Modern Drug Discovery and Development International Journal of Molecular Sciences National 6.208
47 Feb'2023 SCOPE Ravindran U., Gunavathi C. A survey on gene expression dataanalysis using deep learning methods for cancer diagnosis Progress inBiophysics and Molecular Biology VIT 4.799
48 Feb'2023 SCOPE Bhachawat S., Shriram E., Srinivasan K., Hu Y.- C. Leveraging Computational Intelligence Techniques for Diagnosing Degenerative Nerve Diseases: A Comprehensive Review,Open Challenges, and Future Research Directions Diagnostics International 3.992
49 Mar'2023 SCOPE Kumari N., Acharjya D.P. A hybrid rough set shuffled frog leapingknowledge inference system for diagnosis of lung cancer disease Computers inBiology and Medicine VIT 6.698
50 Mar'2023 SCOPE Balaji K. Image Augmentation based on Variational Autoencoder for Breast Tumor Segmentation Academic Radiology VIT 5.482
51 Mar'2023 SCOPE Nirmalapriya G., Maram B., Lakshmanan R.,Navaneethakrishnan M. ASCA-squeeze net: Aquila sine cosine algorithm enabled hybrid deep learning Computers and Security National 5.105
52 Mar'2023 SCOPE Mohan P., Neelakandan S., Mardani A., Maurya S., Arulkumar N., Thangaraj K. Eagle Strategy Arithmetic Optimisation Algorithm with Optimal Deep Convolutional Forest Based FinTechApplication for Hyper-automation Enterprise Information Systems International 4.407
53 Mar'2023 SCOPE Guha Roy D. BlockEdge: A Privacy-Aware Secured Edge Computing Framework Using Blockchain for Industry 4.0 Sensors VIT 3.847
54 Mar'2023 SCOPE Subbaiah C.V., Govinda K. Implementing routing protocol for energy-aware mobile Ad Hoc networks for WBAN-based healthcare systems Soft Computing VIT 3.732
55 Mar'2023 SCOPE Upadhyay A., Basha N.K., Ananthakrishnan B. Deep Learning-Based Yoga PostureRecognition Using the Y_PN-MSSD Model for Yoga Practitioners Healthcare (Switzerland) VIT 3.16
56 Mar'2023 SCOPE Gyasi E.K., Swarnalatha P. Cloud-MobiNet: An Abridged Mobile- Net Convolutional Neural NetworkModel for Ground-Based Cloud Classification Atmosphere VIT 3.11
57 Mar'2023 SCOPE Vellaichamy J., Basheer S., Bai P.S.M., Khan M., Kumar Mathivanan S., JayagopalP., Babu J.C. Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Multi-Criteria Clustering and Optimal Bio-Inspired Algorithm for Energy-Efficient Routing Applied Sciences (Switzerland) International 2.838
58 Mar'2023 SCOPE Shanmugavel A.B., Ellappan V., Mahendran A., Subramanian M.,Lakshmanan R., Mazzara M. A Novel Ensemble Based Reduced Overfitting Model with Convolutional Neural Network for Traffic Sign Recognition System Electronics (Switzerland) National 2.69
59 Mar'2023 SCOPE Almal S., Bagepalli A.R., Dutta P., Chaki J. Healthy-unhealthy animal detection using semi-supervised generative adversarial network PeerJ Computer Science VIT 2.411
60 Mar'2023 SCOPE Kishor M.H., Madhu Mohan M.L.N. Experimental realization of constant current device using hydrogen bondferroelectric liquid crystals European Physical Journal E National 1.624
61 Mar'2023 SCOPE Vijaya Bhaskar K., Ramesh S., Karunanithi K., RajaS.P. Multi-Objective Optimal Power Flow Solutions Using Improved Multi-Objective Mayfly Algorithm (IMOMA) Journal of Circuits, Systems andComputers National 1.278
62 Mar'2023 SCOPE Ferinia R., Kumar D.L.S., Kumar B.S., Muthu B.A., Asaad R.R., RamamoorthiJ.S., Daniel J.A. Factors determining customers desire to analyse supply chain management in intelligent IoT Journal of Combinatorial Optimization International 1.262
63 Mar'2023 SCOPE Phani Praveen S., Hasan Ali M., Musa Jaber M.,Buddhi D., Prakash C., Rani D.R., Thirugnanam T. IoT-Enabled Healthcare Data Analysis in Virtual Hospital Systems Using Industry 4.0 Smart Manufacturing International Journal of PatternRecognition and Artificial Intelligence International 1.261
64 Mar'2023 SCOPE Mekala M.S., Viswanathan P. RETRACTED ARTICLE: CTRV:resource based task consolidation approach in cloud for green computing Distributed and Parallel Databases VIT 0.974
65 Mar'2023 SCOPE Soundararajan D., Ramakrishnan S. Coverless Data Hiding in VoIP based on DNA Steganography with Authentication International Arab Journal of InformationTechnology VIT 0.967
66 Mar'2023 SCOPE Kumar Jain D., Liu X.,Neelakandan S., Prakash M. Modeling of human action recognitionusing hyperparameter tuned deep learning model Journal of Electronic Imaging International 0.829
67 Mar'2023 SCOPE Gagged G., Murugaiyan J. Improved secure dynamic bit standard technique for a private cloud platform to address security challenges Journal of Electronic Imaging VIT 0.829
68 Mar'2023 SCOPE Rajamani T., Sevugan P., Ragupathi S. Automatic building footprint extraction and road detection from hyperspectralimagery Journal of Electronic Imaging VIT 0.829
69 Mar'2023 SCOPE Vimala D., Manikandan K. PIRAP: Intelligent Hybrid Approach forSecure Data Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks International Journalof Cooperative Information Systems VIT 0.563
70 Mar'2023 SCOPE Subramani N., Easwaramoorthy S.V.,Mohan P., Subramanian M., Sambath V. A Gradient Boosted Decision Tree- Based Influencer Prediction in Social Network Analysis Big Data and Cognitive Computing International -
71 Mar'2023 SCOPE Kumar S.S., Sigappi A.N., Thomas G.A.S., Robinson Y.H., Raja S.P. Classification and Analysis of Pistachio Species Through Neural Embedding- Based Feature Extraction and Small-Scale Machine Learning Techniques International Journal of Image and Graphics National -
72 Mar'2023 SCOPE Suhail Hussain S., Aftab M.A., Farooq S.M., Ali I.,Ustun T.S., Konstantinou C. An Effective Security Scheme for Attacks on Sample Value Messages inIEC 61850 Automated Substations IEEE Open Access Journal of Powerand Energy International -
73 Mar'2023 SCOPE Nagaraj J., Leema A. Light weight multi-branch network- based extraction and classification ofmyocardial infarction from 12 lead electrocardiogram images Imaging Science Journal VIT -
74 Mar'2023 SCOPE Srinivasan S., Rajakumar K. Hyperspectral image classification using efficientnet-B4 with search and rescue operation algorithm International Journal of Information Technology(Singapore) VIT -
75 Mar'2023 SCOPE Asha K.N., Rajkumar R. DCF-MLSTM: a deep security content- based filtering scheme using multiplicative BiLSTM for movierecommendation system International Journal of System of SystemsEngineering VIT -
76 Mar'2023 SCOPE Shanmugasundaram S., Palaniappan N. Detection Accuracy Improvement on One-Stage Object Detection Using Ap- Loss-Based Ranking Module andResnet-152 Backbone International Journal of Image and Graphics VIT -
77 Mar'2023 SCOPE Subramani S., Selvi M. Comprehensive review on distributeddenial of service attacks in wireless sensor networks International Journalof Information and Computer Security VIT -
78 Mar'2023 SCOPE Subramani S., Selvi M. Intrusion detection system using RBPSO and fuzzy neuro-genetic classification algorithms in wirelesssensor networks International Journal of Information and Computer Security VIT -
79 Mar'2023 SCOPE Melarkode N., Srinivasan K., Qaisar S.M., PlawiakP. AI-Powered Diagnosis of Skin Cancer: A Contemporary Review, Open Challengesand Future Research Directions Cancers International 6.575
80 Mar'2023 SCOPE Dixit S., Bohre K., Singh Y., Himeur Y., Mansoor W., Atalla S., SrinivasanK. A Comprehensive Review on AI-Enabled Models for Parkinson s Disease Diagnosis Electronics (Switzerland) International 2.69
81 Mar'2023 SCOPE Rayan R.A., Suruliandi A., Raja S.P., David H.B.F. A Survey on an Analysis of Big Data Open Source Datasets, Techniques andTools for the Prediction of Coronavirus Disease Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers National 1.278
82 Mar'2023 SCOPE Suchitra S., Ibrahim S.J.A., Sathya M., Sahini Recent Advances in Analysis and Detection of Tuberculosis System in Current Materials Science National -
83 Apr'2023 SCOPE Subramani S., Selvi M. Intelligent IDS in wireless sensor networksusing deep fuzzy convolutional neural network Neural Computing and Applications VIT 5.102
84 Apr'2023 SCOPE Chaki J., Wo niak M. A deep learning based four-fold approach to classify brain MRI: BTSCNet Biomedical Signal Processing and Control International 5.076
85 Apr'2023 SCOPE K A., R K., G M. Influence of AWJM parameters on surface quality of BSHC Materials and ManufacturingProcesses National 4.783
86 Apr'2023 SCOPE Sridharan S., Venkatraman S., Raja S.P. A Novel Lie Hypergraph Based Lifetime Enhancement Routing Protocol for Environmental Monitoring in WirelessSensor Networks IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems National 4.747
87 Apr'2023 SCOPE Devarajan G.G., NagarajanS.M., Amanullah S.I., Mary S.A.S.A., Bashir A.K. AI-Assisted Deep NLP-Based Approach forPrediction of Fake News From Social Media Users IEEE Transactions onComputational Social Systems International 4.747
88 Apr'2023 SCOPE Soundrapandiyan R., Naidu H., Karuppiah M., Maheswari M.,Poonia R.C. AI-based wavelet and stacked deep learning architecture for detecting coronavirus(COVID-19) from chest X-ray images Computers and Electrical Engineering National 4.152
89 Apr'2023 SCOPE Srinivasan S., Bai P.S.M., Mathivanan S.K., Muthukumaran V., Babu J.C.,Vilcekova L. Grade Classification of Tumors from Brain Magnetic Resonance Images Using a Deep Learning Technique Diagnostics International 3.992
90 Apr'2023 SCOPE Sundararajan K., Srinivasan K. Feature-Weighting-Based Prediction ofDrought Occurrence via Two-Stage Particle Swarm Optimization Sustainability (Switzerland) VIT 3.889
91 Apr'2023 SCOPE Verma P., Jyoti K., Sahni V., Ibrahim S.J.A., ChakravarthyN.S.K. Synthesized feature learning model on news aggregator for chatbot Soft Computing National 3.732
92 Apr'2023 SCOPE Devarajan G.G., Thirunnavukkarasan M.,Amanullah S.I., Vignesh T., Sivaraman A. An integrated security approach for vehicular networks in smart cities Transactions on EmergingTelecommunications Technologies International 3.31
93 Apr'2023 SCOPE Sarkar S., Agrawal S., Chowdhuri A., Ramani S. Progressive search personalization and privacy protection using federated learning Expert Systems VIT 2.812
94 Apr'2023 SCOPE Tejasree S., Chandra Mohan B. An improved differential bond energy algorithm with fuzzy merging method to improve the document clustering forinformation mining Expert Systems VIT 2.812
95 Apr'2023 SCOPE Karthik G.M., Kalyana Kumar A.S., Karri A.B., Jagini N.P. Deep intelligent blockchain technology forsecuring IoT-based healthcare multimedia data Wireless Networks National 2.701
96 Apr'2023 SCOPE Chinnappan C.V., John William A.D., Nidamanuri S.K.C., Jayalakshmi S., Bogani R., Thanapal P., Syed S., Venkateswarlu B., SyedMasood J.A.I. IoT-Enabled Chlorine Level Assessment and Prediction in Water Monitoring System Using Machine Learning Electronics (Switzerland) National 2.69
97 Apr'2023 SCOPE Gupta S., Khurana Y., Atrey J., Gupta S., Krishnamoorthy P. Marine debris detection using a multi-feature pyramid network Remote Sensing Letters National 2.369
98 Apr'2023 SCOPE Velusamy P., Periasamy K., Gurusamy S., Kuppusamy S. Modeling a novel heuristic model for handling vehicle routing using multiobjectiveoptimization Concurrency and Computation: Practiceand Experience National 1.831
99 Apr'2023 SCOPE Kalimuthu M., Sreethar S., Murugesan R., Nandhagopal N. Multi-Class Facial Emotion Recognition Using Hybrid Dense Squeeze Network International Journal of Pattern Recognition and ArtificialIntelligence National 1.261
100 Apr'2023 SCOPE Baby Anitha E., Sivaprakash S., Velmurugan S., Saranya S.S. Hybrid artificial bee colony based neural network and dynamic threshold technique for predicting moving vehicle location andco-located objects Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences National 1.214
101 Apr'2023 SCOPE Logeswaran K., Suresh P., Anandamurugan S. Particle Swarm Optimization Method Combined with off Policy ReinforcementLearning Algorithm for the Discovery of High Utility Itemset Information Technology and Control National 0.813
102 Apr'2023 SCOPE Dhilsath Fathima M., Hariharan R., Raja S.P. Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations- K-Nearest Neighbors and Deep NeuralNetwork Architecture for Kidney Disease Prediction International Journal of Image and Graphics National -
103 Apr'2023 SCOPE Sethumadhavi R., Saleemdurai M.A. Diagnosing the Consequence of Uncertain Nutrient Deficiency, and its Sectionalization in Oryza Sativa Using Ensemble LearningStrategies Journal of Uncertain Systems VIT -
104 Apr'2023 SCOPE Natteshan N.V.S., Nagarajan S. A modified fuzzy C means approach for segmenting the input flood images capturedby synthetic aperture radar International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise VIT -
105 Apr'2023 SCOPE Megala G., Swarnalatha P. Discrete Hyperchaotic S-Box Generation for Selective Video Frames Encryption Journal of Computer Science VIT -
106 Apr'2023 SCOPE Aharonu M., Kumar R.L. Systematic Review of Deep Learning Techniques for Lung Cancer Detection International Journal of Advanced ComputerScience and Applications VIT -
107 Apr'2023 SCOPE Kollipara V.N.H., Kalakota S.K.,Chamarthi S., Ramani S., Malik P., Karuppiah M. Timestamp Based OTP and Enhanced RSAKey Exchange Scheme with SIT Encryption to Secure IoT Devices Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility National -
108 Apr'2023 SCOPE Jaiswal S., Mohan B.C. An Efficient Real Time Decision Making System for Autonomous Vehicle Using Timber Chased Wolf Optimization BasedEnsemble Classifier Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review VIT -
109 Apr'2023 SCOPE Verma A., Singh A., Bihari A.,Tripathi S., Agrawal S., Pandey S.K., Verma S. Identification of Hate Speech on Social Media using LSTM GMSARN International Journal National -
110 Apr'2023 SCOPE Dixit S., Kumar A., Srinivasan K. A Current Review of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models in Oral Cancer Diagnosis: Recent Technologies, OpenChallenges, and Future Research Directions Diagnostics VIT 3.992
111 Apr'2023 SCOPE Gyaneshwar A., Mishra A., Chadha U., Raj Vincent P.M.D., Rajinikanth V., Pattukandan Ganapathy G.,Srinivasan K. A Contemporary Review on Deep Learning Models for Drought Prediction Sustainability (Switzerland) International 3.889
112 Apr'2023 SCOPE Mishra S., Khouqeer G.A., Aamna B., Alodhayb A., AliIbrahim S.J., Hooda M., Jayaswal G. A review: Recent advancements in sensor technology for non-invasive neonatal health monitoring Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X International -
113 May'2023 SCOPE Kavya M., Mathew A., Shekar P.R., P S. Short term water demand forecast modellingusing artificial intelligence for smart water management Sustainable Cities and Society National 10.696
114 May'2023 SCOPE Manivannan P., Agarwal N., Pradhan R., Anand Muthu B., Kamruzzaman M.M., Victor A.,Mervin R. Doctor unpredicted prescription handwriting prediction using triboelectric smart recognition Production Planning and Control International 6.846
115 May'2023 SCOPE Shukla D., Azad H.K., Abhishek K., Shitharth S. Disaster management ontology- anontological approach to disaster management automation Scientific Reports International 4.996
116 May'2023 SCOPE Alzubi T.M., Alzubi J.A., Singh A., Alzubi O.A., SubramanianM. A Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction for Smart Learning System International Journal of Human-ComputerInteraction International 4.92
117 May'2023 SCOPE Roy S.S., Roy A., Samui P., Gandomi M., Gandomi A.H. Hateful Sentiment Detection in Real-Time Tweets: An LSTM-Based ComparativeApproach IEEE Transactions on Computational SocialSystems International 4.747
118 May'2023 SCOPE Ramachandran A., Sendhil Kumar K.S. Tiny Criss-Cross Network for segmenting paddy panicles using aerial images Computers and Electrical Engineering VIT 4.152
119 May'2023 SCOPE Castro Aguiar R., Sam Jeeva Raj E.J., Chakrabarty S. Simplified Markerless Stride Detection Pipeline (sMaSDP) for Surface EMGSegmentation Sensors International 3.847
120 May'2023 SCOPE Chillakuru P., Madiajagan M., Prashanth K.V., Ambala S.,Shaker Reddy P.C., Pavan J. Enhancing wind power monitoring through motion deblurring with modified GoogleNetalgorithm Soft Computing National 3.732
121 May'2023 SCOPE Obbineni J., Kandasamy I., Vasantha W.B., Smarandache F. Combining SWOT analysis and neutrosophic cognitive maps for multi- criteria decision making: a case study oforganic agriculture in India Soft Computing International 3.732
122 May'2023 SCOPE Reddy B.R., Kumar R.L. Classification of health care products using hybrid CNN-LSTM model Soft Computing VIT 3.732
123 May'2023 SCOPE Saraswat A., Abhishek K., Azad H.K., Shitharth S. MSI-A: An energy efficient approximated cache coherence protocol IEEE Access International 3.476
124 May'2023 SCOPE Paulraj D., Neelakandan S., Prakash M., Baburaj E. Admission control policy and key agreementbased on anonymous identity in cloud computing Journal of Cloud Computing International 3.418
125 May'2023 SCOPE Meenakshi N., Jaber M.M., Pradhan R., Kamruzzaman M.M., Maragatham T., Ramamoorthi J.S., MurugesanM. Design systematic wireless inventory trackers with prolonged lifetime and low energy consumption in future 6G network Wireless Networks International 2.701
126 May'2023 SCOPE Rao P.V.V., Anand M., Daniel J.A., Sivaparthipan C.B., Kirubakaran S.S., Gnanasigamani L.J., PunithaP. Millimeter assisted wave technologies in 6G assisted wireless communication systems: a new paradigm for 6G collaborative learning Wireless Networks National 2.701
127 May'2023 SCOPE Pandey A.K., Roy S.S. Natural Language Generation Using Sequential Models: A Survey Neural Processing Letters VIT 2.565
128 May'2023 SCOPE Deepak G., Madiajagan M., Kulkarni S., Ahmed A.N.,Gopatoti A., Ammisetty V. MCSC-Net: COVID-19 detection using deep-Q-neural network classification withRFNN-based hybrid whale optimization Journal of X-ray science andtechnology International 2.442
129 May'2023 SCOPE Malathi V., Gopinath M.P., Kumar M., Bhushan S., Jayaprakash S. Enhancing the Paddy Disease Classification by Using Cross-Validation Strategy for Artificial Neural Network over BaselineClassifiers Journal of Sensors International 2.336
130 May'2023 SCOPE Krishnasamy K.G., Periasamy S., Periasamy K., Prasanna Moorthy V., Thangavel G.,Lamba R., Muthusamy S. A Pair-Task Heuristic for Scheduling Tasks in Heterogeneous Multi-cloud Environment Wireless Personal Communications International 2.017
131 May'2023 SCOPE Srikanth B., Ravindra J.V.R., Ramakrishna P., Ajitha D. Design and Implementation of Power-Efficient Cryptography Scheme Using a Novel Multiplication Technique Wireless Personal Communications National 2.017
132 May'2023 SCOPE Juliet Thessalonica D., KhannaNehemiah H., Sreejith S., Kannan A. Intelligent Mining of Association RulesBased on Nanopatterns for Code Smells Detection Scientific Programming National 1.672
133 May'2023 SCOPE Bhattacharyya A., Nambiar S.M., Ojha R., Gyaneshwar A., Chadha U., Srinivasan K. Machine Learning and Deep Learning powered satellite communications: Enablingtechnologies, applications, open challenges, and future research directions International Journal of SatelliteCommunications and Networking International 1.348
134 May'2023 SCOPE Senthilkumar B., Naresh Kumar H., Venkatakrishnan Y.B., Raja S.P. On the computation of extremal trees of Harmonic index with given edge-vertex domination number International Journal of Wavelets,Multiresolution and Information Processing National 1.276
135 May'2023 SCOPE Kanchanamala P., Lakshmanan R., Muthu Kumar B., Maram B. AACO: Aquila Anti-CoronavirusOptimization-Based Deep LSTM Network for Road Accident and Severity Detection International Journal of Pattern Recognition and ArtificialIntelligence National 1.261
136 May'2023 SCOPE Sowrirajan S.R., Balasubramanian S., RajR.S.P. MRI Brain Tumor Classification Using a Hybrid VGG16-NADE Model Brazilian Archives of Biology andTechnology National 1.18
137 May'2023 SCOPE Chakravarty S., Mishra R., Ransingh A., Dash S., MohantyS.N., Choudhury T., Subramanian M. Feature extraction and classification of hyperspectral imaging using minimum noisefraction and deep convolutional neural network Journal of Electronic Imaging National 0.829
138 May'2023 SCOPE Janani T., Brindha M. Privacy-preserving transfer learning-basedsecure quantum image retrieval in encrypted domain for cloud environment Journal of Electronic Imaging National 0.829
139 May'2023 SCOPE Varatharajan A., Ramasamy P., Marappan S., Ananthavadivel D.,Govardanan C.S. Energy efficient data fusion approach using squirrel search optimization and recurrent neural network Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science National -
140 May'2023 SCOPE Babu M.C., Senthilkumar K. An Intelligent Optimal Secure Framework for Malicious Events Prevention in IOT Cloud Networks International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends inComputing and Communication VIT -
141 May'2023 SCOPE Kalaavathi B., Sridhevasenaathypathy B., Chinthamu N., Valluru D. Retail Shop Sales Forecast by Enhanced Feature Extraction with Association Rule Learning International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing andCommunication National -
143 May'2023 SCOPE Appe S.R.N., Arulselvi G., Balaji G.N. Tomato Ripeness Detection and Classification using VGG based CNN Models International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications inEngineering National -
144 May'2023 SCOPE Prasad V., Vairamuthu S., Selva Rani B. K-Net-Deep joint segmentation with Taylor driving training optimization based deep learning for brain tumor classification usingMRI Imaging Science Journal National -
145 May'2023 SCOPE Kayarga T., Kumar S.A. Improving QoS in Internet of Vehicles Integrating Swarm Intelligence Guided Topology Adaptive Routing and ServiceDifferentiated Flow Control International Journal of Advanced Computer Science andApplications VIT -
146 May'2023 SCOPE Devasekhar V., Natarajan P. Prediction of Air Quality and Pollution using Statistical Methods and Machine Learning Techniques International Journal of Advanced ComputerScience and Applications National -
147 May'2023 SCOPE Mali S.D., Govinda K. A study on network routing attacks in IoT Materials Today: Proceedings VIT -
148 May'2023 SCOPE Margret Anouncia S., Bhaskaran R., Thirugnanam M., Jeyapandiarajan P., SarmaS. A self-directed dashboard for the evaluation and classification of weld defects Materials Today: Proceedings National -
149 May'2023 SCOPE Samui P., Palsapure A., Roy S.S. Reliability analysis of shallow foundation based on settlement criteria International Journal of Advanced IntelligenceParadigms International -
150 May'2023 SCOPE Khan R., Surya J., Roy M., Swathi Priya M.N., Mohan S., Raman S., Raman A., VyasA., Raman R. Use of artificial intelligence algorithms to predict systemic diseases from retinal images Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and KnowledgeDiscovery International 7.558
151 May'2023 SCOPE Jain S., Naicker D., Raj R., Patel V., Hu Y.-C., Srinivasan K., Jen C.-P. Computational Intelligence in Cancer Diagnostics: A Contemporary Review of Smart Phone Apps, Current Problems, andFuture Research Potentials Diagnostics International 3.992
152 May'2023 SCOPE Keerthika C., Lal A.M. A Methodical and Performance-based Investigation of Alzheimer Disease Detection on Magnetic Resonance and MultimodalImages Current Medical Imaging VIT 1.315
153 May'2023 SCOPE Deepika S., Jaisankar N. Review On Machine Learning and Deep Learning-based Heart Disease Classificationand Prediction Open Biomedical Engineering Journal VIT -
154 Jun'2023 SCOPE Nandy S., Hazra A., Adhikari M., Puthal D. Nanorobot-Based Intelligent SymptomsAnalysis and Recommendation Framework in Edge Networks IEEE Journal ofBiomedical and Health Informatics International 7.021
155 Jun'2023 SCOPE Sivaparthipan C.B., Anand M., Agarwal N., Dhingra M., IoT-based patient stretcher movement simulation in smart hospital using type-2 fuzzy sets systems Production Planning and Control International 6.846
156 Jun'2023 SCOPE Fathima M.D., Samuel S.J., Raja S.P. HDDSS: An Enhanced Heart Disease Decision Support System Using RFE- ABGNB Algorithm International Journal of Interactive Multimedia andArtificial Intelligence National 4.936
157 Jun'2023 SCOPE Kaliappan J., Bagepalli A.R., Almal S., Mishra R., Hu Y.-C., Srinivasan K. Impact of Cross-Validation on Machine Learning Models for Early Detection of Intrauterine Fetal Demise Diagnostics International 3.992
158 Jun'2023 SCOPE Anjaneyulu M., Kubendiran M. Short-Term Traffic CongestionPrediction Using Hybrid Deep Learning Technique Sustainability (Switzerland) VIT 3.889
159 Jun'2023 SCOPE Saidulu D., Sasikala R. An approach for disease prediction and classification using novel weighting method and multichannel sharedfunctional behaviour Soft Computing VIT 3.732
160 Jun'2023 SCOPE Jothiaruna N., Leema A.A. LW-DN161: a cardiovascular disorder classification from 12 lead ECG images using convolutional neural network Soft Computing VIT 3.732
161 Jun'2023 SCOPE Udendhran R., Yamini G., Badrinath N., Jegathesh Amalraj J., Suresh A. Enhancing representational learning for cloud robotic vision through explainable fuzzy convolutional autoencoderframework Soft Computing National 3.732
162 Jun'2023 SCOPE Rao P.M., Jangirala S., Pedada S., Das A.K., Park Y. Blockchain Integration for IoT-Enabled V2X Communications: A Comprehensive Survey, SecurityIssues and Challenges IEEE Access International 3.476
163 Jun'2023 SCOPE Sundar S., Sumathy S. Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy Disease Levels by Extracting Topological Features Using GraphNeural Networks IEEE Access VIT 3.476
164 Jun'2023 SCOPE Sivakumar S.A., Naveen R., Ibrahim S.J.A., Chakravarthy N.S.K.,Amancha S., Vinayagam J., Kiran P., Nakka N.R. Two-ways chip to chip communications through 2-dimensional photonic structures via photonic integrated circuit Optical and Quantum Electronics National 2.794
165 Jun'2023 SCOPE Shukla A., Das T.K., Roy S.S. TRX Cryptocurrency Profit and Transaction Success Rate Prediction Using Whale Optimization-BasedEnsemble Learning Framework Mathematics VIT 2.592
166 Jun'2023 SCOPE Kandasamy M., Anto S., Baranitharan K., Rastogi R., Satwik G., Sampathkumar A. Smart Grid Security Based on Blockchain with Industrial Fault Detection Using Wireless Sensor Network and Deep LearningTechniques Journal of Sensors International 2.336
167 Jun'2023 SCOPE Akula V.K., Ravi Prakash Reddy I., Anny Leema A., Kadiyala R., Dugyala R.,Prasanna K. Energy Aware Priority Based Event Routing Protocol Using TDMA Communication for Internet of Things Wireless Personal Communications International 2.017
168 Jun'2023 SCOPE Gobinath C., Gopinath M.P. Attention aware fully convolutional deep learning model for retinal blood vesselsegmentation Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems VIT 1.737
169 Jun'2023 SCOPE Sivaparthipan C.B., Gnanasigamani L.J., Agrawal R., Awaji B.H.,Sathyaprakash P., Jaber M.M., Jumani A.K. Internet of things enabled privacy- conserving health record virtual sharing using jungle computing Journal of Combinatorial Optimization International 1.262
170 Jun'2023 SCOPE Wang Y., Ren J., Li S., Hu Z., Raj R.S.P. Estimation of Human Motion Posture Using Multi-labeling Transfer Learning Brazilian Archives of Biology andTechnology International 1.18
171 Jun'2023 SCOPE Rathinam G., Balamurugan M., Arulkumar V.,Kumaresan M., Annamalai S., Bhuvana J. Enhanced Security for Large-Scale 6G Cloud Computing: A Novel Approach toIdentity based Encryption Key Generation Journal of Machine and Computing International -
172 Jun'2023 SCOPE Lakshmi T.K., Dheeba J. Classification and Segmentation of Periodontal Cyst for Digital Dental Diagnosis Using Deep Learning Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering andScience VIT -
173 Jun'2023 SCOPE Lazar A.J.P., Soundararaj S., Sonthi V.K., Palanisamy V.R., Subramaniyan V.,Sengan S. Gaussian Differential Privacy Integrated Machine Learning Model for Industrial Internet of Things SN Computer Science National -
174 Jun'2023 SCOPE Veerachamy R., Rao G.R.K., Arivanantham V.P., Kuppusamy S., VelayuthamP., Govindaraj R. Energy Efficient Mathematical Model for Cyber-Physical Systems: A Model for Industrial Internet of Things SN Computer Science National -
175 Jun'2023 SCOPE Ilankumaran A., Narayanan S.J. An Energy-Aware QoS Load BalanceScheduling Using Hybrid GAACO Algorithm for Cloud Cybernetics andInformation Technologies VIT -
176 Jun'2023 SCOPE Anjaneyulu M., Kubendiran M. Long-Term Traffic Flow Prediction using Hybrid Deep Learning Technique International Journal of Engineering Trends andTechnology VIT -
178 Jun'2023 SCOPE Swathi M., Regunathan R., Nagarajan S.K. A review on speech organ diseases and cancer detection using artificial intelligence International Journal of ComputationalBiology and Drug Design VIT -
179 Jun'2023 SCOPE Asha K.N., Rajkumar R. EM_GA-RS: Expectation Maximization and GA-based Movie Recommender System EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable InformationSystems VIT -
181 Jun'2023 SCOPE Nagamunthala M., Manjula R. Self-evident rapid and scalable fortification encryption with data access organise in multiuser cloudenvironments International Journal of Cloud Computing VIT -
182 Jun'2023 SCOPE Prasanth N., Shrivastava K., Sharma A., Basu A., Sinha R.A., Raja S.P. Gesture-based mouse control system based on MPU6050 and Kalman filter technique International Journal of Intelligent SystemsTechnologies and Applications VIT -
183 Jun'2023 SCOPE Narayanan G.G., Saravanaguru R.K. Secure Virtual Machine Live Migration using Advanced Metric Encryption Recent Advances in Computer Science andCommunications VIT -
184 Jul'2023 SCOPE Nandy S., Adhikari M., Ray A., Rai R., Singh T.N. Edge-centric Intelligent Early WarningSystem for Residual Soil Stability Prediction in Slope IEEE Internet of Things Journal National 10.6
185 Jul'2023 SCOPE Mohinder Singh B., Natarajan J. A novel secure authentication protocol for eHealth records in cloud with a new key generation method and minimized key exchange Journal of King Saud University - Computer andInformation Sciences VIT 6.9
186 Jul'2023 SCOPE Ghosh H., Maurya P.K., Bagchi S. Linear complementary pair of codes based lightweight RFID protocol Computer Communications National 6
187 Jul'2023 SCOPE Deebak B.D., Al-Turjman F. Secure-user sign-in authentication for IoT-based eHealth systems Complex and Intelligent Systems International 5.8
188 Jul'2023 SCOPE Swathi M., Regunathan R. A novel feature fusion based approach for detecting pharyngitis, oral cancer,and tonsillitis using improved bag of visual words Soft Computing VIT 4.1
189 Jul'2023 SCOPE Sony P., Shanmugam G.S., Nagarajan S.K. An intuitionistic fuzzy-based intelligent system for semantic interoperability and privacy preservation in healthcaresystems Soft Computing VIT 4.1
190 Jul'2023 SCOPE Raghunathan N., Kandasamy S. Challenges and Issues in Sentiment Analysis: A Comprehensive Survey IEEE Access VIT 3.9
191 Jul'2023 SCOPE Hariprasad R., Navamani T.M., Rote T.R., Chauhan I. Design and Development of an Efficient Risk Prediction Model for CervicalCancer IEEE Access VIT 3.9
192 Jul'2023 SCOPE Meena G., Mohbey K.K., Indian A., Khan M.Z., Kumar S. Identifying emotions from facial expressions using a deep convolutional neural network-based approach Multimedia Tools and Applications International 3.6
193 Jul'2023 SCOPE Gundawar A., Lodha S.,Vijayarajan V., Iyer B., Prasath V.B.S. On the Performance of new HigherOrder Transformation Functions for Highly Efficient Dense Layers Neural Processing Letters International 3.1
194 Jul'2023 SCOPE Nithiyanandam N., Mahesh C., Raja S.P., Jeyapriyanga S., Priya T.S.B. Energy-efficient intrusion detection system for secure acousticcommunication in under water sensor networks KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems National 1.5
195 Jul'2023 SCOPE Dass R., Thirumoorthy G., Ananthakrishnan G., Kannan A., Rajendran S., Narayanan M., ArputharajK. Optimum design of planar quasi-Yagi antenna for wearable Internet of Things (IoT) applications Microwave and Optical Technology Letters National 1.5
196 Jul'2023 SCOPE Thirugnanam T., Galety M.G., Pradhan M.R., Agrawal R., Shobanadevi A., Almufti S.M.,Lakshmana Kumar R. PIRAP: Medical Cancer Rehabilitation Healthcare Center Data Maintenance Based on IoT-Based Deep Federated Collaborative Learning International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems International 1.5
198 Jul'2023 SCOPE Kumar S., Soundrapandiyan R. A cooperative three-player game theoryapproach for designing an ideal video steganography framework Imaging Science Journal VIT -
199 Jul'2023 SCOPE Rajasekar V.R., Rajkumar S. A Study on Internet of Things Devices Vulnerabilities using Shodan International Journal of Computing VIT -
200 Jul'2023 SCOPE Dhinakaran N., Anto S. Defenses for Adversarial attacks in Network Intrusion Detection System ASurvey International Journal of Computing andDigital Systems VIT -
201 Jul'2023 SCOPE Mayil Vel Kumar P., Venaik A., Shanmugaraja P., JohnAugustine P., Madiajagan M. Design of inception ResNet V2 for detecting malarial infection using thecell image captured from microscopic slide Imaging Science Journal National -
202 Jul'2023 SCOPE Balaji P., Haritha D., Sumalatha K., Priya D.U., Bhutia R., Kumar R. Emotions-Based Sentiment Analysis using Fusion-Based Learning Model International Journal of EngineeringTrends and Technology National -
203 Jul'2023 SCOPE Agarwal D., Patnaik N., Harinarayanan A., Senthilkumar S., Krishnamurthy B.,Srinivasan K. Forecasting Geo Location of COVID-19 Herd Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology VIT -
204 Jul'2023 SCOPE Bhasker B., Murali S. Host utilization prediction using Taylor Kernel Convolutional Neural Network Measurement: Sensors VIT -
205 Jul'2023 SCOPE Aruna Sri P., Santhi V. Hybrid learning model for analysing the Uppal earth region, in Telangana state,using multispectral Landsat-8 OLI images International Journal of ComputerApplications in Technology VIT -
206 Jul'2023 SCOPE Mahalingam P.R., Dheeba J. Improving performance of deep learning models using input propagation International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems VIT -
208 Jul'2023 SCOPE Chalapathi M.M.V., Krishna A.V., Gopichand G., Ramana K., Bharathi V.C.,Sharma N. Prediction of Seed Germination Quality Utilizing Ensemble-Based Precision Forming International Journal of Intelligent Engineering andSystems National -
209 Jul'2023 SCOPE Syed Masood J.A.I., Jeyaselvi M., Senthamarai N., Koteswari S., Sathya M.,Chakravarthy N.S.K. Privacy preservation in wireless sensor network using energy efficient multipath routing for healthcare data Measurement: Sensors National -
210 Jul'2023 SCOPE Balamurugan R., Mohite S., Raja S.P. Protein Sequence Classification UsingBidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) Approach SN Computer Science VIT -
211 Jul'2023 SCOPE Varalakshmi M., Peer Mohideen P.U., Thilagavathi M., Lopez D. XDLX: A Memory-Efficient Solution for Backtracking Applications in Big Data Environment using XOR-based Dancing Links International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication National -
212 Aug'2023 SCOPE Krishnamoorthy S., Paulraj S., Selvaraj N.P., Ragupathy B., Arumugam S. A novel approach for neural networks based diagnosis and grading of stroke in tumor-affected brain MRIs Network: Computation in Neural Systems National 7.8
213 Aug'2023 SCOPE Asha P., Kalaavathi B., Shantha Kumari K., Malarvizhi K., Kishore Kumar A., Sobitha Ahila S. Energy-efficient and sustainable communication in optical networks for eliminating path reservation criteria and providing guaranteed packet transmissionbetween nodes Neural Computing and Applications National 6
214 Aug'2023 SCOPE Masood J.A.I.S., Chakravarthy N.S.K., Abd-Elkader O.H., Ahamed A., Mohaideen A.M.K., Sugumaran V. A microbiological identification and recovery actions of critical symptoms of anammox image bacteria Preventive Medicine International 5.1
215 Aug'2023 SCOPE Adhikari M., Hazra A., Nandy S. Deep Transfer Learning for Communicable Disease Detection and Recommendation in Edge Networks IEEE/ACMTransactions onComputational Biology and Bioinformatics National 4.5
216 Aug'2023 SCOPE Kumar M.K., Amalanathan A. Optimized convolutional neural network for automatic lung nodule detection with a new active contour segmentation Soft Computing VIT 4.1
217 Aug'2023 SCOPE Gyasi E.K., Purushotham S. Soil-MobiNet: A Convolutional Neural Network Model Base Soil Classification to Determine Soil Morphology and ItsGeospatial Location Sensors VIT 3.9
218 Aug'2023 SCOPE Bonthu B., Mohan S. Combining Wi-Fi Fingerprinting and Pedestrian Dead Reckoning to MitigateExternal Factors for a Sustainable Indoor Positioning System Sustainability (Switzerland) VIT 3.9
219 Aug'2023 SCOPE Appe S.N., Arulselvi G., Balaji G.N. CAM-YOLO: tomato detection and classification based on improved YOLOv5using combining attention mechanism PeerJ Computer Science National 3.8
220 Aug'2023 SCOPE Kumar Tataji K.N., Kartheek M.N., Prasad M.V.N.K. CC-CNN: A cross connected convolutional neural network using feature level fusion for facial expression recognition Multimedia Tools and Applications National 3.6
221 Aug'2023 SCOPE Sivapriya G., Manjula Devi R., Keerthika P. Computer-aided diagnostic model for retinal vascular diseases using graph-based attention mechanism Journal of Supercomputing National 3.3
222 Aug'2023 SCOPE Kumar V.S., Jaganathan M., Viswanathan A.,Umamaheswari M., Vignesh J. Rice leaf disease detection based on bidirectional feature attention pyramidnetwork with YOLO v5 model Environmental ResearchCommunications National 2.9
223 Aug'2023 SCOPE Sumathi M., Raja S.P. Machine learning algorithm-based spam detection in social networks Social Network Analysis and Mining National 2.8
224 Aug'2023 SCOPE Mohbey K.K., Meena G., Kumar S., Lokesh K. A CNN-LSTM-Based Hybrid Deep Learning Approach for Sentiment Analysis on Monkeypox Tweets New Generation Computing National 2.6
225 Aug'2023 SCOPE Lavanya K., Gondchar A., Mathew I.M., Sarda S., Ananda Kumar S., Mahendran A., Perera D.G. Land Cover Classification Using Landsat 7 Data for Land Sustainability Wireless Personal Communications International 2.2
226 Aug'2023 SCOPE Liu F., Liu H., Kannadasan R., Jiang Q. A biometric-based implicit authenticationprotocol with privacy protection for ubiquitous communication environments International Journalof Communication Systems International 2.1
227 Aug'2023 SCOPE Kalaivani K., Kshirsagarr P.R., Sirisha Devi J., Bandela S.R., Colak I., Nageswara Rao J., RajaramA. Prediction of biomedical signals using deep learning techniques Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems International 2
228 Aug'2023 SCOPE Noora V.T., Jinny S.V. Software Defined Networking Controller (SDNC): a robust security architecture for SDN-based 5G networks Automatika National 1.9
229 Aug'2023 SCOPE Shanmugasundaram S., Palaniappan N. Improvement of Bounding Box and Instance Segmentation Accuracy Using ResNet-152FPN with Modulated Deformable ConvNets v2 Backbone-based Mask Scoring R-CNN International Journal of Image and Graphics VIT 1.6
230 Aug'2023 SCOPE Ramamoorthy H., Ramasundaram M., Raja S.P., Randive K. An Efficient Classification of Multiclass Brain Tumor Image Using Hybrid Artificial Intelligence with Honey Bee Optimization andProbabilistic U-RSNet International Journal of Image and Graphics National 1.6
231 Aug'2023 SCOPE Venkata Phanikrishna B., Jaya Prakash A., Suchismitha C. Deep Review of Machine Learning Techniques on Detection of Drowsiness Using EEG Signal IETE Journal of Research National 1.5
232 Aug'2023 SCOPE Tamizharasan A., Ramanath Kini M.G., Suresh Kumar B., Manjunath R., Shafi S., TaquiS.N., Ganeshan P., Ouladsmane M., Aftab S. Smart Performance Evolution of a Solar Water Heating System with PCM by Using Deep Learning Approach Electric Power Components and Systems International 1.5
233 Aug'2023 SCOPE Nedunchezhian P., Karunanithy K., Bhuvaneswari M., Mahalingam M., Rashid T.A. Hazardous Influential Node Identification in Online Social Networks IETE Journal of Research International 1.5
234 Aug'2023 SCOPE Karthikeyan B., Mohanasundaram R., SureshP., Jagan Babu J. Deep learning and machine learning based air pollution prediction model for smartenvironment design planning Global Nest Journal National 1.1
235 Aug'2023 SCOPE Karuppasamy R., Velusamy G., Raj R.S.P. A Novel Approach of Dynamic Vision Reconstruction from fMRI Profiles Using Siamese Conditional Generative AdversarialNetwork Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology National 1
236 Aug'2023 SCOPE Ramadevi P., Ayyasamy S.,Suryaprakash Y., Anilkumar C., Vijayakumar S., Sudha R. Security for wireless sensor networks using cryptography Measurement: Sensors National -
237 Aug'2023 SCOPE Arulkumar V., Vinod D., Devipriya A., Selvi C.G.,Surendran S., Arif M. Monitoring and Recognition of Heart Health using Heartbeat Classification with DeepLearning and IoT Journal of Machine and Computing National -
238 Aug'2023 SCOPE Rajarajeswari P., Kumari P.L.S., Lakshmi A.S., Mugunthan S.R., Kumar P.R., Ananthula P.R. Simulation based Predictive analysis of Indian Airport transportation system using Computational intelligence techniques Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management National -
239 Aug'2023 SCOPE Babu S.A., Murali S., Vijayan E., Anand M., Ramanathan L. Blindness detection in diabetic retinopathy using Bayesian variant-based connected component algorithm in Keras and TensorFlow Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics National -
240 Aug'2023 SCOPE Tiwari M.G.D., Kumar K.A. Decentralization System Using Smart Blockchain with Secure Hash SN Computer Science VIT -
241 Aug'2023 SCOPE Jaiswal S., Balasubramanian C.M. An advanced deep learning model formaneuver prediction in real-time systems using alarming-based hunting optimization International Journalof Advances in Intelligent Informatics VIT -
242 Sep'2023 SCOPE Balasubramaniam S., Joe C.V., Sivakumar T.A., Prasanth A., Optimization Enabled Deep Learning-Based DDoS Attack Detection in Cloud Computing International Journal of Intelligent Systems National 7
243 Sep'2023 SCOPE Meng Q., Yan Z., Abbas J., Shankar A., Subramanian M. Human?Computer Interaction and Digital Literacy Promote Educational Learning in Pre-school Children: Mediating Role of Psychological Resilience for Kids? Mental Well-Being and School Readiness International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction International 4.7
244 Sep'2023 SCOPE Gopikrishnan S., Priakanth P., Srivastava G., Joe C.V. SCHEISB: Design of a high efficiency IoMT security model based on sharded chains using bio-inspired optimizations Computers and Electrical Engineering International 4.3
245 Sep'2023 SCOPE Athira K., Sunil Kumar P.V., Manju M., Gopakumar G. Detection of Stage-wise Biomarkers in Lung Adenocarcinoma Using Multiplex Analysis Current Bioinformatics National 4
246 Sep'2023 SCOPE Subramaniam E.V.D., Srinivasan K., Qaisar S.M., P?awiak P. Interoperable IoMT Approach for Remote Diagnosis with Privacy-Preservation Perspective in Edge Systems Sensors International 3.9
247 Sep'2023 SCOPE Chaki J. An automatic system for extracting figure- caption pair from medical documents: a six-fold approach PeerJ Computer Science VIT 3.8
248 Sep'2023 SCOPE Jafar Ali Ibrahim S., Chandrasekar B., Rajasekar S., Kalyan Chakravarthi N.S., Karunakaran M., Braim M., Alodhayb A.N. Spin-resonant tunneling in ferromagnetic conductor/ semiconductor heterostructure for spin-filter application Journal of King Saud University - Science International 3.8
249 Sep'2023 SCOPE Saravanan V., Madiajagan M., Rafee S.M., Sanju P., Rehman T.B., Pattanaik B. IoT-based blockchain intrusion detection using optimized recurrent neural network Multimedia Tools and Applications International 3.6
250 Sep'2023 SCOPE Tripathi S., Mishra R.B., Bihari A., Agrawal S., Joshi P. A computational model of current control mechanism for long-term potentiation (LTP) in human episodic memory based on gene?gene interaction European Journal of Neuroscience National 3.4
251 Sep'2023 SCOPE Ahila A., Prema V., Ayyasamy S., Sivasubramanian M. An enhanced deep learning model for high- speed classification of plant diseases with bioinspired algorithm Journal of Supercomputing National 3.3
252 Sep'2023 SCOPE Turki T., Roy S.S., Taguchi Y.- H. Optimized Tensor Decomposition and Principal Component Analysis Outperforming State-of-the-Art Methods When Analyzing Histone Modification Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Profiles Algorithms International 2.3
253 Sep'2023 SCOPE Srinivasan S., Rajakumar K. Dimensionality Reduction Using Optimized Self-Organized Map Technique for Hyperspectral Image Classification Computer Systems Science and Engineering VIT 2.2
254 Sep'2023 SCOPE Sameera K., Swarnalatha P. Optimization with Deep Learning Classifier- Based Foliar Disease Classification in Apple Trees Using IoT Network International Journal of Image and Graphics VIT 1.6
255 Sep'2023 SCOPE Gundla S.C., Karthik M.P., Reddy M.J.K., Gourav, Pankaj A., Stamenkovic Z., Raja S.P. A Feature Extraction Approach for the Detection of Phishing Websites Using Machine Learning Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers International 1.5
256 Sep'2023 SCOPE Rani S.A., Akila C., Raja S.P. Guided Intelligent Hyper-Heuristic Algorithm for Critical Software Application Testing Satisfying Multiple Coverage Criteria Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers National 1.5
257 Sep'2023 SCOPE Karthikeyini S., Vidhya G., Vetriselvi T., Deepa K. Heart Disease Prognosis Using D-GRU with Logistic Chaos Honey Badger Optimization in IoMT Framework Information Technology and Control National 1.1
258 Sep'2023 SCOPE Joseph S.S., Aju D. Three dimensional reconstruction of brain tumours from 2D MRI scans: Optimised curve fitting process International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology VIT 1.1
259 Sep'2023 SCOPE Venkatesh K., Pasupathy S., Raja S.P. A Learning Model for Acute Myeloid Leukemia Prediction Using Dense Polynomial Dimensionality-Based Predictor Fusion: Practice and Applications National -
260 Sep'2023 SCOPE Palani S., Rameshbabu K. An Efficient Water Marking and Intrusion Detection System Framework for Insider Attack Detection in Cloud Based E- Healthcare Data Management International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering National -
261 Sep'2023 SCOPE Parthiban K., Rao Y.V., Harika B., Kumar R., Shaik A., Shankar S.S. Diagnose crop disease using Krill Herd optimization and convolutional neural scheme International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore) National -
262 Sep'2023 SCOPE Anupriya A., Thangavelu A. Early Lung Cancer Prediction approach based on Gene Disorder using Improved GA and Decision Tree approach Open Biomedical Engineering Journal National -
263 Sep'2023 SCOPE Lakshmi T.K., Dheeba J. Predictive Analysis of Periodontal Disease Progression Using Machine Learning: Enhancing Oral Health Assessment and Treatment Planning International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering VIT -
264 Sep'2023 SCOPE Subramanian M., Easwaramoorthy Sathiskumar V., Deepalakshmi G., Cho J., Manikandan G. A survey on hate speech detection and sentiment analysis using machine learning and deep learning models Alexandria Engineering Journal International 6.8
265 Sep'2023 SCOPE Seethalakshmi Y.M.M., Andavar S., Raj R.S.P. A Survey on Feature Extraction Techniques, Classification Methods and Applications of Sentiment Analysis Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology National 1
266 Oct'2023 SCOPE Sharma M., Kandasamy I., Vasantha W.B. Emotion quantification and classification using the neutrosophic approach to deep learning Applied Soft Computing International 8.7
267 Oct'2023 SCOPE Prakash M., Neelakandan S., Tamilselvi M., Velmurugan S., Baghavathi Priya S., Ofori Martinson E. Deep Learning-Based Wildfire Image Detection and Classification Systems for Controlling Biomass International Journal of Intelligent Systems International 7
268 Oct'2023 SCOPE Revanesh M., Mary S.A.S.A., Gnaneswari G., Jones G.M., Kanimozhi K.V., Kamalam G.K. Deep learning-based algorithm for optimum cluster head selection in sustainable wireless communication system Neural Computing and Applications National 6
269 Oct'2023 SCOPE Menaka S.R., Prakash M., Neelakandan S., Radhakrishnan A. A novel WGF-LN based edge driven intelligence for wearable devices in human activity recognition Scientific Reports International 4.6
270 Oct'2023 SCOPE Dixit C., Satapathy S.M. A customizable framework for multimodal emotion recognition using ensemble of deep neural network models Multimedia Systems National 3.9
271 Oct'2023 SCOPE Prakash M., Neelakandan S., Kim B.-H. Reinforcement Learning-Based Multidimensional Perception and Energy Awareness Optimized Link State Routing for Flying Ad-Hoc Networks Mobile Networks and Applications International 3.8
272 Oct'2023 SCOPE Gayatri E., Aarthy S.L. Classification of skin cancer using deep batch-normalized elu alexnet with fractional sparrow ladybug optimization Multimedia Tools and Applications VIT 3.6
273 Oct'2023 SCOPE Patruni M.R., Humayun A.G. PPAM-mIoMT: a privacy-preserving authentication with device verification for securing healthcare systems in 5G networks International Journal of Information Security VIT 3.2
274 Oct'2023 SCOPE Patro K.K., Allam J.P., Sanapala U., Marpu C.K., Samee N.A., Alabdulhafith M., Plawiak P. An effective correlation-based data modeling framework for automatic diabetes prediction using machine and deep learning techniques BMC Bioinformatics International 3
275 Oct'2023 SCOPE Selvaraj R., Amali D G.B. Accurate classification of land use and land cover using a boundary-specific two-level learning approach augmented with auxiliary features in Google Earth Engine Environmental Monitoring and Assessment VIT 3
276 Oct'2023 SCOPE Syed S.R., Saleem Durai M.A. A diagnosis model for detection and classification of diabetic retinopathy using deep learning Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics VIT 2.3
277 Oct'2023 SCOPE Sundarakumar M.R., Sharma R., Fathima S.K., Gokul Rajan V., Dhayanithi J., Marimuthu M., Mohanraj G., Sharma A., Johny Renoald A. Improving Data Processing Speed on Large Datasets in a Hadoop Multi-node Cluster using Enhanced Apriori Algorithm Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems National 2
278 Oct'2023 SCOPE Kandukuri U.R., Prakash A.J., Patro K.K., Neelapu B.C., Tadeusiewicz R., P?awiak P. Constant Q-Transform-Based Deep Learning Architecture for Detection of Obstructive Sleep Apnea International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science International 1.9
279 Oct'2023 SCOPE Babu P.A., Rai A.K., Ramesh J.V.N., Nithyasri A., Sangeetha S., Kshirsagar P.R., Rajendran A., Rajaram A., Dilipkumar S. An Explainable Deep Learning Approach for Oral Cancer Detection Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology National 1.9
280 Oct'2023 SCOPE Sumathi M., Raja S.P., Vijayaraj N., Rajkamal M. Healthcare Data Collection Using Internet of Things and Blockchain Based Decentralized Data Storage Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal National 1.4
281 Oct'2023 SCOPE Idhaya T., Suruliandi A., Raja S.P. Stacked framework of machine learning classifiers for protein family prediction using protein characteristics Current Science National 1
282 Oct'2023 SCOPE Zhang J., Zhou J., Huang M., Raj R.S.P. Segmentation for Athlete's Ankle Injury Image Using Residual Double Attention U- Net Model Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology International 1
283 Oct'2023 SCOPE Nair S.S., Subaji M. A Novel Feature Fusion for the Classification of Histopathological Carcinoma Images International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications VIT 0.9
284 Oct'2023 SCOPE Rajendran J.G., Alagarsamy M., Seva V., Dinesh P.M., Rajangam B., Suriyan K. IoT based tracking cattle healthmonitoring system using wireless sensors Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics National -
285 Oct'2023 SCOPE Prakaash A.S., Kalaivani K., Rajheshwari K.C., Dhanalakshmi P., Mohanaprakash T.A. Revolutionizing Rain Prediction: Deep Learning-Powered TensorFlow Solution for Meteorology and Emergency Management International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering National -
286 Oct'2023 SCOPE Yaswanth R., Babu M.R., Vineetha B., Shakeer S.M., Potti V. Smart Cities: An In-Depth Study of AI Algorithms and Advanced Connectivity International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication VIT -
287 Oct'2023 SCOPE Uma Prathyusha B.V.S., Ramesh Babu K. EABRT-TOPSIS: An Enhanced AODV Routing Protocol with TOPSISbased Backup Routing Table for Energy-Efficient Communication in CA-MANET International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering VIT -
288 Oct'2023 SCOPE Ali M.S.M., Kumaran N., Balaji G.N. Hybrid Elephant Herding Optimization and Flamingo Search Algorithm for Effective load Balancing in Cloud Computing International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering National -
289 Oct'2023 SCOPE Majjaru C., Senthilkumar K. Strengthening IoT Intrusion Detection through the HOPNET Model Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications VIT -
290 Oct'2023 SCOPE Hemanand D., Mohankumar P., Kumar N.M., Vaitheki S., Saranya P. An Intelligent Prairie Dog Optimization (IPDO) and Deep Auto-Neural Network (DANN) based IDS for WSN Security Iraqi Journal for Computer Science and Mathematics National -
291 Oct'2023 SCOPE Balamurugan R., Nahar P., Agarwal S., Raja S.P. Triclustering of gene expression microarray data using a hybrid bio-inspired approach International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design VIT -
292 Oct'2023 SCOPE Palani S., Babu K.R. EARA-PSOCAE: an energy aware resource allocation and particle swarm optimisation based cryptographic algorithm in e- healthcare cloud environment International Journal of Cloud Computing VIT -
293 Oct'2023 SCOPE Prabhu T.N., Mohankumar B., Ranjeethkumar C. REDUCED FRAGMENTATION ATTACK DETECTION IN ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING USING SENSOR NETWORKS Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology National -
294 Oct'2023 SCOPE Abimannan S., El-Alfy E.- S.M., Hussain S., Chang Y.-S., Shukla S., Satheesh D., Breslin J.G. Towards Federated Learning and Multi- Access Edge Computing for Air Quality Monitoring: Literature Review and Assessment Sustainability (Switzerland) International 3.9
295 Oct'2023 SCOPE Abimannan S., El-Alfy E.- S.M., Chang Y.-S., Hussain S., Shukla S., Satheesh D. Ensemble Multifeatured Deep Learning Models and Applications: A Survey IEEE Access International 3.9
296 Oct'2023 SCOPE Narasimhan G., Victor A. Analysis of computational intelligence approaches for predicting disease severity in humans: Challenges and research guidelines Journal of Education and Health Promotion VIT 1.4
297 Oct'2023 SCOPE Dinesh P., Lakshmanan R. Symptoms Based Image Predictive Analysis for Citrus Orchards Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Review International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication VIT -
298 Nov'2023 SCOPE Syed S.R., M. A S.D. A diagnosis model for brain atrophy using deep learning and MRI of type 2 diabetes mellitus Frontiers in Neuroscience VIT 4.3
299 Nov'2023 SCOPE Dhariwal N., Hariprasad R., Mohana Sundari L. An Artificial Intelligence Based Approach Towards Predicting Mortality In Head And Neck Cancer Patients With Relation To Smoking And Clinical Data IEEE Access VIT 3.9
300 Nov'2023 SCOPE Dhariwal N., Akunuri S.C., Shivama, Sharmila Banu K. Audio and Text Sentiment Analysis of Radio Broadcasts IEEE Access VIT 3.9
301 Nov'2023 SCOPE Sivaprakash S., Anbazhagu U.V., Perumal I., Vinoth Kumar V., Mahesh T.R., Guluwadi S. Analysis and Attack Detection in GSM Mobile Network With an Intelligent Jammer Using ANFIS Classifier IEEE Access International 3.9
302 Nov'2023 SCOPE Rajasekar S., Ali Ibrahim Syed Masood J., Kalyan Chakravarthi N.S., Shunmuga Sundaram P., Karunakaran M., Jayaswal G., Bruno Chandrasekar L., Alodhayb A.N., Kyzas G.Z. Synthesis and characterization of cobalt- strontium co-doped zinc oxide nanoparticles by chemical precipitation Inorganic Chemistry Communications International 3.8
303 Nov'2023 SCOPE Shankar A., Perumal P., Subramanian M., Ramu N., Natesan D., Kulkarni V.R., Stephan T. An intelligent recommendation system in e-commerce using ensemble learning Multimedia Tools and Applications International 3.6
304 Nov'2023 SCOPE Ramamoorthy H., Ramasundaram M., Raj R.S.P., Randive K. TransAttU-Net Deep Neural Network for Brain Tumor Segmentation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering National 2
305 Nov'2023 SCOPE Mathew A., Sarwesh P., Khandelwal S., Raja Shekar P., Omeiza Alao J., Abdo H.G., Almohamad H., Abdullah Al Dughairi A. Thermal dynamics of Jaipur: Analyzing urban heat island effects using in-situ and remotely sensed data Cogent Engineering International 1.9
306 Nov'2023 SCOPE Shrivastava R., Chauhan P.S. Spiking neural network-based computational modeling of episodic memory Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering National 1.6
307 Nov'2023 SCOPE Mohinder Singh B., Jaisankar N. Efficient and Secure Sound-Based Hybrid Authentication Factor with High Usability KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems VIT 1.5
308 Nov'2023 SCOPE Poongavanam E., Kasinathan P., Kandasamy K., Raja S.P. Energy Forecasting Information System of Optimal Electricity Generation using Fuzzy- based RERNN with GPC KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems National 1.5
309 Nov'2023 SCOPE Selvaraj R., Amali D.G.B. Assessment of object-based classification for mapping land use and land cover using google earth Global Nest Journal VIT 1.1
310 Nov'2023 SCOPE Lavanya K., Tiwari S., Anand R., Hemanth J. YOLO and LSH-based video stream analytics landscape for short-term traffic density surveillance at road networks Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences National 1.1
311 Nov'2023 SCOPE Ramamoorthy H., Ramasundaram M., Raj R.S.P., Randive K. Equilibrium Optimization Algorithm with Deep Learning Based Brain Tumor Segmentation and Classification on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology National 1
312 Nov'2023 SCOPE Sanjay V., Swarnalatha P. An Overview of Deep Learning Approaches for Alzheimer?s Disease Classification: A Review Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology VIT -
313 Nov'2023 SCOPE Sanjay V., Swarnalatha P. A Concatenated Deep Feature Extraction Architecture For Multi-Class Alzheimer Disease Prediction Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and VIT -
314 Nov'2023 SCOPE Soundrapandiyan R., Manickam A., Akhloufi M., Murthy Y.V.S., Sundaram R.D.M., Thirugnanasambandam S. An Efficient COVID-19 Mortality Risk Prediction Model Using Deep Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique and Convolution Neural Networks BioMedInformatics International -
315 Nov'2023 SCOPE Joe C.V., Byeon H., Singh A.K., Kumar C.R., Bunglowala A., Tonk A. Optimized Reversible Logic Multiplexer Designs for Energy-Efficient Nanoscale Computing Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics International -
316 Nov'2023 SCOPE Reddy B.R., Kumar R.L. An E-Commerce Based Personalized Health Product Recommendation System Using CNN-Bi-LSTM Model International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems VIT -
317 Nov'2023 SCOPE Raymond R., Anouncia S.M. Retrieval of Interactive Requirements of Data Intensive Applications using Random Forest Classifier Informatica (Slovenia) VIT -
318 Nov'2023 SCOPE Usharani S., Subbaraj R., Muralidhar A., Rajakumaran G., Depuru S.K., Nandam S. Improvised Schinder Model for Anaesthesia Drug Delivery in Obese Patients with Optimized Infusion Rate and Patient Safety International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology National -
319 Nov'2023 SCOPE Ingale A.K., Leema A.A. An Efficient Automatic Image-to-Image Transformation using a Deep Learning Model International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology VIT -
320 Dec'2023 SCOPE Subramanian D.; Subramaniam S.; Natarajan K.; Thangavel K. Flamingo Jelly Fish search optimization- based routing with deep-learning enabled energy prediction in WSN data communication Network: Computation in Neural Systems National 7.8
321 Dec'2023 SCOPE Patro K.K.; Prakash A.J.; Sahoo J.P.; Routray S.; Baihan A.; Samee N.A.; Huang G. SMARTSeiz: Deep Learning with Attention Mechanism for Accurate Seizure Recognition in IoT Healthcare Devices IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics International 7.7
322 Dec'2023 SCOPE Chellatamilan T.; Narayanasamy S.K.; Garg L.; Srinivasan K.; Islam S.M.N. Ensemble Text Summarization Model for COVID-19-Associated Datasets International Journal of Intelligent Systems International 7
323 Dec'2023 SCOPE Ramasamy M.D.; Periasamy K.; Periasamy S.; Muthusamy S.; Ramamoorthi P.; Thangavel G.; Sekaran S.; Sadasivuni K.K.; Geetha M. A novel Adaptive Neural Network-Based Laplacian of Gaussian (AnLoG) classification algorithm for detecting diabetic retinopathy with colour retinal fundus images Neural Computing and Applications International 6
324 Dec'2023 SCOPE Rao P.M.; Deebak B.D. Lightweight two-factor authentication framework with privacy preserving for smart eHealth Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications VIT 4.2
325 Dec'2023 SCOPE Chaki J.; Wozniak M. Brain Tumor Categorization and Retrieval Using Deep Brain Incep Res Architecture Based Reinforcement Learning Network IEEE Access International 3.9
326 Dec'2023 SCOPE Atha Z.; Chaki J. SSBTCNet: Semi-Supervised Brain Tumor Classification Network IEEE Access VIT 3.9
327 Dec'2023 SCOPE Hiremath S.; Shetty E.; Prakash A.J.; Sahoo S.P.; Patro K.K.; Rajesh K.N.V.P.S.; P?awiak P. A New Approach to Data Analysis Using Machine Learning for Cybersecurity Big Data and Cognitive Computing International 3.7
328 Dec'2023 SCOPE Mariammal G., Suruliandi A., Raja S.P., Poongothai E. An Empirical Evaluation of Machine Learning Techniques for Crop Prediction International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence National 3.6
329 Dec'2023 SCOPE Uma Maheswari J.; Somasundaram S.K.; Sivakumar P. Hybrid optimization enabled secure privacy preserved data sharing based on blockchain Wireless Networks VIT 3
330 Dec'2023 SCOPE Karthikeyan D.; Baskaran P.; Somasundaram S.K.; Sathya K.; Srithar S. Smart COVIDNet: designing an IoT-based COVID-19 disease prediction framework using attentive and adaptive-derived ensemble deep learning Knowledge and Information Systems National 2.7
331 Dec'2023 SCOPE Manikandan G.; Sam R.S.; Gilbert S.F.; Srikanth K. Event-Based Social Networking System With Recommendation Engine International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies National 2.3
332 Dec'2023 SCOPE Iyappan P.; Jamuna P. Hybrid Simulated Annealing and Spotted Hyena Optimization Algorithm-Based Resource Management and Scheduling in Cloud Environment Wireless Personal Communications National 2.2
333 Dec'2023 SCOPE Vaishnavi D.; Balaji G.N. Modeling of intelligent hyperparameter tuned deep learning based copy move image forgery detection technique Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems National 2
334 Dec'2023 SCOPE Nandhini R.S.; Lakshmanan R. A novel ensemble learning approach for fault detection of sensor data in cyber- physical system Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems VIT 2
335 Dec'2023 SCOPE Kanshi A.; Soundrapandiyan R.; Anita Sofia V.S.; Rajasekar V.R. Hybridized Cryptographic Encryption and Decryption Using Advanced Encryption Standard and Data Encryption Standard Cybernetics and Information Technologies International 1.2
336 Dec'2023 SCOPE Vandhana S.; Anuradha J. Spatial and Temporal Variations on Air Quality Prediction Using Deep Learning Techniques Cybernetics and Information Technologies VIT 1.2
337 Dec'2023 SCOPE Chowdary M.K.; Priya E.A.; Danciulescu D.; Anitha J.; Hemanth D.J. Hybrid deep learning models based emotion recognition with speech signals Intelligent Decision Technologies International 1
338 Dec'2023 SCOPE Jiang T.; Feng F.; Cao Y.; Yang H.; Raj R.S.P. Image Segmentation Method for Athlete Knee Joint Injury Using Transformer Model by MIoT Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology International 1
339 Dec'2023 SCOPE Karthick M.; Chandru Vignesh C.; Alfred Daniel J.; Sivaparthipan C.B. An Efficient Multi-mobile Agent Based Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on HSSO Route Planning Ad-Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks National 0.9
340 Dec'2023 SCOPE Sridevi S.; Karpagam G.R.; Kumar B.V. Knowledge-based genetic algorithm approach to optimise gated recurrent unit for semantic web service classification International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications National -
341 Dec'2023 SCOPE Exceline C.E.; Nagarajan S. The Security of Blockchain-based Electronic Health Record: A Systematic Review International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security VIT -
342 Dec'2023 SCOPE Bhagwatrao G.R.; Lakshmanan R. Automated Patient Activity Identification in Cyber-physical Systems Using A Unique Deep Learning Approach and Multi-objective Optimization International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control VIT -
343 Dec'2023 SCOPE Basha N.K.; Surendiran B.; Benzikar A.; Joyal S. Hybrid approach for the detection of epileptic seizure using electroencephalography input International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore) National -
344 Dec'2023 SCOPE Ganesh S.; Chithambaram T.; Krishnan N.R.; Vincent D.R.; Kaliappan J.; Srinivasan K. Exploring Huntington?s Disease Diagnosis via Artificial Intelligence Models: A Comprehensive Review Diagnostics VIT 3.6
345 Dec'2023 SCOPE Nithya N.S.; Idrisi M.J. Enhancements in Circle Rendering: An Improved Approach to the Midpoint Circle Drawing Algorithm International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing International 1.7
346 Dec'2023 SCOPE Raji N.R.; Kumar R.M.S.; Biji C.L. Closing the gap: exploring the untapped potential of machine learning in deaf students and hearing students? academic performance International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration National -
347 Dec'2023 SCOPE Sheik S.A., Muniyandi A.P. Secure authentication schemes in cloud computing with glimpse of artificial neural networks: A review Cyber Security and Applications VIT -
348 Dec'2023 SCOPE Babu Vimala B.; Srinivasan S.; Mathivanan S.K.; Mahalakshmi; Jayagopal P.; Dalu G.T. Detection and classification of brain tumor using hybrid deep learning models Scientific Reports International 4.6
349 Dec'2023 SCOPE Idhaya T.; Suruliandi A.; Raja S.P. Drug-Protein Interactions Prediction Models Using Feature Selection and Classification Techniques Current Drug Metabolism National 2.3
350 Dec'2023 SCOPE Ranjith E.; Parthiban L.; Latchoumi T.P.; Kumar S.A.; Perera D.G.; Ramaswamy S. An Effective Content Based Image Retrieval System Using Deep Learning Based Inception Model Wireless Personal Communications International 2.2
351 Dec'2023 SCOPE Venkatesh S.G.; Raja Balachandar S.; Jafari H.; Raja S.P. Error analysis for a spectral element method for solving two-parameter singularly perturbed diffusion equation International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing International 1.4
352 Dec'2023 SCOPE Gaffar H.A.; Krishna P.V. Cooperative retransmission-based MAC method for underwater sensor networks International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms National -
353 Dec'2023 SCOPE John S.A.; Palaniappan S.; Venkatachalam I.; Ginnela G. Exploring the Associations between Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetic Retinopathy: Prevention and Management by focus on Machine Learning Technique; [Explorando las Asociaciones entre Diabetes Mellitus y Retinopatía Diabética: Prevención y gestión mediante técnicas de aprendizaje automático] Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia National -


S. No. Month School/ Centre Author (s) Title Journal TR Impact Factor
1. Jan'2022 SCOPE Liu H., Liu T., Zhang Z., Sangaiah A.K., Yang B., Li Y.F. ARHPE: Asymmetric Relation-aware Representation Learning for Head Pose Estimation in Industrial Human- machine Interaction IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 10.215
2. Jan'2022 SCOPE Jain K., Jain N., Tripathy S.C., Dikpati M. What Seismic Minimum Reveals about Solar Magnetism below the Surface Astrophysical Journal Letters 7.413
3. Jan'2022 SCOPE Deebak B.D., Memon F.H., Dev K., Khowaja S.A., Qureshi N.M.F. AI-enabled privacy-preservation phrase with multi-keyword ranked searching for sustainable edge-cloud networks in the era of industrial IoT Ad Hoc Networks 4.111
4. Jan'2022 SCOPE Gopalakrishnan T., Sudhakaran P., Ramya K.C., Sathesh Kumar K., Al-Wesabi F.N., Alohali M.A., Hilal A.M. An automated deep learning based muscular dystrophy detection and classificationmodel Computers, Materials and Continua 3.772
5. Jan'2022 SCOPE Singh V., Asari V.K., Rajasekaran R. A Deep Neural Network for Early Detection and Prediction of Chronic Kidney Disease Diagnostics 3.706
6. Jan'2022 SCOPE Deebak B.D., AL- Turjman F. A robust and distributed architecture for 5G-enabled networks in the smart blockchain era Computer Communications 3.167
7. Jan'2022 SCOPE Acharjya D.P., Ahmed P.K. A hybridized rough set and bat- inspired algorithm for knowledge inferencing in the diagnosis of chronic liver disease Multimedia Tools and Applications 2.757
8. Jan'2022 SCOPE Shariq M., Singh K., Maurya P.K., Ahmadian A., Taniar D. AnonSURP: an anonymous and secure ultralightweight RFID protocol for deployment in internet of vehicles systems Journal of Supercomputing 2.474
9. Jan'2022 SCOPE Anakath A.S., Kannadasan R., Joseph N.P., Boominathan P., Sreekanth G.R. Insider attack detection using deep belief neural network in cloud computing Computer Systems Science and Engineering 1.486
10. Jan'2022 SCOPE Jha V.V., Jajoo K.S., Tripathy B.K., Saleem Durai M.A. An improved monarch butterfly optimization based multivariate fuzzy time series approach for forecasting GDP of India Evolutionary Intelligence -
11. Jan'2022 SCOPE Mounica B., Lavanya K. Real Time Traffic Prediction Based On Social Media Text Data Using Deep Learning Journal of Mobile Multimedia -
12. Jan'2022 SCOPE Yeturu J., Elango P., Raja S.P., Nagendra Kumar P. A Novel Ensemble Stacking Classification of Genetic Variations Using Machine Learning Algorithms International Journal of Image and Graphics -
13. Jan'2022 SCOPE Aju D., Joseph S.S. 3D reconstruction methods purporting 3D visualization and volume estimation of brain tumors International Journal of e- Collaboration -
14. Jan'2022 SCOPE Marietta J., Mohan C.B. DISSEMINATION of DATA in the EMERGENCY APPLICATION for the CLUSTER-BASED INTERNET of VEHICLES in NETWORK Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology -
15. Jan'2022 SCOPE Vardhan J.V., Vemula P.C., Srinivas G., Chowdary G., Kumar S.B. DIAGNOSIS of COVID-19 USING 3D CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORKS Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology -
16. Jan'2022 SCOPE Udayakrithika S.M., Mani K., Arunkumar G., Bhavadharani A., Deepadharshini S., Dharanipriya S., Dharshini U. Review on coffee ground fibre and its eco-friendly nature Asian Textile Journal -
17. Jan'2022 SCOPE Ajaypradeep N., Sasikala R. Child Behavioral Analysis: Machine Learning based Investigation for Autism Screening and Early Diagnosis International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education -
18. Feb'2022 SCOPE Rao P.M., Deebak B.D. Security and privacy issues in smart cities/industries: technologies, applications, and challenges Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 7.104
19. Feb'2022 SCOPE Zhang J., Feng W., Yuan T., Wang J., Sangaiah A.K. SCSTCF: Spatial-Channel Selection and Temporal Regularized Correlation Filters for visual tracking Applied Soft Computing 6.725
20. Feb'2022 SCOPE Reddy N.M., Ramesh G., Kasturi S.B., Sharmila D., Gopichand G., Robinson L.T. Secure data storage and retrieval system using hybridization of orthogonal knowledge swarm optimization and oblique cryptography algorithm in cloud Applied Nanoscience (Switzerland) 3.674
21. Feb'2022 SCOPE Kulkarni K., Chadha U., Yadav S., Tarun D.M., Thenmukilan K.G., Bhardwaj P., Singh S., Chakravorty A., Ahuja C., Latha S., Ray A.K., Badoni B., Rao N.S., Madan C., Banavoth M., Sonar P. Review - Latest Trends and Advancement in Porous Carbon for Biowaste Organization and Utilization ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 2.070
22. Feb'2022 SCOPE Krishnan K.S., Suhaila S., Raja S.P. A Novel Medical Image Encryption Using Rössler System Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing 1.647
23. Feb'2022 SCOPE Huizhong Z., Fanrong M., Gui W., Saraswathi E., Ruby D. Research on the Dynamic Monitoring System of Intelligent Digital Teaching Journal of Interconnection Networks -
24. Feb'2022 SCOPE Karnan B., Kuppusamy A., Latchoumi T.P., Banerjee A., Sinha A., Biswas A., Subramanian A.K. Multi-response Optimization of Turning Parameters for Cryogenically Treated and Tempered WC?Co Inserts Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D -
25. Feb'2022 SCOPE Hemalatha S., Das N.N., Ramasamy J., Madan S., Mahesh P.C.S. Automated service assistances to the visually impaired people using android application World Journal of Engineering -
26. Feb'2022 SCOPE Sudha K.A., Castro V.C., Muthulakshmi G., Parithi T.I., Raja S.P. A Chaotic Encryption System Based on DNA Coding Using a Deep Neural Network International Journal of Image and Graphics -
27. Feb'2022 SCOPE Prathyusha B.V.S.U., Babu K.R. A Node Monitoring Agent based Handover Mechanism for Effective Communication in Cloud-Assisted MANETs in 5G International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications -
28. Mar'2022 SCOPE Yang K., Shi Y., Yu Z., Yang Q., Sangaiah A.K., Zeng H. Stacked One-Class Broad Learning System for Intrusion Detection in Industry 4.0 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 10.215
29. Mar'2022 SCOPE Deebak B.D., Memon F.H., Dev K., Khowaja S.A., Wang W., Qureshi N.M.F. TAB-SAPP: A Trust-Aware Blockchain-Based Seamless Authentication for Massive IoT- Enabled Industrial Applications IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 10.215
30. Mar'2022 SCOPE Deebak B.D., Memon F.H., Khowaja S.A., Dev K., Wang W., Qureshi N.M.F., Su C. Lightweight Blockchain Based Remote Mutual Authentication for AI- Empowered IoT Sustainable Computing Systems IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9.471
31. Mar'2022 SCOPE Deebak B.D., Memon F.H., Cheng X., Dev K., Hu J., Khowaja S.A., Qureshi N.M.F., Choi K.H. Seamless privacy-preservation and authentication framework for IoT- enabled smart eHealth systems Sustainable Cities and Society 7.587
32. Mar'2022 SCOPE Kusuma S., Jothi K.R. ECG signals-based automated diagnosis of congestive heart failure using Deep CNN and LSTM architecture Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 4.314
33. Mar'2022 SCOPE Goyal B., Dogra A., Sangaiah A.K. An effective nonlocal means image denoising framework based on non- subsampled shearlet transform Soft Computing 3.643
34. Mar'2022 SCOPE Gupta C., Johri I., Srinivasan K., Hu Y.- C., Qaisar S.M., Huang K.-Y. A Systematic Review on Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models for Electronic Information Security in Mobile Networks Sensors 3.576
35. Mar'2022 SCOPE Mohan P.V., Dixit S., Gyaneshwar A., Chadha U., Srinivasan K., Seo J.T. Leveraging Computational Intelligence Techniques for Defensive Deception: A Review, Recent Advances, Open Problems and Future Directions Sensors 3.576
36. Mar'2022 SCOPE Raja S.P., Sawicka B., Stamenkovic Z., Mariammal G. Crop Prediction Based on Characteristics of the Agricultural Environment Using Various Feature Selection Techniques and Classifiers IEEE Access 3.367
37. Mar'2022 SCOPE K L., Karnick S., Ghalib M.R., Shankar A., Khapre S., Tayubi I.A. A novel method for vehicle detection in high-resolution aerial remote sensing images using YOLT approach Multimedia Tools and Applications 2.757
38. Mar'2022 SCOPE Radhakrishnan N., Muniyandi A.P. Dependable and Provable Secure Two-Factor Mutual Authentication Scheme Using ECC for IoT-Based Telecare Medical Information System Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2.682
39. Mar'2022 SCOPE Raja Guru R., Vimala Devi K., Marichamy P. Spectrum selection and decision using neural and fuzzy optimization approaches Wireless Networks 2.602
40. Mar'2022 SCOPE Elizebeth Zachariah U., Kuppusamy L. A novel approach on energy-efficient clustering protocol for wireless sensor networks International Journal of Communication Systems 2.047
41. Mar'2022 SCOPE Sai Lohitha N., Kumar P.M. An efficient framework for processing big data in internet of things enabled cloud environments International Journal of Communication 2.047
42. Mar'2022 SCOPE Viswanathan S., Bhuvaneswaran R.S., Ganapathy S., Kannan A. Euler Phi Function and Gamma Function Based Elliptic Curve Encryption for Secured Group Communication Wireless Personal Communications 1.671
43. Mar'2022 SCOPE Bhuvaneshwari P., Rao A.N. A comparative study on various pre- processing techniques and deep learning algorithms for text classification International Journal of Cloud Computing -
44. Mar'2022 SCOPE Prabakaran N., Sree Sai Kumar S., Kranthi Kiran P., Supriya P. A Deep Learning Based Social Distance Analyzer with Person Detection and Tracking Using Region Based Convolutional Neural Networks for Novel Coronavirus Journal of Mobile Multimedia -
45. Mar'2022 SCOPE Chotani A., Jain R., Naresh K., Anitha K., Goyal R. A microcontroller-based system for patient and elderly community assistance International Journal of Cloud Computing -
46. Mar'2022 SCOPE Prathik A., Anuradha J., Uma K. A novel filter for removing image noise and improving the quality of image International Journal of Cloud Computing -
47. Mar'2022 SCOPE Kannan N., Goyal R., Goel D., Anitha K. A study on automated toll collection: Towards the utilisation of RFID-based system International Journal of Cloud Computing -
48. Mar'2022 SCOPE Prathap R., Mohanasundaram R. An optimal selection of virtual machine for e-healthcare services in cloud data centres International Journal of Cloud Computing -
49. Mar'2022 SCOPE Deepa T.P., Nagaraja Rao A. Extraction and Separation of Overlapped Squamous Cell Cytoplasm with Disjoint Nuclei in Cervical Pap Smear Image Journal of Mobile Multimedia -
50. Mar'2022 SCOPE Paliwal M., Chilla R.R., Prasanth N.N., Goundar S., Raja S.P. Parallel implementation of solving linear equations using OpenMP International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore) -
51. Mar'2022 SCOPE Arya A., Perumal B., Krishnan S. Parallelized solution to the asymmetric travelling salesman problem using central processing unit acceleration Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -
52. Mar'2022 SCOPE Anakath A.S., Kannadasan R., Prabakaran N., Basha M.S.S. Tangles in IOTA to make crypto currency transactions free and secure International Journal of Cloud Computing -
53. April'2022 SCOPE Dwivedi A.K., Kaliyaperumal Subramanian U., Kuruvilla J., Thomas A., Shanthi D., Haldorai A. Time-series data prediction problem analysis through multilayered intuitionistic fuzzy sets Soft Computing 3.643
54. April'2022 SCOPE Karpagam M., Jeyavathana R.B., Chinnappan S.K., Kanimozhi K.V., Sambath M. A novel face recognition model for fighting against human trafficking in surveillance videos and rescuing victims Soft Computing 3.643
55. April'2022 SCOPE Chaki J. Two-fold brain tumor segmentation using fuzzy image enhancement and DeepBrainet2.0 Multimedia Tools and Applications 2.757
56. April'2022 SCOPE Nigam D., Patel S.N., Raj Vincent P.M.D., Srinivasan K., Arunmozhi S. Biometric Authentication for Intelligent and Privacy-Preserving Healthcare Systems Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2.682
57. April'2022 SCOPE Kumar A., Abhishek K., Nerurkar P., Ghalib M.R., Shankar A., Cheng X. Secure smart contracts for cloud- based manufacturing using Ethereum blockchain Transactions on Emerging Telecommunication s Technologies 2.638
58. April'2022 SCOPE Mounica B., Lavanya K. Feature selection with a deep learning based high-performance computing model for traffic flow analysis of Twitter data Journal of Supercomputing 2.474
59. April'2022 SCOPE Mittal P., Sharma A., Singh R., Sangaiah A.K. On the performance evaluation of object classification models in low altitude aerial data Journal of Supercomputing 2.474
60. April'2022 SCOPE Jyothsna V., Munivara Prasad K., GopiChand G., Durga Bhavani D. DLMHS: Flow-based intrusion detection system using deep learning neural network and meta-heuristic scale International Journal of Communication Systems 2.047
61. April'2022 SCOPE Joseph S.S., Dennisan A. An affinity propagated clustering aided computerized Inherent Seeded Region Growing and Deep learned Marching Cubes Algorithm (ISRG- DMCA) based three dimensional image reconstruction approach International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 2.000
62. April'2022 SCOPE Nayagam M.G., Ramar K., Venkatesh K., Raja S.P. Moving Object Detection and Tracking Algorithm Using Hybrid Decomposition Parallel Processing Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing 1.647
63. April'2022 SCOPE Sangaiah A.K., Javadpour A., Ja'fari F., Pinto P., Ahmadi H., Zhang W. CL-MLSP: The design of a detection mechanism for sinkhole attacks in smart cities Microprocessors and Microsystems 1.525
64. April'2022 SCOPE Reddy A.P., Vijayarajan V. Fusion Based AER System Using Deep Learning Approach for Amplitude and Frequency Analysis ACM Transactions on Asian and Low- Resource Language Information Processing 1.413
65. April'2022 SCOPE Ramesh S., Vijaya Bhaskar K., Karunanithi K., Ettappan M., Chandrasekar P., Raja S.P. An Improved Multi Objective Mayfly Algorithm for Solving Optimal Power Flow Problem Considering Different Loading Conditions Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 1.333
66. April'2022 SCOPE Venkata Subbaiah C., Govinda K. A Bio inspired optimization with Reliable QoS Routing through Efficient Packet Transmission in Mobile ad-hoc Network Renewable Energy Focus -
67. April'2022 SCOPE Victor A., Gandhi B.S., Ghalib M.R., Selvanambi R. Detection and Classification of Breast Cancer Using Machine Learning Techniques for Ultrasound Images International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology -
68. April'2022 SCOPE Sangeetha T., Geetha Mary A. Rough set-based entropy measure with weighted density outlier detection method Open Computer Science -
69. April'2022 SCOPE Kumar K.A., Kumar K., Chiluka N.L. Deep learning models for multi-class malware classification using Windows exe API calls International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems -
70. April'2022 SCOPE Pragathi P., Nagaraja Rao A. An effective integrated machine learning approach for detecting diabetic retinopathy Open Computer Science -
71. April'2022 SCOPE Sharma N., Habibullah P.S. A Review of IoT Technology for the Connected Autonomous Vehicles Ecosystem Trends in Sciences -
72. April'2022 SCOPE Veeragandham S., Santhi H. Role of IoT, image processing and machine learning techniques in weed detection: a review International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions -
73. May'2022 SCOPE Deebak B.D., Memon F.H., Khowaja S.A., Dev K., Wang W., Qureshi N.M.F. In the Digital Age of 5G Networks: Seamless Privacy-Preserving Authentication for Cognitive-Inspired Internet of Medical Things IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 10.215
74. May'2022 SCOPE Hu Z., Xu Y., Raj R.S.P., Cheng X., Sun L., Wu L. Vehicle re-identification based on keypoint segmentation of original image Applied Intelligence 5.086
75. May'2022 SCOPE Sumathi A.C., Javadpour A., Pinto P., Sangaiah A.K., Zhang W., Mahmoodi Khaniabadi S. NEWTR: a multipath routing for next hop destination in internet of things with artificial recurrent neural network (RNN) International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics 4.012
76. May'2022 SCOPE Azad H.K., Deepak A., Chakraborty C., Abhishek K. Improving query expansion using pseudo- relevant web knowledge for information retrieval Pattern Recognition Letters 3.756
77. May'2022 SCOPE Mahajan N., Chauhan A., Kumar H., Kaushal S., Sangaiah A.K. A Deep Learning Approach to Detection and Mitigation of Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in High Availability Intelligent Transport Systems Mobile Networks and Applications 3.426
78. May'2022 SCOPE Murali E., Anouncia S.M. An Ontology-based Knowledge Mining Model for Effective Exploitation of Agro Information IETE Journal of Research 2.333
79. May'2022 SCOPE Patruni M.R., Saraswathi P. Securing Internet of Things devices by enabling Ethereum blockchain using smart contracts Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 1.966
80. May'2022 SCOPE Nithya R., Priya V., Sathiya Kumar C., Dheeba J., Chandraprabha K. A Smart Parking System: An IoT Based Computer Vision Approach for Free Parking Spot Detection Using Faster R- CNN with YOLOv3 Method Wireless Personal Communications 1.671
81. May'2022 SCOPE Reddy V., Gayathri P. Revised beaconing glowworm swarm optimization ant colony optimization algorithm to localize nodes and optimize the energy consumed by nodes in wireless sensor networks Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 1.536
82. May'2022 SCOPE Anakath A.S., Ambika S., Rajakumar S., Kannadasan R., Sendhil Kumar K.S. Fingerprint Agreement Using Enhanced Kerberos Authentication Protocol on M- Health Computer Systems Science and Engineering 1.486
83. May'2022 SCOPE Cheng X., Zhao Y., Raj R.S.P., Hu Z., Yu X., Yang W. Local PatchMatch Based on Superpixel Cut for Efficient High-resolution Stereo Matching Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 0.797
84. May'2022 SCOPE Sonsare P.M., Gunavathi C. Optimization based Long Short Term Memory Network for Protein Structure Prediction U.Porto Journal of Engineering -
85. May'2022 SCOPE Mani K., Krithika S.M.U., Kumar G.A., Vikaas S.S., Sinduja R., Tendulkar R., Thanveer H.M. Role of eco textiles in fashion and apparel industry Asian Textile Journal -
86. May'2022 SCOPE George G., Lal A.M. Hy-MOM: Hybrid Recommender System Framework Using Memory-Based and Model-Based Collaborative Filtering Framework Cybernetics and Information Technologies -
87. May'2022 SCOPE Srinivas K., Prasanth N., Trivedi R., Bindra N., Raja A novel machine learning inspired algorithm to predict real-time network International Journal of Information -
88. May'2022 SCOPE Nandhini R.S., Lakshmanan R. A Review of the Integration of Cyber- Physical System and Internet of Things A Cyber-Physical Systems Perception of Internet of Things International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications -
89. May'2022 SCOPE Varma A., Mancini D., Dalela A.A., Varma A. Online accounting courses: digital loyalty for an inclusive and open society Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society -
90. May'2022 SCOPE Sreedhar R., Chandrasekar P., Karunanithi K., Vijayakumar S.C., Raja S.P. Design and validation of a single-phase buck?boost inverter with Grey Wolf optimization algorithm under partial shaded conditions International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore) -
91. May'2022 SCOPE Gayatri E., Aarthy S.L. Challenges and Imperatives of Deep Learning Approaches for Detection of Melanoma: A Review International Journal of Image and Graphics -
92. May'2022 SCOPE Dayalan V., Kuppusamy M. An improved evaporation rate water cycle algorithm for energy-efficient routing protocol in WSNs International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics -
93. May'2022 SCOPE Rahul V.S., Tejas M., Prasanth N.N., Raja S.P. Early Success Prediction of Indian Movies Using Subtitles: A Document Vector Approach International Journal of Image and Graphics -
94. May'2022 SCOPE Nayak G., Padhy N.M., Mishra T.K. 2D-DOST for seizure identification from brain MRI during pregnancy using KRVFL Health and Technology -
95. Jun'2022 SCOPE Sankaranarayanan R., Umadevi K.S., Bhavani N.P.G., Jos B.M., Haldorai A., Babu D.V. Cluster-based attacks prevention algorithm for autonomous vehicles using machine learning algorithms Computers and Electrical Engineering 3.818
96. Jun'2022 SCOPE Sangaiah A.K., Javadpour A., Ja?fari F., Pinto P., Zhang W., Balasubramanian S. A hybrid heuristics artificial intelligence feature selection for intrusion detection classifiers in cloud of things Cluster Computing 1.809
97. Jun'2022 SCOPE Kulandaivel M., Natarajan A., Velayutham S., Srivastava A., Gupta S.K., Suresh P., Goyal N. Compressive Sensing Node Localization Method Using Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Network Wireless Personal Communications 1.671
98. Jun'2022 SCOPE Jenifer Grace Giftlin C., Jenicka S., Ebenezer Juliet S. Building Footprint Semantic Segmentation using Bi-Channel Bi-Spatial (B2-CS) LinkNet Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 1.563
99. Jun'2022 SCOPE Ramathulasi T., Rajasekharababu M. Augmented latent Dirichlet allocation model via word embedded clusters for mashup service clustering Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 1.536
100. Jun'2022 SCOPE Kumari N., Acharjya D.P. A decision support system for diagnosis of hepatitis disease using an integrated rough set and fish swarm algorithm Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 1.536
101. Jun'2022 SCOPE Roy S.S., Mihalache S.F., Pricop E., Rodrigues N. Deep convolutional neural network for environmental sound classification via dilation Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems -
102. Jun'2022 SCOPE Roy S.S., Goti V., Sood A., Roy H., Gavrila T., Floroian D., Paraschiv N., Mohammadi-Ivatloo B. L2 regularized deep convolutional neural networks for fire detection Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems -
103. Jun'2022 SCOPE Jahnavi Y., Elango P., Raja S.P., Parra Fuente J., Verdú E. A new algorithm for time series prediction using machine learning models Evolutionary Intelligence -
104. Jun'2022 SCOPE Ramesh K., R M. Analysis of web data classification methods based on semantic similarity measure Information Security Journal -
105. Jun'2022 SCOPE Kandasamy V., Kandasamy I., Smarandache F. NeutroAlgebra of Substructures of the Semigroups built using Zn and Z+ International Journal of Neutrosophic Science -
106. Jun'2022 SCOPE Vijaya Kumar S.C., Karunanithi K., Raja S.P., Ramesh S., Chandrasekar P., Obulupathy R. Modelling of electric vehicle charging station and controlled by fuzzy logic controller with different modes of operation Journal of Control and Decision -
107. Jun'2022 SCOPE Ramathulasi T., Babu M.R. Enhancing Clustering Performance Using Topic Modeling-Based Dimensionality Reduction International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes -
108. Jun'2022 SCOPE Mounica B., Lavanya K. Feature selection method on twitter dataset with part-of-speech (PoS) pattern applied to traffic analysis International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management -
109. Jun'2022 SCOPE Victor A., Gandhi B.S., Ghalib M.R., Jerlin A.M. A Review on Skin Cancer Detection and Classification using Infrared images International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology -
110. July'2022 SCOPE Chakraborty C., Bhattacharya M., Dhama K., Roy S.S., Sharma A.R., Mohapatra R.K., Lee S.-S. Deep learning research should be encouraged more and more in different domains of surgery: An open call ? Correspondence International Journal of Surgery 13.400
111. July'2022 SCOPE Mian Qaisar S., I. Khan S., Srinivasan K., Krichen M. Arrhythmia classification using multirate processing metaheuristic optimization and variational mode decomposition Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences 8.839
112. July'2022 SCOPE Philip A.O., Saravanaguru R.K. Smart contract based digital evidence management framework over blockchain for vehicle accident investigation in IoV era Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences 8.839
113. July'2022 SCOPE Megala G., Swarnalatha P. Efficient high-end video data privacy preservation with integrity verification in cloud storage Computers and Electrical Engineering 4.152
114. July'2022 SCOPE Deepanramkumar P., Jaisankar N. BlockCRN-IoCV: Secure Spectrum Access and Beamforming for Defense Against Attacks in mmWave Massive MIMO CRN in 6G Internet of Connected Vehicles IEEE Access 3.476
115. July'2022 SCOPE Zhang P., Gan P., Chang L., Wen W., Selvi M., Kibalya G. DPRL: Task Offloading Strategy Based on Differential Privacy and Reinforcement Learning in Edge Computing IEEE Access 3.476
116. July'2022 SCOPE Lavanya K., Devi K.V., Tapas Bapu B.R. Deep Reinforcement Extreme Learning Machines for Secured Routing in Internet of Things (IoT) Applications Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing 3.401
117. July'2022 SCOPE Gundluru N., Rajput D.S., Lakshmanna K., Kaluri R., Shorfuzzaman M., Uddin M., Rahman Khan M.A. Enhancement of Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Harris Hawks Optimization with Deep Learning Model Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 3.120
118. July'2022 SCOPE Turki T., Roy S.S. Novel Hate Speech Detection Using Word Cloud Visualization and Ensemble Learning Coupled with Count Vectorizer Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 2.838
119. July'2022 SCOPE Mariammal G., Suruliandi A., Segovia-Bravo K.A., Raja S.P. Predicting the suitable fertilizer for crop based on soil and environmental factors using various feature selection techniques with classifiers Expert Systems 2.812
120. July'2022 SCOPE Bhardwaj P., Gupta P., Guhan T., Srinivasan K. Early Diagnosis of Retinal Blood Vessel Damage via Deep Learning-Powered Collective Intelligence Models Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2.809
121. July'2022 SCOPE Lopes E.J., Kataria S., Keshav S., Ikram S.T., Ghalib M.R., Shankar A., Krichen M. Live video streaming service with pay-as- you-use model on Ethereum Blockchain and InterPlanetary file system Wireless Networks 2.701
122. July'2022 SCOPE Janarthanan R., Refaee E.A., Selvakumar K., Hossain M.A., Soundrapandiyan R., Karuppiah M. Biomedical image retrieval using adaptive neuro-fuzzy optimized classifier system Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 2.194
123. July'2022 SCOPE Paliwal M., Goswami H., Ray A., Bharati A.K., Rai R., Khandelwal M. Stability Prediction of Residual Soil and Rock Slope Using Artificial Neural Network Advances in Civil Engineering 1.843
124. July'2022 SCOPE Kothandaraman R., Andavar S., Raj R.S.P. A Hybrid Feature Ranking Algorithm for Assisted Reproductive Technology Outcome Prediction Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 1.180
125. July'2022 SCOPE Sony P., Nagarajan S. Semantic Interoperability Model in Healthcare Internet of Things Using Healthcare Sign Description Framework International Arab Journal of Information Technology 0.967
126. July'2022 SCOPE Nti I.K., Adekoya A.F., Narko-Boateng O., Somanathan A.R. Stacknet Based Decision Fusion Classifier for Network Intrusion Detection International Arab Journal of Information Technology 0.967
127. July'2022 SCOPE Assudani P.J., Balakrishnan P. A novel bio-inspired approach for VM load balancing and efficient resource management in cloud International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 0.773
128. July'2022 SCOPE Balamurugan K., Deepthi T., Subramanian A.K., Banerjee A., Agarwal D., Biswas A., Sinha A. A Study on the Mechanical Properties of Rare Earth-based Aluminium Composite Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D -
129. July'2022 SCOPE Raj M., Singh S., Solanki K., Selvanambi R. An Application to Detect Cyberbullying Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques SN Computer Science -
130. July'2022 SCOPE Chandran J., Viswanatham V.M. An Improved Label Initialization based Label Propagation Method for Detecting Graph Clusters in Complex Networks International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications -
131. July'2022 SCOPE Prasat K., Sanjay S., Ananya V., Kannadasan R., Rajkumar S., Raut R., Selvanambi R. Analysis of Cross-Domain Security and Privacy Aspects of Cyber-Physical Systems International Journal of Wireless Information Networks -
132. July'2022 SCOPE Kumar M.K., Amalanathan A. Automated Lung Nodule Detection in CT Images by Optimized CNN: Impact of Improved Whale Optimization Algorithm Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science -
133. July'2022 SCOPE Kusuma S., Jothi K.R. BiDLNet: An Integrated Deep Learning Model for ECG-based Heart Disease Diagnosis International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications -
134. July'2022 SCOPE Kumar S.A., Goswami H., Kumar A.A., Sangeetha R., Jain P. Classification of Effect on Real Estates in Mumbai During Covid-19 SN Computer Science -
135. July'2022 SCOPE Krishna A.V., Leema A.A. Efficient routing algorithm for improving the network performance in Internet of Things International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology -
136. July'2022 SCOPE Gayathri Devi N., Manikandan K. Feature Selection Using Elephant Herd Principal Component Optimization Technique in Big Data Streams Using Internet of Things International Journal of e-Collaboration -
137. July'2022 SCOPE Raymond R., Anouncia S.M. Identification of Data-Intensive Systems Requirements using Semantic Similarity Search Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review -
138. July'2022 SCOPE Venkatram K., Geetha M.A. PRAGMATIC AND SCALABLE DEDUPLICATION TACTICS USING HEURISTIC PRUNING ALGORITHM Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering -
139. July'2022 SCOPE Venkatesan R., Prabu S. Profound feature extraction and classification of hyperspectral images using deep learning International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise -
140. July'2022 SCOPE Sarkar S.S., Sen A., Krishnamoorthy A., Vijayarajan V. Route Planning Service for Emergency Vehicles with Increased Accuracy and Efficiency for Online Platforms SN Computer Science -
141. Aug'2022 SCOPE Dai H., Pham H., Sangaiah A.K., Capobianco Guido R. Special Section On “Next Generation Blockchain Technology With Industrial IoT in Industry 4.0” in IEEE Transactions On Industrial Informatics IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 11.648
142. Aug'2022 SCOPE Anbarasan H.S., Natarajan J. Blockchain Based Delay and Energy Harvest Aware Healthcare Monitoring System in WBAN Environment Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 3.847
143. Aug'2022 SCOPE N J., A A.L. SSDMNV2-FPN: A cardiac disorder classification from 12 lead ECG images using deep neural network Microprocessors and Microsystems 3.503
144. Aug'2022 SCOPE Narayanasamy S.K., Hu Y.-C., Qaisar S.M., Srinivasan K. Effective Preprocessing and Normalization Techniques for COVID-19 Twitter Streams with POS Tagging via Lightweight Hidden Markov Model Journal of Sensors 2.336
145. Aug'2022 SCOPE Aarthy S.L., Malathi V., Hamdi M., Hilali-Jaghdam I., Abdel-Khalek S., Mansour R.F. Recognition of Hand Gesture Using Electromyography Signal: Human-Robot Interaction Journal of Sensors 2.336
146. Aug'2022 SCOPE Sadhana S.A., Sabena S., SaiRamesh L., Kannan A. Customer?s opinion mining from online reviews using intelligent rules with machine learning techniques Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications 2.118
147. Aug'2022 SCOPE Prabhakar T., Vairamuthu S., Rani B.S., Maram B. Gray wolf-student psychology optimization-based deep long short term memory for survival prediction using cancer gene-expression data Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 1.831
148. Aug'2022 SCOPE Anusha B., Geetha P., Kannan A. Parkinson's disease identification in homo sapiens based on hybrid ResNet- SVM and resnet-fuzzy svm models Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 1.737
149. Aug'2022 SCOPE Umadevi K.S., Thakare K.S., Patil S., Raut R., Dwivedi A.K., Haldorai A. Dynamic hidden feature space detection of noisy image set by weight binarization Signal, Image and Video Processing 1.583
150. Aug'2022 SCOPE Sumathi M., Rajkamal M., Raja S.P., Venkatachalapathy M., Vijayaraj N. A crop yield prediction model based on an improved artificial neural network and yield monitoring using a blockchain technique International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing 1.276
151. Aug'2022 SCOPE Periyanayagi S., Gnana Priya G., Chandrasekar T., Sumathy V., Raja S.P. Artificial intelligence and IoT-based biomedical sensors for intelligent cattle husbandry systems International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing 1.276
152. Aug'2022 SCOPE Balamurugan R., Raja S.P. MSR-based algorithms for biclustering of microarray gene expression data Current Science 1.169
153. Aug'2022 SCOPE Weslin D., Joshva Devadas T. Extricating web pages from deep web using deaima architecture Theoretical Computer Science 1.002
154. Aug'2022 SCOPE Janani T., Yalç?n S. Initial Estimates of Seven Coefficients for a Subclass of Bi-Starlike Functions Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 0.464
155. Aug'2022 SCOPE Sripriyanka G., Mahendran A. Bio-inspired Computing Techniques for Data Security Challenges and Controls SN Computer Science -
156. Aug'2022 SCOPE Gaikwad R., Lakshmanan R. Study of Evolutionary Algorithms for Multi-objective Optimization SN Computer Science -
157. Aug'2022 SCOPE Kandasamy V., Kandasamy I. NeutroAlgebra of Idempotents in Group Rings Neutrosophic Sets and Systems -
158. Aug'2022 SCOPE Sreenu G., Durai M.A.S. Smart and Deep Hand Movement Tracking from Crowd Videos through Particle Filtering and Matrix Transformation SN Computer Science -
159. Aug'2022 SCOPE Iyappan P., Loganathan J., Verma M.K., Dumka A., Singh R., Gehlot A., Akram S.V., Kaur S., Joshi K. A generic and smart automation system for home using internet of things Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics -
160. Aug'2022 SCOPE Arivoli A., Golwala D., Reddy R. CoviExpert: COVID-19 detection from chest X-ray using CNN Measurement: Sensors -
161. Aug'2022 SCOPE Ahamed S., Lakshmanan R. Real-Time Heuristic-Based Detection of Attacks Performed on a Linux Machine Using Osquery SN Computer Science -
162. Aug'2022 SCOPE Prasad J., Jain A., Velho D., Kumar K S S. COVID vision: An integrated face mask detector and social distancing tracker International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering -
163. Aug'2022 SCOPE Kumar S., Rajesh D.D., Pranesh S., Kollipara V.N.H., Agrawal G.K., Anbarasi M., J V. Classification of Indian media titles using deep learning techniques International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering -
164. Aug'2022 SCOPE Sanjay V., Swarnalatha P. A Survey on Various Machine Learning Techniques for an Efficient Brain Tumor Detection from MRI Images International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research -
165. Aug'2022 SCOPE Deepa D., Jothi K.R. Effective Mobility Identification in Mobile Fog Environment with the Internet of International Journal of Interactive Mobile -
166. Aug'2022 SCOPE Zakir H.M., Jinny S.V. Rider Driven African Vulture Optimization with Multi Kernel Structured Text Convolutional Neural Network for Classifying e-Commerce Reviews International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications -
167. Aug'2022 SCOPE Aju D., Kumar K.A., Lal A.M. Exploring News-Feed Credibility using Emerging Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review -
168. Aug'2022 SCOPE Rakesh B., Sultana H.P. BlockTrust-RPL: distributed blockchain based authentication and trust validation for secure objective function formulation in RPL-IoT International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions -
169. Aug'2022 SCOPE Kumar S., Soundrapandiyan R. A multiple secret image embedding in dynamic ROI keypoints based on hybrid Speeded Up Scale Invariant Robust Features (h-SUSIRF) algorithm Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis -
170. Aug'2022 SCOPE Rayaguru N.K., Raja S.P., Karunanithi K. Power quality improvement in PV-grid system using hybrid lion-GH algorithm based custom power device International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy -
171. Aug'2022 SCOPE Cyriac R., Durai M.A.S. RPL enhancement with mobility-aware two-stage objective function for improving network lifetime in IoT International Journal of Electronic Business -
172. Aug'2022 SCOPE Ahmed D., Neema R., Viswanadha N., Selvanambi R. Analysis and Prediction of Healthcare Sector Stock Price Using Machine Learning Techniques: Healthcare Stock Analysis International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design -
173. Aug'2022 SCOPE Perepi R., K S., Chattopadhyay P., O A.B. A deep learning computational approach for the classification of COVID-19 virus Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization -
174. Aug'2022 SCOPE Anitha P., Srimathi C. Blockchain Based Epsilon Greedy and Hadamard Gradient Deep Secured Information Sharing for Pharma Supply Chain International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management -
175. Sep'2022 SCOPE Chakraborty C., Bhattacharya M., Sharma A.R., Roy S.S., Islam M.A., Chakraborty S., Nandi S.S., Dhama K. Deep learning research should be encouraged for diagnosis and treatment of antibiotic resistance of microbial infections in treatment associated emergencies in hospitals International Journal of Surgery 13.400
176. Sep'2022 SCOPE Neelakandan S., Prakash M., Geetha B.T., Nanda A.K., Metwally A.M., Santhamoorthy M., Gupta M.S. Metaheuristics with Deep Transfer Learning Enabled Detection and classification model for industrial waste management Chemosphere 8.943
177. Sep'2022 SCOPE P D., C G. A systematic review on machine learning and deep learning techniques in cancer survival prediction Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 4.799
178. Sep'2022 SCOPE Samantra A., Sa P.K., Nguyen T.N., Sangaiah A.K., Bakshi S. On the Usage of Neural POS Taggers for Shakespearean Literature in Social Systems IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 4.747
179. Sep'2022 SCOPE Veeragandham S., Santhi H. Effectiveness of convolutional layers in pre- trained models for classifying common weeds in groundnut and corn crops Computers and Electrical Engineering 4.152
180. Sep'2022 SCOPE Pari D., Natarajan J. Secure Spectrum Access, Routing, and Hybrid Beamforming in an Edge-Enabled mmWave Massive MIMO CRN-Based Internet of Connected Vehicle (IoCV) Environments Sensors 3.847
181. Sep'2022 SCOPE Rajasekar V.R., Rajkumar S. A Study on Impact of DIS flooding Attack on RPL-based 6LowPAN Network Microprocessors and Microsystems 3.503
182. Sep'2022 SCOPE Gayathri A., Ruby D., Manikandan N., Gopalakrishnan T., Anusha K., Narayanasamy P. Data location integration with stable routing: Stable and optimal data transmission in wireless sensor networks Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 3.310
183. Sep'2022 SCOPE Sreekala K., Rajkumar N., Sugumar R., Sagar K.V.D., Shobarani R., Krishnamoorthy K.P., Saini A.K., Palivela H., Yeshitla A. Skin Diseases Classification Using Hybrid AI Based Localization Approach Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 3.120
184. Sep'2022 SCOPE Praveen C.K., Srinivasan K. Psychological Impact and Influence of Animation on Viewer's Visual Attention and Cognition: A Systematic Literature Review, Open Challenges, and Future Research Directions Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2.809
185. Sep'2022 SCOPE Krishnan R., Thangavelu A., Panneer P., Devulapalli S., Misra A., Putrevu D. Iceberg detection and tracking using two- level feature extraction methodology on Antarctica Ocean Acta Geophysica 2.293
186. Sep'2022 SCOPE Bhuvaneshwari P., Rao A.N., Robinson Y.H. Top-N Recommendation System Using Explicit Feedback and Outer Product Based Residual CNN Wireless Personal Communications 2.017
187. Sep'2022 SCOPE Selvaraj R., Nagarajan S. Dimensionality Nanostructures Classification on Scanning Electron Microscopy Images Using Two-Stage Hybrid Classification Algorithm Nano 1.438
188. Sep'2022 SCOPE Kumar T., Sankaran K.S., Ritonga M., Asif S., Sathiya Kumar C., Mohammad S., Sengan S., Asenso E. Fuzzy Logic and Machine Learning-Enabled Recommendation System to Predict Suitable Academic Program for Students Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1.430
189. Sep'2022 SCOPE Sathyaraj R., Kanthavel R., Cavaliere L.P.L., Vyas S., Maheswari S., Gupta R.K., Raja M.R., Dhaya R., Gupta M.K., Sengan S. Analysis on Prediction of COVID-19 with Machine Learning Algorithms International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowlege-Based Systems 1.027
190. Sep'2022 SCOPE David H.B.F., Suruliandi A., Raja S.P. Predicting Corona Virus Affected Patients Using Supervised Machine Learning International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowlege-Based Systems 1.027
191. Sep'2022 SCOPE Anam M., Setiawan R., Chinnappan S.K., Nik Hashim N.A.A., Mehbodniya A., Bhargava C., Sharma P.K., Phasinam K., Subramaniyaswamy V., Sengan S. Analyzing the Impact of Lockdown in Controlling COVID-19 Spread and Future Prediction International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowlege-Based Systems 1.027
192. Sep'2022 SCOPE Lavanya K., Prakash S., Gedam Y., Aijaz A., Ramanathan L. Real Time Digital Face Mask Detection using MobileNet-V2 and SSD with Apache Spark International Journal of Performability Engineering -
193. Sep'2022 SCOPE Pal S., Patel R., Vijayasherly V., Selvanambi R. Hashtag Recommendation System for Instagram Posts using Transfer Learning with EfficientNet and ALS Model International Journal of Performability Engineering -
194. Sep'2022 SCOPE Jyotheeswari P., Jeyanthi N. Secure data transmission for protecting the users' privacy in medical internet of things International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms -
195. Sep'2022 SCOPE Sugumaran V., Jafar Ali Ibrahim S. Rough set based on least dissimilarity normalized index for handling uncertainty during E-learners learning pattern recognition International Journal of Intelligent Networks -
196. Sep'2022 SCOPE Ramesh T., Santhi V. Multi-level classification technique for diagnosing osteoporosis and osteopenia using sequential deep learning algorithm International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management -
197. Sep'2022 SCOPE Niveditha V.R., Palaniappan S., Naresh K., Nayak C.K., Swapna B. High speed low area decimation filter for hearing aid application International Journal of Speech Technology -
198. Sep'2022 SCOPE Cyriac R., Durai M.A S. LMH-RPL: a load balancing and mobility aware secure hybrid routing protocol for low power lossy network International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications -
199. Sep'2022 SCOPE Sarkar S.S., Kakad A., Satapathy S.M. FastRWDnet: implementation of novel real- time deep video denoising utilizing optimized FastDVDnet Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering -
200. Sep'2022 SCOPE Saidulu D., Sasikala R. An optimal dimension reduction strategy and experimental evaluation for Parkinson?s disease classification International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining -
201 Oct'2022 SCOPE Satpathy S., Padthe A., Prakash M., Chandra Trivedi M., Goyal V., Bhattacharyya B.K. Method for measuring supercapacitor's fundamental inherent parameters using its own self-discharge behavior: A new steps towards sustainable energy Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 7.632
202 Oct'2022 SCOPE Li W., Xiao Y., Hu H., Zhu C., Wang H., Liu Z., Sangaiah A.K. Retinal Vessel Segmentation Based on B- COSFIRE Filters in Fundus Images Frontiers in Public Health 6.461
203 Oct'2022 SCOPE Anandhakrishnan T., Jaisakthi S.M. Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for image based tomato leaf disease detection Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy 5.464
204 Oct'2022 SCOPE Nti I.K., Somanathan A.R. A Scalable RF-XGBoost Framework for Financial Fraud Mitigation IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 4.747
205 Oct'2022 SCOPE Joseph C.T., Martin J.P., Chandrasekaran K., Raja S.P. Fog Assisted Personalized Dynamic Pricing for Smartgrid IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 4.747
206 Oct'2022 SCOPE Patil M.R., Bihari A. A comprehensive study of p53 protein Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 4.48
207 Oct'2022 SCOPE Chandran J., Viswanatham V.M. Dynamic node influence tracking based influence maximization on dynamic social networks Microprocessors and Microsystems 3.503
208 Oct'2022 SCOPE Saba Raoof S., Durai M.A.S. A Comprehensive Review on Smart Health Care: Applications, Paradigms, and Challenges with Case Studies Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging 3.009
209 Oct'2022 SCOPE Zakir H.M., Jinny S.V. Preprocessing of Unstructured Data Using 2D Coiflet Wavelet-Based Optimized Back-Propagation Neural Network for Opinion Mining Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 2.807
210 Oct'2022 SCOPE Anitha P., Chandrasekaran S. Isogency Hosmer?Lemeshow Logistic Regression-Based Secured Information Sharing for Pharma Supply Chain Electronics (Switzerland) 2.69
211 Oct'2022 SCOPE Pandian M.T., Chouhan K., Kumar B.M., Dash J.K., Jhanjhi N.Z., Ibrahim A.O., Abulfaraj A.W. Improving Efficiency of Large RFID Networks Using a Clustered Method: A Comparative Analysis Electronics (Switzerland) 2.69
212 Oct'2022 SCOPE Diwakar M., Shankar A., Chakraborty C., Singh P., Arunkumar G. Multi-modal medical image fusion in NSST domain for internet of medical things Multimedia Tools and Applications 2.577
213 Oct'2022 SCOPE Kumari N., Acharjya D.P. Data classification using rough set and bioinspired computing in healthcare applications - an extensive review Multimedia Tools and Applications 2.577
214 Oct'2022 SCOPE Subramanian M., Narayanan M., Bhasker B., Gnanavel S., Habibur Rahman M., Pradeep Reddy C.H. Hybrid Electro Search with Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Task Scheduling in a Sensor Cloud Environment for Agriculture Irrigation Control System Complexity 2.121
215 Oct'2022 SCOPE Refaai M.R.A., Meenatchi S., Ramesh B., Rashid N.I.H., Soni N.B., Ganesan M. Tiny Spherical Robot with a Magnetic Field-Based Interference Detection and Prevention Framework Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2.098
216 Oct'2022 SCOPE Raja Guru R., Vimala Devi K., Marichamy P. Optimized Channel Decision and Secure Data Transmission for Health Monitoring Using Wireless Body Area Network through Cognitive Controller Wireless Personal Communications 2.017
217 Oct'2022 SCOPE Manoj Stanislaus O., Harshavardhanan P., Victor A., Arumugam S.R. A novel fuzzy based deep neural network for rain fall prediction using cloud images Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 1.831
218 Oct'2022 SCOPE Menaka M., Sendhil Kumar K.S. Workflow scheduling in cloud environment ? Challenges, tools, limitations & methodologies: A review Measurement: Sensors -
219 Oct'2022 SCOPE Babu B.P., Narayanan S.J. One-vs-All Convolutional Neural Networks for Synthetic Aperture Radar Target Recognition Cybernetics and Information Technologies -
220 Oct'2022 SCOPE Boolani A., Moghaddam M., Fuller D., Mondal S., Sur S., Martin R., Kadry A., Torad A.A., Elwan The Effects of Vision-Deprived Progressive Resistance Training on One- Repetition Maximum Bench Press Performance: An Exploratory Study Vision -
221 Oct'2022 SCOPE Shalini L., Kuppusamy V. An efficient dual classification support using ISPCE and IRR-GCBANN techniques for detection of thyroid disease International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing -
222 Oct'2022 SCOPE Nagoor S., Jinny S.V. A dual fuzzy with hybrid deep learning architecture based on CNN with hybrid metaheuristic algorithm for effective segmentation and classification International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore) -
223 Oct'2022 SCOPE Jayalakshmi D., Dheeba J. Computer aided diagnostic support system for skin cancer using ELM classifier International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management -
224 Oct'2022 SCOPE Perepi R., Santhi K., Saraswathi R., Bég O.A. Predictive analysis of COVID 19 disease based on mathematical modelling and machine learning techniques Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization -
225 Nov'2022 SCOPE S R., Neelakandan S., Prakash M., Geetha B.T., Mary Rexcy Asha S., Roberts M.K. Artificial humming bird with data science enabled stability prediction model for smart grids Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 4.923
226 Nov'2022 SCOPE Babu M., Anusha N., Bapu B.R.T., Yuvaraj R. Electromagnetic interference shielding behavior of flexible PVA composite of tunicated onion bulb biochar/Co/carbon fiber shielding composite: effects on X and Ku band frequencies Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 4.05
227 Nov'2022 SCOPE Maurya P.K., Bagchi S. Quadratic residue-based unilateral authentication protocol for RFID system Multimedia Tools and Applications 2.577
228 Nov'2022 SCOPE Gopala Krishnan C., Gomathi S., Aravind Swaminathan G., Robinson Y.H., AnushaBamini A.M. Trust Management Framework and High Energy Efficient Lifetime Management System for MANET using Self- Configurable Cluster Mechanism Wireless Personal Communications 2.017
229 Nov'2022 SCOPE Ramprasath J., Krishnaraj N., Seethalakshmi V. Mitigation Services on SDN for Distributed Denial of Service and Denial of Service Attacks Using Machine Learning Techniques IETE Journal of Research 1.877
230 Nov'2022 SCOPE Jose J.T., Rajkumar S., Ghalib M.R., Shankar A., Sharma P., Khosravi M.R. Efficient Shot Boundary Detection with Multiple Visual Representations Mobile Information Systems 1.863
231 Nov'2022 SCOPE Sampradeepraj T., Anusuya Devi V., Raja S.P. Secure multicasting in wireless sensor networks using identity based cryptography Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 1.831
232 Nov'2022 SCOPE Majji R., Om Prakash P.G., Vairamuthu S., Selva Rani B. Hybrid optimization based deep neuro fuzzy network for skin cancer detection Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 1.831
233 Nov'2022 SCOPE Alagarsamy S., James V., Raj R.S.P. An Experimental Analysis of Optimal Hybrid Word Embedding Methods for Text Classification Using a Movie Review Dataset Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 1.18
234 Nov'2022 SCOPE Gobinath C., Gopinath M.P. Design and development of SER-UNet model for glaucoma image analysis Journal of Electronic Imaging 0.829
235 Nov'2022 SCOPE Srinivas K., Trivedi R., Patel D., Kumar K.A. K-mean and mean-shift algorithms in machine learning model for efficient malware categorisation International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions -
236 Nov'2022 SCOPE Reddy A.S., Gopinath M.P. A Comprehensive Review on Skin Cancer Detection Strategies using Deep Neural Networks Journal of Computer Science -
237 Nov'2022 SCOPE Gagged G., Jaishakti S.M. Secure dynamic bits standard scheme in private cloud environment International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology -
238 Nov'2022 SCOPE Taywade A., Sasikala R. Processing power sharing using a gadget 'Power Save' for downloading scientific research projects International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology -
239 Nov'2022 SCOPE Kumari J.A.J., Ghalib M.R. Congruent fine-grained data mining model for large-scale medical data mining International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology -
240 Nov'2022 SCOPE Joseph S.S., Dennisan A. Optimised CNN based Brain Tumour Detection and 3D Reconstruction Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization -
241 Nov'2022 SCOPE Nalluri S., Sasikala R. A deep neural architecture for SOTA pneumonia detection from chest X-rays International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management -
242 Nov'2022 SCOPE Sumathi M., Raja S.P., Vijayaraj N., Rajkamal M. A Decentralized Medical Network for Maintaining Patient Records Using Blockchain Technology Cybernetics and Information Technologies -
243 Nov'2022 SCOPE Exceline C.E., Nagarajan S. Flexible access control mechanism for cloud stored EHR using consortium blockchain International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management -
244 Nov'2022 SCOPE Raghu R., Jayaraman V., Jayaraman J., Nukala S.S.V., Díaz V.G. A Multi-Layered Edge-Secured Cloud Framework for Healthcare Monitoring in Old-Age Homes Using Smart Systems Driven by Comprehensive User Interaction International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering -
245 Dec'2022 SCOPE Singh U., Saraswat A., Azad H.K., Abhishek K., Shitharth S. Towards improving e-commerce customer review analysis for sentiment detection Scientific Reports 4.996
246 Dec'2022 SCOPE Anitha K., Radhika S., Kavitha C., Lai W.-C., Srividhya S.R., Naresh K. A Modified LBP Operator-Based Optimized Fuzzy Art Map Medical Image Retrieval System for Disease Diagnosis and Prediction Biomedicines 4.757
247 Dec'2022 SCOPE Samui P., Yesilyurt S.N., Dalkilic H.Y., Yaseen Z.M., Roy S.S., Kumar S. Comparison of different optimized machine learning algorithms for daily river flow forecasting Earth Science Informatics 2.705
248 Dec'2022 SCOPE Vivekananda G.N., Jarwar M.A., Jaber M.M., Prakash C., Buddhi D., Gnanasigamani L.J., Sanz- Prieto I. Effective two-tier tokenization for intelligent transportation supply chain systems using hybrid optimized query expansion Multimedia Tools and Applications 2.577
249 Dec'2022 SCOPE Khan G., Kumar Agarwal A., Khapre S., Arunkumar G., Shankar A., Khosravi M.R. An Energy-Efficient Event Reliability Protocol for Wireless Communication Networks Mobile Information Systems 1.863
250 Dec'2022 SCOPE Jothi K.R., Jain M., Jain A., Geraldine Bessie Amali D., Oswalt Manoj S. A New Deep Learning Approach Enhanced with Ensemble Learning for Accurate Intrusion Detection in IOT Networks Ad-Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks 0.4
251 Dec'2022 SCOPE Ranjith C.P., Hardas B.M., Khaja Mohideen M.S., Nijil Raj N., Robert N.R., Mohan P. Robust Deep Learning Empowered Real Time Object Detection for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles based Surveillance Applications Journal of Mobile Multimedia -
252 Dec'2022 SCOPE Shafi S.M., Kumar S.C. An Analysis Of Deep Learning In CXR Medical Image Processing Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results -
253 Dec'2022 SCOPE Jonnalagadda A., Rajvir M., Singh S., Chandramouliswaran S., George J., Kamalov F. An Ensemble-Based Machine Learning Model for Emotion and Mental Health Detection Journal of Information and Knowledge Management -
254 Dec'2022 SCOPE Karthik Sriraam R., Keerthivasan S.M., Sukant K., Krishnamoorthy A. Crime Prediction and Analysis Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results -
255 Dec'2022 SCOPE Kandasamy S., Senthilnathan P., Gopichand G., Karuppaiah D. A Study On Advanced Electronic Health Records Management Using BlockChain Technology Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results -
256 Dec'2022 SCOPE Shalini L., Vijayakumar K. An Efficient JSH-FCM-Based Thyroid Disease Detection Using Ash-Ann with Stage Classification via a Fuzzy Rule- Based Approach International Journal of Image and Graphics -
257 Dec'2022 SCOPE Anand D., Arulselvi G., Balaji G.N. Detection Of Tumor Affected Part From Histopathological Bone Images Using Morphological Classification And Recurrent Convoluted Neural Networks Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results -
258 Dec'2022 SCOPE Bhati B.S., Shankar A., Saxena S., Saxena T., Anbarasi M., Kumar M. An ensemble-based approach for image classification using voting classifier International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control -
259 Dec'2022 SCOPE Lohitha N.S., Pounambal M. A Novel Hybrid Spotted Hyena-Swarm Optimization (HS-FFO) Framework for Effective Feature Selection in IOT Based Cloud Security Data International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication -
260 Dec'2022 SCOPE Parcha A., Mishra S., Bist A., Agarwal R., Gupta S., Sharma S., Sathyaraj R. Implementing security in IoT systems via blockchain International Journal of Internet Technology and -
261 Dec'2022 SCOPE Mali S.D., Govinda K. ExpSFROA-Based DRN: Exponential Sunflower Rider Optimization Algorithm- Driven Deep Residual Network for the Intrusion Detection in IOT-Based Plant Disease Monitoring International Journal of Semantic Computing -
262 Dec'2022 SCOPE Ravindran U., Gunavathi C. A survey on gene expression data analysis using deep learning methods for cancer diagnosis Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 4.799
263 Dec'2022 SCOPE Salau L., Hamada M., Prasad R., Hassan M., Mahendran A., Watanobe Y. State-of-the-Art Survey on Deep Learning-Based Recommender Systems for E-Learning Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 2.838


S. No. Month School/ Centre Author (s) Title Journal TRImpact Factor
1. Jan'2021 SCOPE Deebak B.D., Al- Turjman F. Smart Mutual Authentication Protocol for Cloud BasedMedical HealthcareSystems Using Internet of Medical Things IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 11.420
2. Jan'2021 SCOPE Al-Turjman F., Deebak B.D. Seamless Authentication: For IoT-Big Data Technologies in SmartIndustrial Application Systems IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 9.112
3. Jan'2021 SCOPE Atelge M.R., Atabani A.E., Abut S., Kaya M., Eskicioglu C., Semaan G.,Lee C., Yildiz Y.Ş., Unalan S., Mohanasundaram R.,Duman F., Kumar G. Anaerobic co-digestion of oil-extracted spent coffee grounds withvarious wastes: Experimental and kinetic modeling studies Bioresource Technology 7.539
4. Jan'2021 SCOPE Deebak B.D., AL- Turjman F. Lightweight authentication for IoT/Cloud-based forensics in intelligentdata computing Future Generation Computer Systems 6.125
5. Jan'2021 SCOPE Chen J., Huang S., BalaMurugan S., Tamizharasi G.S. Artificial intelligence based e-waste management for environmentalplanning Environmental Impact Assessment Review 4.135
6. Jan'2021 SCOPE Zhang X., Shu K., Rajkumar S., Sivakumar V. Research on deep integration of application ofartificial intelligence in environmental monitoring system andreal economy Environmental Impact Assessment Review 4.135
7. Jan'2021 SCOPE Bozorgi S.M., HajiabadiM.R., Hosseinabadi A.A.R., Sangaiah A.K. Clustering based on whale optimization algorithm for IoT over wirelessnodes Soft Computing 3.050
8. Jan'2021 SCOPE Khochare A.D., Krishnan A., Simmhan Y. A Scalable Platform for Distributed Object Trackingacross a Many-camera Network IEEE Transactions on Parallel and DistributedSystems 2.600
9. Jan'2021 SCOPE Mishachandar B., Vairamuthu S. An underwater cognitive acoustic network strategy for efficient spectrumutilization Applied Acoustics 2.440
10. Jan'2021 SCOPE Acharjya D.P., Rathi R. An extensive study of statistical, rough, andhybridized rough computing inbankruptcy prediction Multimedia Tools and Applications 2.313
11. Jan'2021 SCOPE Singh A.K., Ghalib M.R. KM-LA: knowledge-based mining for linear analysis of inconsistentmedical data for healthcare applications Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 2.000
12. Jan'2021 SCOPE Ezhilarasan E., Dinakaran M. Privacy preserving and data transpiration inmultiple cloud using secure and robust data accessmanagement algorithm Microprocessors and Microsystems 1.161
13. Jan'2021 SCOPE Chen J., Ramanathan L., Alazab M. Holistic big data integrated artificial intelligentmodeling to improve privacy and security in data management ofsmart cities Microprocessors and Microsystems 1.161
14. Jan'2021 SCOPE B T., K V., A K. Optimized mobile cloud resource discoveryarchitecture based on dynamic cognitive and intelligenttechnique Microprocessors and Microsystems 1.161
15. Jan'2021 SCOPE Fernau H., Kuppusamy L., Oladele R.O., Raman I. Improved descriptional complexity results on generalized forbiddinggrammars Discrete Applied Mathematics 1.041
16. Jan'2021 SCOPE Fernau H., Kuppusamy L., Raman I. On the computational completeness of matrix simple semi-conditionalgrammars Information and Computation 0.872
17. Jan'2021 SCOPE Joshua V., Sylvia Grace J., Godwin Emmanuel J., Satish S., Elangovan A. Spatial mapping of COVID-19 for Indian states using Principal ComponentAnalysis Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health -
18. Jan'2021 SCOPE Kauser A., Acharjya D.P. Knowledge inferencing using artificial bee colonyand rough set for diagnosisof hepatitis disease International Journal of Healthcare InformationSystems and Informatics -
19. Jan'2021 SCOPE Narasimha C., Rao A.N. An effective tumor detection approach using denoised MRI based on fuzzybayesian segmentation approach International Journal of Speech Technology -
20. Jan'2021 SCOPE Zachariah U.E., Kuppusamy L. A hybrid approach to energy efficient clustering and routing in wirelesssensor networks Evolutionary Intelligence -
21. Jan'2021 SCOPE Makhija N., Satapathy S.M. Community detection in dynamic networks: acomprehensive and comparative review using external andinternal criteria International Journal of Systems AssuranceEngineering andManagement -
22. Feb'2021 SCOPE Sangaiah A.K., Rostami A.S., Hosseinabadi A.A.R., Shareh M.B.,Javadpour A., Bargh S.H., Hassan M.M. Energy-aware Geographic Routing for Real Time Workforce Monitoring inIndustrial Informatics IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9.936
23. Feb'2021 SCOPE Sridharan R., Vetriselvan M., Krishnaswamy V.G., Jansi R S., Rishin H.,Kumar D T., Doss C G.P. Integrated approach in LDPE degradation ? An application usingWinogradsky column, computational modeling, and pathway prediction Journal of Hazardous Materials 9.038
24. Feb'2021 SCOPE Subramanian A.K., Ghosh U., RamaswamyS., Alnumay W.S., Sharma P.K. PrEEMAC: Priority based energy efficient MAC protocol for Wireless BodySensor Networks Sustainable Computing:Informatics and Systems 2.798
25. Feb'2021 SCOPE Deebak B.D., Al- Turjman F. Robust Lightweight Privacy- Preserving and SessionScheme Interrogation for Fog ComputingSystems Journal of Information Security and Applications 2.327
26. Feb'2021 SCOPE Vimala S., Gladiss Merlin N.R.,Ramanathan L., Cristin R. Optimal Routing and Deep Regression Neural Network for Rice Leaf DiseasePrediction in IoT International Journal of Computational Methods 1.716
27. Feb'2021 SCOPE Bal A., Das M.,Satapathy S.M., Jena M., Das S.K. BFCNet: a CNN for diagnosis ofductal carcinoma in breast from cytology images Pattern Analysis and Applications 1.512
28. Feb'2021 SCOPE Malathi V., Gopinath M.P. Classification of pest detection inpaddy crop based on transfer learning approach Acta AgriculturaeScandinavica Section B: Soil and Plant Science 1.092
29. Feb'2021 SCOPE Rustagi A., Shukla M., Samuel F., Kumar S.A., Banerjee A., Ramaswamy S.,Ramanathan L. Data Analysis and Interpretation in IoT-Based Systems for CriticalMedical Services and Healthcare Applications Wireless Personal Communications 1.061
30. Feb'2021 SCOPE Lakkad A.K., Bhadaniya R.D., Shah V.N.,Lavanya K. Complex events processing on livenews events using apache kafka and clustering techniques International Journal ofIntelligent Information Technologies -
31. Feb'2021 SCOPE Dwivedi A.K., Satapathy S.M. Ontology-Based Modelling of IoT Design Patterns Journal of Information and KnowledgeManagement -
32. Feb'2021 SCOPE Kannamma R., Umadevi K.S. Neuro-Fuzzy-Based Frame Pre- Emption UsingTime-SensitiveNetworking for Industrial Ethernet Journal of Information and KnowledgeManagement -
33. Feb'2021 SCOPE Mishachandar B., Vairamuthu S. Crop Yield Estimation Using the Internet of Things Journal of Informationand Knowledge Management -
34. Feb'2021 SCOPE Selvaraj R., Nagarajan S.K. Land Cover Change Detection from Remotely Sensed IoTData for Assessment of Land Degradation: ASurvey Journal of Information and Knowledge Management -
35. Feb'2021 SCOPE Natesan S.K., Krishnan R.K. Fuzzy Logic Depth Based Energy Aware RoutingProtocol for Underwater Acoustic SensorNetwork: FLDEAR Journal of Information and Knowledge Management -
36. Mar'2021 SCOPE Wang T., Luo H., Zeng X., Yu Z., Liu A., SangaiahA.K. Mobility Based Trust Evaluation for HeterogeneousElectric VehiclesNetwork in Smart Cities IEEE Transactions on IntelligentTransportation Systems 6.319
37. Mar'2021 SCOPE Jayalakshmi M., Garg L., Maharajan K., Jayakumar K., Srinivasan K.,Bashir A.K., RameshK. Fuzzy Logic-Based Health Monitoring System for COVID?19 Patients Computers, Materials and Continua 4.890
38. Mar'2021 SCOPE Fan Y., Man M.,Ramanathan L., Maheshwari M. Aerobics player?s energy level monitoring using IoT Journal of AmbientIntelligence and Humanized Computing 4.594
39. Mar'2021 SCOPE Subbaiah C.V., Kannayaram G. Heuristic ant colony and reliable fuzzy QoS routingfor mobile ad hocnetwork Journal of Ambient Intelligence andHumanized Computing 4.594
40. Mar'2021 SCOPE Onesimu J.A., Karthikeyan J., Sei Y. An efficient clustering-based anonymization schemefor privacy- preserving data collection in IoT basedhealthcare services Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 2.793
41. Mar'2021 SCOPE Deebak B.D., AL- Turjman F. Privacy-preserving in smart contracts usingblockchain and artificial intelligence for cyber riskmeasurements Journal of Information Security and Applications 2.327
42. Mar'2021 SCOPE Saman S., Narayanan S.J. Active contour model driven by optimized energyfunctionals for MRbrain tumor segmentation with intensity inhomogeneity correction Multimedia Tools and Applications 2.313
43. Mar'2021 SCOPE Acharjya D.P., Rathi R. An integrated fuzzy rough set and real coded geneticalgorithm approach forcrop identification in smart agriculture Multimedia Tools and Applications 2.313
44. Mar'2021 SCOPE Kayarga T., Kumar S.A. A Study on Various Technologies toSolve the Routing Problem in Internet of Vehicles (IoV) Wireless Personal Communications 1.061
45. Mar'2021 SCOPE Venkatesh B., Anuradha J. Fuzzy Rank Based Parallel Online Feature SelectionMethod usingMultiple Sliding Windows Open Computer Science -
46. Mar'2021 SCOPE Nagendhiran N., Kuppusamy L. Adaptive Drift Detection Mechanism for Non-Stationary Data Stream Journal of Information and KnowledgeManagement -
47. Mar'2021 SCOPE Vuyyuru V.A., Rao G.A., Murthy Y.V.S. A novel weather prediction model using a hybridmechanism based on MLP and VAE with fire-fly optimizationalgorithm Evolutionary Intelligence -
48. Mar'2021 SCOPE Subramanian M., Natarajan J.,Rajasekaran R. Energy-aware and Bandwidth Allocation for AirPollution MonitoringSystem using Data Analytics EAI Endorsed Transactions on EnergyWeb -
49. Mar'2021 SCOPE Hemalatha P., Amalanathan G.M. FG-SMOTE: Fuzzy-based Gaussian synthetic minorityoversampling with deep belief networks classifier forskewed class distribution International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics -
50. Mar'2021 SCOPE Kumar R., Samui P., Kumari S., Roy S.S. Determination of reliability index ofcantilever retaining wall by RVM, MPMR and MARS International Journal ofAdvanced Intelligence Paradigms -
51. Mar'2021 SCOPE Nagamunthala M., Manjula R. State of the art, technologies, future prospects ofencryption and data security issues correlated to multi-user environmentin green cloudcomputing: A pilot survey Journal of Green Engineering -
52. Mar'2021 SCOPE Prathap R., Mohanasundaram R. Hybrid optimization for virtual machine migration ofutilizinghealthcare text in the cloud International Journal of Speech Technology -
53. Apr'2021 SCOPE Suresh S., Ragesh Rajan M., Pushparaj J., Cs A.,Lal S., Reddy C.S. Dehazing of Satellite Images using Adaptive BlackWidow Optimization-based framework International Journal of Remote Sensing 2.976
54. Apr'2021 SCOPE Navaneethakrishnan M., Vairamuthu S., Parthasarathy G., CristinR. Atom search-jaya-based deep recurrent neural network for liver cancerdetection IET Image Processing 1.995
55. Apr'2021 SCOPE Krishnan Nair S., Chinnappan S.K., Dubey A.K., Subburaj A., SubramaniamS.,Balasubramaniam V., Sengan S. Prewitt Logistic Deep Recurrent Neural Learning for Face Log Detectionby Extracting Features from Images Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 1.711
56. Apr'2021 SCOPE Aditya Sai Srinivas T., Manivannan S.S. Black Hole and Selective Forwarding Attack Detectionand Prevention in IoTin Health Care Sector: Hybrid meta- heuristic-based shortest pathrouting Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 1.595
57. Apr'2021 SCOPE Devulapalli S., Krishnan R. Remote sensing image retrieval by integratingautomated deep feature extraction and handcrafted featuresusing curvelet transform Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 1.36
58. Apr'2021 SCOPE Gandhmal D.P., Kumar K. Wrapper-Enabled Feature Selection and CPLM-BasedNARX Model forStock Market Prediction Computer Journal 1.077
59. Apr'2021 SCOPE Malathi V., Gopinath M.P. Real-time classification of paddy diseases usingdeep learning techniques based on generativeadversarial network Linguistica Antverpiensia 0.5
60. Apr'2021 SCOPE Sushrith B., Dev S.K., Jain K., Gopichand G. A case study on hospital readmissionprediction using deep learning algorithms on EHRs Turkish Journal ofComputer and Mathematics Education -
61. Apr'2021 SCOPE Megala G., Prabu S. A comprehensive analysis on efficient multimediastorage mechanism inpublic cloud environment with secured access Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education -
62. Apr'2021 SCOPE Bhakat A., Singh V., Agarwal H.R., GopichandG. A generic study on diabetic retinopathy detection Turkish Journal of Computer andMathematics Education -
63. Apr'2021 SCOPE Vijaya Laxmi B., Singh H.P., Rao A.N. A review of dynamic resource allocation frameworkfor large amountof cloud enterprises Turkish Journal of Computer andMathematics Education -
64. Apr'2021 SCOPE Siamala Devi S., Anto S., Siddique Ibrahim S.P. An efficient document clustering using hybridisedharmony search K-meansalgorithm with multi-view point International Journal of Cloud Computing -
65. Apr'2021 SCOPE Tushar D.T., Senthilnathan P., DeebaK., Kumar N.V.V. Binary priority outlier classifier based outlier elimination Turkish Journal of Computer andMathematics Education -
66. Apr'2021 SCOPE Addagarla S.K., Amalanathan A. e-SimNet: A visual similar product recommender system for E-commerce Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineeringand Computer Science -
67. Apr'2021 SCOPE Remya S., Sasikala R. Investigation and analysis on crowdsourcing forimprovingenterprise QoS International Journal of Information Technologyand Management -
68. Apr'2021 SCOPE Poluru R.K., Lokeshkumar R. Meta-heuristic MOALO algorithm for energy-awareclustering in theinternet of things International Journal of Swarm IntelligenceResearch -
69. Apr'2021 SCOPE Reddy V.N., Gopichand G. Myocardial infarction prediction using hybrid machine learningtechniques Turkish Journal of Computer andMathematics Education -
70. Apr'2021 SCOPE Dev K., Poluru R.K., R L.K., Maddikunta P.K.R.,Khowaja S.A. Optimal Radius for Enhanced Lifetime in IoT usingHybridization of Rider andGrey Wolf Optimization IEEE Transactions on Green Communicationsand Networking -
71. Apr'2021 SCOPE Mohanty R.K., Tripathy B.K. Recommending turmeric variety for higher production using interval- International Journal of Swarm Intelligence -
72. Apr'2021 SCOPE Megala G., Prabu S. State-of-the-art in video processing: Compression,optimization andretrieval Turkish Journal of Computer andMathematics Education -
73. Apr'2021 SCOPE Velamati A., Gopichand G. Traffic sign classification usingconvolutional neural networks and computer vision Turkish Journal ofComputer and Mathematics Education -
74. May'2021 SCOPE Narayanan S.J., Baby C.J., Perumal B., Bhatt R.B., Cheng X., GhalibM.R., Shankar A. Fuzzy decision trees embedded with evolutionaryfuzzy clustering for locating users using wireless signalstrength in an indoor environment International Journal of Intelligent Systems 10.312
75. May'2021 SCOPE Sharma M., Kandasamy I., Vasantha W.B. Comparison of neutrosophic approach to various deeplearning models for sentiment analysis[Formulapresented] Knowledge-Based Systems 5.921
76. May'2021 SCOPE Datta D., Maurya P.K., Srinivasan K., Chang C.-Y., Agarwal R., Tuteja I., Bhavyashri Vedula V. Eye gaze detection based on computational visual perception and faciallandmarks Computers, Materials and Continua 4.890
77. May'2021 SCOPE Roy S.S., Taguchi Y.-H. Identification of genes associated with altered geneexpression and m6A profiles during hypoxia using tensor decompositionbased unsupervisedfeature extraction Scientific reports 3.998
78. May'2021 SCOPE Chakrapani H.B., Chourasia S., Gupta S., Kumar D T., Doss C G.P.,Haldar R. Effective utilisation of influence maximizationtechnique for the identification of significant nodes inbreast cancer gene networks Computers in Biology and Medicine 3.434
79. May'2021 SCOPE Liu J.-W., Sangaiah A.K. Research on Adaptive Updating Method of EducationResource IndexBased on Mobile Computing Mobile Networks and Applications 2.602
80. May'2021 SCOPE Kumar A., Abhishek K., Nerurkar P., Khosravi M.R., Ghalib M.R.,Shankar A. Big data analytics to identify illegal activities on Bitcoin Blockchainfor IoMT Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 2.000
81. May'2021 SCOPE George G., Lal A.M. A personalized approach to course recommendation in higher education International Journal on Semantic Web andInformation Systems 1.742
82. May'2021 SCOPE Wu H., Sangaiah A.K. Oral english speech recognition based on enhancedtemporal convolutionalnetwork Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing 1.276
83. May'2021 SCOPE Parthasarathy J., Kalivaradhan R.B. Collaborative Filtering-Based Recommendation SystemUsing TimeDecay Model International Journal of e-Collaboration -
84. May'2021 SCOPE Jane L.G., Hari S. Crime Prediction Using Twitter Data International Journal of e-Collaboration -
85. May'2021 SCOPE Kuppam S., Purushotham S. Role of recent IoT technologies in agricultural applications: A review International Journal ofInternet Manufacturing and Services -
86. May'2021 SCOPE Deeba K., Saravanaguru R.A.K. A detailed study on context-aware architectures in internet of things International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise -
87. May'2021 SCOPE Bhuvaneshwari P., Rao A.N. Product recommendation system using optimal switching hybrid International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise -
88. May'2021 SCOPE Gobinath C., Gopinath M.P. A survey on deep learning models in glaucomadetection using fundus images(Feasibility study of semi-supervised learning) Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology -
89. May'2021 SCOPE Prathap R., Mohanasundaram R. Enhancing security by two-way decryption of messagepassing of EMRin public cloud International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise -
90. May'2021 SCOPE Srinivasa Murthy Y.V., Koolagudi S.G.,Jeshventh Raja T.K. Singer identification for Indian singers using convolutional neuralnetworks International Journal of Speech Technology -
91. May'2021 SCOPE Mariammal G., Suruliandi A., Raja S.P., Poongothai E. Prediction of Land Suitability for Crop CultivationBased on Soil and Environmental Characteristics Using Modified RecursiveFeatureElimination Technique With Various Classifiers IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems -
92. May'2021 SCOPE Ramasubbareddy S., Walia A.S., Luhach A.K., Kannayaram G.,Evakattu S. Big data analysis on job trends using R Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications -
93. Jun'2021 SCOPE Kumar S., Soundrapandiyan R. A multi-image hiding technique in dilated video regions based oncooperative game-theoretic approach Journal of King Saud University - Computer andInformationSciences 13.473
94. Jun'2021 SCOPE Deebak B.D., Al- Turjman F. Digital-twin assisted: Fault diagnosisusing deep transfer learning for machining tool condition International Journal of Intelligent Systems 8.709
95. Jun'2021 SCOPE Jena P., Azad S. Observed and projected changes in extreme droughtand flood-prone regions over India under CMIP5RCP8.5 using a new vulnerability index Climate Dynamics 4.375
96. Jun'2021 SCOPE Agrawal S., Sarkar S., Srivastava G., Reddy Maddikunta P.K.,Gadekallu T.R. Genetically optimized prediction of remaining useful life Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 4.028
97. Jun'2021 SCOPE Deotale R., Rawat S., Vijayarajan V., SuryaPrasath V.B. POCASUM: policy categorizer and summarizer based ontext mining andmachine learning Soft Computing 3.643
98. Jun'2021 SCOPE Jena P., Azad S. A novel method to detect drought and flood years inIndian rainfall associatedwith weak and strong monsoon Theoretical and Applied Climatology 3.179
99. Jun'2021 SCOPE Tewari A.S., Parhi I., Al-Turjman F., Abhishek K., Ghalib M.R., Shankar A. User-centric hybrid semi-autoencoder recommendation system Multimedia Tools and Applications 2.757
100. Jun'2021 SCOPE Mishachandar B., Vairamuthu S. Diverse ocean noise classification using deep learning Applied Acoustics 2.639
101. Jun'2021 SCOPE Lavanya K., Vimala Devi K., Subramaniam M. Quality of experience (QOE) content aware hybridlean predictive models for medical video transmission overInternet of things (IOT) networks International Journal of Communication Systems 2.047
102. Jun'2021 SCOPE David H.B.F., Suruliandi A., Raja S.P. Stacked Framework for Ensemble ofHeterogeneous Classification Algorithms Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 1.333
103. Jun'2021 SCOPE Tang X., Li F., Sakthivel V., Kirubakaran S. Deep learning approach to automateddata collection and processing of video surveillance in sport activityprediction Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 0.861
104. Jun'2021 SCOPE Shanmuganathan H., Mahendran A. Encryption based on cellular automata for wireless devices in IoTenvironment International Arab Journal of InformationTechnology 0.669
105. Jun'2021 SCOPE Rakesh B., H P.S. Novel Authentication and Secure Trustbased RPL Routing in Mobile sink supported Internet of Things Cyber-Physical Systems -
106. Jun'2021 SCOPE Pragathi P., Rao A.N. Mortality analysis of alcohol consumption using ahybrid machinelearning model International Journal of Engineering SystemsModelling and -
107. Jun'2021 SCOPE Jing W., Sangaiah A.K., Wei L., Shaopeng L., LeiL., Ruishi L. Multi-view fusion for recommendation with attentive deep neural network Evolutionary Intelligence -
108. Jun'2021 SCOPE Navamani T.M. A Review on Cryptocurrencies Security Journal of Applied Security Research -
109. Jun'2021 SCOPE Pawar M.V., J A. Detection and prevention of black-holeand wormhole attacks in wireless sensor network using optimized LSTM International Journal ofPervasive Computing and Communications -
110. Jun'2021 SCOPE Balajee J., Durai M.A.S. Detection of water availability in SAR images using deep learningarchitecture International Journal of Systems AssuranceEngineering andManagement -
111. Jun'2021 SCOPE Raja S.P. Green Computing and Carbon Footprint Management inthe ITSectors IEEE Transactions on Computational SocialSystems -
112. Jun'2021 SCOPE Parthasarathy J., Kalivaradhan R.B. An effective content boosted collaborative filteringfor movie recommendation systems using density based clustering withartificialflora optimization algorithm International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management -
113. Jun'2021 SCOPE Roy S.S., Samui P. Predicting longitudinal dispersion coefficient innatural streams using minimax probability machine regression andmultivariate adaptiveregression spline International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms -
114. Jun'2021 SCOPE Shankar A., Jaisankar N. Energy efficient cluster head selection for wirelesssensor network byimproved firefly optimisation International Journal of Advanced IntelligenceParadigms -
115. Jun'2021 SCOPE Krishna E.S.P., Thangavelu A. Attack detection in IoT devices using hybridmetaheuristic lion optimization algorithm and firefly optimizationalgorithm International Journal of Systems AssuranceEngineering andManagement -
116. Jun'2021 SCOPE Balajee J., Saleem Durai M.A. Drought Prediction and Analysis of Water level basedon satellite images Using Deep Convolutional NeuralNetwork International Journal of Speech Technology -
117. Jul'2021 SCOPE Antony B. Prediction of the production of crops with respect to rainfall Environmental Research 6.498
118. Jul'2021 SCOPE Zhu W., Jiang D., Muthu B., Seetharam T.G. Importance of implementing smart renewable energy system using Sustainable Energy Technologies and 5.353
119. Jul'2021 SCOPE Xiaoyi Z., Dongling W., Yuming Z., Manokaran K.B., Benny Antony A. IoT driven framework based efficient green energymanagement in smart cities using multi-objective distributeddispatching algorithm Environmental Impact Assessment Review 4.549
120. Jul'2021 SCOPE Liu M., Balamurugan S., Seetharam T.G. Impact of stress on software developers bymoderating the relationship through emotionalintelligence in a work environment Aggression and Violent Behavior 4.382
121. Jul'2021 SCOPE Zhang D., Hu J., Li F., Ding X., Sangaiah A.K.,Sheng V.S. Small object detection via precise region-basedfully convolutionalnetworks Computers, Materials and Continua 3.772
122. Jul'2021 SCOPE Balaji K., Lavanya K. Machine learning algorithm for clusteranalysis of mixed dataset based on instance-cluster closeness metric Chemometrics andIntelligent Laboratory Systems 3.491
123. Jul'2021 SCOPE Balaji K., Lavanya K. Cluster analysis of mixed data based on FeatureSpace Instance ClusterCloseness Metric Chemometrics and Intelligent LaboratorySystems 3.491
124. Jul'2021 SCOPE Shariq M., Singh K., Maurya P.K., AhmadianA., Ariffin M.R.K. URASP: An ultralightweight RFID authenticationscheme usingpermutation operation Peer-to-Peer Networking andApplications 3.307
125. Jul'2021 SCOPE Sreedhara B.M., Patil A.P., Pushparaj J.,Kuntoji G., Naganna S.R. Application of gradient tree boosting regressor forthe prediction of scourdepth around bridge piers Journal of Hydroinformatics 2.376
126. Jul'2021 SCOPE Jerart Julus L., Manimegalai D., Asha Beaula C.,JoshanAthanesious J., Andrew Roobert A. Advanced nonlinear equalizer for Filter Bank Multicarrier-based LongReach- Passive Optical Network system International Journal of Communication Systems 2.047
127. Jul'2021 SCOPE Elumalai M., Anouncia S.M. Development of soil mineral classification using ontology mining Arabian Journal of Geosciences 1.827
128. Jul'2021 SCOPE Thuluva A.S.S., Somanathan M.S., Somula R., SennanS.,Burgos D. Secure and efficient transmission of data based on Caesar CipherAlgorithm for Sybil attack in IoT Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 1.630
129. Jul'2021 SCOPE Khaji F.A., Potluri S.V., Kakelli A.K. A performance analysis of virtual mail server on type-2 hypervisors Walailak Journal of Science and Technology -
130. Jul'2021 SCOPE Krishna E.S.P., Arunkumar T. Hybrid Particle Swarm and Gray Wolf OptimizationAlgorithm for IoTIntrusion Detection System International Journal of Intelligent Engineeringand Systems -
131. Jul'2021 SCOPE Naveen A., Manoj B., Akhila G., Nakarani M.B.,Rathna Sreekar J., Beriwal P., Gupta N.,Narayanan S.J. Deep learning techniques for detection of covid-19 using chest x- rays Advances in Systems Science and Applications -
132. Jul'2021 SCOPE Rahul V.S., Prasanth N.N., Raja S.P. A Recursive and Parallelized Dynamic ProgrammingImplementation of HardMerkle-Hellman Knapsack System for Public Key Cryptography Cybernetics and Information Technologies -
133. Jul'2021 SCOPE Raja S.P. Green Computing: A FuturePerspective and the Operational Analysis of a Data Center IEEE Transactions onComputational Social Systems -
134. Jul'2021 SCOPE Rallapalli S.M., Saleem Durai M.A. A contemporary approach for disease identification in rice leaf International Journal of Systems AssuranceEngineering andManagement -
135. Jul'2021 SCOPE Reddy V., Gayathri P. Highly efficient particle swarm optimisation forenergy efficiency in wireless sensor network using energycapping and predictive energy allocation International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology -
136. Jul'2021 SCOPE Sakunthala Prabha K.S., Mahesh C., Raja S.P. An Enhanced Semantic Focused Web Crawler Based onHybrid StringMatching Algorithm Cybernetics and InformationTechnologies -
137. Jul'2021 SCOPE Sruthi M., Rajasekaran R. Hybrid lightweight Signcryption scheme for IoT Open Computer Science -
138. Jul'2021 SCOPE Zhu L., Shiy J.F., ShizY.H., Xu H.P., Shanthini A., Seetharam T.G. Renewable green energy resources fornext-generation smart cities using big data analytics Journal ofInterconnection Networks -
139. Jul'2021 SCOPE Prabakaran N., Naresh K., Kannadasan R.,Sainikhil K. LiFi-based smart systems for industrial monitoring International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise -
140. Aug'2021 SCOPE Deebak B.D., Al-Turjman F., Alazab M. Dynamic-Driven Congestion Controland Segment Rerouting in the 6G- Enabled Data Networks IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 10.215
141. Aug'2021 SCOPE Sharma M., Kandasamy I., Kandasamy V. Deep Learning for predicting neutralities inOffensive Language Identification Dataset[Formulapresented] Expert Systems with Applications 6.954
142. Aug'2021 SCOPE Verma A.K., Vamsi I., Saurabh P., Sudha R.,G.R. S., S. R. Wavelet and deep learning-based detection ofSARS-nCoV from thoracic X-ray images for rapid and efficienttesting Expert Systems with Applications 6.954
143. Aug'2021 SCOPE Rajput N.S., Banerjee R., Sanghi D., Santhanam G., Singhal K. Swarm intelligence inspired meta- heuristics forsolving multi-constraint QoS path problem in vehicular ad hocnetworks Ad Hoc Networks 4.111
144. Aug'2021 SCOPE Manickam A., Jiang J., Zhou Y., Sagar A.,Soundrapandiyan R., Dinesh Jackson SamuelR. Automated pneumonia detection on chest X-ray images: A deep learningapproach with different optimizers and transfer learning architectures Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation 3.927
145. Aug'2021 SCOPE Assudani P.J., Balakrishnan P. An efficient approach for load balancing of VMs incloudenvironment Applied Nanoscience (Switzerland) 3.674
146. Aug'2021 SCOPE Soundrapandiyan R., Satapathy S.C., P.V.S.S.RC.M., Nhu N.G. A comprehensive survey on image enhancementtechniques with specialemphasis on infrared images Multimedia Tools and Applications 2.757
147. Aug'2021 SCOPE Manickam A., Soundrapandiyan R., Satapathy S.C.,Samuel R.D.J., Krishnamoorthy S., Kiruthika U., HaldarR. Local Directional Extrema Number Pattern: A New Feature Descriptor forComputed Tomography Image Retrieval Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 2.334
148. Aug'2021 SCOPE Malathy E.M., Thanikachalam V., RubyD., Manikandan N. Metamaterial-loaded multiband antenna for embeddedautomotiveInternet-of-Things communications International Journal of Communication Systems 2.047
149. Aug'2021 SCOPE John J., Varkey M.S., Podder R.S., Sensarma N.,Selvi M., SanthoshKumar S.V.N., Kannan A. Smart Prediction and Monitoring of Waste Disposal System Using IoT andCloud for IoT Based Smart Cities Wireless Personal Communications 1.671
150. Aug'2021 SCOPE Sundararajan K., Garg L., Srinivasan K., BashirA.K., Kaliappan J., Ganapathy G.P., SelvarajS.K., Meena T. A contemporary review on drought modeling using machine learningapproaches CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences 1.593
151. Aug'2021 SCOPE Fernau H., Kuppusamy L., Oladele R.O., RamanI. Improved Descriptional Complexity Results for SimpleSemi-ConditionalGrammars Fundamenta Informaticae 1.333
152. Aug'2021 SCOPE Tiwari M.G.D., Kakelli A.K. Secure online voting system using visual cryptography Walailak Journal of Science and Technology -
153. Aug'2021 SCOPE Mishachandar B., Vairamuthu S., PavithraM. A data security and integrity framework usingthird-party cloudauditing International Journal of Information Technology(Singapore) -
154. Aug'2021 SCOPE Biswas A., Bhattacharya D., Kumar K.A. DeepFake Detection using 3D- Xception Net withDiscrete FourierTransformation Journal of Information Systems andTelecommunication -
155. Sep'2021 SCOPE Chahar S., Roy P.K. COVID-19: A Comprehensive Review of Learning Models Archives of Computational Methods inEngineering 7.302
156. Sep'2021 SCOPE Shankar K., Mohanty S.N., Yadav K., GopalakrishnanT.,Elmisery A.M. Automated COVID-19 diagnosis and classificationusing convolutional neural network with fusion based featureextraction model Cognitive Neurodynamics 5.082
157. Sep'2021 SCOPE Krishna A.V., Leema A.A. ETM-IoT: Energy-aware threshold model forheterogeneous communication inthe internet of things Computers, Materials and Continua 3.772
158. Sep'2021 SCOPE Devi R.C., Florinabel D.J., Prasanth N. High throughput scheduling algorithms for input queued packet switches Computers, Materials and Continua 3.772
159. Sep'2021 SCOPE Javadpour A., Rezaei S., Sangaiah A.K., Slowik A.,Mahmoodi KhaniabadiS. Enhancement in Quality of Routing Service Using Metaheuristic PSOAlgorithm in VANET Networks Soft Computing 3.643
160. Sep'2021 SCOPE Vimala D., Manikandan K. Grid Based Energy Efficient Routing Using Dual Mobile Sinks Arabian Journal for Science andEngineering 2.334
161. Sep'2021 SCOPE Fernau H., Kuppusamy L., Raman I. On the generative capacity of matrixinsertion-deletion systems of small sum-norm Natural Computing 1.690
162. Sep'2021 SCOPE Das P., Vashisth A., Chadha D., Ananda Kumar S.,Banerjee A.,Shiaeles S. LIMAP: A Lightweight Multilayer Authentication Protocol for WBAN Wireless Personal Communications 1.671
163. Sep'2021 SCOPE Sundarakumar M.R., Sankar S., Reddy S.R.S. An effective cloud-based smart home appliances automation in IoT usingPHMM model International Journal of Internet Technologyand Secured Transactions -
164. Sep'2021 SCOPE Krishna E.S.P., Arunkumar T. An improved security approach for attack detectionand mitigation over IoT networks using HACABO and Merklesignatures International Journal of Internet Technology andSecuredTransactions -
165. Sep'2021 SCOPE Periyasami K., Venugopal J., Thirumoorthy G.,Ramasamy R.,Balakrishnan N. Blockchain based combinatorial grouping auction with reserve pricemechanism in cloud computing Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications -
166. Sep'2021 SCOPE Padma P.R., Tiwari A., Pandey A., Krishna S. Identifying video tampering using watermarked blockchain International Journal of PerformabilityEngineering -
167. Sep'2021 SCOPE Dhingra S., Madda R.B., Patan R., Jiao P., Barri K.,Alavi A.H. Internet of things-based fog and cloud computingtechnology for smart trafficmonitoring Internet of Things (Netherlands) -
168. Sep'2021 SCOPE Dwivedi K., Lakshmanan R., Regunathan R. K-means under-sampling for hypertension predictionusing NHANESdataset International Journal of PerformabilityEngineering -
169. Sep'2021 SCOPE Niranchana R., Amutha Prabakar M. Robust and provable secure three-factor mutual authentication schemeusing a smart card International Journal of Internet Technologyand Secured Transactions -
170. Sep'2021 SCOPE Harinee S., Mahendran A. Secure ECG signal transmission for smart healthcare International Journal of PerformabilityEngineering -
171. Sep'2021 SCOPE Lokeshkumar R., Mishra O., Kalra S. Social media data analysis to predict mental stateof users using machinelearning techniques Journal of Education and Health Promotion -
172. Sep'2021 SCOPE Krishnan R., Thangavelu A., Prabhavathy P., SudheerD., Putrevu D.,Misra A. Web-based remote sensing image retrieval usingmultiscale and multidirectional analysis based onContourlet and Haralick texture features International Journal of Intelligent Computing andCybernetics -
173. Oct'2021 SCOPE Vidhya R., Brindha M. Evaluation and performance analysis of Chinese remainder theorem and itsapplication to lossless image compression Journal of Ambient Intelligence and HumanizedComputing 7.104
174. Oct'2021 SCOPE Sharmila A.H., Jaisankar N. Edge Intelligent Agent Assisted Hybrid HierarchicalBlockchain for continuous healthcare monitoring &recommendation system in 5G WBAN-IoT Computer Networks 4.474
175. Oct'2021 SCOPE Ugandran I., Mahendran A., S. A., Hamada M.,Alnumay W.S., Ghosh U., Sharma P.K. A novel cryptosystem using DNA sequencing and contextual array splicingsystem for Medical Internet of Things Computers and Electrical Engineering 3.818
176. Oct'2021 SCOPE Datta D., Garg L., Srinivasan K., Inoue A., ThippaReddy G., Praveen Kumar Reddy M.,Ramesh K., Nasser N. An efficient sound and data steganography based secure authenticationsystem Computers, Materials and Continua 3.772
177. Oct'2021 SCOPE Kaliappan J., Srinivasan K., Mian Qaisar S.,Sundararajan K., ChangC.-Y., Suganthan C. Performance Evaluation of Regression Models for the Prediction of theCOVID- 19 Reproduction Rate Frontiers in Public Health 3.709
178. Oct'2021 SCOPE Bharadwaj B., Saira Banu J., Madiajagan M., GhalibM.R., Castillo O., ShankarA. GPU-Accelerated implementation of a genetically optimized imageencryption algorithm Soft Computing 3.643
179. Oct'2021 SCOPE Kanathezath A., Chembra V., Variyath S.K.P., NairG.G.-L. Identification of biomarkers and functional modulesfrom genomic data instage-wise breast cancer Current Bioinformatics 3.543
180. Oct'2021 SCOPE Krishnamurthy S., Srinivasan K., Qaisar S.M.,Vincent P.M.D.R.,Chang C.-Y. Evaluating Deep Neural Network Architectures with Transfer Learning forPneumonitis Diagnosis Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2.238
181. Oct'2021 SCOPE Bhardwaj A., Kumar M., Stephan T., Shankar A.,Ghalib M.R., Abujar S. IAF: IoT attack framework and unique taxonomy Journal of Circuits, Systems andComputers 1.333
182. Oct'2021 SCOPE Kothandaraman R., Andavar S., Raj R.S.P. Dynamic Model for Assisted Reproductive Technology Outcome Prediction Brazilian Archives of Biology andTechnology 0.797
183. Oct'2021 SCOPE Hilda J., Chandrasekaran S. Cost and time economical planning algorithm forscientific workflows incloud computing Future Internet -
184. Oct'2021 SCOPE Ishwarappa, Anuradha J. Big data based stock trend prediction using deep CNN with reinforcement-LSTM model International Journal of Systems AssuranceEngineering andManagement -
185. Oct'2021 SCOPE Muthulakshmi M., Murugeswari G., Raja S.P. An empirical evaluation of compression techniques for genome sequences International Journal of Biometrics -
186. Nov'2021 SCOPE Al-Turjman F., Bakkiamdavid D. A Proxy-Authorized Public AuditingScheme for Cyber-Medical Systems Using AI-IoT IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 10.215
187. Nov'2021 SCOPE Rajput N.S. Firefly inspired robust cooperative and secure QoSprovisioning framework forvehicular networks in multi-service environment Vehicular Communications 6.91
188. Nov'2021 SCOPE Sangaiah A.K., Khanduzi R. Tabu search with simulated annealing for solving alocation?protection?disruptionin hub network Applied Soft Computing 6.725
189. Nov'2021 SCOPE Ravi, L., Devarajan, M., V,V., Sangaiah, A.K., Wang,L., A, S.,Subramaniyaswamy, V. An intelligent location recommender system utilising multi-agent inducedcognitive behavioural model Enterprise Information Systems 4.35
190. Nov'2021 SCOPE Bose A., Hsu C.-H., RoyS.S., Lee K.C.,Mohammadi-ivatloo B.,Abimannan S. Forecasting stock price by hybrid model of cascadingMultivariate Adaptive Regression Splines and Deep NeuralNetwork Computers and Electrical Engineering 3.818
191. Nov'2021 SCOPE Singhania U., Tripathy B., Hasan M.K., Anumbe N.C.,Alboaneen D., Ahmed F.R.A., AhmedT.E., Nour M.M.M. A Predictive and Preventive Model for Onset of Alzheimer's Disease Frontiers in Public Health 3.709
192. Nov'2021 SCOPE Vidhya R., Brindha M. A novel approach for Chaotic imageEncryption based on block level permutation and bit-wise substitution Multimedia Tools and Applications 2.757
193. Nov'2021 SCOPE Somasundaram, R., Thirugnanam, M. Review of security challenges in healthcare internet of things Wireless Networks 2.602
194. Nov'2021 SCOPE Tamilarasi R., Prabu S. Automated building and road classifications fromhyperspectral imagery through a fully convolutionalnetwork and support vector machine Journal of Supercomputing 2.474
195. Nov'2021 SCOPE Azad H., Deepak A., Azad A. LOD search engine: A semantic search over linked data Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 1.888
196. Nov'2021 SCOPE Balakrishnan S., SureshKumar K., Ramanathan L., Muthusundar S.K. IoT for Health Monitoring System Based on Machine Learning Algorithm Wireless Personal Communications 1.671
197. Nov'2021 SCOPE Karunanithi K., Raja S.P., Rayaguru N.K., SaravananS., Kannan S. An assessment of GHG mitigation potential byelectricity expansionplanning using LEAP model International Journal of Global Warming 1.086
198. Nov'2021 SCOPE Sheik S.A., Amutha Prabakar M. An efficient and provably secure authenticationscheme based on ellipticcurve signature using a smart card International Journal of Information andComputer Security -
199. Nov'2021 SCOPE Kalaiyarasi M., Saravanan S., Karunanithi K., Raja S.P. A novel CZP-BC-FLASH ADC using zero phase bubble error robust controllerfor reliable VLSI circuits International Journal of Information Technology(Singapore) -
200. Nov'2021 SCOPE Karunanithi K., Ramesh S., Raja S.P., RayaguruN.K., Saravanan S. Investigations of electricity expansionenvironmental planning using LEAPmodel for sustainability International Journal of Energy Technologyand Policy -
201. Nov'2021 SCOPE Makhija N., Satapathy S.M., Dwivedi A.K. A systematic review and bibliometric analysis ofcommunity detectionmethodologies in dynamic networks International Journal of BusinessInformation Systems -
202. Dec'2021 SCOPE Zhang Y., Ramanathan L., Maheswari M. A hybrid approach for risk analysis in e-business integrating big data analytics and artificial intelligence Annals of Operations Research 4.854
203. Dec'2021 SCOPE Ramasubbareddy S., Ramasamy S., Sahoo K.S., KumarR.L., PhamQ.-V., Dao N.-N. CAVMS: Application-Aware Cloudlet Adaption and VM Selection Frameworkfor Multicloudlet Environment IEEE Systems Journal 3.931
204. Dec'2021 SCOPE Deepak G., Gulzar Z., Leema A.A. An intelligent system for modeling and evaluation of domain ontologiesfor Crystallography as a prospective domain with a focus on theirretrieval Computers and Electrical Engineering 3.818
205. Dec'2021 SCOPE Moradzadeh A., Mohammadi-Ivatloo B., Abapour M., Anvari- Moghaddam A.,Roy S.S. Heating and Cooling Loads Forecasting forResidential Buildings Based on Hybrid Machine Learning Applications: AComprehensive Review and ComparativeAnalysis IEEE Access 3.367
206. Dec'2021 SCOPE Suruliandi A., Kasthuri A., Raja S.P. Deep feature representation and similarity matrix based noise labelrefinement method for efficient face annotation International Journal of Interactive Multimedia andArtificial Intelligence 3.137
207. Dec'2021 SCOPE Chang C.-Y., Bhattacharya S., Raj Vincent P.M.D., Lakshmanna K.,Srinivasan K. An Efficient Classification of Neonates Cry Using Extreme GradientBoosting- Assisted Grouped-Support-Vector Network Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2.682
208. Dec'2021 SCOPE Joshi G.P., Alenezi F., Thirumoorthy G., Dutta A.K., You J. Ensemble of deep learning‐based multimodal remotesensing image classification model on unmanned aerial vehicle networks Mathematics 2.258
209. Dec'2021 SCOPE Singh G., Khare N. GSFI_SMOTE: A hybrid multiclass classifier for minority attack detectionin internet of things network International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 0.654
210. Dec'2021 SCOPE Hu Z., Xu Y., Raj R.S.P.,Liu G., Wen J., Sun L., Wu L., Cheng X. Dual Distance Center Loss: The Improved Center Loss That Can Run Withoutthe Combination of Softmax Loss, an Application for VehicleRe-Identification and Person Re-Identification IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems -
211. Dec'2021 SCOPE Uppu P., Manickavasagam M., Jagadeesh N.S., BabuK.R. Efficacy of Mobile Phone Technology for ManagingSide Effects Associated with Chemotherapy among Cancer Patients: ASystematic Review and Meta-Analysis Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology -
212. Dec'2021 SCOPE Rai A.K., Senthilkumar R., Aruputharaj K. Framed Recurrent Neural Network with MutatedDragonfly Search Optimization (FRNN-MDSO) for hyperspectral imagebased face recognition in real time door locking applications Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems -
213. Dec'2021 SCOPE Kolla J.V.V., Vemula P.C., Chakravarthy S.L., Naidu B.S., Patibandla D. Leveraging Transfer Learning to Identify Food Categories Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal -
214. Dec'2021 SCOPE Subramanian A.K., Samanta A., ManickamS., Kumar A., Shiaeles S., Mahendran A. Linear Regression Trust Management System for IoT Systems Cybernetics and Information Technologies -
215. Dec'2021 SCOPE Srivastava S., Nigam A., Muthaiyan M. Low-cost Driver Assistance System for drivers suffering from Dyslexia orColor- blindness using Machine Learning International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology -
216. Dec'2021 SCOPE Asawa Y. Modern Machine Learning Solutions for Portfolio Selection IEEE Engineering Management Review -
217. Dec'2021 SCOPE Sujatha M., Geetha K., Balakrishnan P. User-centric framework to facilitate trust worthycloud service provider selectionbased on fuzzy inference system Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems -
218. Dec'2021 SCOPE Balaji K. Machine learning algorithm for feature space clustering of mixed datawith missing information based on molecule similarity Journal of Biomedical Informatics 6.317
219. Dec'2021 SCOPE Acharjya D.P., Kiruba B G.G. A rough set, formal concept analysis and SEM-PLSintegrated approach towards sustainable wearable computing in theadoption of smartwatch Sustainable Computing: Informatics andSystems 4.028
220. Dec'2021 SCOPE Haldar R., Narayanan S.J. A novel ensemble based recommendation approach usingnetwork based analysis for identification of effective drugs forTuberculosis Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 2.080
221. Dec'2021 SCOPE Kusuma S., Jothi K.R. Heart disease classification using multiple K-PCAand hybrid deep learningapproach Computer Systems Science andEngineering 1.486
222. Dec'2021 SCOPE Karunanithi K., Raja S.P., Ramesh S., Karthikumar K., Chandrasekar P.,Rani K.A. Investigations on Off-Grid Hybrid Renewable Energy Microgrid forSustainable Development Growth Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 1.333
223. Dec'2021 SCOPE Lyimo A.J., Kumar K.A. Efficient way in sharing of IoT data and uses of blockchain in auditingthe stored data International Journal of Internet Technology andSecuredTransactions -
224. Dec'2021 SCOPE Malathi V., Gopinath M.P. A Review on Rice Crop Disease Classification Using ComputationalApproach International Journal of Image and Graphics -
225. Dec'2021 SCOPE Vishva E.S., Aju D. Phisher Fighter: Website Phishing Detection SystemBased on URL and Term Frequency-Inverse DocumentFrequency Values Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility -


S. No. Month School/ Centre Author (s) Title Journal TRImpact Factor
1 Jan'2020 SCOPE Kumar A., Singh S.K., Saxena S., Lakshmanan K.,Sangaiah A.K., Chauhan H., Shrivastava S., SinghR.K. Deep feature learning for histopathological image classification ofcanine mammary tumors and human breast cancer Information Sciences 5.524
2 Jan'2020 SCOPE Peng Z., Xiao X., Hu G.,Kumar Sangaiah A., Atiquzzaman M., Xia S. ABFL: An autoencoder based practical approach for software faultlocalization Information Sciences 5.524
3 Jan'2020 SCOPE Kandasamy I., VasanthaW.B., Obbineni J.M., Smarandache F. Sentiment analysis of tweets using refined neutrosophic sets Computers in Industry 4.769
4 Jan'2020 SCOPE Zhang C., Li D., KangX., Song D., Sangaiah A.K., Broumi S. Neutrosophic fusion of rough set theory: An overview Computers in Industry 4.769
5 Jan'2020 SCOPE Sangaiah A.K.,Arumugam M., Bian G.- B. An intelligent learning approach forimproving ECG signal classification and arrhythmia analysis Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 3.574
6 Jan'2020 SCOPE B.D. D., Al-Turjman F. A hybrid secure routing and monitoringmechanism in IoT-based wireless sensor networks Ad Hoc Networks 3.490
7 Jan'2020 SCOPE Udmale S.S., SinghS.K., Singh R., Sangaiah A.K. Multi-Fault Bearing ClassificationUsing Sensors and ConvNet-Based Transfer Learning Approach IEEE Sensors Journal 3.076
8 Jan'2020 SCOPE Sangaiah A.K., Hosseinabadi A.A.R., Shareh M.B.,Bozorgi Rad S.Y., ZolfagharianA., Chilamkurti N. IoT Resource Allocation and Optimization Based on Heuristic Algorithm Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 3.031
9 Jan'2020 SCOPE Vuppala B., P. S. Software defined network using enhanced workflowscheduling insurveillance Computer Communications 2.766
10 Jan'2020 SCOPE P K.A., Acharjya D.P. A Hybrid Scheme for Heart DiseaseDiagnosis Using Rough Set and Cuckoo Search Technique Journal of Medical Systems 2.415
11 Jan'2020 SCOPE Acharjya D.P., Acharjya B. An integrated partial least square and rough setapproach for studying pilgrimage attitude towards culturalheritage of Odisha Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 1.910
12 Jan'2020 SCOPE Zhang B., Xiao X., Zhang W., Kumar Sangaiah A., ZhouY.,Liu X. A co-occurrence matrix based masquerade detection method in in- vehiclenetwork Transactions on Emerging TelecommunicationsTechnologies 1.258
13 Jan'2020 SCOPE Khamparia A., Pande S., Gupta D., Khanna A.,Sangaiah A.K. Multi-level framework for anomaly detection in social networking Library Hi Tech 1.256
14 Jan'2020 SCOPE Suresh Kumar D., Jagadeesh Kannan R. Reinforcement learning-based controller for adaptiveworkflow scheduling in multi-tenant cloudcomputing International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education 0.941
15 Jan'2020 SCOPE Jeyapriya J., Umadevi K.S. Detection of exudates using neuro- fuzzy technique International Journal of Electrical EngineeringEducation 0.941
16 Jan'2020 SCOPE Singh B.P., Kumar S.A., Gao X.-Z., Kohli M., Katiyar S. A Study on Energy Consumption of DVFS and Simple VMConsolidation Policies in Cloud Computing DataCenters Using CloudSim Toolkit Wireless Personal Communications 0.929
17 Jan'2020 SCOPE Christo V.R.E., Nehemiah H.K., Brighty J., Kannan A. Feature Selection and Instance Selection fromClinical Datasets Using Co-operative Co-evolution andClassification Using Random Forest IETE Journal of Research 0.793
18 Jan'2020 SCOPE Krishnamoorthy A., Vijayarajan V. Energy aware routing technique basedon Markov model in wireless sensor network International Journal ofComputers and Applications  
19 Jan'2020 SCOPE Choubey D.K., Kumar P., Tripathi S., Kumar S. Performance evaluation of classification methods with PCA and PSO fordiabetes Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics andBioinformatics  
20 Jan'2020 SCOPE Bidani S., Priya R.P., Vijayarajan V., Prasath V.B.S. Automatic body mass index detection using correlation of face visualcues Technology and health care : official journal of theEuropean Society for Engineering andMedicine  
21 Jan'2020 SCOPE Prathyusha D.J., Kannayaram G. A cognitive mechanism for mitigatingDDoS attacks using the artificial immune system in a cloud environment Evolutionary Intelligence  
22 Jan'2020 SCOPE Kumar N.S., Kumar K.R. A collision aware priority level medium accesscontrol protocol for underwateracoustic sensor networks Journal of Information and CommunicationTechnology  
23 Jan'2020 SCOPE Kather S.B., Tripathy B.K. Clustering mixed data using neighbourhood rough sets International Journal of Advanced IntelligenceParadigms  
24 Jan'2020 SCOPE Patkar G.S., Anjaneyulu G.S.G.N., ChandraMouli P.V.S.S.R. Execution of UML-based oil palm fruit harvester algorithm: Novelapproach International Journal of Computer Aided EngineeringandTechnology  
25 Jan'2020 SCOPE Charanya R., Saravanaguru R.A.K.,Aramudhan M. Sefra: A secure framework to manage ehealth recordsusing blockchaintechnology International Journal of E-Health and MedicalCommunications  
26 Feb'2020 SCOPE Wang T., Ke H., ZhengX., Wang K., Sangaiah A.K., Liu A. Big Data Cleaning Based on MobileEdge Computing in Industrial Sensor- Cloud IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 7.377
27 Feb'2020 SCOPE Chen C., Liu X., Qiu T., Sangaiah A.K. A short-term traffic prediction model in the vehicular cyber?physicalsystems Future Generation Computer Systems 5.768
28 Feb'2020 SCOPE Sodhro A.H., Zongwei L., Pirbhulal S.,Sangaiah A.K., Lohano S., Sodhro G.H. Power-Management Strategies for Medical Information Transmission inWireless Body Sensor Networks IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine 3.273
29 Feb'2020 SCOPE Emperuman M., Chandrasekaran S. Hybrid continuous density hmm-based ensemble neural networks for sensorfault detection and classification in wireless sensor network Sensors (Switzerland) 3.031
30 Feb'2020 SCOPE Padma Priya R., Rekha D. Sustainability modelling and green energyoptimisation in microgrid powered distributedFogMicroDataCenters in rural area Wireless Networks 2.405
31 Feb'2020 SCOPE Thirugnanam T., Ghalib M.R. A reward based connectivity-aware IoV neighbor selection for improvingreliability in healthcare information exchange Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 2.397
32 Feb'2020 SCOPE Khamparia A., Gupta D., de Albuquerque V.H.C.,Sangaiah A.K., JhaveriR.H. Internet of health things-driven deep learningsystem for detection and classification of cervical cells usingtransfer learning Journal of Supercomputing 2.157
33 Feb'2020 SCOPE Raj D.M.D.,Mohanasundaram R. An Efficient Filter-Based Feature Selection Model to IdentifySignificant Features from High-Dimensional Microarray Data Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 1.518
34 Feb'2020 SCOPE Biswas R., Vasan A., Roy S.S. Dilated Deep Neural Network for Segmentation of Retinal Blood Vessels inFundus Images Iranian Journal of Science and Technology- Transactions ofElectrical Engineering 0.600
35 Feb'2020 SCOPE Roy S.S., Chopra R., Lee K.C., Spampinato C., Mohammadi-Ivatlood B. Random forest, gradient boosted machines and deep neural network forstock price forecasting: A comparative analysis on South Koreancompanies International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 0.560
36 Feb'2020 SCOPE Harshalatha P., Mohanasundaram R. Classification of malware detection using machine learning algorithms: Asurvey International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research  
37 Feb'2020 SCOPE Govindaraj P., Natarajan J. Trust-based fruit fly optimisation algorithm for task scheduling in acloud environment International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services  
38 Feb'2020 SCOPE Jyotheeswari P., Jeyanthi N. Hybrid encryption model for managing the datasecurity in medical internet ofthings International Journal of Internet ProtocolTechnology  
39 Feb'2020 SCOPE Chawla H., Gupta B., Govinda K. Loan default prediction using machine learning techniques Test Engineering and Management  
40 Feb'2020 SCOPE Singh A.P., Gupta B., Govinda K. IOT based cardio vascular signal analysis using discrete wavelettransform Test Engineering and Management  
41 Feb'2020 SCOPE Shukla V., Sharma N., Choubey D.K. Performance Evaluation of a Hybrid Buffer-Based Optical Packet SwitchRouter Journal of Optical Communications  
42 Feb'2020 SCOPE Weslin D., Joshva Devadas T. Genetic algorithm-based intelligent multiagentarchitecture for extracting information from hidden webdatabases International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining  
43 Feb'2020 SCOPE Sathiya Kumar C., Priya V., Sriram V.P., Sankar Ganesh K., Murugan G.,Mani D., Sudhakar S. An efficient algorithm for quantum computing with quantum keydistribution with secure communication Journal of Engineering Science and Technology  
44 Jun'2020 SCOPE Deebak B.D., Al- Turjman F. A novel community-based trust awarerecommender systems for big data cloud service networks Sustainable Cities and Society 4.624
45 Jun'2020 SCOPE Shanmuga Sundari P., Subaji M. Integrating Sentiment Analysis on HybridCollaborative Filtering Methodin a Big Data Environment International Journal of Information Technologyand Decision Making 2.862
46 Jun'2020 SCOPE Balaji K., Lavanya K., Mary A.G. Clustering algorithm for mixed datasets usingdensity peaks and Self- Organizing Generative AdversarialNetworks Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 2.786
47 Jun'2020 SCOPE Kumar A.P., Shankar S.G., Reddy Maddikunta P.K.,Gadekallu T.R., Al-Ahmari A., Abidi M.H. Location based business recommendation using spatial demand Sustainability (Switzerland) 2.592
48 Jun'2020 SCOPE Remya S., Sasikala R. Performance evaluation of optimized and adaptiveneuro fuzzy inference system for predictive modeling inagriculture Computers and Electrical Engineering 2.189
49 Jun'2020 SCOPE Saravana Karthikeyan M., Sasikala R., KarthikeyanN., KarthikS. Improved performance of cloud servers using LBSDD factors of privatecloud Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 1.910
50 Jun'2020 SCOPE Sharmila A.H., Jaisankar N. E-MHMS: enhanced MAC-basedsecure delay-aware healthcare monitoring system in WBAN Cluster Computing 1.851
51 Jun'2020 SCOPE Patel D., Srinivasan K., Chang C.-Y., Gupta T.,Kataria A. Network anomaly detection inside consumer networks?ahybridapproach Electronics (Switzerland) 1.764
52 Jun'2020 SCOPE Gayathri Devi N., Manikandan K. Improved perturbation technique privacy-preservingrotation-based condensation algorithm for privacy preserving in big datastream usingInternet of Things Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 1.258
53 Jun'2020 SCOPE Joseph S.S., Dennisan A. Three dimensional reconstruction models for medicalmodalities: A comprehensive investigation andanalysis Current Medical Imaging Reviews 0.533
54 Jun'2020 SCOPE Sonia J.J., Dheeba J. Classification of benign and malignant breast masseson mammograms for large datasets using core vectormachines Current Medical Imaging Reviews 0.533
55 Jun'2020 SCOPE Elhoseny M., Abbas H., Hassanien A.E., Muhammad K.,KumarSangaiah A. Secure Automated Forensic Investigation forSustainable Critical Infrastructures Compliant with GreenComputing Requirements IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing _
56 Jun'2020 SCOPE Deepa T.P., Rao A.N. Estimation of a point along overlapping cervicalcell nuclei in Pap smear imageusing colour space conversion International Journal of Biomedical Engineeringand Technology _
57 Jun'2020 SCOPE Velayutham V., Chandrasekaran S. A prediction based cloud resource provisioning using svm Recent Advances inComputer Science and Communications _
58 Jun'2020 SCOPE Basheer S., Anbarasi M., Sakshi D.G., VinothKumar V. Efficient text summarization method for blind peopleusing text miningtechniques International Journal of Speech Technology _
59 Jun'2020 SCOPE Wang J., Sangaiah A.K., Liu W. A hybrid collaborative filtering recommendationalgorithm: Integrating content information and matrixfactorization International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing _
60 Jun'2020 SCOPE Vandhana S., Anuradha J. Neutrosophic fuzzy hierarchical clustering forDengue analysis in SriLanka Neutrosophic Sets and Systems _
61 Jun'2020 SCOPE Sreedhar K.C., Suresh Kumar N. Green personalized privacy preservation of e-healthdata through multi-objective weighted clustering andoptimal item set mining Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems _
62 Jun'2020 SCOPE Cyriac R., Karuppiah M. A comparative study of energy retaining objectivefunctions in RPL for improving network lifetime in IoTenvironment Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications _
63 Jul'2020 SCOPE Vuppala B., Swarnalatha P. Quantitative evaluation method of cloud resources based on workscheduling Journal of AmbientIntelligence and Humanized Computing 4.594
64 Jul'2020 SCOPE Liu W., Lin Z., Zhu H., Wang J., Sangaiah A.K. Attention-Based Adaptive Memory Network forRecommendation with Review andRating IEEE Access 3.745
65 Jul'2020 SCOPE Rajaguru R., Vimala Devi K., Marichamy P. A hybrid spectrum sensing approach toselect suitable spectrum band for cognitive users Computer Networks 3.111
66 Jul'2020 SCOPE Vandhana S., Anuradha J. Environmental air pollution clustering usingenhanced ensemble clusteringmethodology Environmental Science and Pollution Research 3.056
67 Jul'2020 SCOPE Deebak B.D., Al-Turjman F., Mostarda L. Seamless secure anonymous authentication forcloud-based mobile edgecomputing Computers and Electrical Engineering 2.663
68 Jul'2020 SCOPE Harshanand B.A., Sangaiah A.K. Comprehensive Analysis of Deep Learning Methodologyin Classification of Leukocytes and Enhancement Using SwishActivation Units Mobile Networks and Applications 2.602
69 Jul'2020 SCOPE Suchitra S., Poovaraghan R.J. Dynamic multi-attribute priority based faceattribute detection for robust face imageretrieval system Multimedia Tools and Applications 2.313
70 Jul'2020 SCOPE Sangeetha T., Amalanathan G.M. Outlier detection in neutrosophic sets byusing rough entropy based weighted density method CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology -
71 Jul'2020 SCOPE Thirugnanam M., Pasupuleti M.S. Cardiomyopathy -induced arrhythmia classificationand pre-fall alert generation using Convolutional Neural Network andLong Short-Term Memory model Evolutionary Intelligence -
72 Jul'2020 SCOPE Palanivinayagam A., Nagarajan S. An optimized iterative clustering framework for recognizing speech International Journal of Speech Technology -
73 Jul'2020 SCOPE Senthilnathan P., Sirajudeen A.J., Ilayaraja V., Iyapparaja M. Proposed variants of charged system search algorithmfor location area optimisation in mobile wirelesscommunication networks International Journal of Computer Aided EngineeringandTechnology -
74 Jul'2020 SCOPE Shetty A., Jonnalagadda A., Cherukuri A.K. Trajectory planning in autonomous systems: A recursive tangent algorithm International Journal of Computer InformationSystems and Industrial Management Applications -
75 Jul'2020 SCOPE Bonthu B., Subaji M. An effective algorithm to overcome thepractical hindrance for Wi-Fi based indoor positioning system Open Computer Science -
76 Aug'2020 SCOPE Medhane D.V., Sangaiah A.K., Hossain M.S., Muhammad G., Wang J. Blockchain-Enabled Distributed Security Framework for Next- GenerationIoT: An Edge Cloud and Software-Defined Network-Integrated Approach IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9.936
77 Aug'2020 SCOPE Greener J.G., Selvaraj J., Ward B.J. BioStructures.jl: read, write and manipulate macromolecular structuresin Julia Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 5.610
78 Aug'2020 SCOPE Deebak B.D. Lightweight authentication and key management in mobile-sink for smartIoT-assisted systems Sustainable Cities and Society 5.268
79 Aug'2020 SCOPE Balaji K., Lavanya K., Mary A.G. Machine learning algorithm for clustering of heart disease andchemoinformatics datasets Computers and Chemical Engineering 4.000
80 Aug'2020 SCOPE Balaji K., Lavanya K., Mary A.G. Clustering of mixed datasets using deep learning algorithm Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 2.895
81 Aug'2020 SCOPE Deperlioglu O., Kose U., Gupta D., Khanna A., Sangaiah A.K. Diagnosis of heart diseases by a secure Internet of Health Things systembased on Autoencoder Deep Neural Network Computer Communications 2.816
82 Aug'2020 SCOPE Acharjya D.P., Ahmed N.S.S. Tracing of online assaults in 5G networks using dominance based Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 2.793
83 Aug'2020 SCOPE Mohan D., Amalanathan G.M. The efficacy of handoff strategy based spectrum allocation using TSB-MFOfor D2D and CU communications Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 2.793
84 Aug'2020 SCOPE Su J., Chu X., Kadry S., Rajkumar S. Internet-of-things-assisted smart system 4.0 framework using simulatedrouting procedures Sustainability (Switzerland) 2.576
85 Aug'2020 SCOPE Roy S.S., Rodrigues N., Taguchi Y.-H. Incremental dilations using CNN for brain tumor classification Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 2.474
86 Aug'2020 SCOPE Selvi M., Santhosh Kumar S.V.N., Ganapathy S.,Ayyanar A., Khanna NehemiahH., Kannan A. An Energy Efficient Clustered Gravitational and Fuzzy Based RoutingAlgorithm in WSNs Wireless Personal Communications 1.061
87 Aug'2020 SCOPE Kalaivani K., Phamila Y.A.V. Detecting changes in multitemporal multispectral Landsat images usingspatial frequency-based undecimated wavelet transform fusion Journal of Electronic Imaging 0.884
88 Aug'2020 SCOPE R S., L R., K L., V B., J S.B. Chicken swarm foraging algorithm for big data classification using thedeep belief network classifier Data Technologies and Applications 0.704
89 Aug'2020 SCOPE Ahamed B.B., Krishnamoorthy M. SMS Encryption and Decryption Using Modified Vigenere Cipher Algorithm Journal of the Operations Research Society of China -
90 Aug'2020 SCOPE Gnanasigamani L.J., Hari S. Analysis of crime data using neighbourhood rough sets International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering -
91 Aug'2020 SCOPE Haleema P.K., Iyengar N.C.S.N. JADETraderPal ? JADE mobile agent embedded withflexible negotiation strategies for dynamic e-commerceenvironments Journal of King Saud University - Computer andInformationSciences -
92 Aug'2020 SCOPE Jayaraman S., Ramachandran M.,Patan R., Daneshmand M., Gandomi A.H. Fuzzy Deep Neural Learning Based on Goodman andKruskal'sGamma for Search Engine Optimization IEEE Transactions on Big Data -
93 Aug'2020 SCOPE Kalaivani D., Chandra Mouli P.V.S.S.R. Link survivability rate-based clustering for QoS maximisation in VANET International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing -
94 Aug'2020 SCOPE Natesan S., Krishnan R. FLCEER: Fuzzy logic cluster-based energy efficient routing protocol forunderwater acoustic sensor network International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering -
95 Aug'2020 SCOPE Swaminathan S., Naresh K., Kumanan K. An enhanced load balancing in cloud environmentusing ant colonyoptimization (MLB-ACO) algorithm Journal of Green Engineering -
96 Sep'2020 SCOPE Minahil, Ayub M.F.,Mahmood K., Kumari S., Sangaiah A.K. Lightweight authentication protocolfor e-health clouds in IoT based applications through 5G technology DigitalCommunications and Networks 5.382
97 Sep'2020 SCOPE Acharjya D.P., Abraham A. Rough computing ? A review of abstraction,hybridization and extentof applications Engineering Applications ofArtificial Intelligence 4.201
98 Sep'2020 SCOPE Deebak B.D., Al- Turjman F. A smart lightweight privacy preservation scheme for IoT-based UAVcommunication systems Computer Communications 2.816
99 Sep'2020 SCOPE Natteshan N.V.S., Suresh Kumar N. Effective SAR image segmentation and classificationof crop areas usingMRG and CDNN techniques European Journal of Remote Sensing 2.808
100 Sep'2020 SCOPE Vasantha W.B., Kandasamy I., Smarandache F. Neutrosophic components semigroups and multisetneutrosophic componentssemigroups Symmetry 2.645
101 Sep'2020 SCOPE Arefin R., Meshram S.G., Santos C.A.G., da Silva R.M., Pushparaj J. Hybrid modelling approach for water body changedetection at Chalan Beel area in northernBangladesh Environmental Earth Sciences 2.180
102 Sep'2020 SCOPE Ravi L., Devarajan M., V V., Sangaiah A.K., Wang L.,A S.,Subramaniyaswamy V. An intelligent location recommender system utilising multi-agent inducedcognitive behavioural model Enterprise Information Systems 2.145
103 Sep'2020 SCOPE Sreejith S., Khanna Nehemiah H., Kannan A. A Classification Framework using a DiverseIntensified StrawberryOptimized Neural Network (DISON) for Clinical Decision-making Cognitive Systems Research 1.902
104 Sep'2020 SCOPE Poluru R.K., Ramasamy L.K. Optimal cluster head selection usingmodified rider assisted clustering for IoT IET Communications 1.664
105 Sep'2020 SCOPE Verlan S., Fernau H., Kuppusamy L. Universal insertion grammars of size two Theoretical Computer Science 0.747
106 Sep'2020 SCOPE Batta K.B., Gurrala V.R., Yarlagadda V.S.M. A node to node security for sensor nodes implantedin cross cover multi-layer architecture using Mc-Nie algorithm Evolutionary Intelligence -
107 Sep'2020 SCOPE Lakshitha V., Dalal R., Krishnamoorthy A. A novel approach to smart hydroponics system using IoT Journal of AdvancedResearch in Dynamical and Control Systems -
108 Sep'2020 SCOPE Ponnrajakumari M., Vimala Devi K.,Subramaniam M. A survey on clustering algorithms in cognitive radio networks Journal of Critical Reviews -
109 Sep'2020 SCOPE Gopalakrishnan T., Ruby D., Gayathri A.,Mahesh S., Choudhary R. An approach to cryptocurrency price prediction using deep learning International Journal of Advanced Trends inComputer Science and Engineering -
110 Sep'2020 SCOPE Ragunthar T., Selvakumar S. Hybrid artificial bee colony based feature selection in bone marrowplasma cell gene expression data International Journal of Advanced Trends in ComputerScience andEngineering -
111 Sep'2020 SCOPE Aditya T., Mani S.S. Preventing collaborative black hole attack in IoT construction using aCBHA?AODV routing protocol International Journal of Grid and High PerformanceComputing -
112 Sep'2020 SCOPE Shankar G.S., Manikandan K. Remote diagnosis of diabetics patient through speechengine and fuzzy based machine learningalgorithm International Journal of Speech Technology -
113 Sep'2020 SCOPE Kavitha Bharathi S., Navee N., Reddy Thatikonda A. Traffic emission discovery and control using air quality indexing andanalytics framework International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation -
114 Sep'2020 SCOPE Choubey D.K., KumarM., Shukla V., Tripathi S., Dhandhania V.K. Comparative analysis ofclassification methods with pca and lda for diabetes Current Diabetes Reviews -
115 Oct'2020 SCOPE Dorofeyeva N., Drachuk K., Rajkumar R., SabnisO., Sagach V. H2S donor improves heart function and vascular relaxation in diabetes European Journal of Clinical Investigation 3.481
116 Oct'2020 SCOPE Sreejith S., Khanna Nehemiah H., Kannan A. Clinical data classification using an enhanced SMOTEand chaoticevolutionary feature selection Computers in Biology and Medicine 3.434
117 Oct'2020 SCOPE Xu X., Chen Y., Zhang J., Chen Y., Anandhan P.,Manickam A. A novel approach for scene classification fromremote sensingimages using deep learning methods European Journal of Remote Sensing 2.808
118 Oct'2020 SCOPE Mishra K., Kandasamy I., Vasantha KandasamyW.B., Smarandache F. A novel framework using neutrosophy for integratedspeech and textsentiment analysis Symmetry 2.645
119 Oct'2020 SCOPE Chen Y.-S., Sangaiah A.K., Chen S.-F., HuangH.-C. Applied identification of industry data scienceusing an advanced multi-componential discretization model Symmetry 2.645
120 Oct'2020 SCOPE Asogbon M.G., Samuel O.W., Jiang Y., Wang L., Geng Y., Sangaiah A.K.,Chen S., Fang P., Li G. Appropriate feature set and window parametersselection for efficient motion intent characterization towardsintelligently smart emg-prsystem Symmetry 2.645
121 Oct'2020 SCOPE Wu J., Sangaiah A.K., Gao W. Graph learning-based ontology sparse vector computing Symmetry 2.645
122 Oct'2020 SCOPE Vo T., Sharma R., Kumar R., Son L.H., Pham B.T.,Bui D.T., Priyadarshini I., Sarkar M., Le T. Crime rate detection using social media of differentcrime locations andTwitter part-of-speech tagger with Brown clustering Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 1.851
123 Oct'2020 SCOPE Ponnrajakumari M., Vimala Devi K., Subramaniam M. A novel spectrum-aware clustering algorithm based ongolden ratio optimization and fuzzy clustering forcognitive radio networks International Journal of Communication Systems 1.319
124 Oct'2020 SCOPE Shunmuganathan S., Saravanan R.D.,Palanichamy Y. Securing VPN from insider and outsider bandwidth flooding attack Microprocessors and Microsystems 1.161
125 Oct'2020 SCOPE Lavanya K., Venkatanarayanan S., Bhoraskar A.A. Real-time weather analytics: An end- to-end big dataanalytics service overapach spark with kafka and long short- term memory networks International Journal of Web Services Research 0.868
126 Oct'2020 SCOPE Venkatachalam I., Palaniappan S., Ameer John S. Distributed directional cooperative MAC (DD-CoopMAC)protocol for improving VBR throughput in IEEE802.11ad WLAN Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences 0.849
127 Oct'2020 SCOPE Liu J., Zhang X., Tian X., Wang J., Sangaiah A.K. A novel domain adaption approach for neural machine translation International Journal of Computational Scienceand Engineering -
128 Oct'2020 SCOPE Divya G., Ranjani M., Preetha Evangeline D. A web based approach: Smart e-ration shop using two way authenticationsystem International Journal of Advanced Trends in ComputerScience andEngineering -
129 Oct'2020 SCOPE Soundrapandiyan R. An approach for infrared image pedestrianclassification based on local directional pixel structureelements' descriptor International Journal of Computer Aided EngineeringandTechnology -
130 Oct'2020 SCOPE Koppu S., Viswanatham V.M. An efficient image system-based grey wolf optimisermethod for multimedia image security using reduced entropy-based 3D chaotic map International Journal of Computer Aided EngineeringandTechnology -
131 Oct'2020 SCOPE Jayalakshmi D., Dheeba J. Border detection in skin lesion images using animproved clusteringalgorithm International Journal of e-Collaboration -
132 Oct'2020 SCOPE Manju A.B., Subramanian S. Fog-assisted privacy preservationscheme for location-based services based on trust relationship International Journal ofGrid and High Performance Computing -
133 Oct'2020 SCOPE Anbarasi M., Saleem Durai M.A. Incipient knowledge in protein folding kineticsstates prophecy using deepneural network-based ensemble classifier International Journal of Computer AidedEngineering and Technology -
134 Oct'2020 SCOPE Sylvester Ranjith F., Parveen Sultana H. Predicting the existence of brain tumor in mri images by applying fcnn Medico-Legal Update -
135 Oct'2020 SCOPE Sundareswaran A., Lavanya K. Real-time vehicle traffic prediction inapache spark using ensemble learning for deep neural networks International Journal ofIntelligent Information Technologies -
136 Oct'2020 SCOPE Pramod Reddy A., Vijayarajan V. Recognition of human emotion with spectral features using multi layer-perceptron International Journal of Knowledge-Based andIntelligent EngineeringSystems -
137 Oct'2020 SCOPE Kaushik M., Jain A., Agarwal P., Joshi S.D., Parvez S. Role of Yoga and Meditation as ComplimentaryTherapeutic Regime for Stress-Related Neuropsychiatric Disorders:Utilization of Brain WavesActivity as Novel Tool Journal of Evidence- Based Integrative Medicine -
138 Oct'2020 SCOPE Venkatesan R., Prabu S. Spectral and spatial features-based HSIclassification using multipleneuron-based learning approach International Journal of Cloud Computing -
139 Oct'2020 SCOPE Kumar K.A., Raman A., Gupta C., Pillai R.R. The recent trends in malware evolution, detectionand analysis forandroid devices Journal of Engineering Science and TechnologyReview -
140 Oct'2020 SCOPE Balamurugan P., Viswa Bharathy A.M., Marimuthu K.,Niranchana R. Type-specific classification of bronchogeniccarcinomas using bi- layer mutated particle swarmoptimisation International Journal of Computer Aided EngineeringandTechnology -
141 Nov'2020 SCOPE Addagarla S.K., Amalanathan A. Probabilistic unsupervised machine learning approachfor a similar imagerecommender system for E-commerce Symmetry 2.645
142 Nov'2020 SCOPE Chan H.-P., Xu L., Liu H.-H., Zhang R.-T., Sangaiah A.K. System Design of Cloud Search Engine Based on Rich Text Content Mobile Networks and Applications 2.602
143 Nov'2020 SCOPE Deebak B.D., Al-Turjman F., Nayyar A. Chaotic-map based authenticated security frameworkwith privacypreservation for remote point-of-care Multimedia Tools and Applications 2.313
144 Nov'2020 SCOPE Elgin Christo V.R., Khanna Nehemiah H.,Nahato K.B., Brighty J., Kannan A. Computer assisted medical decision- making systemusing geneticalgorithm and extreme learning machine for diagnosing allergic rhinitis International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation 1.914
145 Nov'2020 SCOPE Anitha K., Dhanalakshmi R., Naresh K., Devi D.R. Hyperbolic Hopfield neural networksfor image classification in content- based image retrieval International Journal ofWavelets, Multiresolution and 0.739
146 Nov'2020 SCOPE Charanya R., Saravanaguru R.A.K. Integrity of e-health record ensured withcontext-based merkle tree through temporal shadow inblockchain International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering ?
147 Nov'2020 SCOPE Ramamoorthi J.S., Sangaiah A.K. Efficient and secured information transfer forcongestion avoidance and collision detection in vehicular ad hocnetworks (V2V) methodology International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions ?
148 Nov'2020 SCOPE Sundari P.S., Subaji M. An improved hidden behavioral pattern miningapproach to enhancethe performance of recommendation system in a big data environment Journal of King Saud University - Computerand Information Sciences ?
149 Dec'2020 SCOPE Indumathi J., Shankar A., Ghalib M.R., Gitanjali J., Hua Q., Wen Z., QiX. Block Chain Based Internet of Medical Things forUninterrupted, Ubiquitous, User-Friendly, Unflappable,Unblemished, Unlimited Health Care Services (BC IoMT U6HCS) IEEE Access 3.745
150 Dec'2020 SCOPE Gopalakrishnan T., Ruby D., Al-Turjman F., Gupta D., Pustokhina I.V.,Pustokhin D.A., Shankar K. Deep learning enabled data offloading with cyber attack detection modelin mobile edge computing systems IEEE Access 3.745
151 Dec'2020 SCOPE Meghwani S.S., Thakur M. Adaptively weighted decomposition based multi-objective evolutionaryalgorithm Applied Intelligence 3.325
152 Dec'2020 SCOPE Stephan T., Rajappa A., Sendhil Kumar K.S.,Gupta S., Shankar A., Vijayakumar V. Modified fuzzy-based greedy routing protocol for VANETs Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 1.851
153 Dec'2020 SCOPE Kumar A., Abhishek K., Ghalib M.R., Nerurkar P.,Shah K., Chandane M., Bhirud S., Patel D.,Busnel Y. Towards cough sound analysis using the Internet of things and deeplearning for pulmonary disease prediction Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 1.594
154 Dec'2020 SCOPE Jane Y.N., Nehemiah H.K., Kannan A. Classifying unevenly spaced clinical time series data using forecasterror approximation based bottom-up (FeAB) segmented time delay neuralnetwork Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging andVisualization 1.502
155 Dec'2020 SCOPE Kumar A., Abhishek K., Rukunuddin Ghalib M.,Nerurkar P., Bhirud S., Alnumay W., AnandaKumar S., Chatterjee P., Ghosh U. Securing logistics system and supply chain using Blockchain Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 1.175
156 Dec'2020 SCOPE Joshva Devadas T. A survey on agent learning architecture that adopts internet of thingsand International Journal of Wavelets, 0.739
157 Dec'2020 SCOPE Kumar A., Abhishek K., Shandilya S.K., GhalibM.R. Malware analysis through random forest approach Journal of Web Engineering 0.396
158 Dec'2020 SCOPE Reddy V., Gayathri P. Redefined vector based glowworm swarm optimization(R-vbgso) to improve the nodes? energy efficiency inwireless sensor networks (wsn) Journal of Green Engineering -
159 Dec'2020 SCOPE Mukthineni V.,Mukthineni R., Sharma O., Narayanan S.J. Face Authenticated Hand GestureBased Human Computer Interaction for Desktops Cybernetics andInformation Technologies -
160 Dec'2020 SCOPE Gangadhara Reddy V., Radheer Reddy K., Krishnamoorthy A., Kannadasan R.,Boominathan P. Movie prior release box office prediction a machine learning basedapproach European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine -
161 Dec'2020 SCOPE Akshay Prassanna S., Harshanand B.A., Srishti B.,Chaitanya R., Soundari K.N., Swathi Sriram V., Kumar M., ChennamsettiV., Venkateshwaran G.,Maurya P.K. Crop value forecasting using decision tree regressor and models European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine -
162 Dec'2020 SCOPE Panday H., Vijayarajan V., Mahendran A., Krishnamoorthy A., SuryaPrasath V.B. Stock prediction using sentiment analysis and long short term memory European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine -
163 Dec'2020 SCOPE Kumar K., Gandhmal D.P. An intelligent indian stock market forecasting system using LSTM deeplearning Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -
164 Dec'2020 SCOPE Kandasamy V., Kandasamy I.,Smarandache F. Neutrosophic Quadruple Algebraic Codes over Z2 and their Properties Neutrosophic Sets and Systems -
165 Dec'2020 SCOPE Sangaiah A.K., Ramamoorthi J.S., Rodrigues J.J.P.C.,Rahman M.A., Muhammad G.,Alrashoud M. LACCVoV: Linear Adaptive Congestion Control With Optimization of DataDissemination Model in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 6.319
166 Dec'2020 SCOPE Zhang D., Chen X., Li F., Sangaiah A.K., Ding X. Seam-Carved Image Tampering Detection Based on theCooccurrence of Adjacent LBPs Security and CommunicationNetworks 1.288
167 Dec'2020 SCOPE Gavali P., Banu J.S. Improving problem solving ability ofstudent through cooperative learning Journal of EngineeringEducation Transformations -
168 Dec'2020 SCOPE Parthasarathy G., Soumya T.R., Ramanathan L.,Ramesh P. Improvised approach for real time patient health monitoring system usingIoT Advances in Parallel Computing -
169 Dec'2020 SCOPE Mekala M.S., Jolfaei A., Srivastava G., Zheng X.,Anvari-Moghaddam A.,Viswanathan P. Resource Offload Consolidation Based onDeep-Reinforcement Learning Approach in Cyber-Physical Systems IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics inComputationalIntelligence -
170 Dec'2020 SCOPE Dwivedi A.K., Satapathy S.M. Mining patterns in open source software usingsoftware metrics andneural network models International Journal of System of SystemsEngineering -
171 Dec'2020 SCOPE Sangeetha T., Mary G.A. A Study on Different Methods of Outlier Detection Algorithms in DataMining International Journal of Computer InformationSystems and IndustrialManagement Applications -
172 Dec'2020 SCOPE Veeragandham S., Santhi H. A review on the role of machine learning in agriculture Scalable Computing -
173 Dec'2020 SCOPE Malathi V., Gopinath M.P. Noise deduction in novel paddy data repository using filteringtechniques Scalable Computing -
174 Dec'2020 SCOPE Anandhakrishnan T., Jaisakthi S.M. Identification of tomato leaf disease detectionusing pretrained deep convolutional neural networkmodels Scalable Computing -
175 Dec'2020 SCOPE Kandasamy V.,Kandasamy I., Smarandache F. NeutroAlgebra of Neutrosophic Triplets using {Zn,x} Neutrosophic Sets and Systems -


Sl.No Title of paper Name of author/s Name of Journal Year of publication ISBN/ISSN number
1 Secure Transmission of DICOM Images by comparing different
cryptographic algorithms
Navamani T M, Akhil Bharadwaj, Rohit Agrawal, Umang Agarwal Materials Today: Proceedings 2019 2214-7853
2 A novel approach for web usage
prediction and recommendation using web session clustering  
R. LokeshKumar, K. R. Jothi, S. Anto, and Somula Ramasubbareddy Journal of Computational
and Theoritical nanoscience 
2019 1546-1955
3 Qualitative analysis of models and
issues in recommender systems  
K. R. Jothi,R. LokeshKumar,
S. Anto,Tyagi G
Journal of Computational
and Theoritical nanoscience 
2019 1546-1955
4 Identification of Web Risks in the
Application layer using Machine Learning Techniques
Bhanuteja Yada, Geraldine Bessie Amali D,Umadevi KS  International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 2019 2277-3878
5 Prediction of Parkinson's Disease
using Machine Learning Techniques on Speech dataset
Basil K Varghese, Geraldine Bessie Amali D, Uma Devi K S Research Journal of Pharmacy
and Technology 
2019 :  0974-3618
6 Species Environmental Niche Distribution Modeling for Panthera Tigris Tigris ‘Royal Bengal Tiger’Using Machine Learning S Bajaj, DGB Amali Advances in Intelligent
Systems and Computing
2019 2194-5357
7 Accurate Facial Ethnicity Classification
Using Artificial Neural Networks Trained with Galactic Swarm Optimization Algorithm
C Bagchi, DGB Amali, M Dinakaran Advances in Intelligent
Systems and Computing
2019 2194-5358
8 A New Technique for Accurate
Segmentation, and Detection of Outfit Using Convolution Neural Networks
P Jain, A Kankani, DGB Amali Advances in Intelligent
Systems and Computing
2019 2194-5359
9 Quantification of corneal transparency
in post?mortem human corneas using laser scatter image analysis
Richard AJ, Rose JS, Korah S, Keziah M, Arambhan S, Arthi A, Jaisakthi SM, Vijayarajan V.  Clinical and Experimental
2019 1444-0938
10 A Novel approach for web usage
prediction and recommendation using web session clustering
Jothi K R Journal of Computational
and Theoretical Nanoscience
2019 1546-1963
11 Qualitative Analysis of Models and
issues in Recommender systems
Jothi K R Journal of Computational
and Theoretical Nanoscience
2019 1546-1963
12 Certain Investigations on Opulence
Split Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Task Scheduling in a Virtualized Cloud Environment
Jothi K R International Journal of
Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
2019 2278-3075
13 Web Application for Accident
Emergency in nearby Hospitals and Donor Locator
Jothi K R International Journal of
Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications
2019 2321-4007
14 A Low-Cost Cloud based Smart Flood
Detection and Alert System
Jothi K R International Journal of
Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications
2019 2321-4007
15 Red Traffic Light Detection in An
Image Using Hough Transform
Jothi K R International Journal of
Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications
2019 2321-4007
16 Intelligent Driver Assistant
System: A survey
Jothi K R International Journal of
Computer Sciences and Engineering
2019 2347-2693
17 A load and distance aware cloudlet
selection strategy in multi-cloudlet environment
Rama Subbareddy Somula, R Sasikala International Journal of Grid and
High Performance Computing (IJGHPC)
2019 1938-0259
18 RTTSMCE: a response time aware task
scheduling in multi-cloudlet environment
Rama Subbareddy Somula, R Sasikala International Journal of Computers
and Applications
2019 1206-212X
19 Classification of rubberized coir fibres
using deep learning-based neural fuzzy decision tree approach
S Remya, R Sasikala Soft Computing 2019  1432-7643
20 Classification of Diabetes by Kernel based SVM with PSO Dilip Kumar Choubey, Sudhakar Tripathi, Prabhat Kumar, Vaibhav Shukla, Vinay Kumar Dhandhania Recent Patents on Computer Science Accepted (In Press, 2019) ISSN: 2213-2759 (Print), ISSN: 1874-4796 (Online). 
21 Resource scheduling algorithm with load balancing for cloud service provisioning Priya, V., Sathiya Kumar, C., Kannan, R.  Applied Soft Computing Journal 2019 1568-4946
22 Intelligent Temporal Classification and Fuzzy Rough Set-based Feature Selection Algorithm for Intrusion Detection System in WSNs K Selvakumar, Marimuthu Karuppiah, L SaiRamesh, SK Hafizul Islam, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan, Giancarlo Fortino, and Kim-Kwang RaymondChoo.  Journal of Information Sciences 2019 -
23 Wise Intrusion Detection System using Fuzzy Rough Set based Feature Extraction and Classification Algorithms Selvakumar Kamalanathan, SaiRamesh Lakshmanan and Kannan Arputharaj International Journal of Operational Research-Inderscience 2019 -
24 Performance Analysis of Flappy Bird playing agent using Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm.  Selvakumar K, Yash Mishra, and Vijay Kumawat Springer CCIS Series 1025  2019 978-981-15-1384-8
25 CLOUD COMPUTING-TMACS: A Robust and Verifiable Threshold Multi-authority Access Control System in Public Cloud Storage Selvakumar K., SaiRamesh L., Sabena S., Kannayaram G Smart Intelligent Computing and Applications. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 105. Springer 2019 978-981-13-1927-3
26 Implementing self adaptiveness in whale optimization for cluster head section in Internet of Things Praveen Kumar Reddy, M. Rajasekhara Babu Cluster Computing 2019 1573-7543
27 Internet of Things Mobile–Air Pollution Monitoring System (IoT-Mobair) Swati Dhingra, Rajasekhara Babu Madda, Amir H. Gandomi , Rizwan Patan , and Mahmoud Daneshmand IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL 2019 2327-4662
28 Parallel and serial graph coloring implementations with tabu search method  Rutanshu Jhaveri, Narayanan Prasanth, Jayakumar and Navaz International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 2019 2277-3878
29 Visualizing the Clinical Data of Diabetes Using Data Science and Machine Learning Algorithms Vennapusa Vishnu Priya, Abdul Gaffar.H International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering  2019 2277-3878
30 Integration of internet of things with wireless sensor network Vandana Reddy, Gayathri. P International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2019 2088-8708
31 A survey of machine learning techniques in physiology based mental stress detection systems Suja Sreejith Panicker, Prakasam Gayathri Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 2019 0208-5216
32 A Scalable and Distributed Mechanism for DNA Databases by Aggregate Queries Santhi H, Gayathri P, Gopichand G, Venkata Vinod Kumar N, Sailaja G International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 2019 2278-3075
33 Data Mining in Social Networks and its Application in Counter terrorism Krishna Ganeriwal, Gayathri P, G. Gopichand, H. Santhi International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 2019 2277-3878
34 Parallel and serial graph coloring implementations with tabu search method  Rutanshu Jhaveri, Narayanan Prasanth, Jayakumar and Navaz International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 2019 2277-3878
35 Diagnosis of diabetes diseases using optimized fuzzy rule set by grey wolf optimization Shankar.G,Manikandan.K Pattern Recognition Letters 2019 0167-8655
36 Data mining in social networks and its application in counterterrorism  Ganeriwal, K., Gayathri, P., Gopichand, G., Santhi, H. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 2019 -
37 Derma net: An automated skin lesion analyzer using cnn with adaptive learning  Santhi, H., Gopichand, G., Pavan Koushik, K., Nithin Krishna, A., Sai Tharun, D. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 2019 -
38 A scalable and distributed mechanism for DNA databases by aggregate queries  Santhi, H., Gayathri, P., Gopichand, G., Venkata Vinod Kumar, N., Sailaja, G. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 2019 -
39 A Review of Feature Selection ans its Methods Venkatesh B, J Anuradha Cybernatics and Information Technology 2019 13119702
40 Prediction of Sustainability of soil for different crops using Spatial Data Mining Prathik A, J Anuradha, Uma K International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology  2019 22498958
41 A novel algorithm for soil image segmentation using color and region based system Prathik, A., Anuradha, J., Uma, K. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 2019 22783075
42 Spark Machine Learning Pipelines to Predict Brain Tumor using Deep Learning Abhishek Sawant, Naveen Kumar N International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 2019 2278-3075
43 Handling of Data from Heterogeneity of Vehicular Devices through Inter-Networking GP Anuradha, KR Babu, CD Naiju SAE Technical Paper 2019 ISSN: 0148-7191,
44 Design and Implementation of Digital Twin for Predicting Failures in Automobiles Using Machine Learning Algorithms P Balakrishnan, KR Babu, CD Naiju, M Madiajagan SAE Technical Paper 2019 ISSN: 0148-7191
45 A Hash-Based RFID Authentication Mechanism for Context-Aware Management in IoT-Based Multimedia Systems D Deebak, B, AT Fadi, M Leonardo MDPI-Sensor 2019 1424-8220
46 An Authentic-Based Privacy Preservation Protocol for Smart e-Healthcare Systems in IoT BD Deebak, AT Fadi, A Moayad, A Omar IEEE Access 2019 2169-3536
47 Energy Aware Resource Allocation in Multi-Hop Multimedia Routing via the Smart Edge Device F Al-Turjman,BD Deebak, L Mostarda IEEE Access 2019 2169-3536
48 A Hybrid Secure Routing and Monitoring Mechanism in IoT-based Wireless Sensor Networks BD Deebak, F Al-Turjman Ad hoc Networks 2019 1570-8705
49 A Framework for Various Attack Identification in Mobile Ad-hoc Network using Multi-granular Rough Set N. Syed Siraj Ahmed and D. P. Acharjya International Journal of Information Security and Privacy 2019 -
50 Deep Residual Networks for Plant Identification, International Conference on Pervasive Computing Advances and Applications (PerCAA-2019) VinitBodhwani, D. P. Acharjya, UmeshBodhwani Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, Vol. 152,pp. 186 – 194 2019 -
51 Deep Residual Networks for Plant Identification, International Conference on Pervasive Computing Advances and Applications (PerCAA-2019) VinitBodhwani, D. P. Acharjya, UmeshBodhwani Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, Vol. 152,pp. 186 – 194 2019 -
52 Deep Residual Networks for Plant Identification, International Conference on Pervasive Computing Advances and Applications (PerCAA-2019) VinitBodhwani, D. P. Acharjya, UmeshBodhwani Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, Vol. 152,pp. 186 – 194 2019 -
53 Deep Residual Networks for Plant Identification, International Conference on Pervasive Computing Advances and Applications (PerCAA-2019) VinitBodhwani, D. P. Acharjya, UmeshBodhwani Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, Vol. 152,pp. 186 – 194 2019 -
54 Deep Residual Networks for Plant Identification, International Conference on Pervasive Computing Advances and Applications (PerCAA-2019) VinitBodhwani, D. P. Acharjya, UmeshBodhwani Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, Vol. 152,pp. 186 – 194 2019 -
55 Continuous Monitoring and Detection of Epileptic
Seizures Using Wearable Device
D Mehta, T Deshmukh,
YB Sundaresan, P Kumaresan
Smart Innovations in Communication and
Computational Sciences
2019 eBook ISBN
56 Intelligent Framework for Public Transport
Bus Services system 
Nithesh Chandher Karthikeyan, Aswath Ananthasamy,
Yokesh babu Sundaresan 
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
2019 ISSN: 2277-3878
57 Data Communication Security Issues
of Wi-Fi over Li-Fi
Kunal Gupta, Kaushal Agarwal,
Yokesh babu Sundaresan
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
2019 ISSN: 2277-3878
YB Sundaresan,
SMA Durai
Computational Intelligence –
Wiley online library
2019 ISSN:1467-8640
59 An Android Application for Plant Leaf Disease Detection using Convolution Neural Network Anbarasi M, Kartik Garg, Sakshi Darpan Garg,
Yokesh Babu S, Saleem Durai M A
International Journal of Innovative Technology and
Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
2019 ISSN: 2278-3075
60 InFEvoS: Integrated Farming Evolution System Sharmila Banu K, Tajinder Singh, Renuka Awari International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 2019 2277-3878
61 Handling of Data from Heterogeneity of Vehicular Devices through Inter-Networking Gnana Prakasam Anuradha and Kalivaradhan Ramesh Babu VIT University,C D Naiju VIT University Vellore SAE Technical Paper 2019 1487191
62 Smart Environmental Waste Water Monitoring System and Analysis using Big Data Sendhil Kumar K S, Siva Shanmugam G, Rayavel P, RuchiKushwaha  International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering  2019 2278-3075
63 Gesture and Speech Recognizing Helper Bot Kailash Gogineni, Akhil Chitreddy, Anirudh Vattikuti, Natarajan P  4th International Conference on Communication and Electronic Systems ICCES 2019 2019 -
64 Novel and efficient authentication scheme for IoE in smart home environment Nadargi A., Thirugnanam M. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 2019 22783075
65 Energy optimized simon lightweight security algorithm for internet of medical things (IoMT) Somasundaram R., Thirugnanam M. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 2019 22783075
66 An automated framework for pre-fall detections of arrhythmia in cardiomyopathy patients Santhoshi P.M., Thirugnanam M. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 2019 1943023X
67 Hybrid approach for fruits quality prediction using image processing and sensors technique Bandal A., Thirugnanam M. International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Management and Informatics 2019 20545819
68 Human emotion detection and stress analysis using EEG signal Lahane P., Thirugnanam M. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 2019 22783075
69 Real Time Pedestrian Detection
and Tracking for Driver Assistance Systems
Anjali Patil, Arunkumar G. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology  2019 2249-8958
70 Risk - based availability modelling and analysis on fault tolerant cloud computing systems M.Deepa, Anand Mahendran  Int. J. Internet Technology and Secured Transactions,  2019 1748-5703
71 Smart Multi-Crop Irrigation System Using IOT Anbarasi M, Karthikeyan T, Ramanathan L, Ramani S, Nalini N, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 2019  2278-3075
72 An Android Application for Plant Leaf Disease Detection using Convolution Neural Network Anbarasi M, Kartik Garg, Sakshi Darpan Garg, Yokesh Babu S, Saleem Durai M A International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 2019  2278-3075
73 Data deduplication for efficient cloud storage and retrieval Misal, R., Perumal, B. International Arab Journal of Information Technology 2019 1683-3198.
74 Prediction of Telecom Churns and Consumer Behaviour using Recurrent Neural Networks Lavanya K Lakshay Arora, Aayush Kapur International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 2019 2249-8958
75 Bias Detection in Predictive Models Using Fairml Lavanya K Vijay Kumawat, Vaibhav Bangwal International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 2019 2249-8958
76 MONO-Spam: An Intelligent Spam Detector Based On Natural Language Processing Lavanya. K Eshwar.S International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 2019 2277-3878
77 Handwritten Digit Recognition of MNIST Data Using Consensus Clustering Lavanya. K Monica Rexy. F International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 2019 2277-3878
78 VECTORIZED NEURAL KEY EXCHANGE USING TREE PARITY MACHINE Smruti Chourasia, Hrishikesh C Bharadwaj, Queenie Das, Krati Agarwal, K Lavanya OMPUSOFT, An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology 2019 2320-0790
79 Analysis of inter-concept dependencies in disease diagnostic cognitive maps using recurrent neural network and genetic algorithms in time series clinical data for targeted treatment   Duneja, A., Puyalnithi, T., Vankadara, M.V., Chilamkurti, N. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 2019 1868-5137
80 Image Denoising Using a Combination of Spatial Domain Filters and Convolutional Neural Networks. Rajeshkannan Regunathan, Punith N S, Ashraf Ali K, Gautham S, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 2019 2277-3878
81 BREAK, MAKE and TAKE: an information retrieval approach A PRANAV, R RAJESHKANNAN1, V VIJAYARAJAN and V B SURYA PRASATH Indian Academy of Sciences 2019 0973-7677
82 DCDS: Data centric dispatcher selection protocol for cellular enabled VANET communication Kalaivani Dhanasegaran, Rajkumar Soundrapandiyan International Journal of Communication Systems 2019 1099-1131
83 SLIC Segmentation for Tumor Detection & Classification using SVM Rajkumar S, Pooja Shah International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 2019 2249-8958
84 Fingerprint image classification using local diagonal and directional extrema patterns Adhiyaman Manickam, Rishin Haldar, Syed Muhammad Saqlain, Veerappan Sellam, Rajkumar Soundrapandiyan   2019 1560-229X
85 Identification of Web Risks in the Application layer using Machine Learning Techniques Bhanuteja Yada, Geraldine Bessie Amali D, K.S. Umadevi International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 2019 2277-3878 
86 Prediction of Parkinson’s Disease using Machine Learning Techniques on Speech dataset Basil K Varghese, Geraldine Bessie Amali D, K.S. Umadevi Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2019 0975-4407
87 Intrusion detection system using timed automata for cyber physical systems K.S. Umadevi, P Balakrishnan, G Kousalya Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2019 1875-8967
88 Fingerprint image classification using local diagonal and directional extrema patterns Adhiyaman Manickam, Rishin Haldar, Syed Muhammad Saqlain, Veerappan Sellam, Rajkumar Soundrapandiyan Journal of Electronic Imaging 2019 ISSN: 1017-9909
89 Analysis of inter-concept dependencies in disease diagnostic cognitive maps using recurrent neural network and genetic algorithms in time series clinical data for targeted treatment   Duneja, A., Puyalnithi, T., Vankadara, M.V., Chilamkurti, N. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 2019 1868-5137
90 Smart multi-crop irrigation system using IOT Anbarasi, M., Karthikeyan, T., Ramanathan, L., Ramani, S., Nalini, N.  International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 2019 2278-3075
91 Cluster-based distributed architecture for prediction of student’s performance in higher education Ramanathan, L., Parthasarathy, G., Vijayakumar, K., Lakshmanan, L., Ramani, S. Cluster Computing 2019 1386-7857
92 Using citation context to improve the retrieval of research article from Cancer Research Journals Parthasarathy, G., Lakshmanan, L., Ramanathan, L.  Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2019 1513-7368
93 Predicting source and age of brain tumor using canny edge detection algorithm and threshold technique Parthasarathy, G., Ramanathan, L., Anitha, K., Justindhas, Y.  Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2019 1513-7368
94 Chat-bot-based natural language interface for blogs and information networks Poongodi, M., Vijayakumar, V., Ramanathan, L., Gao, X.-Z., Bhardwaj, V., Agarwal, T.    International Journal of Web Based Communities 2019 1477-8394
95 Face recognition using triplet loss function in keras Gorijavaram, A., Ramanathan, L., Abdalla, H.B., Prabhakaran, N., Ramani, S., Rajkumar, S.    International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 2019 2249-8958
96 Recommendation model based on trust relations & user credibility  Poongodi, M., Vijayakumar, V., Rawal, B., Jain, A., Ramanathan, L., Sriram, V.P.    Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 2019 10641-246
97 Cluster-based distributed architecture for prediction of student’s performance in higher education Ramanathan, L, G. Parthasarathy, K. Vijayakumar, L. Lakshmanan, S. Ramani Cluster Computing, Springer 2019 ISSN: 1386-7857 (Print) 1573-7543 (Online) 
98 Research on e-healthcare security evaluation in cloud-based system Gopichand, G., Jain, K., Dev, S.K. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 2019 2277-3878
99 A hybrid scheme in cloud computing for secure sharing of data in the cloud Gopichand, G., Vamsi, K.S.V., Subhash Reddy, Y.S., Chand, K.S.P., Saiteja, G. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 2019 2277-3878
100 Data mining in social networks and its application in counterterrorism Ganeriwal, K., Gayathri, P., Gopichand, G., Santhi, H. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 2019 2277-3878
101 Necessity of machine learning and data visualization principles in marketing investment management Sreekant, A., Senthilnathan, P., Gopichand, G., Rajapandy, M., Kannan, N. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 2019 2278-3075
102 Derma net: An automated skin lesion analyzer using cnn with adaptive learning  Santhi, H., Gopichand, G., Pavan Koushik, K., Nithin Krishna, A., Sai Tharun, D   2019 2278-3075
103 A scalable and distributed mechanism for DNA databases by aggregate queries Gopichand G, Senthilanthan Palaniappan, K.Alisha, G.K.Rajini, Shaik Naseera   2019 2278-3075
104 Evaluation of recommendation systems using trust aware metrics Gopichand, G., Sankeerth, K.S., Parlapalli, A.   2019 2277-3878
105 Enhancing performance of map reduce workflow through H2HADOOP: CJBT     2019 2277-3878
106 Automatic object recognition based on Euclidean distance restricted auto encoder     2019 1819-6608
107 Digital signature verification using artificial neural networks Gopichand, G., Sailaja, G., Venkata Vinod Kumar, N., Samatha, T   2019 2277-3878
108 Study of symmetric-key cryptosystems and implementing a secure cryptosystem with DES Santhi, H., Gayathri, P., Katiyar, S., Gopichand, G.   2019 2194-5357
109 An Effective System for Video Transmission and Error Recovery Mechanisms in Multimedia Networks U. Rahamathunnisa, R. Saravanan International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms 2019 -
110 Performance Analysis of Cloud Computing Using Series of Queues with Erlang Service K.Santhi, R.Saravanan International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions 2019 -
111 Dynamic High Bandwidth (DHB) Nodes for Routing in MANETs P.Jayalakshmi, R.Saravanan International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions 2019 -
112 VoIP Steganography Methods, A Survey S. Deepikaa, R. Saravanan Cybernetics and Information Technologies 2019 -
113 Cryptanalysis of a Multifactor Authentication Protocol Likitha Soorea, R.Saravanan Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 2019 -
114 An Enhanced Two Factor Authentication for e-Health Care System Likitha Soorea, R.Saravanan International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services 2019 -
115 Nature Inspired Clustering and Indexing of Learning Objects based on Learners Cognitive Skills. Kalyanaraman P, Margret Anouncia   International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems … 2019 -
116 Certain Investigations on Opulence Split Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Task Scheduling in a Virtualized Cloud Environment Kalyanaraman P, Jothi KR, Balakrishnan.P. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering … 2019 -
117 Three level based Security for Improvised User Privacy in Human Computer Interaction Manjula, Ranjan, Thenmozhi, Shafiq International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 2019 2249-8958
118 Necessity of Machine Learning and Data
Visualization Principles in Marketing Investment Management
Akshay Sreekant; Senthilnathan P; Gopichand G; Manoov Rajapandy; Naresh Kannan International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 2019 6S4
119 A Scalable and Distributed Mechanism for DNA Databases by Aggregate Queries Gopichand G; Senthilanthan Palaniappan; K.Alisha; G.K.Rajini; Shaik Naseera International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 2019 6S4
120 Predicting user intent from movie reviews using deep learning methods Lokeshkumar, R., Keerthi, S., Bora, A.P., Jayakumar, K International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 2019 2278-3075
121 An Improved Fruit Fly Optimization (IFFOA) based Cluster Head Selection Algorithm for Internet of Things Poluru, R.K., Kumar R, L International Journal of Computers and Applications 2019 1206-212X
122 Patient health informatics system using cloud computing and IoT Jafar Sathick Ali, M., Kaliappan, J., Lokeshkumar, R. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 2019 22783075
123 Determination of relief centre’s in floods by using facebook json data and providing social information analysis Khurana, G., Agarwal, M., Lokeshkumar, R. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 2019 22773878
124 A novel approach for web usage prediction and recommendation using web session clustering LokeshKumar, R., Jothi, K.R., Anto, S., Ramasubbareddy, S. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 2019 15461955
125 Qualitative analysis of models and issues in recommender systems Jothi, K.R., LokeshKumar, R., Anto, S., Tyagi, G Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 2019 15461955
126 A study on segmentation based on mammogram  Shamy, S., Dheeba, J. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 2019 1943-023X
127 Secure E-Donation System using Blockchain Technology Kakelli Anil Kumar, Anant Kakrania International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) 2019 2249-8958
128 Emerging Security Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks Kakelli Anil Kumar International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) 2019 2277 - 3878
129 An efficient multiangle weight updated haralick and relevance vector machine algorithm for classifying diabetic foot from medical thermal image   Gopinath, M.P., Prabu, S Journal of Testing and Evaluation 2019 -
130 A secure cloud-based solution for real-time monitoring and management of Internet of underwater things (IOUT)   Gopinath, M.P., Tamizharasi, G.S., Kavisankar, L,  Aarthy, S.L., Balamurugan, B.   Neural Computing and Applications 2019 -
131 A Comparative Objective Assessment on Mesh-Based and SVM-Based 3D Reconstruction of MRI Brain Sushitha Susan Joseph, D.Aju International Journal of Natural Computing Research 2019 1947-9298
132 Three Dimensional Reconstruction Models for Medical Modalities: A Comprehensive Investigation and Analysis Sushitha Susan Joseph, Aju D Current Medical Imaging 2019 1875-6603
133 Healthcare: Prediction of Breast Cancer Stage Using Social Spider-Inspired Optimization Algorithm  Ramani Selvanambi, N Jaisankar International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications (IJEHMC) 2019 ‎1947315X
134 Face recognition using triplet loss function in keras  Akhil Gorijavaram, Ramanathan L, Hemn Barzan Abdalla, Prabhakaran N, Ramani S, Rajkumar S International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) 2019 2249-8958 
135 An Intelligent Health Care System
Based on K-NN Algorithm to Monitor and Alert Patient Health Condition
Dr. Siamala Devi S, Dr. Anto S International Journal of Innovative Technology and
Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
2019 -
136 Red Traffi c Light Detection in An
Image Using Hough Transform
K. R. Jothi, R. Lokeshkumar, S. Anto, Rishabh Kant Singh, Utkarsh Krishak BioScience BioTechnology Research Communication  2019 -
137 A Low-Cost Cloud based Smart Flood
Detection and Alert System
G. Murali, K.R. Jothi, R. Lokeshkumar, S. Anto and G. Ravikumar BioScience BioTechnology Research Communication  2019 -
138 Aadhaar Based Complaint App: SAMADHAAN Rupayan Patra, Vyshakh Sreekumar, Shivang Singh, Narayanan Prasanth International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 2019 -
139 KrishiUdaan: A Digital support to Indian Farmers Devam Sheth, Ujjwal Prakash, Aayush Gupta, Narayanan Prasanth Journal of Applied Science and Computations 2019 -
140 GET BIKE: A cycle lending system Prithvi Chintha, A.M. Samara Simha Reddy, N.K. Sri Balaaji, Narayanan Prasanth International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 2019 -
141 A study of IOT and Android based women safety applications Sundara Pandiyan, K.Navaz K, Athinarayanan S, Narayanan Prasanth CIKITUSI Journal for Multidisciplinary Research 2019 -
142 Detection of False Data Injection Attacks and Genetic Algorithm Based Dynamic Jobs Scheduling in Grid Computing Shruti B Patel.Dr K Manikandan International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management (IJIREM) 2019 -
143 Performance Evaluation and Comparison of WiMAX and WiFi Raghav Behal Satyaki Suman Amit Yadav Pushpam Patel Dr. Manikandan K JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations 2019 -
144 Data mining in healthcare data management-A survey Vartika Punjabi1, Shashwat Mishra2, Manikandan K3 International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology 2019 -
145 Attacks and threats in Wireless Sensor Networks G. V. Pavan Nikhil,K Manikandan International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 2019 -
146 Implementation of TTL based packet marking for IPV4 Kolipakula Yuvanaga Venkata Manishankar,Manikandan.K International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 2019 -
147 A Low cost cloud based smart flood detection and alert system S.Murali, K.R. Jothi, R. Lokeshkumar, S. Anto and  G. Ravikumar Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications 2019 -
148 ADVANCED HEALTHCARE SUPERVISION SYSTEM USING IOT & GSM/GPS Naveen Kumar N, Utkarsh Rana International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 2019 -
149 AN IOT BASED FIRE MONITORING AND CONTROL SYSTEM Naveen Kumar N, Krishika Shivnani International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 2019 -
150 SMART WICKER FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED PEOPLE Mandar Nanaware, Naveen Kumar N International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 2019 -
151 Deep Learning for Sentence Correction Lakshay, Sahaja Mahanty, Mehta Karan Hemendr Rajeshkannan R JETIR 2019 -
152 PREDICTION OF HEART DISEASE USING LONG SHORT-TERM MEMORY BASED NETWORK UMADEVI K.S. Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications 2019 -
153 An Indian and Global Perspective on Cybercrime K.S. Umadevi, Geraldine Bessie Amali, Latha Subramanian Countering Cyber Attacks and Preserving the Integrity and Availability of Critical Systems 2019 -
154 Digital Forensics and Cyber Law Enforcement K.S. Umadevi, Geraldine Bessie Amali, Latha Subramanian Countering Cyber Attacks and Preserving the Integrity and Availability of Critical Systems 2019 -
155 Kalyanaraman P, Margret Anouncia   Nature Inspired Clustering and Indexing of Learning Objects based on Learners Cognitive Skills. International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems … 2019 -
156 Kalyanaraman P, Jothi KR, Balakrishnan.P. Certain Investigations on Opulence Split Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Task Scheduling in a Virtualized Cloud Environment International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering … 2019 -
157 Three level based security for improvised user privay in Human Computer Interaction Manjula, Ranjan, Thenmozhi, Shafiq International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technolog 2019 -
158 Early Prediction and Diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) using WEKA Tool and Apriori Algorithm Kakelli Anil Kumar Akshita Sharma, Bhanu Pratap Singh, Lakshya Garg Journal of Analysis and Computation (JAC) 2019 -
159 Distributed computing model of multispectral time series data analysis for chlorophyll concentration determination using ocean color monitor-2 data Prabu M., Anouncia S.M. Journal of Testing and Evaluation 2019 -
160 Nature inspired clustering and indexing of learning objects based on learners cognitive skills Kalyanaraman P., Anouncia S.M. International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems 2019 -



Sl.No Title of paper Name of author/s Name of Journal Year of publication ISBN/ISSN number
1 Convolutional Long Short-Term
Memory Neural Networks for Hierarchical Species Prediction
Nithish B Moudhgalya, Sharan Sundar S, Siddharth Divi, P Mirunalini, Chandrabose Aravindan, S. M. Jaisakthi Working Notes of CLEF 2018 2018 1613-0073
2 Model order reduction of heavy
duty gas turbine power plants with field test parameters
Jothi K R International Transactions
on Electrical Energy Systems
2018 2050-7038
3 Burst communication by using
self-adaptive buffer allocation with energy-efficient in-body sensor networks
N Sangeethapriya, R Sasikala, A Srinivasan International Journal of
Biomedical Engineering and Technology
2018 1752-6426
4 A machine learning based approach
to classify Autism with optimum behaviour sets
R Vaishali, R Sasikala International Journal of
Engineering & Technology
2018 2227-524X
5 Round robin with load degree: An
algorithm for optimal cloudlet discovery in mobile cloud computing
Ramasubbareddy Somula, R Sasikala Scalable Computing: Practice
and Experience
2018 1895-1767
6 Security Aware Trusted Cluster Based
Routing Protocol for Wireless Body Sensor Networks
Nachimuthu Sangeetha Priya, R Sasikala, Srinivasan Alavandar, L Bharathi Wireless Personal Communications 2018  0929-6212
7 Decision Support System for Agriculture
Industry using Crowd Sourced Predictive Analytics
2018 2158-107X
8 A survey on mobile cloud computing:
mobile computing+ cloud computing (MCC= MC+ CC)
Rama Subbareddy Somula, R Sasikala Scalable Computing: Practice
and Experience
2018 1895-1767
9 Implementation and Analysis of Classification algorithms for Diabetes Dilip Kumar Choubey, Sanchita Paul, Smita Sandilya, Vinay Kumar Dhandhania Current Medical Imaging Reviews Accepted (In Press, 2018) ISSN: 1573-4056 (Print), ISSN: 1875-6603 (Online). 
10 Cat Swarm Optimization based Functional Link Multilayer Perceptron for Suppression of Gaussian and Impulse Noise from Computed Tomography Images Manish Kumar, S. K. Mishra, Sumit Choubey, S. S. Tripathi, Dilip Kumar Choubey, Dinesh Dash Current Medical Imaging Reviews Accepted (In Press, 2018) ISSN: 1573-4056 (Print), ISSN: 1875-6603 (Online). 
11 An intelligent/cognitive model of task scheduling for IoT applications in cloud computing environment, Sayantani Basu, Marimuthu Karuppiah, K Selvakumar, Kuan-Ching Li, SK Hafizul Islam, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan, Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan Future Generation Computer Systems  2018 -
12 Hashing based hybrid online voting using Amazon Web Services Murali, S., Manimaran, A., Selvakumar, K., Dinesh Kumar, S International Journal of Engineering & Technology 2018 -
13 CLASSIFICATION OF BREAST ABNORMALITY USING DECISION TREE BASED ON GLCM FEATURES IN MAMMOGRAMS Kamalakannan Jayaseelan, M. Rajasekhara Babu International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology 2018 1757-2665
14 A Novel Performance aware Real-Time data handling for big data platforms on Lambda Architecture  Rizwan Patan, M. Rajasekhara Babu International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology 2018 1757-2665
15 SOSIoT: SOS Optimization to leverage the Energy Efficient Internet of Things(IoT) based on Route Search Optimization Kallam Suresh, M.Rajasekhara Babu  International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology 2018 1757-2665
16 A study and analysis of Microcantilever materials for disease detection I. Mala Serene, M.Rajasekhara Babu and ,Zachariah.C.Alex  Materials Today: Proceedings 2018 2214-7853
17 OVERVIEW OF VM FORK IN CLOUD COMPUTING TO ENHANCE DATA SECURITY Vatsal Mishra, Ashish Nagra, Aryan Rana, Dr. Rajasekhara Babu M International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 2018 0976-6316
18 Analytic‐based product opinion detection algorithm for twitter microblogging network Nirmala M,M. Rajasekhara Babu International Journal of Communication Systems 2018 1099-1131
19 Adult content filtering: Restricting minor audience from accessing inappropriate internet content Bhavish Khanna Narayanan, Rajasekhara Babu M, Sharon Moses J ,Nirmala M Education and Information Technologies 2018 1360-2357
20 A Survey on Long Term Evolution Scheduling in Data Mining Divya Mohan, Geetha Mary A Wireless Personal Communications 2018 1572-834X
21 Coefficient Bounds of Bi-univalent Functions Using Faber Polynomial T. Janani, S. Yalcin Advances in Algebra and Analysis, Trends in Mathematics 2018 ISSN 2297-0215   ISBN 978-3-030-01120-8
22 A study and analysis of Microcantilever materials for disease detection I.Mala Serene1, Rajasekhara Babu1, Zachariah C.Alex2 Materials Today: Proceedings  2018 2214-7853
23 An optimal path selection in Clustered Wireless Sensor Network environment with Swarm intelligence based Data Aggregation for Air Pollution Monitoring System S.Murali, N. Jaisankar International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology 2018 1757-2665
24 Algebraic Structure of Neutrosophic Duplets in Neutrosophic Rings< ZU I>,< QU I> and< RU I Vasantha W.B., Ilanthenral Kandasamy., Florentin Smarandache   2018 -
25 Algebraic Structure of Neutrosophic Duplets in Neutrosophic Rings< ZU I>,< QU I> and< RU I Vasantha W.B., Ilanthenral Kandasamy., Florentin Smarandache   2018 -
26 A Hardware Model for Vehicular Network to Control Air Pollution Leading to Big Data Analytics GP Anuradha, KR Babu, CD Naiju SAE Technical Paper 2018 ISSN: 0148-7191
27 A Framework for Recommender System to Provide Personalization in an E-learning System Zameer Gulzar, A. Anny Leema International Journal of Web based Learning and Teaching Technologies, IGI Publications 2018 ISSN:1548-1093
28 Course Recommendation based on Query Classification Approach Zameer Gulzar, A. Anny Leema International Journal of Web based Learning and Teaching Technologies, IGI Publications 2018 EJ1178644
29 Crop Suitability Prediction in Vellore District using Rough Set on Fuzzy Approximation Space and Neural Network, A. Anitha and D. P. Acharjya:  Neural Computing & Applications, Vol. 30 (12), pp. 3633–3650,  2018 DOI:  10.1007/s00521-017-2948-1 (2018) 
30 A Framework for Prediction using Rough Set and Real Coded Genetic Algorithm, 3. R. Rathi and D. P. Acharjya Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Vol. 43 (8), pp. 4215 - 4227  (2018) 2018 -
31 An Information Retrieval and Recommendation System for Astronomical Observatories Nikhil Mukund, Saurabh Thakur, Sheelu Abraham, A. K. Aniyan, SanjitMitra, NinanSajeeth Philip, KaustubhVaghmare, and D. P. Acharjya The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Vol. 235 (22), pp. 1 – 9, 2018 -
32 A Rule Based Classification for Vegetable Production for Tiruvannamalai District using Rough Set and Genetic Algorithm R. Rathi and D. P. Acharjya International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications, Vol. 7 (1), pp. 74 - 100 2018 ISSN: 0970-938X (Print), ISSN: 0976-1683. (Electronic)
33 VEERBENCH-an intelligent computing framework for workload
characterisation in multi-core heterogeneous architectures
YB Sundaresan,
 MAS Durai
World Review of Science, Technology and
Sustainable Development
2018 17412242, 17412234
34 A high performance cognitive framework (SIVA-self intelligent versatile and
adaptive) for heterogenous architecture in IOT environment
YB Sundaresan,
 MAS Durai
International Journal of
Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems 
2018 1755-0564
35 Removing leaf petioles and auto locating apex-base points using straight line interpolation and bisection
P. Visu & Nagarajan Sivakumar & P. Kumaresan & Sundaresan Yokesh Babu & P. S. Ramesh Multimedia Tools and Applications  2018 ISSN 1380-7501
36 (book chapter)A survey of mobile computing devices and sensors in healthcare M.Narayyana Moorthi, R.Manjula IGI-Book chapter 2018 -
37 Web user interface based on OGC standards for sensor cloud using big data  Vijayasherly Velayutham, Srimathi Chandrasekaran and Subaji Mohan   Int. J. Communication Networks and Distributed Systems 2018 1754-3924
38 Image anonymization using clustering with pixelization Sharmila Banu K, Ria Ellin Thomas, B.K.Tripathy International Journal of Engineering and Technology 2018 2227-524X
39 AHardware Model for Vehicular Network to
Control Air Pollution Leading to Big Data Analytics
Gnana Prakasam Anuradha and Kalivaradhan Ramesh Babu VIT University,C D Naiju VIT University Vellore SAE Technical Paper 2018 1487191
40 Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for Breast Cancer Prediction  Priyanka Gupta, Prof. Shalini L  International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science  2018 2319-7242 
41 Preventing unauthorized access to Internet-of-Things medical devices using packet filtering device level embedded firewall Somasundaram R., Thirugnanam M. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 2018 15461955
42 Student performance dashboard using mining approach Suganya D., Kumar K., Ramesh P.S., Suganthan C. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2018 1311-8080
43 Octagonal picture languages  G.Ramya, Anand Mahendran International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems 2018 1755-0564
44 Generating Kolam Patterns using Kolam Picture Grammar  G.Ramya, Anand Mahendran  Int. J. Internet Technology and Secured Transactions,  2018 1748-5703
45 The Impact of Visualizing Traceability Links for Evolving Requirements in Software Maintenance- A Controlled Experiment  C.J.Satish, Anand Mahendran International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems 2018 2185-3118.
46 An approach to evaluate the availability of system in cloud computing using fault tree technique  M.Deepa, Anand Mahendran International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems 2018 2185-3118.
47 Automated Bug Assignment in Software Maintenance Using Graph Databases C.J.Satish, Anand Mahendran International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications 2018 2074-904X 
48 Contributory Broadcast Encryption with Efficient Encryption and Short Cipher texts  Yalagala Gurudev, Anand Mahendran International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2018 1314-3395
49 Theft Congtrol Using IoT Anand Mahendran, Y.Venkatesh,G.Vinod Kumar, S.Praveen Kumar International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology 2018 2395-0056
50 Password Generation Mechanism Using DNA and RNA Processing Anand Mahendran, Siddharth Chatterjee and V. Vijayarajan  Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 2018 1546-1955
51 Prediction of protein folding kinetics states using hybrid brainstorm optimization Anbarasi M*, Saleem Durai M. A International Journal of Computers and Applications 2018 1925-7074
52 Skin Segmentation of RGB Images and Adaptive Recognition Using HSV Color Model Anisha M. Lal, D. Aju, Maradima Sharma International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 2018 0976-6359
53 Remote Sensing Image Restoration for Environmental Applications using Estimated Parameters Lal, A. M., Abdulla, A. A., & Dennisan, A Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences 2018 2367–5535
54 Modernizing the multi-temporal multispectral remotely sensed image change detection for global maxima through binary particle swarm optimization Lal, A. M., & Anouncia, S. M Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 2018  1319-1578
55 Cloud cryptography: a new approach with distributed storage Rakshanda Agarwal Rajeshkannan Regunathan International Journal of Engineering & Technology 2018 2227-524X
56 A hybrid SVML method for survival of patient post breast
cancer operation prediction by using SVM and
logistic regression
Rakshanda Agarwal Rajeshkannan Regunathan International Journal of Engineering & Technology 2018 2227-524X
57 Modification of AES using genetic algorithms for high-definition image encryption Basu S., Karuppiah M., Rajkumar S., Niranchana R. International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications 2018 1740-8865
58 An efficient cloud based face recognition system for e-health secured login using steerable pyramid transform and local directional pattern Dosaj A., Satapathy S.C., Soundrapandiyan R., Kaur M., Hannoon N. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 2018 1868-5137
59 Design and analysis of smart card-based authentication scheme for secure transactions Pradhan A., Karuppiah M., Niranchana R., Jerlin M.A., Rajkumar S. International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions 2018 1748-569X
60 Propels in compiler construction for versatile figuring Ezilarasan E., Dinakaran M., Boominathan P., Rajkumar S., Kannadasan R., Prabakaran N., Krishnamoorthy A., Naresh K. International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions 2018 1748569X
61 Targeted style transfer using cycle consistent generative adversarial networks with quantitative analysis of different loss functions Kaur M., Satapathy S., Soundrapandiyan R., Singh J. International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems 2018 1327-2314
62 Local diagonal extrema number pattern: A new feature descriptor for face recognition Pillai A., Soundrapandiyan R., Satapathy S., Satapathy S.C., Jung K.-H., Krishnan R. Future Generation Computer Systems 2018 0167-739X
63 GPU implementation of image convolution using sparse model with efficient storage format Jamal Mohammed S.B., Rajasekhara Babu M., Sriram S. International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing 2018 1938-0259
64 A hybrid approach to improve the quality of software fault prediction using Naïve Bayes and k-NN classification algorithm with ensemble method Sathyaraj R., Prabu S. International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications 2018 1740-8865
65 Women abandon system Swarnalatha P., Ramanathan L., Gaffar H.A., Sathyaraj R., Ramani S. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 2018 0976-6308
66 Secure wireless communication and surveillance system Swarnalatha P., Anandakumar S., Vairamuthu S., Priya S.R.M., Sathyaraj R. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 2018 0976-6308
67 Automated detection of microaneurysms using probabilistic cascaded neural network Jeyapriya J., Umadevi K.S., JagadeeshKannan R. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 2018 2502-4752
68 Improving upon current fault tolerance techniques with emphasis on low-latency fault tolerance in cloud systems   Manoranjitham, V., Bonthu, B., Khanna, S., Jabanjalin Hilda, J. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 2018 ISSN 1546-1955 (Print); ISSN 1546-1963 (Online)
69 A method for empowering native mobile app data discovery   Bonthu, B., Subaji, M. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 2018 ISSN 1546-1955 (Print); ISSN 1546-1963 (Online)
70 Medical image security enhancement using two dimensional chaotic mapping optimized by self-adaptive grey wolf algorithm Srinivas Koppu,V.Madhu Viswanatham Evolutionary Intelligence 2018 1864-5909
71 Women abandon system  Swarnalatha, P., Ramanathan, L., Gaffar, H.A., Sathyaraj, R., Ramani, S.  International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 2018 0976-6308
72 Intrusion Detection in Computer Networks using Lazy Learning Algorithm Chellam, A., Ramanathan, L., Ramani, S.  Procedia Computer Science 2018 1877-0509
73 Growth and development of start-ups in India - A study with respect to mechanical and production engineering  Mehta, M., Rajeshmamilla, Sunithavenugopal, Gopichand, G.   2018 2249-8001
74 Intelligent phishing detection system using feature analysis Shaw, J., Durai Raj Vincent, P.M., Palaniappan, S., Sangaiah, A.K., Gopichand, G.   2018 1546-1963
75 Enhanced handwritten number detection using kernel discriminant analysis (KDA)  Palaniappan, S., Palli, S., Gopichand, G., Ameerjohn, S., Gopal, S.S.   2018 1546-1963
76 Fully secured intrusion detection system for sensing attacks in MANET Gopichand, G., Saravanaguru, R.A.K., Ramesh Babu, K.   2018 1943-023X
77 Bone breakage identification using image processing techniques  Gayathri, P., Agarwal, M., Santhi, H., Gopichand, G.   2018 1943-023X
78 Automated smart parking system using IoT Santhi, H., Gopichand, G., Gayathri, P.   2018 1943-023X
79 Link Stable Routing with Minimal Delay Nodes for MANET P.Jayalakshmi, R.Saravanan International Journal of Social and Humanistic Computing 2018 -
80 Angle Based Energy and Power Efficient Node Detection Routing Protocol for MANET P.Jayalakshmi, R.Saravanan Recent Patents on Computer Science 2018 -
81 Efficient routing based on core relay  intermediate nodes in  MANET P.Jayalakshmi, R.Saravanan Electronic Government, an International Journal 2018 -
82 Energy Efficient QoS Routing for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks R.Saravanan International  Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems 2018 -
83 An Improved Energy Efficient Multi-hop ACO based Intelligent Routing Protocol for MANET P.Jayalakshmi, R.Saravanan International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 2018 -
84 An Investigation on E-Learning Tools and Techniques Towards Effective Knowledge Management P Kalyanaraman, SM Anouncia, V Balasubramanian Knowledge Computing and its Applications, 335-346 2018 -
85 A study on computing and e-learning in the perspective of distributed models Kalyanaraman.P, S. Margret Anouncia International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 9 (3), 243-255 2018 -
86 A Weighted path based link prediction in Social networks using bounded length of seperation between nodes Manjula and Srilatha International Journal of Engineering and Technolog 2018 -
87 AN INVESTIGATION ON AUTOMATIC DETECTION OF DIABETIC RETINOPATHY IN RETINAL IMAGE PROCESSING Senthilnathan Palaniappan; Sirajudeen Ameer John; 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO - 2018), 5th & 6th January 2018, Volume - 1, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, India 2018 No Issue number
88 Enhanced Handwritten Number Detection Using Kernel Discriminant Analysis (KDA) Senthilnathan Palaniappan; Saiprasad Palli; Gopichand Ginnela; Sirajudeen Ameerjohn; Siva Shanmugam Gopal Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 2018 8
89 Intelligent Phishing Detection System Using Feature Analysis Jitesh Shaw; P. M. Durai Raj Vincent; Senthilnathan Palaniappan; Arun Kumar Sangaiah; G. Gopichand Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 2018 8
90 A New Hybrid Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Biclustering of Microarray Gene-Expression Data Balamurugan R,  Natarajan AM and Premalatha K Applied Artificial Intelligence 2018 1087-6545
91 A new perspective for decision makers to improve efficiency in social business intelligence systems for sustainable development Lokeshkumar R., Maruthavani E., Bharathi A. International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development 2018 1474-6778
92 An EM-MPM algorithmic approach to detect and classify thyroid dysfunction in medical thermal images   Gopinath, M.P., Prabu, S International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology 2018 -
93 Remote Sensing Image Restoration for Environmental Applications Using Estimated Parameters Anisha M. Lal, Ali A. Abdulla, Aju D Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences 2018 2367–5535
94 A Hybrid Method for Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis through Blood Vessel Extraction and Exudates Identification from 2D Fundus Image Christopher Jose, D. Aju Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2018 0974-3618
95 Skin Segmentation of RGB Images and Adaptive Recognition Using HSV Color Model Anisha M. Lal, D. Aju, Mradima Sharma International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 2018 0976-6359
96 Cluster-based distributed architecture for prediction of student’s performance in higher education  L. Ramanathan·G. Parthasarathy·K. Vijayakumar·L. Lakshmanan·S. Ramani Cluster Computing 2018 1386-7857
97 Case Study on Graph Processing Using Graph Engine" H. Santhi, G. Gopichand, Gayathri. P World Wide journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development 2018 -
98 Mitigation of Hotspot Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks P Chattopadhyay, G Gopichand, H Santhi, P Gayathri World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development 2018 -
99 Classification Rule Generation for Cancer Prediction using Locality Sensitive Hashing similarity measure Gautam Amiya, J Anuradha, Venkatesh B International Journal of Engineering and Technology 2018 -
100 Providing an Efficient Support on Fast Detection an Locating of Errors in Big Sensor Datasets Harshit Mandada, Mala Seren I International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering  ( 2018 -
101 Hashing based online voting using Amazon web Services S. Murali, A, Manimaran, K. Selvakumar, S. Dineshkumar International Journal of Engineering and Technology 2018 -
102 ELIMINATION OF FOG IN SINGLE IMAGE USING DARK-CHANNEL PRIOR Vaibhav Khandelwal, Divyanshi Mangal, Naveen Kumar N International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology 2018 -
103 HEART DISEASE PREDICTION USING DATA MINING ALGORITHMS  Abhishek Verule, Prof. Shalini L International Journal of Technical Research and Applications 2018 -
104 SYMMETRIC KEY ENCRYPTION USING A SIMPLE PSEUDO-RANDOM GENERATOR TO PROVIDE MORE SECURE COMMUNICATION  Brijgopal Bharadwaj, Shreyas Shukla, L. Shalini International Journal of Technical Research and Applications  2018 -
105 Analysis of Health-Tweets using K-means clustering  Shalini L, Gopali Naga Sravya   International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology 2018 -
106 Ready-Mix Concrete Best Plant Selection and Cost Optimization Padma Priya R, VijayaRajan V, Prasun Gokhlani  International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2018 -
107 Investigating feasible tool for swarm robotic based oil skimming application Padma Priya R., Sanjay A.R., Gupta Y.V., Rekha D. International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) 2018 -
108 A Conceptual Review on Data Mining in Big Data   Tamizharasi Thirugnanam and R. Jaya subalakshmi  International Journal of  Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (ijasre)  2018 -
109 Autonomic performance management approach for Enterprise resource planning Business product G.Arunkumar, Madhu Viswanatham  Journal of engineering and technology 2018 -
110 A Comparative Study on Sentiment Analysis Anbarasi M, Ayush Patel, Sarthak Panigrahi International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology 2018 -
111 Clustering algorithms for mixed datasets: A review K Balaji, K Lavanya International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2018 -
112 Pattern-based Conceptual Clustering Algorithms for Knowledge Acquisition: An Overview K Balaji, K Lavanya International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2018 -
113 Secure Key Distribution in Wireless Sensor Networks Umadevi, K. S., Ghosh, Arijit., Menon, Anurag., Nanaware, Mandar Advanced Science Letters 2018 -
114 Node Deployment Using Virtual Force with Particle Swarm Optimization in WSN Umadevi, K. S., Shah, Virti., Desai, Unnati Advanced Science Letters 2018 -
115 A classification algorithm to reduce data redundancy in wireless sensor networks KS Umadevi., A Ghosh., SA Sam Advanced Science Letters 2018 -
116 Associative Cluster Head Based Fault Recovery Method for Wireless Sensor Networks Umadevi, K. S., Swathi, H. R., Singhal, Surbhi., Himanshu, Shah Sohini Advanced Science Letters 2018 -
117 Association Rule Mining based on a Modified Apriori Algorithm in Heart Disease Prediction Anirudh Batra, Mohanasundaram R, Rishin Haldar International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 2018 -
118 Issue of Cyber Threats in Distributed Systems Chigurupati Vamsi Krishna, Challagulla Akshay Kumar, Gopichand G International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology 2018 -
119 An Extensive Study of Sentiment Analysis Techniques and its Progression Towards Deep Neural Networks Shreyansh Sharma1, Karan Shah2, Vyom Dave3, Gopichand G.4 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology 2018 -
120 P Kalyanaraman, SM Anouncia, V Balasubramanian An Investigation on E-Learning Tools and Techniques Towards Effective Knowledge Management Knowledge Computing and its Applications, 335-346 2018 -
121 Kalyanaraman.P, S. Margret Anouncia A study on computing and e-learning in the perspective of distributed models International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 9 (3), 243-255 2018 -
122 Omkar Dhadge Kakelli Anil Kumar A Novel Infrared (IR) Based Sensor System for Human Presence Detection in Targeted Locations International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security(IJCNIS) 2018 -
123 Kakelli Anil Kumar, Shaleen Kachhara Implementation of IEEE 802.1X Port-based Authentication Mechanism for Ethernet International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) 2018 -
124 Digital interferometry with image processing and computational techniques for NDT of composite materials Anouncia S.M. Insight: Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring 2018 -
125 Learning style detection based on cognitive skills to support adaptive learning environment – A reinforcement approach Balasubramanian V., Margret Anouncia S. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 2018 -
126 G-L fractional differential operator modified using auto-correlation function: Texture enhancement in images Hemalatha S., Margret Anouncia S. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 2018 -
127 A comprehension of rational in the computational aptitudes towards precision agriculture Murali E., Anouncia S.M. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development 2018 -
128 QoS-based concurrent user-service grouping for web service recommendation Senthil Kumar S., Anouncia S.M. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences 2018 -
129 Modernizing the multi-temporal multispectral remotely sensed image change detection for global maxima through binary particle swarm optimization Lal A.M., Anouncia S.M. Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences 2018 -
130 A study on computing and e-learning in the perspective of distributed models Kalyanaraman P., Anouncia M. International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 2018 -
131 Emotion-based content personalization in social networks Amalanathan A., Anouncia S.M., Wiil U.K. Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences 2018 -
132 MMQuiz: Multi modal human computer interaction-based online assessment system Vairamuthu S., Margret Anouncia S. International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology 2018 -


Sl.No Title of paper Name of author/s Name of Journal Year of publication ISBN/ISSN number
1 Trust Centric Stable Routing For
Wireless Mesh Networks
Navamani T M International Journal of Intelligent Engineering & Systems 2017 2185-3118
2 Examining Cloud Computing Technologies Through the Internet of Things, Advances in Wireless Technologies and Telecommunication (AWTT) Book Series B. CHANDRA MOHAN INTERNATIONAL 2017 1522534458
3 Advances in Intelligent Systems and
Computing book series
B. CHANDRA MOHAN International Conference on
Data Engineering and Communication Technology
2017 2194-5357
4 Design of image enhancement filters
using a novel parallel particle swarm optimisation algorithm
Geraldine Bessie Amali, S Bhuyan, Aju International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms 2017 1755-0386
5 Automatic stenosis detection using
SVM from CTA projection images
Mirunalini, P., Chandrabose Aravindan, and S. M. Jaisakthi. Multimedia Systems 2017 0942-4962 (Print) 1432-1882 (Online)
6 Automatic Skin Lesion Segmentation
using Semi-supervised Learning Technique
S.M. Jaisakthi, Chandrabose Aravindan, P. Mirunalini ArXiv preprint 2017 -
7 DeepnLearning for Skin Lesion
Mirunalini, P., Chandrabose Aravindan, Vignesh Gokul, S.M. Jaisakthi ArXiv preprint 2017 -
8 Automatic Whale Matching System
using Feature Descriptor
S.M. Jaisakthi, P.  Mirunalini,Rutuja Jadhav working notes of CLEF 2017 2017 0942-4962 (Print) 1432-1882 (Online)
9 A survey on procedures dealing with
mobile offloading schemes
Natarajan Palaniappan, Sasikala Ramasamy International Journal of
Mobile Network Design and Innovation
2017 1744-2850
10 Machine learning and statistical
approaches for Big Data: issues, challenges and research directions
D Saidulu, R Sasikala Int J Appl Eng Res 2017 ?0973-4562
11 Understanding the Challenges and
Opportunities with Big Data Applications over â [euro] oeSmart Healthcare Systemâ [euro]
D Saidulu, R Sasikala International Journal of
Computer Applications
2017 1741-5047
12 Rule Based Diagnosis System for Diabetes Dilip Kumar Choubey, Sanchita Paul, Vinay Kumar Dhandhania Biomedical Research 2017 ISSN: 0970-938X (Print), ISSN: 0976-1683. (Electronic)
13 GA_RBF NN: A Classification System for Diabetes Dilip Kumar Choubey, Sanchita Paul International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IJBET) 2017 ISSN: 1752-6418 (Print), ISSN: 1752-6426. (Online)
14 An intelligent energy aware secured algorithm for routing in wireless sensor networks, Selvakumar K, Sairamesh L, Kannan A Wireless Personal Communications 2017 -
15 User Preferences and Expert Opinions Based Vertical Handoff Decision Strategy with the inclusion of Cost Parameter for 4G Networks Dhanaraj Cheelu, M. Rajasekhara Babu, P Venkata Krishna, X. Z. Gao International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems 2017 1754-8640
16 Deflection Router for Mesh NoC with Multicast Support Mechanism Elizabeth Isaac, M Rajasekhara Babu  and John Jose International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications 2017 2150-7988
17 An Evolutionary Secure Energy Efficient Routing Protocol in Internet of Things Praveen Kumar Reddy, Rajasekhara Babu International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems 2017 2185-3118
18 Design and development of low investment smart hospital using internet of things through innovative approaches Patan Rizwan, Rajasekhara Babu M Biomedical Research 2017 0970-938X
19 An energy aware end-to-end trust mechanism for IoT healthcare applications Praveen Kumar Reddy M*, M Rajasekhara Babu Biomedical Research 2017 0970-938X
20 An Intelligent Vertical Handoff Decision Strategy Based On Network Performance Prediction and Consumer Surplus Value for Next Generation Wireless Networks Prof. Rajasekhara Babu Madda, Dhanaraj Cheelu,Chi-Yuan Chen,P. Venkata Krishna,Sumanth Yenduri IET Networks 2017 2047-4962
21 Energy Aware Cluster Head Selection for Maximizing Lifetime Improvement in Internet of Things Praveen Kumar Reddy Maddikunta, Rajasekhara Babu Madda International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing (IJGHPC) 2017 1938-0259
22 Low Energy Aware Communication process in Internet of Things(IoT) Using Green Computing Approach Suresh Kallam, Rajasekhara Babu Madda, Chi-Yuan Chen, Rizwan Patan, Dhanaraj Cheelu IET Networks 2017 2047-4962
23 A smart technique for attendance system to recognize faces through parallelism B Prabhavathi, V Tanuja, V Madhu Viswanatham and M Rajashekhara Babu  IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2017 1757-8981
24 Analysis of Using Sparse Matrix Storage Formats in Image Compression Techniques J. Saira Banu, M. Rajasekhara Babu, I.Sumaiya Thaseen and P.Balamurugan International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2017 1311-8080
25 Privacy preservation in fuzzy association rules using rough set on intuitionistic fuzzy approximation spaces and DSR Geetha Mary A, D.P. Acharjya, N.Ch. Sriman Narayana Iyengar Int. J. Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems 2017 1754-8640
26 A computer aided system to detect breast masses using digital mammograms Sujatha, R, Gao, X.-Z., Gopinath, M.P., Prabu, S., Murali, S., Mohanasundaram, R. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 2017 0976-6308
27 On Traffic-Aware Partition and Aggregation in Map Reduce for Big Data Applications S.Murali,  International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2017 1314-3395
28 Comparative Study on Classification Algorithm for Diabetes Data Set M.P. Gopinath and S.Murali International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2017 1314-3395
29 Upper Bound tighter item caps for Fast Frequent item sets Mining for uncertain Data implemented using Splay Trees V. Shashikiran and S.Murali International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2017 1314-3395
30 Dynamic Traffic Routing based on feedback mechanisms using RF Algorithm A. Manimaran,  S.Murali, B..Praba, V. M. Chandrasekaran and Aishwarya Asesh  International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2017 1314-3395
31 A Framework for Attribute Selection in Marketing using Rough Computing and Formal Concept Analysis D. P. Acharjya and T. K. Das IIMB Management Review, Elsevier, Vol. 29 (2), pp. 122-135 2017
32 A Comparative Study of Statistical and Rough Computing Models in Predictive Data Analysis D. P. Acharjya and A. Anitha International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence, Vol. 8 (2), pp. 32-51, 2017 -
33 Privacy Preservation in Fuzzy Association Rules using Rough Set on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Approximation Spaces and DSR Geetha Mary A, D. P. Acharjya and N. Ch. S. N. Iyengar International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems, Vol. 10 (1), pp. 67 – 87  2017 -
34 Clustering Algorithm in Possibilistic Exponential Fuzzy C-Mean Segmenting Medical Images Chiranji Lal Chowdhary and D. P. Acharjya Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 30, pp. 12 – 23 2017 -
35 A Framework for Phishing Attack Identification using Rough Set and Formal Concept Analysis N. Syed Siraj Ahmed, D. P. Acharjya and SugataSanyal International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, Vol. 18 (2), pp. 186 – 212, 2017 -
36 IoT based retail automation of fuel station and alert system P Kumaresan, Y Babu
Materials Science and Engineering
Conference Series 
2017 -
37 Automatic detection and classification of skin cancer Akila Victor, Dr. Muhammad Rukkunnudin Ghalib INASS 2017 ISSN: 2185-3118
38 A hybrid segmentation approach for detection and classification of skin cancer Akila Victor, Dr. Muhammad Rukkunnudin Ghalib Biomedical research 2017 0970-938X
39 Detection of Skin Cancer Cells–A Review Akila Victor, Dr. Muhammad Rukkunnudin Ghalib RJPT 2017 0974-360X
40 Exploring Incidence-Prevalence Patterns in Spatial Epidemiology via Neighborhood Rough Sets Sharmila Banu K, B.K.Tripathy International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics 2017 1555-3396
41 Fault Prone Analysis of Software Systems Using Rough Fuzzy C-means Clustering N Singh, A Kalpesh, SJ Narayanan International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems  2017  2185-3118
42 Towards data centre resource Scheduling via hybrid cuckoo search algorithm in multi-cloud environment Sendhil Kumar, K.S. and Jaisankar, N.,  International Journal of
Intelligent Enterprise
2017 1745-3240
43 Enhanced multi-view point Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Clustering for clinical documents analysis Sharma D., Vijayarajan V., Kubendiran M., Padmapriya R. Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal 2017 0974-6242
44 Indoor assistance for elderly and disabled people Sabharwal S., Mukherjee R., Shukla A., Tamizharasi, Mythili T. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2017 9743618
45 Autonomic performance enhancement environment for websphere application server G.Arunkumar, Madhu Viswanatham  International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2017 1311-8080
46 Autonomic Performance Management Approach for Business Product: Action Planner for Internal Change Management G.Arunkumar, Madhu Viswanatham  Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 2017 1943-023X
47 VTrace-a tool for visualizing traceability links among software artefacts for an evolving system C.J.Satish, Anand Mahendran Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics,  2017 2089-3191
48 Availability Modelling of Fault Tolerant Cloud Computing System M.Deepa, Anand Mahendran in International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems 2017 2185-3118
49 Quality of service on performance evaluation - A survey  M.Deepa, Anand Mahendran IIOAB Journal 2017 0976-3104)
50 Adapted sparse fusion with constrained clustering for semisupervised change detection in remotely sensed images Lal, A. M., & Anouncia, S. M Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 2017 1931-3195
51 Prediction of transition sequence of diseases’ severity levels using clinical datasets with data mining approaches   Puyalnithi, T., Vankadara, M.V Biomedical Research (India) 2017 0970-938X
52 Mobile cloud governance service classification based
on QoS performance evaluation
Rajeshkannan Regunathan           Aramudhan Murugaiyan Electronic Government, An International Journal 2017 1740-7508
53 An Approach on Efficient Priority Based Service Selection Model in Mobile Cloud Computing Rajeshkannan Regunathan   K. Lavanya Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2017 1816-949X
54 Adaptive pedestrian detection in infrared images using fuzzy enhancement and top-hat transform Soundrapandiyan R., Mouli P.V.S.S.R.C. International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics 2017 1752-9131
55 Enhancement of an algorithm for oil tank detection in satellite images Jivane N.J., Soundrapandiyan R. International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems 2017 2185-310X
56 CT and MRI image fusion based on discrete wavelet transform and Type-2 fuzzy logic Sanjay A.R., Soundrapandiyan R., Karuppiah M., Ganapathy R. International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems 2017 2185-310X
57 Robust pedestrian detection in infrared images using rotation and scale invariant-based structure element descriptor Soundrapandiyan R., Chandra Mouli P.V.S.S.R. International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering 2017 1748-0698
58 An Efficient DWT and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Based Multimodality Medical Image Fusion Soundrapandiyan R., Karuppiah M., Kumari S., Kumar Tyagi S., Wu F., Jung K.-H. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 2017 0899-9457
59 An Approach to Adaptive Pedestrian Detection and Classification in Infrared Images Based on Human Visual Mechanism and Support Vector Machine Rajkumar soundrapandiyan., P v s s r chandra mouli Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 2017 1319-8025
60 Cloud Computing and Big Data for Genomics: A Review. S basu., R sathyaraj INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 2017 0976-5697
61 Comparative Study of Stock Prediction System using Regression Techniques. U sinha., N vidyala., S saxena., Sathyaraj r INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 2017 0976-5697
62 Comparative Study on Marks Prediction using Data Mining and Classification Algorithms. Bhrigu Kapur., Nakin Ahluwalia., Sathyaraj R INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 2017 0976-5697
63 Implementing Levels of Security using Multimodal Architecture Kinnri sinha., Prachi kharge., Ajit pandey., Sathyaraj r INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 2017 0976-5697
64 An Approach for Optical Character Recognition on Grid Infrastructure Using Kohonen Neural Network Shantanu chaudhary., Swarnima garg., Abhinavbehera., Sathyaraj r INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 2017 0976-5697
65 A Review of Big Data Analytics in Sector of Higher Education Vatsala, Rutuja Jadhav, Sathyaraj R Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application 2017 2248-9622
66 C-DAM: Contention based distributed reservation protocol allocation algorithm for wimedia medium access control Umadevi K.S., Thangavelu A. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 2017 1823-4690
67 Survey on Research Advancements in WiMedia MAC protocol Umadevi K.S., Thangavelu A. International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation 2017 2223-5329
68 DCRMRP: Distributed cooperative relay-based multihop routing protocol for WiMedia networks Umadevi K.S., Thangavelu A. International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking 2017 1740-0562
69 Cascaded neural network based automated detection of diabetic retinopathy Umadevi K.S., Jeyapriya J. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development 2017 0976-0245
70 Providing an optimal QoS using demand-based distributed reservation protocol allocation algorithm for WiMedia medium access control Umadevi K.S., Arunkumar T. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology 2017 1466-6642
71 Case Study on Enhanced K-Means Algorithm for Bioinformatics Data Clustering Jasmin T. Jose , Ushus Zachariah , Lijo V.P. , Lydia J Gnanasigamani and Jimmy Mathew International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2017 0973-4562
72 Automated Toll and Parking Systems Oindrila Chakraborty, Nalini N International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 2017 2277 128X
73 Smart Home Automation System using Bluetooth and Infrared Mukul Mittal, Shashwat Sinha, Krishna Kartik Darsipudi, Shubham Vishwakarma, Nalini N International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 2017 2277 128X
74 APPLICATION OF DATA MINING IN EQUITY MARKET Akshay Chelawat, Rishi Agarwal, Ashutosh Das, Nalini N International Journal of Engineering and Techniques 2017 2395-1303
75 Automation System for Elderly People Akash Nagarkar, Vinay Menon, Srishti Sabharwal, Nalini N International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology 2017 2278 – 0882
76 Facial Recognition Enabled Smart Door Using Microsoft Face API Maheshwari, K and Nalini N  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Applications  2017 2393-9516
77 US State Health and Human Services Integrated Eligibility System Vikram Sahai Saxena1, Akshay Anand2, Nalini N3 International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) 2017 2321-9653
78 CONFIGURATION SANITY CHECK FOR VXLAN Soumosir Dutta, Nitish Garg, Nalini N International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology 2017 2395 -0056
79 Prediction of transition sequence of diseases’ severity levels using clinical datasets with data mining approaches   Puyalnithi, T., Vankadara, M.V Biomedical Research (India) 2017 0970-938X
80 A Study On H.26x Family Of Video Streaming Compression Techniques. Farooq Sunar Mahammad, V Madhu Viswanatham nternational Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2017 1311-8089
81 Student performance prediction model based on lion-wolf neural network  Ramanathan, L., Geetha, A., Khalid, M., Swarnalatha, P.  International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems 2017 2185-310X
82 Grey Fuzzy Neural Network-Based Hybrid Model for Missing Data Imputation in Mixed Database Kuppusamy, Vijayakumar
Paramasivam, Ilango
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems 2017 2185-3118
83 Integrating WLI fuzzy clustering with Grey neural network for Missing Data Imputation Vijayakumar, Kuppusamy; Ilango, Paramasivam International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise 2017 1745-3240
84 Performance analysis of cloud computing in healthcare system using Tandem Queues K.Santhi, R.Saravanan International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems 2017 -
85 Performance Analysis of Cloud Computing Using Batch Queueing Models in Healthcare Systems K.Santhi, R.Saravanan Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2017 -
86 Performance Analysis of Cloud Computing Bulk Service Using Queueing Models K.Santhi, R.Saravanan International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2017 -
87 A Dynamic ID-based Generic Framework for Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Roaming Service in Global Mobility Networks Marimuthu Karuppiah, Saru Kumari, Xiong Li, Fan Wu, Ashok Kumar Das, Muhammad Khurram Khan, R. Saravanan, Sayantani Basu Wireless Personal Communications 2017 -
88 Application of Genetic Algorithm Based Intuitionistic Fuzzy K-Mode for Clustering Categorical Data Kalyanaraman P,Akarsh Goyal, Patra Anupam Sourav Cybernetics and Information Technologies 17 (4), 99-113 2017 -
89 The Dawn of Agent Based Models R Thakur, H Chaudhary, N Varma, H Bangar, P Kalyanaraman Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 3 (11) 2017 -
90 Agent Based Simulation-Approach and Applications V Mishra, P Kalyanaraman Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 3 (11) 2017 -
91 An Insight into Requirements for Cognitive based Adaptive Learning Environments P Kalyanaraman, SM Anouncia, V Balasubramanian Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, 540-544 2017 -
92 FACE RECOGNITION USING SCALE INVARIANT FEATURE TRANSFORM Dr. Senthilnathan Palaniappan; Dr. Sirajudeen Ameer John; Dr. Ilayaraja Venkatachalam Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 2017 -
93 A computer aided system to detect breast masses using digital mammograms   Sujatha, R., Gao, X.-Z., Gopinath, M.P.,Mohanasundaram, R., Kumar, N.S.   International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology  2017 -
94 Design of image enhancement filters using a novel parallel particle swarm optimisation algorithm Geraldine Bessie Amali; Siddhartha Bhuyan; D.Aju International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms 2017 1755-0394
95 Dynamic Behavioral Representation of 3D Objects by Insinuating Mass Spring System D. Aju, KV Bindu Pavani, Y Haripriya Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 2017 0975-8585
96 Security System Using Motion Detection and Face Recognition D. Aju, Ashwani Agarwal, Himanshu Jain, Divyanshu Bhati Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research  2017 2454-1362
97 IOT Based Calorie Calculator For
Healthcare System
Kumar Harsh, Mayank Yadav, Amit Kumar and B. Chandra Mohan, International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science 2017 -
98 Location based navigation and obstacle detection system with voice alerts for blind Chandni Asvitha Thumma., ShravyaAmarnath., Hanna Philipose., Gayathri. P Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management 2017 -
99 A survey on graph database Rachana K, Arrputhan T, SwapnilSneha, Gayathri, P., Santhi, H International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2017 -
100 BPM Development for Insurance Claims Using Pega Nikhil Chaudhari, Astitv Nagpal, H Santhi International Journal of u-and e-Service, Science and Technology 2017 -
101 A Study on Six Degrees of Separation Using SelfAdapting Algorithm Shaik Naseera, Gayathri P, Santhi H, Gopichand G, Geraldine Bessie Amali D, Shubham Kumar World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development 2017 -
102 Gas Leakage Detection Using RF Robot Based on IOT Gopichand G, Santhi H, Gayathri P World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development 2017 -
103 Open Source Software Vs Proprietary Software Sakshi Singh, Madhvik Verma, Naveen Kumar N International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 2017 -
104 Cloud based garden watering system Nalini Nagendran, Parveen Sulthana, H., Naveen Kumar, N., Vinayak Devvrat and Robin Rohit International Journal of Innovation Sciences and Research 2017 -
105 Trends and Impact of Vehicular Tailpipe Emission using Big Data Analytics under Smart City Environment Anuradha G, K Ramesh Babu  International Journal of scientific and engineering research  2017 -
106 Advance Power Supply Management Through
Power Supply Optimization to Significantly
Improve the PUE at Multiple Datacenters
Divyansh Upman, K. Sandeep Kumar, Ashish Kumar N, Swathi J. N International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) 2017 -
107 Network Aware Virtual Machine Migration by
PSO Optimization
Sarthak Tandon, Chandan Kesarwani, Paridhi Srivastava, Abhishek Suryan, Swathi J N International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
2017 -
108 On the estimation of optimal number of clusters for
the induction of fuzzy decision trees
Swathi Jamjala Narayanan*
and Ilango Paramasivam ,Rajen B. Bhatt
Int. J. Data Science 2017 -
109 Focusing on Energy Consumption in Data
Transfer and its Minimization using Bluetooth
and Wi-Fi
Montek Singh,  Swapnil Gupta,  Srijan Gupta GRD Journals- Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering 2017 -
110 Analysis of Trade-Offs Between Performance and
Energy Consumption Due to Execution of Software
on Multiple Platforms and Hardware
Renisa Pati, Sandal Bajaj, Shreya Agarwal, Tanvi Anand, Prof. Swathi J N International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology 2017 -
111 Cold Storage Traceability System Sadhu Sai Sruthi, Devi Reddy Yasasweni, Dr. Swathi J. N. International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
2017 -
112 Smart & Cost Effective Self Automated Raspberry PI System for building green house Kumar Subramaniam 1, Vijayarajan.V`2, Siva Shanmugam.G3, Kannadasan.R4, Krishnamoorthy.A5, Sendhil kumar.K.S6 International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2017 -
113 Suspicious Defaulter Forecasting Using Machine Learning Classifiers  Ashmeet Singh, Pranav Sharma,  Prof. L. Shalini  Helix The Scientific Explorer 2017 -
114 A Case Study on Text Classification using Classification Algorithms and Latent Semantic Analysis  Shekhar Tanwar, Shalini L. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering  2017 -
115 Comparative Study of Different Classification Algorithms for Early Prediction of Cancer  Shekhar Tanwar, Shalini L.  International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering  2017 -
116 Study and Analysis of Distributed Concurrent Models in Fog P.Prashant Shaha , Padma Priya R International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering  2017 -
117 Autonomic computing Integration in Server management, Cloud computing and Big-data G.Arunkumar, Madhu Viswanatham  International journal of pharmacy and technology 2017 -
118 Autonomic clever search G.Arunkumar, Madhu Viswanatham  International journal of pharmacy and technology 2017 -
119 Diabetic Prediction using Fuzzy Backpropagation and Analysis  *Lohit Mittal and Anbarasi Masilamani International Journal of Recent Scientific Research 2017 -
120 Dual Angle Comparison for Wheel Chair Vehicle using Fuzzy Logic  Ramani S, Ramanathan L, Anbarasi M, Madhusudhana Rao International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) 2017 -
121 Crack Detection using Image Processing for Automobiles and Aircrafts Nikhil Chaudhari, Akshat Sharma and Anisha M. Lal International Journal of Engineering and Technology for Automobile Security 2017 -
122 An intelligent chat-bot using natural language processing Rishabh Shah, Siddhant Lahoti, K Lavanya International Journal of Engineering Research 2017 -
123 Cost Issues in Software Engineering K Lavanya, Piyush Jaiswal, Roshan Tapas Basu, Harshit Sharma, Mayank Gupta International Journal of Computer Applications 2017 -
125 A better Approach to detect the Presence of Cell Phones being used in Prohibited Areas Pankaj Mangal, Shubham Kumar, S Rajkumar International Journal of Computer Applications 2017 -
126 Smarter Way to Access Multiple Mobile Cloud Applications without Interoperability Issues P Thanapal, K Marimuthu, S Rajkumar, R Niranchana International Journal Wireless and Microwave Technologies 2017 -
127 A new local diagonal pixel structure elements descriptor for fingerprint image classification Ezhilmaran D and Adhiyaman M Rajkumar S International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2017 -
128 Low Cost Fire Alarm System with Sprinkler Vikram Rajput., Aparna Bimal., Abishek K., Utkarsh Sinha., Aditya Babu K.c., S Rajkumar INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 2017 -
130 Dipali Govardhan Akhare R. Saravanan Determining Drug Efficacy by Extracting Opinions from Social Network Data Using Mahout Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 2017 -
131 Kalyanaraman P,Akarsh Goyal, Patra Anupam Sourav Application of Genetic Algorithm Based Intuitionistic Fuzzy K-Mode for Clustering Categorical Data Cybernetics and Information Technologies 17 (4), 99-113 2017 -
132 R Thakur, H Chaudhary, N Varma, H Bangar, P Kalyanaraman The Dawn of Agent Based Models Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 3 (11) 2017 -
133 V Mishra, P Kalyanaraman Agent Based Simulation-Approach and Applications Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 3 (11) 2017 -
134 P Kalyanaraman, SM Anouncia, V Balasubramanian An Insight into Requirements for Cognitive based Adaptive Learning Environments Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, 540-544 2017 -
135 Scalability in Internet of Things: Features, Techniques and Research Challenges Anisha, Rivana, Manjula International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research 2017 -
136 DUAL ANGLE COMPARISON FOR WHEEL CHAIR VEHICLEUSING FUZZY LOGIC Ramani S, Ramanathan L*, Anbarasi M, Madhusudhana Rao International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology(IRJET) 2017 -
137 Image recognition via codebooks and contour reinforcement S Sumeet Gupta, Vishesh Gaurav,Ramani International Journal of Innovation Sciences and Research  2017 -
138 Consumer Behavior Analysis using Big Data Analytic  SRamani, K. Selva Kumar, Jasnoor Kaur International Journal of Control Theory and Applications  2017 -
139 Pattern Taxonomy Mining for Text Categorization Ramani S, Neeraj Kesavan, N Jaisankar International Journal of Computer Applications 2017 -
140 Unsupervised segmentation of remote sensing images using fd based texture analysis model and ISODATA Hemalatha S., Anouncia S.M. International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence 2017 -
141 Exploiting visual cues for learning gait patterns associated with neurological disorders Roy K., Rao G.S.V.R.K., Savarimuthu, Anouncia M. Jurnal Teknologi 2017 -
142 Influence of human emotion expressed through social networks in viral marketing Amalanathan A., Anouncia S.M. International Journal of Business Information Systems 2017 -
143 Adapted sparse fusion with constrained clustering for semisupervised change detection in remotely sensed images Lal A.M., Margret Anouncia S. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 2017 -


Sl.No Title of paper Name of author/s Name of Journal Year of publication ISBN/ISSN number
1 A survey on end-to-end performance
metrics of QoS-aware multicast routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks
Senthil Prakash Kuppusamy, Sasikala Ramasamy, Guna Sekar Thangamuthu International Journal of
Networking and Virtual Organisations
2016 1741-5225
2 An optimal record retrieval technique
in text mining using GSO-based prefix span algorithm and improved K-means
Arumugam Rajesh Kumar, R Sasikala, AM Kalpana International Journal of
Business Intelligence and Data Mining
2016 1743-8195
Sasikala The IIOAB Journal 2016 0976-3104.
4 Classification techniques for diagnosis of diabetes: a review Dilip Kumar Choubey, Sanchita Paul International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IJBET) 2016 ISSN: 1752-6418 (Print), ISSN: 1752-6426. (Online)
5 GA_MLP NN: A Hybrid Intelligent System for Diabetes Disease Diagnosis Dilip Kumar Choubey, Sanchita Paul International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications (IJISA) 2016 ISSN: 2074-904X (Print), ISSN: 2074-9058. (Online)
6 Performance Improvement of Data Analysis of IoT Applications Using Re-Storm in Big Data Stream Computing Platform P. Rizwan, M. Rajasekharababu International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa 2016 1663-4144
7 Emerging Biomedical Health Care System by using Internet of Things K Suresh and Dr. M. Rajasekhara Babu Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering 2016 2296-9845
8 A Novel Biomedical Data Solutions By Using Big Data Platforms For Better Health Care Service Rizwan Patan and Rajasekhara babu International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2016 0975-766X
9 A Survey of Performance Analysis Tools for OpenMP and MPI J. Sairabanu, M. Rajasekhara Babu, Arunava Kar and Aritra Basu Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2016 0974-5645
10 A clustered wireless sensor network based air pollution monitoring system with swarm intelligence based data aggregation Murali S., Jaisankar N. Journal Teknologi 2016 0127-9696
11 Recent trends in eLearning environment for effective content dissemination to online learners V.R. Raghuveer, S.Murali  International Journal of Engineering and technology 2016 0975-4024
12 Customer Choice of Super Markets using Fuzzy Rough Set on Two Universal Sets and Radial Basis Function Neural Network A. Anitha, D. P. Acharjya International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies, Vol. 12 (3), pp. 20 – 37 2016 -
13 Decreasing False Assumption for Improved Breast Cancer Detection,  Chiranji Lal Chowdhary, G. V. K. Sai and D. P. Acharjya Journal of Science and Arts, Vol. 35 (2), pp. 157-176 2016 -
14 A Hybrid Scheme for Breast Cancer Detection using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Rough Set Technique Chiranji Lal Chowdhary, D. P. Acharjya International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics, Vol. 11 (2), pp. 38 – 61,  2016 -
15 Using of Three Training Algorithms for Material Remove Rate (MRR) in Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) for ANSI D2 Steel by Neural Network AmrutRanjanJena, Raja Das, D. P. Acharjya International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology. Vol. 8 (2), pp. 12701 – 12711,  2016 -
16 A Survey on Big Data Analytics: Challenges, Open Research Issues and Tools D. P. Acharjya and Kauser Ahmed P International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 7 (2), pp. 511 – 518 2016 -
17 Nurse’s Attitude towards Computerization in Private Hospitals of Tamilnadu, India Brijendra Singh and D. P. Acharjya Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, Vol. 9 (12), pp. 2205 – 2210 2016 -
18 Deep Residual Networks for Plant Identification, International Conference on Pervasive Computing Advances and Applications (PerCAA-2019),  VinitBodhwani, D. P. Acharjya, UmeshBodhwani International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 7 (2), pp. 511 – 518 2016 -
19 Decrease in False Assumption for Detection using Digital Mammography, Chiranji Lal Chowdhary, GudavalliVijaya Krishna Sai and D. P. Acharjya International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Mining (ICCIDM-2015),  2016 -
20 Anamolized Based Security for Private
Information Attacks on Social Network 
Yokesh Babu Sundaresan, Kumaresan P
and Prabu A.S
International Journal of
Applied Engineering Research 
2016  ISSN 0973-4562 
21 A Low Cost Prototype for Multiple
Access Security System 
Yokesh Babu Sundaresan, Ashish Kumar Jaiswal
and Kumaresan P
International Journal of
Applied Engineering Research 
2016  ISSN 0973-4562 
Kumaresan P, Prabukumar M,
Yokesh Babu Sundaresan
International Journal of
Pharmacy & Technology 
2016 ISSN: 0975-766X 
Yokesh Babu Sundaresan, Kumaresan P,
Bhulakshmi Bonthu, T.Nagaswathi
International Journal of
Pharmacy & Technology 
2016  ISSN: 0975-766X 
24 A Comparative Study on Feasible Technologies for  Eco-E-Tolling –
Low cost Prototype based on  Arduino and Raspberry-Pi
Kumaresan P,
Yokesh Babu Sundaresan
Research Journal of Pharmacy
and Technology
2016 0974-360X     
25 An Experimental Prototype for Comparative Analysis of
Intel, Atmel and PIC Microcontrollers
YB Sundaresan,
SMA Durai
Research Journal of Pharmacy
and Technology
2016 0974-360X     
Yokesh Babu Sundaresan,
Saleem Durai M A
International Journal of
Pharmacy & Technology 
2016  ISSN: 0975-766X 
27 A Comparative Analysis of Low Cost Solutions for
Quiz Controller and Classroom Access Control Systems
YB Sundaresan,
P Kumaresan
Research Journal of Pharmacy
and Technology
2016 0974-360X     
 Kumaresan P
 Anvita Raj
Int Journal of
Pharmacy Bio Sciences
2016 -
29 Developing a framework to design advanced traffic control system M.Narayana Moorthi, R.Manjula Journal of applied sciences and Research 2016 1819-544x
30 Performance evaluation and analysis of parallel computers workload M.Narayana Moorthi, R.Manjula International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing 2016 2005-4262
31 A new approach towards design and development of smartpills vending machine M.Narayana Moorthi, R.Manjula IJPT-International journal of pharmacy and technology 2016 0975-766x
32 Clustering Mixed Data using Neighbourhood Rough Sets Sharmila Banu K, B.K.Tripathy International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms 2016 1755-0394
33 Data analytics in spatial epidemiology: A survey Sharmila Banu K, B.K.Tripathy Jurnal Teknologi 2016 2180-3722
34 User localisation using wireless signal strength-an application for pattern classification using fuzzy decision tree SJ Narayanan, RB Bhatt, I Paramasivam International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology  2016  1743-8217
35 Optimized Balanced Scheduling of Two Phase Top Down Specialization for Diabetes Patients using Map Reduce Sendhil Kumar, K.S. and Jaisankar, N.,  Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 2016 0975-8585
36 A Survey on Resource Provisioning Models for Collaborative Cloud Computing  Environment Sendhil Kumar, K.S. and Jaisankar, N.,  International Journal of Control Theory and Applications  2016 0974-5572
37 An innovative cloud framework for tracking and monitoring tangible assets in a smarter campus using RFID Venkata Vara Prasad D., Jaganathan S., Padma Priya R. Asian Journal of Information Technology 2016 1682-3915
38 Literature review of human stress analysis using EEG signal Lahane P.S., Thirugnanam M. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 2016 9758585
39 A novel framework for fall detection by using ambient sensors and voice recording Megana Santhoshi P., Thirugnanam M. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 2016 9758585
40 A novel RGB based steganography using prime component alteration technique Sathyan A., Thirugnanam M., Hazra S. IIOAB Journal 2016 9763104
41 A hybird mik segmentation technique for diagnosing aspired foreign body on pediatric radiography images Vasumathy M., Thirugnanam M. IIOAB Journal 2016 9763104
42 Quality measurements of fruits and vegetables using sensor network Bandal A., Thirugnanam M. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 2016 21903018
43 Analyzing company’s stock price movement using public sentiment in twitter data Thirugnanam M., Patel S., Vyas P., Thirugnanam T. IIOAB Journal 2016 9763104
44 Hybrid tool for diagnosis of diabetes Mythili T., Tamizharasi T., Sumathy S., Swarnalatha P. IIOAB Journal 2016 9763104
45 Context aware requirement patterns (CaRePa) methodology and its evaluation Kumar K., Saravanaguru Ra.K. Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications 2016 0973-7006
46 CBPR: Case based pattern retrieval - a framework for pattern retrieval Kumar K., Saravanaguru R.A.K. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2016 1819-6608
47 Sentimental analysis of twitter data using classifier algorithms Shah S., Kumar K., Saravanaguru R.K. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2016 2088-8708
48 Requirement pattern extraction using cluster based framework - RAPID Kumar K., Saravanaguru R.A.K. Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2016 0974-6846
49 Formalizing context aware requirement patterns using ontology Kumar K., Saravanaguru R.A.K. Jurnal Teknologi 2016 0127-9696
50 Modelling DNA and RNA secondary structures using Matrix insertion- deletion systems  Lakshmanan Kuppusamy, Anand Mahendran International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 2016 1641-876X
51 Survey on various classes of picture languages  G.Ramya, Anand Mahendran International Journal of Applied Engineering and Research 2016 0973-9769
52 A Review of Tools for Traceability Management in Software Projects C.J.Satish, Anand Mahendran International Journal for Research in Emerging Science and Technology 2016 2349-7610
53 Software documentation management issues and practices: A survey  C.J.Satish, Anand Mahendran Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2016 09746846, 09745645
54 A framework and implementation of an online research management system Jayabrabu Ramakrishnan, Anand Mahendran Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2016 09746846, 09745645
55 Social Networks Based Disease Analysis Using Hadoop Anbarasi M*, Saleem Durai M. A International Journal Of Pharmacy & Technology 2016 0975-766X
56 A Survey on Swarm Optimization Techniques for Heart Disease Prediction Anbarasi M*, Saleem Durai M. A International Journal Of Pharmacy & Technology 2016 0975-766X
57 A Rough Set Based Kernel Possibilistic C-Means Algorithm for Medical Data Utkarsha Tiwari*,Anbarasi M, Saleem Durai M. A International Journal Of Pharmacy & Technology 2016 0975-766X
58 Enhanced Dictionary based Sparse Representation Fusion for Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Images Lal, A. M., & Anouncia, S. M European Journal of Remote Sensing 2016 2279-7254
59 Study and application of dynamic incremental regression in seasonal crop marketing supported by SONN Lavanya K. IIOAB Journal 2016 0976-3104
60 A hybrid model for rice disease diagnosis using entropy based neuro genetic algorithm Lavanya K., Saleem Durai M.A., Iyengar N.Ch.S.N. International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems 2016 1947-3192
61 Performance analysis of various classification techniques over diabetes dataset  Vishruth, C.S., Puyalnithi, T., Madhu Viswantham, V. International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2016 0975-766X
62 Analysis of impact of fuzification of range attributes in performance of various classification algorithms in detecting primary tumor   Puyalnithi, T., Madhu Viswanatham, V. International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2016 0975-766X
63 Visualization and statistical analysis of multi dimensional data of wireless sensor networks using self organising maps   Puyalnithi, T., Madhu Viswanatham, V. International Journal of Engineering and Technology 2016 2319-8613
64 AUTOMATIC DETECTION OF MOVING OBJECTS USING KALMAN ALGORITHM V. Vijayarajan, R. Rajeshkannan , R. Rajkumar , N. Dhinakaran International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology 2016 0975-766X
65 An Approach on Effective & Efficient Project-Based Learning Rajesh Kannan. R, Shashank Mahajan, R. Rajkumar International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2016 0973-4562
69 A sugeno fuzzy logic based CT and MRI image fusion technique with quantitative analysis Rajkumar S., Haldar R., Pillai A., Dutta P. International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2016 0975-766X
70 Multimodality medical image fusion using block based intuitionistic fuzzy sets Soundrapandiyan R., Haldar R., Purushotham S., Pillai A. IIOAB Journal 2016 0976-3104
71 Automated attendance using raspberry Pi Rajkumar S., Prakash J. International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2016 0975-766X
72 Improving optimization sequence of compilers by using sequence selection approach Ramani S., Boominathan P., Narayanan S.J., Rajkumar S. International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2016 0975-766X
73 Medical image fusion using contourlet transform and fusion tool techniques Rajkumar S., Ramani S., Boominathan P. International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2016 0975-766X
74 Bin packing problems: Comparative analysis of heuristic techniques for different dimensions Perumal B., Haldar R., Rajkumar S. International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2016 0975-766X
75 A novel and robust rotation and scale invariant structuring elements based descriptor for pedestrian classification in infrared images Soundrapandiyan R., Chandra Mouli P.V.S.S.R. Infrared Physics and Technology 2016 1350-4495
76 A survey on data mining and soft computing tools Sathyaraj R., Prabu S. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications 2016 0974-5572
77 A literature review on software fault prediction using machine learning and soft computing techniques Sathyaraj R., Prabu S. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications 2016 0974-5572
78 A Comparison Between Classification Algorithms on Different Datasets Methodologies using Rapidminer Ashmeet Singh , R Sathyaraj International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering 2016 2278-1021
79 Diagnosis of thyroid disorders using Backpropagation method M.Sai Srujana, B. Priyanka, A.Sai Jagathi, Sathyaraj.R International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering 2016 2321-9653
80 An optimal method of relay selection in wireless body area network using firefly algorithm Umadevi K.S., Abdul Gaffar H. International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2016 0975-766X
81 A low-cost customizable prototype for remote industrial automation-an experimental study   Sundaresan, Y.B., Kumaresan, P., Bonthu, B., Nagaswathi, T. International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2016 eISSN 0975-766X
82 A review on the development of big data analytics and effective data visualization techniques in the context of massive and multidimensional data   Hilda, J.J., Srimathi, C., Bonthu, B. Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2016 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645                                                ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846
83 Optimized warning and protection system for vehicle using RFID-based networks   Bonthu, B., Kar, A., Hilda, J.J. Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2016 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645                                               ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846
84 Smart Car Parking System Vatsala Daur, Prerit Bhandari, Laxay Jain, Nalini N International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, 2016 2277 128X
85 ArduMed - Smart Medicine Reminder for Old People Mayuresh Waykole, Vatsalya Prakash, Himanshu Singh, Nalini N International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2016 2229-5518
86 Multimodality medical image fusion using block based intuitionistic fuzzy sets Rajkumar Soundrapandiyan, Rishin Haldar, Swarnalatha Purushotham and Arvind Pillai The IIOAB Journal - Institute of Integrative Omics and Applied Biotechnology (IIOAB)    2016 ISSN: 0976-3104
87 A sugeno fuzzy logic based CT and MRI image fusion technique with quantitative analysis S Rajkumar, Rishin Haldar, Arvind Pillai, Praneet Dutta International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology; 2016 0975-766X
88 Bin packing problems: Comparative analysis of heuristic techniques for different dimensions Boominathan Perumal, Rishin Haldar, S. Rajkumar; International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology; 2016 0975-766X
89 Performance analysis of various classification techniques over diabetes dataset  Vishruth, C.S., Puyalnithi, T., Madhu Viswantham, V. International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2016 0975-766X
90 Analysis of impact of fuzification of range attributes in performance of various classification algorithms in detecting primary tumor   Puyalnithi, T., Madhu Viswanatham, V. International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2016 0975-766X
91 Visualization and statistical analysis of multi dimensional data of wireless sensor networks using self organising maps   Puyalnithi, T., Madhu Viswanatham, V. International Journal of Engineering and Technology 2016 2319-8613
92 E-Health E-Wellness and Home Automation with Internet of Things R Vaishali, M Viswanatham, MR GhalibT sung-Han Chang The International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences,Special Issue
Special Issue
2016 0975-6299
93 Region-based group and hierarchical key management for secure smart grid communications V Madhu Viswanatham, AA Chari, V Saritha International Journal of Smart Grid and Green Communications 2016 2052-2010
94 Cloud Computing : Goals, Issues, SOA, Integrated Technologies and Future-scope V.Madhu Viswanatham Ambient Science,National Cave Research and Protection 2016 2348 5191
95 A Review of Tools for Traceability Management in Software Projects C.J.Satish, Anand Mahendran International Journal for Research in Emerging Science and Technology 2016 2349-7610
96 Delay and disruption tolerant network: The technology and it’s scope Ramanathan, L. International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2016 0975-766X
97 A novel genetic nand PAFT model for enhancing the student grade performance system in higher educational institutions Ramanathan, L., Geetha, A., Khalid, M., Swarnalatha, P.  IIOAB Journal 2016 0976-3104
98 Apply of sum of difference method to predict placement of students’ using educational data mining Ramanathan, L., Geetha, A., Khalid, M., Swarnalatha, P.  Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 2016 978-813222753-3
Vijayakumar, K
Nagarkar, Jeevan M
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences 2016 Oct; Special issue SP02 “Healthcare Technology and management 2016 0975-6299
100 An Analysis and Comparison of Various Missing Data Imputation Tools and Techniques Kuppusamy, Vijayakumar
Paramasivam, Ilango
International Journal of Engineering and Technology 2016  2227-524X
101 Usage of AODV and AOMDV protocols in perceiving black hole attacks in a MANET Gopichand, G., Saravanaguru, R.K., Ramesh Babu, K.   2016 0975-766X
102 Mitigating DDoS attacks through AODV protocol in a manet using NS3 simulator  Gopichand, G., Saravanaguru, R.A.K., Ramesh Babu, K.   2016 0975-766X
103 A generic review on effective intrusion detection in ad hoc networks Gopichand, G., Saravanaguru, Ra.K.   2016 2088-8708
104 Classification by Majority voting in feature partitions H. Seetha, M. Narasimha Murty, R. Saravanan International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences. 2016 -
105 A Survey on Queueing Models for Cloud Computing K.Santhi, R.Saravanan International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology (IJPT) 2016 -
106 Facilitate refined keywords search over encrypted data on cloud K.Santhi, R.Saravanan International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology (IJPT) 2016 -
107 An HMAC OTP Seetha R, R. Saravanan International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology (IJPT) 2016 -
108 A Secure Approach to Spatial Image Steganography  Susmita Subhadarshini Panda, R.Saravanan International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology (IJPT) 2016 -
109 Classification of Noise in Video - A Review U. Rahamathunnisa, R. Saravanan International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology (IJPT) 2016 -
110 Selfish Node Detection Based on Evidence by Trust Authority and Selfish Replica Allocation in DANET Ganesh Gopal,  R. Saravanan International Journal of Information and Communication Technology 2016 -
111 Digital signature schemes for group communication: A survey Seetha R, R. Saravanan International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2016 -
112 A Framework for efficient routing in MANET using index routing tables based algorithms.  Gundala Swathi, R. Saravanan Defence Science Journal 2016 -
113 A Review on Automated Storage/ Retrieval Systems and Shuttle Based Storage/Retrieval Systems Kalyanaraman P., Keerthika International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and … 2016 -
114 Survey on map reduce based apriori algorithms in medical field for the prediction of diabetes mellitus Munikumar and Manjula Research Journal of Fisheries and hydrobiology 2016 1816-9112
115 A Secure and Efficient Framework for Health Data Management in E-health Clouds Tamizharasi, Manjula, Monisha, Balamurugan International Journal of Computer Science and Informationn Security 2016 1947-5500
116 Maximization of WSN life using hybrid evolutionary programming Nagarathna, Manjula Internation Journal of Wireless Information Networks 2016 246-256
117 FAULT TOLERANCE IN CLOUD ENVIRONMENT BASED ON HIGH-LEVEL COMPUTATION MANAGEMENT Senthilnathan Palaniappan; Biswa Bhusan Ghosh; Dr. Arun Kumar Sangaiah International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology 2016 3
118 Classification of thyroid AbnorMalities on thermal image: A study and approach Gopinath, M.P., Prabu, S IIOAB Journal 2016 -
120 Detection and Visualization of Brain Tumor using DICOM Images Subarnarekha Ghosa, Karishma, D.Aju International Journal  of Tomography and Simulation 2016 2319-3336
121 T1-T2 Weighted MR Image Composition and Cataloguing of Brain Tumor using Regularized Logistic Regression D. Aju, R. Rajkumar Jurnal Teknologi 2016 2180-3722
122 Design And Data Structure of ACO
Based Routing Model
Chandra Mohan, B. International journal of Engineering development and research 2016 -
123 Algorithms for String Perturbation Geetha Mary A  International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering 2016 -
124 Hybrid Application Development using Ionic Framework & AngularJS Aarush Gupta, Abdul Gaffar H International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology 2016 -
125 A Review on Security Challenges and Considerations in Cloud Computing Riten Shah, Karan Pittie, Priya G  International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science 2016 -
126 Enhancement of Efficient Image Searching by using Advance Hashing Method G. Ramya, B. R. Kavitha, G. Priya International Journal of Advanced Research in   Computer Science and Software Engineering  2016 -
127 Isolating Tainted Nodule G. Ramya, G. Priya & S. Feslin Anish Mon  Imperial  Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) 2016 -
128 Review on Security Management in Cloud computing Gouri Ajeev , Karthik Karunakaran , Arpita Gaur, Priya G   International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science  2016 -
129 A Novel Approach for Detecting the Damaged Tissues in MRI Image Using Neuro Fuzzy System H Santhi, N Jaisankar Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Research 2016 -
130 A Trusted Database on Equipment with Protection and Information Privacy R. Mohanasundaram, Shadulla Shaik, S.Murali, M.P. Gopinath International journal of communication and computer technologies 2016 -
131 SCOPE   V Vijayasherly, L Shalini, Chandresh Sharma, Manasvi Pandya International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology  2016 -
132 Rough Set Based Similarity Measures for Data Analytics in Spatial Epidemiology Sharmila Banu K, B.K.Tripathy International Journal of Rough Sets and Data Analysis 2016 -
133 A Study of Data Pre-Processing Techniques for Machine Learning Algorithm to Predict Software Effort Estimation Shaik Shahul, Sristi Suneel, M.A. Rahaman& Swathi J. N Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 2016 -
134 Cost Sensitive Classification and Feature Selection for Software Defect Prediction Aruna S, Dilsha Dominic, Radhika R, Dr. Swathi J N International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 2016 -
Devendra Mundada#1, Aachal Murade#2, Omkar Vaidya#3, Swathi J. N.* International Journal of Computer Science Engineering (IJCSE) 2016 -
136 Software Effort Estimation using Fuzzy Logic Membership Functions Archana A. Savalgi, Swati Jain, Andanappa S.S, Swathi J. Narayan International Journal of Computer Systems 2016 -
137 Implementation of Load Balancing Algorithm for Data Intensive Applications using MPI   V Vijayasherly, L Shalini, Chandresh Sharma, Manasvi Pandya2  International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology  2016 -
139 Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) in Digital Libraries Using ColorFeature. ABDULLA, A. A., & LAL, A. M Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2016 -
140 Preference Ranking of possible locations for the construction of Hydroelectric Power Plants in India. Abhisht Joshi, Ujjwal Rangarh, Aanchal Sharma, K Lavanya International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science 2016 -
141 Comparative Study of Load Balancing Algorithms in Cloud Computing Environment R. Rajeshkannan1 and M. Aramudhan Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2016 -
142 Enhancement of An Algorithm To Extract Text-Lines From Images For Blind And Visually Impaired Persons Through Parallel Approach. Niketan Jivane, Supriya Jivane, S Rajkumar, K Marimuthu International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering 2016 -
143 Applying Chatbots to the Internet of Things: Opportunities and Architectural Elements. Kar, Rohan, and Rishin Haldar International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 2016 -
144 Kalyanaraman P., Keerthika A Review on Automated Storage/ Retrieval Systems and Shuttle Based Storage/Retrieval Systems International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and … 2016 -
145 The Effects of Schedule-Driven Project Management in Multi-projects environments Manjula, Chaitanya, Pavan Int. journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT) 2016 -
146 Analysis of Software Project Management Methodologies Manjula, Tanya Rastogi, ManikaBisht International Journal of Engineering Technology and Computer Research 2016 -
147 Security Issues and Challenges in Internet of Things - A Review Lilima Jain, Kishore Kumar, Vishanth Fastino Internation Journal of Engineering Research and Applications 2016 -
148 Enery Optimization and Enhancing Quality of Routing Protocols in WSNs using MODFEACH Guptha S Shameer, Manjula. R International Journal of Engineering and Management Research 2016 -
149 Symmetric Private Key Encryption and Decryption Based on Matrix Madhusudhana Rao, S Ramani, P Swarnalatha, L Ramanathan, Srinivas Koppu International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering 2016 -
150 NDVI generation of chlorophyll from OCM data for the Indian ocean region using multispectral images Prabu M., Margret Anouncia S. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 2016 -
151 Enhanced dictionary based sparse representation fusion for multi-temporal remote sensing images Lal A.M., Anouncia S.M. European Journal of Remote Sensing 2016 -
152 A computational model for texture analysis in images with fractional differential filter for texture detection Hemalatha S., Anouncia S.M. International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence 2016 -
153 Analyzing the scope of integrating electronic medical records (EMR) and electronic health records (EHR) with multimodal human computer interaction (MMHCI) Vairamuthu S., Anouncia M. Jurnal Teknologi 2016 -
154 A review on human identification systems using biometrics fingerprint matching Hemalatha S., Margret Anouncia S. International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2016 -
155 Artificial neural networks and case-based reasoning models for predicting tool life and tool-shim interface temperature Anthony Xavior M., Margret Anouncia S. International Journal of Services and Operations Management 2016 -
156 A review on user influence ranking factors in social networks Amalanathan A., Anouncia S.M. International Journal of Web Based Communities 2016 -


Sl.No Title of paper Name of author/s Name of Journal Year of publication ISBN/ISSN number
1 An efficient text pattern mining
and clustering (TPMC) approach for record retrieval
R Kumar, A.R, Sasikala International Journal of
Applied Engineering Research
2015 0973-9769
2 A Wide Range Survey on Test
Case Generation
R. Arun Kumar, M.S., Sasikala International Journal of
Applied Engineering Research
2015 0973-9770
3 Energy efficient burst communication
through self adaptive buffer allocation for body sensor networks
L Sangeethapriya, N, Sasikala, R, Bharathi International Journal of
Applied Engineering Research
2015 0973-9771
4 Investigation on bio-inspired population
based metaheuristic algorithms for optimization problems in ad hoc networks
C Rajan, K Geetha, C Rasi Priya, R Sasikala International Journal of
Mathematical, Computational, Physical, Electrical and Computer Engineering
2015 2070-3910
5 GA_J48graft DT: A Hybrid Intelligent System for Diabetes Disease Diagnosis Dilip Kumar Choubey, Sanchita Paul International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology (IJBSBT) 2015 ISSN: 2233-7849
7 DISTANCE ROUTING ON MESH NETWORK ON CHIP Elizabeth I. and M. Rajasekhara Babu ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2015 1819-6608
8 Exploring Vectorization and Prefetching Techniques on Scientific Kernels and Inferring the Cache Performance Metrics J. Saira Banu, M. Rajasekhara Babu International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing 2015 1938-0259
9 Parallel Implementation of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) in Image Compression using Open Mp and Sparse Matrix Representation J. SairaBanu, Rajasekhara Babu and Reeta Pandey Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2015  0974-5645 
10 Towards Effective Communication Technique for Energy Efficient Internet of Things Suresh, K., Rajasekhara Babu, M. International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa 2015 1663-4144
11 Forecasting and Event Detection in Internet Resource Dynamics Using Time Series Models S P Meenakshi, and S V Raghavan Engineering Letters 2015 ISSN: 1816-0948 (online version); 1816-093X (print version)
12 A comparative study of air pollution monitoring system in wireless sensor network Murali S., Jaisankar N. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2015 0973-4562
13 A context-aware pre-handoff support approach to provide optimal QoS for streaming applications over vehicular ad hoc networks - HOSA KR BABU, A THANGAVELU Journal of Engineering Science & Technology 2015 -
14 Detection of Denial of Service Attack in Wireless Network using Dominance based Rough Set,  N. Syed Siraj Ahmed and D.P. Acharjya Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, Vol. 9 (12), pp. 2205 – 2210 2015 -
15 Neural Network and Rough Set Hybrid Scheme for Prediction of Missing Associations, A. Anitha and D. P. Acharjya International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications, Vol. 11 (6), pp. 503-524,  2015 -
16 General Characterization of Classifications in Rough Set on Two Universal Sets T. K. Das, D. P. Acharjya and M. R. Patra Information Resources Management Journal, Vol. 28 (2), pp. 1-19, (2015) 2015 -
17 Segmentation of Mammograms using a Novel Intuitionistic Possibilistic Fuzzy C-Mean Clustering Algorithm Chiranji Lal Chowdhary and D. P. Acharjya 50th Annual Golden Jubilee Convention of the Computer Society of India (CSI-2015) 2015 -
18 A New Approach of Compression of Large Community Graph using Graph Mining Techniques, International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information Bapuji Rao, AnirbanMitra and D. P. Acharjya Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, Vol. 152,pp. 186 – 194 2015 -
19 A new integrated computer architecture simulation framework towards next generation approach M.Narayana Moorthi, R.Manjula International journal of applied engineering research 2015 0973-4562
20 (book chapter)Challenges faced in enhancing the performance and scalability in parallel computing M.Narayana Moorthi, R.Manjula IGI-Book chapter 2015 -
21 An Algorithm for deskewing a Document Image Akila Victor,Gurleen,Sanyam seth IJAER 2015 0973-9769
22 Soft computing techniques for categorical data analysis in bio-informatics Sharmila Banu K, B.K.Tripathy International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences 2015 0975-6299
23 An Optimal Ant Colony Algorithm for Efficient VM Placement”  V. Ashwin Kumar Sarma , Rahul Rajendra, P. Dheepan and K.S. Sendhil Kumar Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2015 0974-5645
24 Recognizing polarity of articles using sentiment analysis through machine learning techniques Parishapogu R., Subramanian S., Thirugnanam M. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2015 9734562
25 A review of protecting location privacy in location based service Nadargi A., Mythili T. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2015 9734562
26 Network Security Enhancement through Honeypot based Systems G.Arunkumar, Madhu Viswanatham , S.Deepalakshmi International Journal of Engineering and Technology 2015 0975-4024
27 A survey on applications of grammar formalism in image processing M.Deepa, Anand Mahendran International Journal of Applied Engineering and Research 2015 0973-9769
28 Prediction of Leukaemia Cancer Images using Parallel Saliency Algorithm Swarnalatha P*, Anbarasi M., Aman Sharma and Ganesh M International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences 2015 0975-6299
29 A Study on Predicting Protein Secondary Structure using Various Data Mining Approaches  Anbarasi M* and Saleem Durai M. A International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences 2015 0975-6299
30 Assessment of Transition and Emission Probabilities of HMM for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Anbarasi M*, Neha Vadnere, Tapasvi Soni, Aakansha Gupta, Saleem Durai M. A And Swarnalatha P International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences 2015 0975-6299
31 A Hybrid Approach for Fusion Combining SWT and Sparse Representation in Multispectral Images Lal, A. M., Anouncia, S. M., and Kombo, O. H Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2015 0974-5645
32 Detection of Boundaries by Fusing the Topographic Sheets and Multi-Spectral Images for Geographic Landscapes Lal, A. M., and Anouncia, S. M. International Journal of Ecology & Development™,  2015 0973-7308
33 Semi-supervised change detection approach combining sparse fusion and constrained k means for multi-temporal remote sensing images. Lal, A. M., & Anouncia, S. M The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science 2015 1110-9823
34 Site specific soil fertility ranking and seasonal paddy variety selection: An intuitionistic fuzzy rough set and fuzzy bayesian based decision model Lavanya K., Saleem Durai M.A., Iyengar N.C.S.N. International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering 2015 1975-0080
35 Parallel implementation of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) in image compression using OpenMp and sparse matrix representation Saira Banu J., Babu R., Pandey R. Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2015 0974-6846
36 SIMD acceleration of SpMV Kernel on multi-core CPU architecture Saira Banu J., Rajasekhara Babu M. Advances in Systems Science and Applications 2015 1078-6236
37 Exploring vectorization and prefetching techniques on scientific kernels and inferring the cache performance metrics Banu J.S., Babu M.R. International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing 2015 1938-0259
38 An approach for software fault prediction to measure the quality of different prediction methodologies using software metrics Sathyaraj R., Prabu S. Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2015 0974-6846
39 Named Entity Recognition by Using Maximum Entropy Imran Ahmed and Sathyaraj R International Journal of Database Theory and Application 2015 2005-4270
40 MFCC and VQ based voice recognition security system Mahalakshmi P., Shayon, Sharmila A., Heena, Soumyadeep, Jose J.T. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2015 0973-4562
41 Vertical Fragmentation, Allocation and Re-Fragmentation in Distributed Object Relational Database Systems with Update Queries Thendral P.,Madhuviswanatham V. European Journal of Scientific Research 2015 1450-216X
42 Mining students’ record to predict their performance in undergraduate degree Ramanathan, L., Geetha, A., Khalid, M.  International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2015 0973-4562
43 Password authentication for multicast host using zero knowledge proof   Seetha R, R. Saravanan International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2015 -
44 Effective feature selection technique for text classification H. Seetha, M. Narasimha Murty, R. Saravanan International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management 2015 -
45 A secure robust on-demand multicast routing protocol over mobile Ad Hoc networks Seetha R, R. Saravanan International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2015 -
46 A Swarm Intelligence based Approach for Addressing Network Partitioning Constraints in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Sumathy Subramaniam, R.Saravanan International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems 2015 -
47 A Survey on Group Key Management Schemes Seetha R, R. Saravanan Cybernetics and Information Technologies 2015 -
48 Cryptanalysis and an Improvement of New Remote Mutual Authentication Scheme using Smart Cards Marimuthu Karuppiah, R.Saravanan  Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography 2015 -
49 Modified BMA for Video Reconstruction U. Rahamathunnisa, R. Saravanan International  journal of tomography and simulation 2015 -
50 A Secure Authentication Scheme with User Anonymity for Roaming Service in Global Mobility Networks Marimuthu Karuppiah, R.Saravanan  Wireless Personal Communications 2015 -
51 Data Mining: Buildig Social Network Sayali, Riya, Beeda and Manjula International Journal of Science anad Technology 2015 0974-6846
52 A Softwaree Engineering  Approach for Realizing Smart Grids Mesala Sravani and Manjula R International journal of Applied Engineering Research 2015 11337-11351
53 Energy-efficient stable routing using QoS monitoring agents in MANET Senthilnathan Palaniappan; Kalaiarasan Chellan EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (Springer Open Journal) 2015 (Open access Journal, Springer) No Issue number (2015:13)
54 Cross-Layer Based Delay Latency Reduction Technique For Multipath Routing In MANET P. Senthilnathan; C. Kalaiarasan International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2015 9
55 CROSS-LAYER BASED DELAY AWARE MULTIPATH ROUTING PROTOCOL FOR MANET P. Senthilnathan; C. Kalaiarasan International Conference on Advances in Electronics and Computer Systems - 2015, Bangalore, India, 6 - 7 June 2015 2015 No Issue number
56 Locale Detection, Identification and Significant Feature Extraction of Brain Tumor by Manipulating MR Images D.Aju, R.Rajkumar International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences 2015 0975-6299
57 An Efficient and Optimized RC5 Image Encryption Algorithm for Secured Image Transmission Swathi Suresh1, Mary Varghese,, Aju D International Journal of Imaging and Robotics 2015 0974-0627
58 Fuzzy-based random perturbation for real world medical datasets, Geetha Mary A  International Journal of Telemedicine and Clinical Practices 2015 -
59 Medical data mining applications and its uses Gayathri, P., Jaisankar, N International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research 2015 -
60 Three Step Security Implementation for Data Migration in Hybrid Cloud.    Prasanth Kumar, Priya G ,Jaisankar N International Journal for Scientific Research & Development   2015 -
61 Developing Software Based Key logger and a Method to Protect from Unknown Key loggers,  Sivarajeshwaran. S, Ramya. G, Priya. G(2015),  International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME)  2015 -
62  Trustworthy Resource Sharing on Collaborative Cloud Computing”.  Amit Kumar, Priya G, Jaisankar N  International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies 2015 -
63 Randomized Multipath Routing [RMR] for Secure Data Exchange in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks H.Santhi , Dr. N.Jaisankar International Journal of Trend in Research and Development 2015 -
64 A Dominance based Rough Set Approach for the Detection of Jamming Attack N. Syed Siraj Ahmed and D.P. Acharjya International Journal of Philosophies in Computer Science, , 2015 -
65 An Improved Vertical Handoff Algorithm for 4G Heterogeneous Wireless Networks MesalaSravani, ShivaliSonwani and D. P. Acharjya International Journal of Philosophies in Computer Science 2015 -
66 Application Security Framework for Mobile App Development in Enterprise Setup,  S. Chakraborti, D. P. Acharjya and SugataSanyal International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications 2015 -
67 Multi Criterion Decision Making using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Rough Set on Two Universal Sets T. K. Das, D. P. Acharjya and M. R. Patra:  International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2015 -
68 Virtual Machine Allocation Policy in Cloud Computing Using CloudSim in Java  Kushang Parikh, Nagesh Hawanna, Haleema.P.K, Jayasubalakshmi.R and N.Ch.S.N.Iyengar  International Journal of Grid Distribution Computing  2015 -
69 Investigation on Context Aware Middleware Support for Vehicular Safety Applications Saravanaguru, R. A. K., Kumar, K., & Thangavelu, A.  World Applied Sciences Journal 2015 -
70 Multispectral image change revealing using translation invariant wavelet transform fusion and adaptive K-means clustering Lal, Anisha M., Margret Anouncia, S., and Gopalakrishnan, M International Journal Applied Environmental Sciences  2015 -
71 Enhancing Security of Database Stored in Cloud Environment Rajeshkannan Regunathan, T. Saranya International Journal of Science and Research 2015 -
72 Android Based Cloud Computing Using Microsoft Azure J.K. Anu Shakthi Priya, Rajeshkannan Regunathan International Journal of Science and Research 2015 -
73 Human Identification using Vein and Texture Images K R Lakshmi R. Nandhakumari, S. Rajkumar International Journal for Scientific Research & Development 2015 -
74 Solving N-Queen Problem by Prediction Lijo V. P.; Jasmin T. Jose International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies 2015 -
75 A Novel Trust Based System to Detect the Intrusive Behaviour in MANET Ganesh Gopal,  R. Saravanan International Journal of Electronics and Information Engineering 2015 -
76 Fuzzy Based Energy Aware Routing Method with Trustworthiness for MANET Ganesh Gopal,  R. Saravanan International Journal of Electronics and Information Engineering 2015 -
77 Improving the transmission performance based on minimizing energy in mobile adhoc networks Gundala Swathi, R. Saravanan ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology 2015 -
78 Semi-supervised change detection approach combining sparse fusion and constrained k means for multi-temporal remote sensing images Lal A.M., Margret Anouncia S. Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science 2015 -
79 A hybrid approach for fusion combining SWT and sparse representation in multispectral images Lal A.M., Anouncia S.M., Kombo O.H. Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2015 -
80 Social network user's content personalization based on emoticons Amalanathan A., Anouncia S.M. Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2015 -
81 Supporting adaptive learning environment through cognitive skill based learner classification Balasubramanian V., Anouncia S.M. Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2015 -
82 Detection of boundaries by fusing the topographic sheets and multi-spectral images for geographic landscapes Lal A.M., Anouncia S.M. International Journal of Ecology and Development 2015 -
83 Performance evaluation of artificial intelligence based methods for defect classification – A case study on weld radiographic images Thirugnanam M., Margret Anouncia S., Anthony Xavier M., Adalarasu S., Vasumathy M. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2015 -


Sl.No Title of paper Name of author/s Name of Journal Year of publication ISBN/ISSN number
1 Soft Computing Approaches for Diabetes Disease Diagnosis: A Survey Dilip Kumar Choubey, Sanchita Paul, Joy Bhattacharjee International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) 2014 ISSN: 0973-4562
2 An Extended Framework for Enhanced Hybrid System using Database as a Service Ashok Arora, Sahil Karkhanis, Geetha Mary A  International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2014 0973-4562
3 EAST-ADL modeling approach for Intelligent Driver Assistance (I-DAS) KRBAT RA.K. Saravanaguru International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2014  30303-30308
4 A Smart Multi-purpose
Remote Controlled Digital Clock 
Yokesh Babu Sundaresan,
Ashish Kumar Jaiswal, Kumaresan P
International Journal of
Applied Engineering Research 
2014 ISSN 0973-4562 
Yokesh Babu Sundaresan, Kumaresan P.,
Saurabh Gupta and Waseem Ali Sabeel
ARPN Journal of
Engineering and Applied Sciences 
2014  ISSN 1819-6608     
6 Cloud Integrated Low Cost Customizable Smart Medical Chair for Diagnosis and Doctor Assistance
Yokesh Babu Sundaresan, Kumaresan P,
Arjun Rajshekhar3 Swayamdeepta Sanyal and Rohan Puri 
International Journal of
Intelligent Engineering & Systems
2014 ISSN-2185-310X
7 Automated Anti-theft and
Accident Detection System for the Elderly 
Rohan Kulkarni, Sahil Karkhanis,
Abhishek Tripathi, Yokesh Babu Sundaresan
International Journal of
Applied Engineering Research 
2014 ISSN 0973-4562 
8 performance analysis of encryption algorithm for network security on parallel computing environment A.Varalakshmi Harika, T.Saranya, M.Narayana Moorthi IJSRD-International journal of scientific research and development 2014 2321-0613
9 Use of Edit Distance Algorithm to Search a Keyword in Cloud Environment  Riya Mary, A.Sayali Nishikant, C. Jaya subalakshmi R and N. Ch. S. N. Iyengar International Journal of Database Theory and Application 2014 2014.12
10 GIS Based Data Mining Classification Approaches for Landslide Susceptibility Analysis Venkatesan M*, Rajawat A S, Arunkumar T, Anbarasi M, Malarvizhi K International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences 2014 0973-6077
11 Networks Using Multi Echelon Kothuru Srinivasulu , Nalini N International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies 2014 0975-9646
12 Students performance prediction based on multiple classifiers Ramanathan, L., Swarnalatha, P., Ganesh Gopal, D., Prabu, S.  International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2014 0973-4562
13 Instance driven clustering for the imputation of missing data in KDD Ilango, P
Vijayakumar, K
Babu, M Rajasekhara
International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems 2014 1754-3924
14 Improve the Routing Performance in Wireless Networks to Avoid Congestion Using Queuing Model Gundala Swathi, R. Saravanan International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2014 -
15 A Novel Key Exchange Algorithm for Secure Group Communication Seetha R, R. Saravanan International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2014 -
16 Secure routing in MANET using synchronization and data authenticity Gundala Swathi, R. Saravanan Cybernetics and Information Technologies 2014 -
17 A secure remote user mutual authentication scheme using smart cards Marimuthu Karuppiah, R.Saravanan  Journal of Information Security and Applications 2014 -
18 Role of Big data analytics in rural health care-A step towards svasth bharath Munikumar and Manjula Internation Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies 2014 0975-9646
19 A comparative study of techniques involved in thermal image diagnostic system Gopinath, M.P., Prabu, S International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2014 0973-9769
20 Abnormality Extraction of MRI Brain Images Using Region Growing Segmentation Techniques Anisha M. Lal , Dinesh , D. Aju International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science Technology & Engineering 2014 2319-7463
21 Analysis of Lung Nodules using texture analysis in Medical Images Anisha M. Lal,  D.Aju nternational Journal for Scientific Research & Development 2014 2321-0613
22 Multi-Level Fusion of CT and MRI Brain Images for Classifying Tumor Anisha M. Lal , M. Balaji , D. Aju International Journal of Enhanced Research in Management & Computer Applications 2014 2319-7471
23 Improved Anonymization Algorithms for Hiding Sensitive Information in Hybrid Information System Geetha Mary A, D. P. Acharjya and N. Ch. S. N. Iyengar International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security 2014 -
24 Algebraic Properties of Rough Set on Two Universal Sets based on Multigranulation Geetha Mary A, D. P. Acharjya and N. Ch. S. N. Iyengar International Journal of Rough Sets and Data Analysis 2014 -
25 A Review on Super Resolution Based In painting Naveen Kumar N, Nadheem Khan, Vijay Ananth International Journal of scientific research and management 2014 -
26 Multilevel Security and its Application to Enhance Data Protection Arush Kamboj, Ravi Bisla, N. Naveen Kumar International Journal of Computer Applications 2014 -
27 On Some Algebraic Properties of Rough Set on Two Universal Sets based on Multi-Granulation Geetha Mary A, D. P. Acharjya and N. Ch. S. N. Iyengar International Journal of Rough Sets and Data Analysis 2014 -
28 Predictive analysis of home automation systems with the help of machine learning Anuradha G International journal of software and hardware reseach in engineering 2014 -
29 Supervised Machine Learning Techniques for Risk Identification SK Senthil, J., Swathi J. Narayanan, Brijendra Singh, Rajul Bhatnagar Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences  2014 -
30 e-SUVIDHA Kartik Mathpal, Ashish Agrawal, Divyas Kumar Singh, Prof.J.N Swathi International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 2014 -
31 A Review on Software Engineering Practices in
SaaS Application Development
Rohan Kulkarni, Abhishek Tripathi, Santosh Sharma,Swathi.J.N International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends 2014 -
32 Quality Based Solution for Adaptable and Scalable Access Control in Cloud Computing A. Varalakshmi Harika, Haleema P. K., R. Jaya subalakshmi, N. Ch. S. N. Iyengar  International Journal of Grid Distribution Computing  2014 -
33 Abnormality Extraction of MRI Brain Images Using Region Growing Segmentation Techniques Anisha M. Lal, Dinesh, D.Aju International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science Technology and Engineering 2014 -
34 Analysis of Lung Nodules using texture analysis in Medical Images Anisha M. Lal, D.Aju International Journal for Scientific Research and Development 2014 -
35 Multi-Level Fusion of CT and MRI Brain Images for Classifying Tumor Anisha M. Lal, M.Balaji, D.Aju International Journal of Enhanced Research in Management and Computer Applications 2014 -
36 Routing Planning As An Application Of Graph Theory Prof Boominathan P, Kanchan Arora INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH 2014 -
37 A Novel way of integrating voice recognition and one-time passwords to prevent password phishing attacks Marimuthu K, D Ganesh Gopal, Harshita Mehta and Aditya Rajan, P Boominathan International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems 2014 -
38 Rough set model for nutrition management in site specific rice growing areas K Lavanya, N Ch SN Iyengar, MA Saleem Durai, T Raguchander Int. J. Intell. Syst. Appl 2014 -
39 Secure Multiple bank trasction Log: A Case Study Amol, Shekhar, Manjula International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology 2014 -
40 Authenticated and unrestricted auditing of big data space on cloud through valid and efficient granular updates Ramani S, Suhas S International Journal of Modern Engineering Research 2014 -
41 A review of texture based segmentation approaches for remotely sensed images Hemalatha S., Margret Anouncia S. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2014 -
42 A novel approach for automatic region of interest extraction in industrial radiographic images Thirugnanam M., Anouncia S.M. International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics 2014 -
43 An integrated approach for feature extraction and defect detection in industrial radiographic images - case study on welding defects Thirugnanam M., Anouncia S.M. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 2014 -
44 Evaluating the performance of various segmentation techniques in industrial radiographs Thirugnanam M., Margret Anouncia S. Cybernetics and Information Technologies 2014 -
45 Fuzzy-based satellite image classification to find greenery and used land Suresh Kumar N., Margret Anouncia S., Prabu M. International Journal of Tomography and Simulation 2014 -


  • Ramakrishnan R, Manthira Moorthi S, Prabu S, Swarnalatha P, Comparative Analysis of Various Methods for Preprocessing of Satellite Imagery, International Journal of Engineering and Technology,(0975-4024), Volume 5,No 1,.pp.431-437, 2013
  • Yuvarani M, Iyengar NChSN, Interactive query expansion using concept-based directions finder based on Wikipedia, International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol.10, No.6, pp. 4551-4558, 2013
  • Misra S, Venkata Krishna P, Saritha V, Obaidat M, Learning automata as a utility for power management in smart grids, IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 98-104; 2013
  • BK Tripathy, Jayaram Reddy A, Manusha GV, Mohisin GS, Improved algorithms for anonymization of set-valued data, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 177, pp. 581-594, 2013
  • Neha Tekriwal, Madhumitha, Venkata Krishna P, Integration of safety and smartness using cloud services: An insight to future, Innovations and Advances in Computer, Information, Systems sciences and Engineering, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 152, pp. 293-303, 2013
  • BK Tripathy, SS Gnatayat, Conceptual application of list theory to data structures, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 177, pp. 551-560, 2013
  • Shrey Gupta, Rajkumar S, Vijayarajan V, Marimuthu K, Quantitative analysis of various image fusion techniques based on various metrics using different multimodality medical images, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 1; ISSN. 0975-4024; pp. 133-141, 2013
  • Santhi V, Arul Mozhivarman P, Hadamard transform based adaptive visible/invisible watermarking scheme for digital images, Information Security Technical Report, pp. 1-13, 2013
  • Srimathi C, Veeranjaneyulu Gangineni,  Performance analysis of replication mechanism using mobile agent in computational grid using WADE, International Journal of Information and Communication Technology, Vol. 5, No.2, pp. 205-215; Inderscience Publishers, 2013
  • Govinda K, Sathiamoorthy E, Secure key sharing for group communication under community cloud, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol. 48, No.2, pp. 674-679; ISSN: 1817-3195, 2013
  • Lakshmanan K, Anand M, Kamala Krithivasan, On the trade-off between ambiguity and complexity in contextual languages, Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol.122, No.4, pp. 315-326; ISSN: 0169-2968 (Print), 1875-8681 (Online), 2013
  • Rajkumar R, Iyengar NChSN, Peer-to-Peer JXTA Architecture for Continuing Mobile Medical Education Incorporated in Rural Public Health Centers, Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives, Vol. 4, No.2, pp. 99-106, 2013 Venkata Krishna P, Sudip Misra, Saritha V, Harshit Agarwal
  • Naveen Chilamkurti, Learning automata-based virtual backoff algorithm for efficient medium access in vehicular ad hoc networks, Journal of Systems Architecture, Vol.59, No.10, pp. 1-8, 2013
  • Suresh Kumar N, Margret Anouncia S, Prabu M, Application of satellite remote sensing to find soil fertilization by using soil colour, International Journal of Online Engineering Vol. 9, No.2, pp. 2013
  • Krishnakumar V, Rajasekhara Babu M, A methodology to extract information from the brain waves in a multi-core environment, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, No.2, pp. 986-991; ISSN: 0975-4024, 2013
  • Manjunath KG, Jaisankar N, A survey on rear end collision avoidance system for automobiles, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.2, pp. 1368-1372; ISSN: 0975-4024, 2013
  • Mayank Singh Rana, Sendhil Kumar KS, Jaisankar N, Comparison of probabilistic optimization algorithms for resource scheduling in cloud computing environment, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.2, pp. 1419-1427; ISSN: 0975-4024, 2013
  • Govinda K, Sathiamoorthy E, Surbhit Agarwal, Secure key exchange for cloud environment using cellular automata with triple-des and error-detection, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.2, pp. 1004-1009; ISSN: 0975-4024, 2013
  • Manjunath KG, Jaisankar N, Shreedevi KG, An intelligent intrusion detection for detecting unauthorized malware over the network, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.2, pp. 1373-1380; ISSN: 0975-4024, 2013
  • Balasubramanian V, Margret Anouncia S, George Abraham, SaGe framework - Mapping of SARSA to adaptive e-learning using learning styles, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.2, pp. 1272-1280; ISSN: 0975-4024, 2013
  • Pratik Nelge, Govinda K, Mahesh M, Database audit over cloud environment using forensic analysis algorithm, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.2, pp. 696-699; ISSN: 0975-4024, 2013 Parul Upadhyaya, Vimal Anjana, Vivek Jain, Marimuthu K
  • Ganesh Gopal D, Practical system for querying encrypted data on the cloud, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.2, pp. 1878-1881; ISSN: 0975-4024, 2013
  • Khushboo C, Rajasekhara Babu M, Energy and run time evaluation for compiler methods using dynamic voltage-frequency scaling on Xscale architecture, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.2, pp. 1870-1877; ISSN: 0975-4024, 2013
  • Deep Dwivedi, Yokesh Babu S, Kumaresan P, Low-cost multiterrainrescuing 4-legged bot prototype, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.2, pp. 888-899: ISSSN: 0975-4024, 2013
  • Charanya R, Aramudhan M, Mohan K, Nithya S, Levels of security issues in cloud computing, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.2, pp. 1912-1920; ISSSN: 0975-4024, 2013
  • Murali S, Jaisankar N, Integrated development environment for rover, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.2, pp. 1207-1213; ISSSN: 0975-4024, 2013
  • Prabu S, Swarnalatha P, Ranjith D, An efficient method for identification of faces for 2D images, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.2, pp. 1010-1015; ISSSN: 0975-4024, 2013
  • Rajasekhara Babu M, Venkata Krishna P, Khalid M, A framework for power estimation and reduction in multi-core architectures using basic block approach, International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, Vol.10, No.1, pp.40-51; DOI : 10.1504 / IJCNDS.2013.050506, 2013
  • Aditya Ahuja, Venkata Krishna P, Saritha V, Analysis of a refined model for the IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function, International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, Vol.10, No.1, pp.66-82; DOI:10.1504/IJCNDS.2013.050508, 2013
  • Balasubramanian V, Margret Anouncia S, A narrative review of research on learning styles and cognitive strategies, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol.52, No.1, pp. 23-29; ISSN: 1992-8645, 2013
  • Yuvarani M, Iyengar NChSN, Kannan A, Improved concept-based query expansion using Wikipedia, International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, Vol.11, No.1, pp. 26-41; Inderscience Publishers, 2013
  • Santhi V, Arun Kumar T, Arulmozhivarman P, Adaptive visible watermarking in Hadamard domain for digital images, International Journal of Information and Computer Security, Vol.5, No.3, pp. 202-223, Inderscience Publishers, 2013
  • Balasubramanian V, Margret Anouncia S, George Abraham, Reinforcement learning approach for adaptive e-learning systems using learning styles, Information Technology Journal , Vol. 12, No.12, pp. 2306-2314, Science alert, 2013
  • Aju D, Bimal Kumar Ray, Quantification and analysis of 3D magnetic resonance image brain tumor, International Journal of Tomography & Statistics, Vol.24, No.3, 2013
  • Santhi V, Arulmozhivarman P, Adaptive visible watermarking for digital images using SURF technique in wavelet domain, International Journal of Tomography & Statistics, Vol.24, No.3, 2013
  • Saritha V, Madhu Viswanatham V, An efficient cross layer based channel reservation method for vehicular networks, International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley Inter Science, 2013
  • Deepanshi Garg, Prithvi Rajan M, Jaisankar N, Krishi-services-web services based solution for agricultural issues, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 2362-2365, ISSN: 0975-4024 (Jun-July), 2013
  • Arindam Banarjee, Naveen Bommu, Prateek Agarwal, Jaisankar N, Design of manufacturing execution system for FMCG industries, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 2366-2374, ISSN: 0975-4024 (Jun-July), 2013
  • Ramanathan L, Dhanda S, Suresh Kumar D, Predicting students' performance using modified ID3 algorithm, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 2491-2497, ISSN: 0975-4024 (Jun-July), 2013
  • Sathyaraj R, Prabu S, A survey-quality based object oriented software fault prediction, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 2349-2351, ISSN: 0975-4024 (Jun-July), 2013
  • Aishwarya R, Gayathri P, Jaisankar N, A method for classification using machine learning technique for diabetes, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 2903-2908, ISSN: 0975-4024 (Jun-July), 2013
  • Ramkinkar Singh, Vipra Gupa, Mohan K, Dynamic federation in identity management for securing and sharing personal health records in a patientcentric model in cloud, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 2201-2209, ISSN: 0975-4024 (Jun-July), 2013
  • Dhanaraj Cheelu, Rajasekhara Babu M, Venkata Krishna P, A study of vertical handoff decision strategies in heterogeneous wireless networks, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 2541-2554, ISSN: 0975-4024 (Jun-July), 2013
  • Govinda K, Pavan Kumar A, Gangi Pratap Reddy, On-demand secure streaming of multimedia data over cloud, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 2101-2107, ISSN: 0975-4024 (Jun-July), 2013
  • Persi Pameela I, Gayathri P, Jaisankar N, A fuzzy optimization technique for the prediction of coronary heart disease using decision tree, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 2506-2514, ISSN: 0975-4024 (Jun-July), 2013
  • BK Tripathy, Satapathy MK, Chowdhuri PK, Intuitionistic fuzzy lattices and intuitionistic fuzzy boolean algebras, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 2352-2361, ISSN: 0975-4024 (Jun-July), 2013
  • Chaitanya Kumar Singh, Srinivas Koppu, Madhu Viswanatham V, E-RIHT: Enhanced Hybrid IP Traceback Scheme with 16-bit marking field, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 2594-2600, ISSN: 0975-4024 (Jun-July), 2013
  • Muhammad Rukunuddin Ghalib, Shivam Vohra, Sunish Vohra, Akash Juneja, Mining on car database employing learning and clustering algorithms, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 2628-2635, ISSN: 0975-4024 (Jun-July), 2013
  • Arshad Mohammed, Sarath Mohan, Sasank Ungarala, Abdul Gaffar H, Hybrid binary exponential back-off mechanism for wireless sensor networks, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 2391-2397, ISSN: 0975-4024 (Jun-July), 2013
  • Muhammad Rukunuddin Ghalib, Swarnalatha P, Karan Thakkar, Virtual machine migration with an open source hypervisor, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 2671-2677, ISSN: 0975-4024 (Jun-July), 2013
  • Mohammed Masoom Rabbani, Ilango P, Enhancing accountability for distributed data sharing in the cloud, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 2529-2533, ISSN: 0975-4024 (Jun-July), 2013
  • Sasikumar Gurumurthy, Vudi Sai Mahit, Rittwika Ghosh, Analysis and simulation of brain signal data by EEG signal processing technique using MATLAB, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 2771-2776, ISSN: 0975-4024 (Jun-July), 2013
  • Natarajan P, Debsmita Ghosh, Kenkre Natasha Sandeep, Sabiha Jilani, Detection of tumor in mammogram images using extended local minima threshold, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 2310-2315, ISSN: 0975-4024 (Jun-July), 2013
  • Gayathri P, Jaisankar N, Comprehensive study of heart disease diagnosis using data mining and soft computing techniques, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 2947-2958, ISSN: 0975-4024 (Jun-July), 2013
  • Monica Shekar, Saravanaguru RaK, A case study on semantic web search using ontology modeling, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 2342-2348, ISSN: 0975-4024 (Jun-July), 2013
  • DP Acharjya, Debarati Bhattacharjee, A rough computing based performance evaluation approach for educational institutions, International Journal of Software Engineering and its Applications, Vol.7, No.4, pp. 331-348; 2013
  • Senthilnathan P, Kalaiarasan C, A joint design of routing and resource allocation using QoS monitoring agent in mobile ad-hoc networks, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol. 55, No.2, pp. 224-231; ISSN. 1992-8645, 2013
  • Maiti A, BK Tripathy, Remote laboratories: Design of experiments and their web implementation, Educational Technology and Society, Vol. 13, No.3, pp. 220-233; ISSN. 1436-4522, 2013
  • Dhanaraj Cheelu, Rajasekhara Babu M, Venkata Krishna P, User preferences and expert opinions based vertical handoff decision strategy, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol. 55, No.1, pp. 53-59; ISSN. 1992-8645, 2013
  • Venkatesan M, Arun Kumar T, A multiple window-based co-location pattern mining approach for various types of spatial data, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, Vol. 48, No.2, pp. 144-154., 2013
  • Srimathi C, Vaideeswaran J, Implementation of the fault tolerance in computational grid using agents by meta-modelling approach, International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, Vol.10, No.4, pp. 335-350, 2013 Aman Sharma, Natarajan P, Swarnalatha P, BK Tripathy 
  • Krishnan N, Image transformation using modified K-means clustering algorithm for parallel saliency map, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.4, pp. 3328-3333, ISSN. 0975-4024, 2013
  • Rajkumar R, Iyengar NChSN, Dynamic Integration of Mobile JXTA with Cloud Computing for Emergency Rural Public Health Care, Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives, Vo.4, No.5, pp. 255-264, Elsevier Publications, 2013
  • Bhatt Alok Nileshchandra, Rajasekhara Babu M, J Bhatt Anuja, Automation testing software that aid in efficiency increase of regression process, Recent Patents on Computer Science, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 107-114(8), 2013
  • Jaya Subalakshmi R, Haleema PK, Iyengar NChSN, Enhancing a traditional health care system of an organization for better service with agent technology by ensuring confidentiality of patients' medical information, Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Vol. 13, No.3, pp. 140-156, ISSN: 1314-4081, 2013
  • Margret Anouncia S, Clara Madonna LJ, Jeevitha P, Nandhini R, Design of a diabetic diagnosis system using rough sets, Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Vol. 13, No.3, pp. 124-139, ISSN: 1314-4081, 2013
  • Senthil J, Arumugam S, Shah P, Rahul DE, A search algorithm on a relational dataset containing algorithms to facilitate real time code generation, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol. 56, No.2, pp. 244-251, ISSN: 1992-8645, 2013
  • Ankita Bihani, Pooja Kabra, Supriya Moond, Optimized e-Transportation system customized to user need, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, No.3, pp. 2328-2333, 2013
  • Anand M, Ramya G, A study on various bio-inspired computing models, Jounal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol. 57, No.3, pp. 418-423; ISSN: 1992-8645, 2013
  • Annapurna J, Aswarni Kumar Cherukuri, Exploring attributes with domain knowledge in formal concept analysis, Journal of Computing and Information Technology', Vol.21, No.2, pp. 109-123, 2013
  • Prabu S, Ramakrishnan R, Manthira Moorthi S, Swarnalatha P, Non parametric model re-sampling techniques for geometric correction of remote sensing satellite images, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 8, No. 14, pp. 1611-1621, 2013 Senthil J, Arumugam S, Brijendra Singh, Prashant Pandey  Akash Giri
  • Akshay Sharma, Use of Artificial Intelligence in automation of sequential steps of software development / production, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol. 57, No.3, pp. 380-387, ISSN: 1992-8645, 2013
  • Yokesh Babu S, Saleem Durai MA, A Novel Adatable framework to handle hetrogenity issues in WSN Hardware and system software-A Comparative analysis and proposal, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 8, No. 15, pp. 1749-1765;, 2013
  • Dhanaraj Cheelu, Rajasekhara Babu M, Venkata Krishna P, A fuzzy-based intelligent vertical handoff decision strategy with maximised user satisfaction for next generation communication networks, International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, Vol.3, No.4, pp. 420-440; DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2013.058268, 2013
  • Ezhilmaran D, Sudhanshi Upadhyay, Social computing: An intelligent and responsive system, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 8, No. 16, pp. 1945-1952;, 2013
  • Vijayarajan V, Dinakaran M, Feature based image retrieval using fused sift and surf features, International Review of Computers and spftwares, Vol. 8, No.10, pp. 2013 Bijlu S Thomas, Srinivas Koppu, Madhu Viswanatham V, Suzanna Manoj Williums 
  • Deepak C, Optical Character and Object Recognition using Artificial Neural Network, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.8, No.9, pp. 1021-1033, 2013
  • Sudha S, Madhu Viswanatham V, Addressing Security and Privacy Issues in Cloud Computing, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol. 48, No.2, pp. 708-719, 2013 Sanjiban Sekhar Roy, Omsai Jadhav, Saptarshi Chakraborthy, Swapnil Saurav
  • Madhu Viswanatham V, Multicriteria decision analysis for intrusion detection data, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol.174, pp. 667-672, 2013
  • Arun Kumar S, Arun Kumar T, An Adaptive neuro fuzzy approach for evaluation of team-level service climate in GSD projects, Neural Computing and Applications, Vol.23, No.8 pp. 2013
  • Arun Kumar S, Arun Kumar T, Measuring IT service quality in the context of team level service climate and GSD project outcome relationship, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Vol.7, No.8, pp. 374-385, 2013
  • Venkatesan M, Arun Kumar T, An Improved Bayesian Classification Data Mining Method for Early Warning Landslide Susceptibility Model Using GIS, Advanced in Intelligent Systems and computing, Vol.202, No.2, pp. 277-288, 2013
  • Saravanaguru RaK, Arun Kumar T, VCR: Vehicular Cloud for Road side scenarios, Advances in Computing and Information Technology, Vol.178, pp. 541-552, 2013
  • Senthil Kumar K, DP Acharjya, Arun Kumar T, Trust Evaluation using Fuzzy proximity relation with ordering for MANET, International Journal of Trust Management in Computing and Communications, Inderscience, Vol.1, No.2, pp. 105-120, 2013
  • Krithika LB, Anand M, Opinion mining and summarization of company reviews, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol.57, No.2, pp.184-190, 2013
  • Gaurav Kumar Nayak, Swathi JN, Ilango P, Development and Comparative Analysis of Fuzzy Inference Systems for Predicting Customer Buying Behavior, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, No.5, pp. 4093-4108, 2013
  • Chiranjilal Chowdhary, Chandra Mouli PVSSR, Image Registration with New System for Ensemble of Images of Multi-Sensor Registration, World Applied Sciences Journal, Vol. 26, No.1, pp. 45-50, 2013
  • Santhi V, Arun Kumar T, Arulmozhivarman P, Adaptive Invisible Watermarking Model for Securing Ownership Rights of Digital Images using SIFT features in Bi-orthogonal Wavelet domain, International Journal of Tomography and Simulation, Vol. 23, No.2, pp. 42-62, 2013
  • Swarnalatha P, BK Tripathy, Depth Computatuion using bit plane with clustering techniques for satellite images, International journal of earth sciences and engineering, Vol.6, No.1, pp.13-21, 2013
  • Prabu S, Swarnalatha P, Ranjith D, Efficient Method for Identification of Faces for 2D Images, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, No.2, pp. 1010-1015, 2013
  • Gaganjit Singh, Swarnalatha P, BK Tripathy, Swetha Kakani, Convex Hull Based WBC Computation for Leukaemia Detection, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol.2, No.5, pp. 1843-, 2013
  • Mythili T, Margret Anouncia S, An Integrated Aproach for Feature Extraction and Defect Detection in Industrial Radiographic Images-Case study on Welding Defects, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2013
  • Mythili T, Margret Anouncia S, A Novel Approach for Automatic Region of Interest Extraction (AROIE)in Industrial Radiographic Images, International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics (IJCVR) Inderscience publisher, 2013
  • Yokesh Babu S, Saleem Durai MA, A Novel adaptable framework to handle heterogeneity issues in WSN hardware and system software: A comparative analysis and proposal, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.8, No.15, pp. 1749-1765, 2013
  • Anupriya E, Iyengar NChSN, Peer-to-Peer coordinated virtual clustering of documents for information retrieval, International Journal of Information Processing: Management, Vol.4, No.6, pp. 86-98, 2013 Jeyanthi N, Uttara B, Sravani M, Venu Tiwari
  • Iyengar NChSN, Detection of distributed denial of service attacks in cloud computing by identifying spoofed IP, International Journal of Communiucation, Networks and Distributed Systems(IJCDNS), Inderscience, Vol. 11, No.3, pp. 262-279, 2013
  • Jaya Subalakshmi R, Haleema PK, Iyengar NChSN, Enhancing Traditional Health Care system of an organization for better service with agent technology by ensuring Confidentiality of patient medical information, Cybernetics & Information Technologies, Bulgaria, Vol.13, No.3, pp. 140-156, 2013
  • Jeyanthi N, Iyengar NChSN, Mohan Kumar PC, Kannammal A, An Enhanced entropy approach to detect and prevent DDOS attacks in cloud computing, International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS), Vol.5, No.2, pp.110-119, 2013
  • Jeyanthi N, Iyengar NChSN, EOS: An efficient and scalable mechanism for escaping DDOS attacks in cloud computing, Cybernetics & Information Technologies, Bulgaria, Vol.13, No.1, pp. 46-60, 2013 Syed Perwez, Hamza Mohd Zubair, Muhammad Rukunuddin Ghalib, Kauser Ahmed P
  • Mohammed Iftekar, Association rule mining technique for psychometric personality testing and behaviour prediction, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No.5, pp. 4349-4361, 2013
  • Ashita Paliwal, Shivika Bisen, Muhammad Rukunuddin Ghalib, Sharmila N, An improved segmentation technique based on Declaunay triangulations for breast infiltration/tumor detection from mammograms, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, No.3, pp. 2565-2574, 2013
  • Murali S, Jaisankar N, Integrated Development Environment for Rover, International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), Vol.5, No.2, pp. 1207-1213, 2013
  • Santhi H, Jaisankar N, Multipath on-demand routing for large scale multi hop networks, Cubernetics and Information Technologies, Vol.12, 2013
  • Dhinesh Babu LD, Venkata Krishna P, Versatile Time-Cost Algorithm (VTCA) for Scheduling Non-Preemptive Tasks of Time critical workflows in cloud computing  systems, International Journal of communication networks and distributed systems, Inderscience Publishers, Vol.11, No.4, pp. 390-411, 2013
  • Viswanathan P, Venkata Krishna P, Medical Image spatial fusion watermarking system, Volume 222 LNEE, Inderscience Publishers, Vol.2, pp. 453-464, 2013
  • Sakthi Ganesh M, Venkata Krishna P, Improving Frequent Link Failure Detection in VANET, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, No.2, pp. 1882-1886, 2013
  • Dhinesh Babu LD, Venkata Krishna P, Honey Bee Behaviour inspired load balancing of Task in cloud Computing Environments, Applied soft computing Elsevier, Vol. 13, No.5, pp. 2292-2303, 2013
  • Dhinesh Babu LD, Venkata Krishna P, Applying Operations Management models for facility location problem in cloud computing, International Journal of Services and operations management, Inderscience publishers, Vol15, No.1, pp. 1-27, 2013
  • Nanda R, Venkata Krishna P, DOM-WLAN: a traffic analysis based approach for detecting malicious activities on wireless networks, Security of information and networks, ACM, pp. 421-424, 2013
  • Vanmathi C, Prabu S, A Survey of State of the Art techniques of Stenography, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, No.1, pp. 376-379, 2013
  • Sanjiban Sekhar Roy, Network analysis of transcription factors for nuclear reporgramming into induced pluripotent stem cell using bio informatics, Cell Journal, 2013
  • Rohan Bhargava, BK Tripathy, Kernel based rough-fuzzy C-Means, Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol.8251, pp. 148-155, 2013


  • Rajkumar R, Iyengar NChSN,  JXTA: A Technology Facilitating Mobile P2P Health Management System, Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 165 - 169, 2012
  • Arun Kumar T, Saravanaguru RaK,   Context aware middleware model for handling vehicular safety issues, Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 8; No. 8, pp. 1244 - 1252, 2012
  • BK Tripathy, GK Panda, Arnab Mitra,  Some concepts of incomplete multigranulation based on rough intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, Vol. 166, pp. 683 - 693, 2012
  • Jayanthi N, Iyengar NChSN,  An entropy based approach to detect and distinguish DDoS attacks from flash Crowds in VoIP Networks, International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 257-269, 2012
  • Sudip Misra, Venkata Krishna P, Akhil Bhiwal, Amardeep Singh Chawla, A learning automata-based fault-tolerant routing algorithm for mobile ad hoc networks, The Journal of Super Computing, Vol. 32, No.1, pp. 4-23, 2012
  • Sudip Misra, Venkata Krishna P, Saritha V,  An efficient approach for distributed channel allocation with learning automata-based reservation in cellular networks, Simulation, Vol. 88, No.10, pp. 1166-1179 2012
  • Saleem Durai MA, DP Acharjya, Kannan A, Iyengar NChSN, An intelligent knowledge mining model for kidney cancer using rough set theory, International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications, Vo. 8, No.5, pp. 417-435, 2012
  • Bhuvaneshwari S, Vaideki KJ, Kumar K, Margret Anouncia S, Problem frames analysis over sysML model for critical goods transportation monitoring system, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 1798-1801, 2012
  • Sudip Misra, Venkata Krishna P, Saritha V, LACAV: An energy-efficient channel assignment mechanism for vehicular adhoc networks, The Journal of Super Computing, Vol. 62, No.3, pp. 1241-1262, 2012
  • Kamala Krithivasan, Lakshmanan K, Anand M, Khalid M, On the ambiguity and complexity measures of insertion-deletion systems, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Vol. 87, pp. 425-439, 2012
  • Thandeeswaran R, Subhashini S, Jeyanthi N, Saleem Durai MA, Secured multi-cloud virtual infrastructure with improved performance, Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 11-22, 2012
  • Reddy BSK, Ganesh MS, Venkata Krishna P, Temporary parallel route recovery for frequent link failure in VANET, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 176, pp. 369-374, 2012
  • Arun Kumar S, Arun Kumar T, Ontology rule based retrieval of knowledge sharing and trust behavior: An global software development perspective, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 09754024; Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 364-371, 2012
  • Ch Aswani Kumar, Radvansky M, Annapurna J, Analysis of Vector space Model, Latent semantic Indexing and Formal concept analysis for information retrieval, Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 1; pp. 34-48; ISSN (Print) 1314-4081, DOI: 10.2478/cait-2012-0003, 2012
  • Ravi Nirlakalla, Bhaskara Rao Boothuru Subbarao Thhotta, Rajasekhara Babu M, Venkata Krishna P, Designing of power optimized bypassing array multiplier in nanometer technology, Computer Communication and Information Science (CCIS) Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Vol. 270 Issue pp. 277-284 (ISSN: 978-3-642-29218-7  ), 2012
  • Sasirekha M, Sumaiya Thaseen I, Saira Banu J, A Defense Mechanism For Credit Card Fraud Detection, International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security, Vol. 2, No.3; pp. 89-100, 2012
  • Venkata Krishna P, Saritha V, Vedha G, Bhiwal A Chawla AS, Quality-of-service-enabled ant colony-based multipathrouting for mobile ad hoc network, IET Communications, Vol. 6, Iss. 1, pp. 76– 83; ISSN 1751-8628, 2012
  • Alagiri I, Madhu Viswanatham V, Venkata Krishna P, Band-width Efficient Multipoint Relays Selection in Optimized Link State Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, Information Technology Journal , Vol. 11, No.8 : 1097-1102., 2012
  • Manaswi Saha, Venkata Krishna P, Bandwidth Management Framework for Multicasting in Wireless Mesh Networks, International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 421-425, 2012
  • Manikandan K, Saleem Durai MA, A novel framework for efficient congestion control protocol and QoS enhancement in Adhoc wireless Networks, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol. 45 No.2, pp. 387-396, 2012
  • Anthony Xavior, Margret Anouncia S, Case-based reasoning (CBR) model for hard machining process,  International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 61:1269–1275, Springer-Verlag London Limited 2012., 2012
  • Senthil J, Arumugam S, Margret Anouncia S, Abhinav Kapoor, Automatic Code Generation for Recurring Codepatterns in Web based Applications and Increasing Efficiency of Data Access Code, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Issue 3, No 1; pp. 473-476, 2012
  • Senthil J, Arumugam S, Margret Anouncia S, Abhinav Kapoor, Cracking the Encryption Key from Auto Generated Cipher, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, 2012
  • Rajkumar S, Vijayarajan V, Shrey Gupta, Anil Kumar, Analysis of Non-Linear Filtering Techniques based on Quantitative Metrics using Different Images, International Journal of Computer Applications Volume 52 – No. 6, pp.13-20, 2012
  • Raghuveer VR, BK Tripathy, An Object Oriented Approach to Improve the Precision of Learning object Retrieval in a Self Learning Environment, Int. Jour. of e-learning and Learning Objects, vol.8, 2012, pp. 193-214., 2012
  • Vasanthi S, Jayanthi MK, Learning objects- an object oriented analysis, design model and research review, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies (IJCSIT), 2012
  • Jayanthi MK, Survey on High Performance MultiProcessor System on Chips, International Journal of Computer Applications 2012
  • Jayanthi MK, Domain-Driven Action Able Knowledge Discovery, International Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering,, 2012
  • Hari Seetha, Saravanan R, Narasimha Murty M, Pattern Synthesis using Multiple Kernel learning for Efficient SVM classification, Cybernetics and Information Technologies,, 12(4),77-94, 2012
  • Hari Seetha, Sri Vidhya VVR, Classification of Categorical Data Using Hybrid Similarity Measures. Wireless Networks and Computational Intelligence (2012):, CCIS-292, 371-377., 2012
  • Sudhar Kumar Singh, Hariom Kumar, Praveen Kumar K, Rajkumar R, Secure Auction Bidding Mobile Environment through Randomized Alphanumeric Cipher Algorithm, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2012
  • Thendeeswaran R, Subashini S, Jeyanthi N, Saleem Durai MA, Secured Multi-Cloud Virtual Infrastructure with Improved Performance Cybernetics and Information Technologies- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Vol 12, No 2, pp 11-22., 2012
  • Saleem Durai MA, Danapal, A Survey on Cloud Computing for Mobile Users: Making Smartphones Last Longer with Computation Offload,  International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 56– No.18, 2012
  • DP Acharjya, DP Acharjya, Kannan A, Iyengar NChSN, An Intelligent Knowledge Mining Model forKidney Cancer using Rough Set Theory Int. Journal of Bioinformatics Research  and al Applications-, Vol. 8, Nos 5/6, PP. 417-435 2012
  • Sangeetha TA, Saradha A, Ilango P, JPEG Compression and Decompression for Color Images using Latice Based Structures, Global Trends in Information Systems and Software Applications Communications in Computer and Information Science , 2012
  • Ilango P, Swathi JN, An Empirical Study of hard and Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm on IRIS Dataset, International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, Vol 4,No:4,2012, 2012
  • Ilango P, Swathi JN, Study of Improvements in Fuzzy C Means Clustering Algorithm, International Journal of Computer Science and Knowledge Engineering., ISSN:0973-6735Volume 6 Number 2, 2012
  • Ilango P, Ontology Based Web Service Discovery using Semantic Techniques, International Journal of Computer Information Systems, 2012
  • Ilango P, Region Based Image Segmentation Methods using Medical Images, International Journal of Image Processing and Applications, 2012
  • Prabu S, Swarnalatha P, Cloud Gaming with P2P Network using XAML and Windows Azure, Global Trends in Information Systems and Software Applications, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 270; pp. 165-172; 2012, 2012
  • BK Tripathy, Nagaraju M, Topological Properties of Incomplete Multigranulation Based Rough Fuzzy  Sets, Obcom 2011, Part II, CCIS 270, PP 92 - 102, 2012, 2012
  • Nisha TM, Lijo VP, Improving the Efficiency of Data Retrieval in Secure Cloud, CNC 2012, LNICST pp. 238-241, 2012, 2012
  • Jeyanthi N, Iyengar NChSN, MAC Based Routing Table Approach to Detect and Prevent DDoS Attacks and Flash Crowds in VoIP Networks, Cybernetics and Information Technology, Vol.11,No.4, pp.41-52, 2012
  • Jeyanthi N, Iyengar NChSN, Packet Resonance Strategy: A Spoof Attack Detection and Prevention Mechanism in Cloud Computing Environment, International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS), Vol. 4, No. 3, pp.163-173, 2012
  • Lakshmi Prasad W, Sarath Chandra G, Vijayakumar Varma S, Iyengar NChSN, Different Variants of MR-RSA Cryptosystems and Digital Signature Schemes, International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology (Special Isuue),, Vol.4,No.5,pp49-54, 2012
  • Senthil J, Raghavendra Singh, Anupam Gupta, Pranov Kumar, Application of Sentiment Analysis in Reviewing Public Opinion using Naïve Bayes Technique with Laplace Smoothing European Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 78 Issue 4, 597-601, 2012
  • Senthil J, Arumugam S, Prathik Shah, Real Time Automatic Code Generation using Generative Programming Paradigm European Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 78 Issue 4, 581-587, 2012
  • Senthil J, Shoib Merchant, Akshey Maniyar, Cloud based Voice Mail Service for Mobile Computing European Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 78 Issue 4, pp. 602-607, 2012
  • Jayakumar S, Senthil J, Nithya S, Automatic Campus Network Management using GPS, International Journal of Computer Science and Issue, Vol 9, Issue 3, 468-472, 2012
  • Senthil J, Snehil Modani, Ishan Gupta, Apoorv K Agrawal, Improvement of Error Correction in the Networks using Generative Programming, International Journal of Computer Applications, x, Vol 9, Issue 3, 468-472, 2012
  • Arun Kumar S, Arun Kumar T, Ontology Rule based retrieval of Knowledge sharing and Trust behavior: An Global Software Development Perspective., International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.4, Issue 5, pages: 364-371, 2012
  • Arun Kumar S, Arun Kumar T, Exploring the influence of parternership quality factors towards the outcome of global software development projects, Internation review on computer and software, Vol.7, Issue 5.pp. 2159-2172, 2012
  • Venkatesan M, Arun Kumar T, Prabhavathy P, An Improved Bayesian Classification Data Mining Method for Early Warning Landslide Susceptibility Model Using GIS, Advances in Intelligent System and Computing, Vol.202, pages:277-288, 2012
  • Govinda K, Sathiamoorthy E, Multilevel Security in Cloud Computing Environment using Graceful Codes, Global Trends in Information Systems and Software Applications Communications in Computer and Informaion Science, Vol270,pp613-618, 2012


  • Parveen Sultana H, MPounambal, Venkata Krishna P, A Fast Handover Scheme for Multicasting  in IPv6 based Mobile Ad hoc Networks, Journal of Computer Science, Science Publications, USA, Vol 7, No. 1, ISSN 1549-3636, pp. 90-94, 2011
  • Swarnalatha P, Rajasekhara Babu M, Surendhar Thallapelly, Building Management System Using Windows Communication Foundation and  XAML, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 95-99, 2011
  • Arun Kumar S, Arun Kumar T, State of software metrics to forecast variety of elements in the software development process Advances in Parallel Distributed Computing, CCIS, Vol. 203; pp. 561-569, 2011
  • Misra S, Venkata Krishna P, Abraham KL, A stochastic learning automata-based solution for intrusion detection in vehicular ad hoc networks Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 666-677, 2011
  • Maiti A, BK Tripathy, Applications of short message service and WAP in operating remotely triggered laboratories International Journal of Online Engineering Vol 7, No. 4, pp. 20-25, 2011
  • Nanda R, Venkata Krishna P, Mitigating denial of service attacks in hierarchical wireless sensor networks Network Security, Vol. 2011, No. 10; 2011
  • Lakshmanan K, Anand M, Krithivasan K, On the ambiguity of insertion systems International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science Vol. 22, No. 7; pp. 1747-1758, 2011
  • BK Tripathy, K Kumaran, Panda GK, An improved l-diversity anonymisation algorithm Communications in Computer and Information Science 157 CCIS, pp. 81-86, 2011
  • Lakshmanan K, Anand M, De La Clergerie EV, Modelling intermolecular structures and defining ambiguity in gene sequences using matrix insertion-deletion systems Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 228, pp. 71-82, 2011
  • Lakshmanan K, Anand M, Kamala Krithivasan, Khalid Mohammed, On the study of ambiguity and the trade-off between measures and ambiguity in insertion-deletion languages Nano Communication Networks, Biological Information and Communication Technology, Vol. 2, No. 2-3, pp. 106-118, 2011
  • Lakshmanan K, Anand M, Shankara Narayanan Krishna, Matrix insertion-deletion systems for bio-molecular structures Distributed Computing and Internet Technology, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6536, pp. 301-312, 2011
  • Sivarajesh Reddy, Rajasekhara Babu M, Swarnalatha P, Hand Gesture Recognition Using Skeleton of Hand and Distance Based Metric, Advances in Computing and Information Technology, Communication in Computer and Information science, Vol. 198, pp. 346-354, 2011
  • Surendhar Thallapelly, Rajasekhara Babu M, Swarnalatha P, An XAML approach for building management system using WCF Advances in Computing and Information Technology, Communication in Computer and Information science, Vol. 198, pp. 339-345, 2011


  • Kauser Ahmed P, Muhammad Rukunuddin Ghalib Jaigam Dilshad,  Creation of Gene Database and Implementation of Transactrion processing, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, ISSN No. 0976-5697, Sep. - Oct. 2010 Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 433-439,, 2010
  • Saravanaguru RaK, Arun Kumar T, Ramesh babu K,  An Efficient Routing Protocol Design for Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks,,  International Journal Of UbiComp (IJU), July, 2010,  Vol.1, No.3,pp. 15-29, 2010
  • Ramesh Babu K Arun Kumar T   An Imperceptible and Variable Block Based Blind Watermarking Scheme for Content & Copyright Protection, International Journal of Research and Reviews in Computer Science, Science Academy Publisher, United Kingdom, Vol. 1 No. 4, 2010, December 2010
  • Kauser Ahmed P, Muhammad Rukunuddin Ghalib,     The realization of automated testing tool for OOC, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, Vol. 1(3), pp. 433-439, (ISSN. NO.0976-5697) October, 2010, 2010
  • Arun Kumar S, Arun Kumar T, Swarnalatha P,  Significance of Software Metrica to Quantify Design and code quality design and code quality, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Vo. 9, No.7, pp. 36-42; doi>10.5120/1608-2160, 2010
  • Mythili T, Swathi JN,   Quality Metrics Tool for Object Oriented Programming, International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol.2, No.5, pp. 712-717; 1793-8201, 2010
  • Arun Kumar S, Swarnalatha P, Senthil Kumaran U,  The Realization of Automated GH Testing Tool for OOC, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 12, pp. 6987-6998, 2010
  • Akila Victor,    Comparitive Analysis of FLLT and JSEG, International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), Vol. 2, No. 8, pp. 2641-2647, 2010
  • Chiranjib Chakraborty, Sanjiban Sekhar Roy,   Network building of Proteins in a Biochemical Pathway: A computational biology Related Model for Target Discovery and Drug Design, Current Bio-Informatics, Pub. Bentham Science Publishers, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 290-295, 2010
  • Sanjiban Sekhar Roy, C Chakraborthy, (+3 authors),  A hypothetical relationship between the nuclear reprogramming factors for induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells generation - bioinformatics and algorithmic approach, Medical Hypotheses, Publisher: Elsevier Ltd Vol.76, No. 4, pp. 507-511, 2010
  • Swarnalatha P, Prabu S,   Agent Based fault Tolerance in Computational Grid-A Survey, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol.2, No. 11, pp. 6771-6778, 2010
  • Annapurna J, Aswani Kumar Ch,   Interactive Image Retrieval Using text and image content, Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 10, No.3, pp. 20-30, 2010
  • Swarnalatha P, BK Tripathy,   A Study on Edge Detection Techniques in Retinex Based Adaptive Filter, IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 6ISSN: 1793-8236, pp. 603-607, 2010
  • Madhu Viswanatham V, AA Chari PVenkatakrishna, Geethanjali, A survey on key management techniques in Mobile adhoc NET works, Int.Journal on Advanced Computing and Communications, Vol.2, Issue. I, pp.1-5, 2010
  • Vijayasherly V, Iyengar NChSN, H Mohamed Ameer Irshad, R Padma Priya, Remote desktop Access using Mobile phones and an Enhancement for Intra-Mobile search, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, Vol.1, No.4, pp. 229-232, 2010
  • Geetha Mary A, Iyengar NChSN, Anupriya E,  A Model To Measure The Effectiveness Of Filtering Malicious Traffic Under Dos Attack In Peer To Peer Network, International Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, An International Research Journal, Vol. 1, No.4, pp. 411-417, 2010
  • Geetha Mary A, Iyengar NChSN,   A Frame Work for Ontological Privacy Preserved Mining, International Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, An International Research Journal, Vol. 1, No.4, pp. 425-436, 2010
  • Madhu Viswanatham V, AA Chari,   An approach for detecting Attacks in mobile Adhoc Networks, Journal of Computer Science, Vol.4(3), pp.245-251, 2010
  • Janakiraman TN, Chandra Mouli PVSSR,   Image Segmentation using Euler Graphs, International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control, Vol.5, No.3, pp. 314-324, 2010
  • Venkata Krishna P, Sudip Misra, Kiran Isaac Abraham,  S-LAID: A Simple Learning Automata-Based Solution for Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computin, Vol.11, No.3, pp.426-441, 2010
  • Venkata Krishna P, S Misra, KL Abraham,  Adaptive Link-State Routing and Intrusion Detection in Wireless Mesh Networks, IET Information Security, Special Issue on Multi-Agent & Distributed Information Security, Vol.4, No.4, pp. 374-389, 2010
  • E Sathyamoorthy, Iyengar NChSN, V Ramachandran, Agent Based Trust Management in Distributed e-business environment, International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT), Vol.2, No.1, pp. 14-28, 2010
  • Sreenivasalu Reddy L, Ramakrishna Prasad, Iyengar NChSN, Ramachandran V, Solovay-Strassen test in a RSA Public key Cryptosystem, International Journal of computer Theory and Engineering, Vol2, No.1, 52-56, 2010
  • Saravanaguru RaK, Kripeshwari S, Arun Kumar T,  Efficient Querying of Web Services Using Ontologies, International Journal of Algorithms and Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis,  Multi Science Publishing, Vol.4, No.4, pp. 575-586, 2010
  • Margret Anouncia S, Cherian M, Parija A, Sylvia R, A Framework For Software Architecture Visualization And Evaluation, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol.1, No.8, pp. 60-65, 2010
  • Swarnalatha P, Parveen Sultana H, Pounambal,  TCP-LP: Low-Priority Service via End-point Congestion, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, Vol 1, No. 4, ISSN  0976 - 5697, pp .47-52, 2010
  • Suresh Kumar N, Margret Anouncia S,   Identifying grades of Glioma using support vector machine recursive feature elimination, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, ISSN No: 0976-5697, Vol.1, No.4, pp. 53-55, 2010
  • Abhinay Sukreet Kumar Mandala, Pallapottu Raghuram, Iyengar NChSN, Implementation Of Cryptographic Algorithm for Intranet Based Emails,  International Journal of Information Science and Computer Mathematics, Pushpa Publishing House,  Vol.1, No.1, pp. 81-87, 2010
  • Margret Anouncia S, Saravanan R,   A knowledge model for gray scale image interpretation with emphasis on welding defect classification–An ontology based approach, Elsevier Publication, International Journal of Computers in Industry, Vol.61, No.8, pp. 742 - 749. (Impact Factor: 1.524), 2010
  • Jaisankar N, Saravanan R, Iyengar NChSN, Sreenivasalu & Madhusoodhana Reddy, An Efficient layered security framework for protecting Network Layer operations in Mobile Adhoc Networks, International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems (IJCNDS), Vol.5, No.3, pp. 295-307, 2010
  • S Gouse Mohiddin, S Vijaya Kumar Varma, Iyengar NChSN,  Unsteady Laminar Mhd Free Convective Heat And Mass Transfer In A Visco-elastic Flow Past A Vertical Cone, The International e-Journal of numerical analysis and related topics (IeJNART), Vol.4, pp 41-54, 2010
  • S Gouse Mohiddin S Vijaya Kumar Varma Iyengar NChSN, Radiation And Mass Transfer Effects On Transient Laminar Mhd Free Convective Flow Past A Vertical Cone With Variable Surface Conditions In The Presence Of Viscous Dissipation, The International e-Journal of Engineering Mathematics:Theory and Application (IeJEMTA), Vol.8, pp 22-37, 2010
  • Geetha Mary A, E Anupriya, Iyengar NChSN,  Secure and Auditable Agent-based Communication Protocol for E-health System Framework, International Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Vol.1(4), issue.3, pp.411-417, 2010
  • Geetha Mary A, Iyengar NChSN,   Dominant Pixel Identification from Gray-level Image using Various Matrix Translation operations - A novel approach for edge detection, International Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Vol.1(4), issue.3, pp. 425-436, 2010
  • Geetha Mary A, Iyengar NChSN,   Image Segmentation based on Euler Graphs, International Journal of Network Security & Its Application (IJNSA), Vol.2, No.1, pp.9-20, 2010
  • Suresh ThangakrishnanM, PrabukumarM,   A Novel and efficient mobile device authentication architecture, CIIT international journal of biometrics and bio-informatics, Vol 2, No 2, DOI: BB022010002, 2010
  • Muhammad Rukunuddin Ghalib, D K Ghosh,  CSTuEPM: An Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Microarray Gene Expression Data, International Journal of  Advanced Research in Computer Science, Vol I, Issue IV, Pages 370-377, 2010
  • Shanthi V, Arun Kumar T,  A  robust digital image watermarking algorithm using DNA sequences, International Journal on Image and Video processing (ICTACT), Vol.1 – 123, 2010
  • Dhawal Seth, LRamanathan, Abhishek Pandey, Security Enhancement: Combining Cryptography and Steganography, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 9, No. 11, Article-2, pp. 3-6, ISSN 0975-8887, 2010
  • BK Tripathy, DP Acharjya,  Knowledge Mining using Ordering Rules and Rough Sets on Fuzzy Approximation Spaces, International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, Vol. 1. No. 3, pp. 41-50, 2010
  • MSudha, MMonica,  Investigation on Efficient Management of Workflows in Cloud Computing Environment, IJCSE- International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 02, No. 05, pp. 1841-1845, 2010
  • Msudha, DrBandaru Rama Krishna Rao, MMonica, A Comprehensive Approach to Ensure secure Data Communication in Cloud Environment, IJCA – International Journal of Computer Application (0975-8887), Vol. 12 No. 8, pp. 19-23, USA, 2010
  • Mohan K, MAramudhan,   New Secure Communication Protocols for Mobile E-health System, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975-8887), Vol. 8. No. 4, pp. 10-15, 2010
  • Rishin Haldar, Debajyoti Mukhopadhyay,  An attempt to Verify Claims of University Departments by Text Mining its Web Pages, International Journal of Convergence Information Technology, Korea, Vol 5,No. 5, pp 192-202, 2010
  • Mythili T, Margret Anouncia S,  Automatic Defect Detection and Counting In Radiographic Weldment Images, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Vol. 10,  No. 2, 2010
  • Mythili T, Sumathy S,  Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus based on Risk Factors, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Vol. 10,  No.2, 2010
  • Manikandan K,   An Efficient Routing Protocol Design for Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Vol. 10– No. 4, pp. 5-10, 2010
  • Jaisankar N, Saravanan R,  Enhanced Two-Way Directional Routing for MANETs, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, Vol. 1, No.4, pp.14-19, 2010
  • Jaisankar N, Saravanan R,   An efficient layered security framework for protecting network layer operations in mobile ad hoc networks, International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, (Inderscience publishers Ltd), Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 295- 307, 2010
  • Jaisankar N, Saravanan R,  A review on security issues in mobile ad-hoc networks, International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Information Security, (IJCIIS), Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 101-109, 2010
  • Jaisankar N, Saravanan R,  A mechanism for detection of denial of service attacks in mobile adhoc networks, International Journal of Research and Reviews in Computer Science (IJRRCS), Vol. 1, No.3 pp. 14-19, 2010
  • Jaisankar N, Saravanan R,  An extended AODV protocol for multipath routing in MANETs, International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 394-400, 2010
  • Muhammad Rukunuddin Ghalib, P Kauser Ahmed, Jaigam Dilshad,  Qualitative and Quantitative metrics based analysis of Gene Expression Data Clustering Algorithms, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 433-439, 2010
  • Sasikumar Gurumurthy,   Effective Cache Placement in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks,  International Journal of Network and communication Engineering” [CIITIJ], Vol.  DOI: NCE102010007, ISSN: 0974-9713, ONLINE: ISSN 0974-9616, 2010
  • MSudha, MMonica,  A Simplified Network manager for Grid and Presenting the Grid as a Computation Providing Cloud, IJARCS-International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, Vol. 01, No. 03, Pages 173-176, 2010


  • Iyengar NChSN, Vijayasherly V, Parallel Query Processing in a Cluster using MPI and File System Caching, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol.9, No.5, pp. 249-365, 2009
  • Sanjiban Sekhar Roy, Santanu Mukerji MA,   e-Learning of Japanese Pictography –It’s Perspective, Language in India, Vol.10, No.7, pp.91-102, 2009
  • Venkata Krishna P, Sudip Misra, Mohhamed S Obaidat, Saritha V, An efficient approach for distributed dynamic channel allocation with queues for real time and non-real time traffic in cellular networks, Journal of Systems and Software, (Elsevier), Vol. 82, No.7, pp 1112-1124, 2009
  • Iyengar NChSN, JaghadeeshR, Karthik TU, Prakash NM  Vijayasherly V, Distributed and Learner Adaptive Learning System Using Service Oriented Architecture, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol.9 No.6, pp 187-190, 2009
  • Prabu S, Nandakumar S,   Real Time Speech Compression by Using Code Excited Linear Prediction Algorithm, International Journal on Intelligent Electronics Systems, ISSN 0973-9238,Vol. 3, No.1, pp.62-64; ISSN: 0973-9238, 2009
  •  ESathiyamoorthy, Iyengar NChSN, VRamachandran,  Agent Based Trust Management Model Based on Weight Value Model for Online Auctions, International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.1, No.3,pp 15-31, 2009
  • Radheshyam Nanduri, Sai KrishnaG, Sandeep Kumar D, Iyengar NChSN, A Framework for Secure and Scalable Agent Based E-Auctions, Special Issue of the International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management, Vol.17 No. SP1, pp 42.1-42.5, 2009
  • Joseph Sukanth Y, Nishanth D, SathyamoorthyE, Iyengar NChSN, Trust Management Model In Online Auctions Using Multi Agents, Special Issue of the International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management, Vol.17 No. SP1, pp 44.1-44.4, 2009
  • Ilango P, Hemalatha Thiagarajan, Nickolas Savarimuthu,  Genetic Chromo Dynamic Framework for Imputation of Missing Data in Type II Diabetes Databases, Special Issue of the International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management, Vol. 17, No. SP1, ISSN 0858-7027, pp. 51.1-51.11, 2009
  • Margret Anouncia S, Godwin Joseph J,   A Study of Automatic Recognition and Extraction of Object of Interest from Images, International Journal of Computing and Information Technology, Vol. 17, Issue 4, pp 1-12, 2009
  • DP Acharjya,    Comparative Study of Rough Sets on Fuzzy Approximation Spaces and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Approximation Spaces, International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 4, No.1, pp. 91-102, 2009
  • DP Acharjya, B K Tripathy,   Rough Sets on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Approximation Spaces and Knowledge Representation, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Computational Research, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 29-36, 2009
  • Shanthi V, Arun Kumar T,   DWT – SVD Combined Full Band Watermarking Technique for Color Images in YUV color Space, International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol.1.No.4.( 1793 – 8201) pp. 424-429, 2009
  • Jaisankar N, Saravanan R, Intelligent intrusion detection framework using mobile agents, International Journal of Network Security & its Applications, Vol 1, No2, pp. 72-88, 2009
  • Selvakumar K, Prabu S, RamanathanL,  Application of Centroid Neural Network Based Clustering Technique Using Competitive   Learning, International Research Publication- International Journal of Information Sciences and Technology, ISSN 0974-2255   in 2009. 2009


  • DP Acharjya, B K Tripathy,   Rough Sets on Fuzzy Approximation Spaces and Applications to Distributed Knowledge Systems, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-14, 2008
  • BK Tripathy, PKChoudhury,   Fuzzy Lattices and Fuzzy Boolean Algebra, International Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics (USA), Published by International Fuzzy Mathematics Institute, Vol.16, no.1,  pp. 185-198, 2008
  • BK Tripathy, HKTripathy, PKDas,  A Prospective Fuzzy Logic approach to Knowledge-based Navigation of Mobile LEGO-Robot, Journal of Convergence Information Technology (U.K.), Vol.3, no.1, ISSN: 1975-9320, pp.64-70, 2008
  • BK Tripathy, HKTripathy, PKDas,  An Intelligent approach of Rough set in Knowledge Discovery Databases, International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Vol.2, no.1, pp.45-48, 2008
  • BK Tripathy, HKTripathy, PKDas,  An Intelligent Based Approach Using Fuzzy Inference Rules for Vowel Recognition, Journal of Convergence Information Technology (U.K.), Vol.3, No.1, ISSN:1975-9320, pp.51-56, 2008
  • Kannammal, Iyengar NChSN,   A Frame Work for Mobile Agent security in Distributed Agent based e-business Systems, International Journal of Business and Information, Vol.3 No.1 pp 129-143, 2008
  • Venkata Krishna P, Iyengar NChSN,   Design of Sequencing  Medium Access Control to Improve the Performance of Wireless Networks, Journal of Computing and Information Technology, CIT 16, Vol.  2, pp. 81–89, 2008
  • Venkata Krishna P, Iyengar NChSN,   An Efficient Hash Table Node Identification Method For Bandwidth Reservation In Hybrid Cellular And Ad Hoc Networks, International Journal of Computer Communications, Published by Elsevier Publications, Vol. 31, No. 4,  pp. 722-733, 2008
  • Venkata Krishna P, Iyengar NChSN,   Optimal channel allocation algorithm with efficient channel reservation for cellular networks, International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, Vol.1,No.1, pp 33-51, 2008
  • Venkata Krishna P, Iyengar NChSN,   Sequencing Technique – An Enhancement to 802.11 Medium Access Control to improve the performance of Wireless Networks, International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, Published by Inderscience Publishers, Vol.1,No.1, pp 52-70, 2008
  • Sudip Misra, Kiran Issac Abraham, Mohhamed S Obaidat, Venkata Krishna P, LAID: A Learning Automata-Based Scheme for Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks, Trans. of wiley InterScience journal on Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 2, Issue. 2, pp. 105-115, [DOI: 10.1002/sec.74]. [SCI level], 2008


  • Margret Anouncia S, Saravanan R,   Ontology Based process plan generation for radiographic image processing, Int. Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 211-222, 2007
  • Sreekumar, DP Acharjya,   Emergence and Convergence of Information and Communication Technology in Higher Education, GYAN Management (International Journal of Management and Technology; Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology, Chandigarh), Vol. I, Issue 2, pp. 176–182, 2007
  • Lakshmanan K, SN Krishna, R Rama, C Martin-vide, Internal Contextual Grammars for Mildly Context-Sensitive Languages, Research on Languages and Computation, Springer, Vol. 5 No.2, pp. 181–197, 2007
  • Hari Seetha, Saravanan R,   Short-term electric load prediction using   Fuzzy BP, Journal of   Computing and Information Technology, Vol 15, no: 3, 267–282, doi:10.2498, cit.1000987, 2007
  • Sulaiman Buhari, Akbar,   Impact of Redhat IPv6 Router on Heterogeneous Host Connections, International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley Inter Science, Vol. 20, Issue 4, pp.411-426, 2007
  • GitanajaliJ, Shaik Nusrath Banu, Geetha Mary A, IndumathiJ, An Agent Based Burgeoning Framework for Privacy Preserving Information Harvesting Systems, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.7 No.11, pp. 268-276, 2007
  • Venkata Krishna P, Iyengar NChSN, A Cross Layer Based Qos Model For Wireless And Mobile Networks, Journal of Mobile Communication, Vol. 1, No. 4 pp. 114-120, 2007
  • A Kannammal, Iyengar NChSN,   A   Model for Mobile agent Security in e-business applications, International Journal of Business and Information, Vol.2 No.2, PP 185-198, 2007
  • Venkata Krishna P, Iyengar NChSN,   Optimal Routing with QOS guarantees in the wireless networks, A Chapter in Springer Link Book on “ Innovative Algorithms and Techniques in Automation, Industrial Electronics and Telecommunications,  DOI: 10.1007, 978-1-4020-6266-7_8, 5 pp 469-473, Publisher: Springer Netherlands, 2007
  • JV Ramana Murthy, Iyengar NChSN, PAparna,  Slow Steady Rotation of a permeable sphere  in an incompressible Micropolar Fluid, International eJournal of Engineering Mathematics: Theory and Application, Egypt for publication, Vol.2, pp 44-60, 2007
  • Kannammal, VRamachandran, Iyengar NChSN,  Design and Performance Analysis of Agent Based Architecture for Session Management, Int. Journal of Electronic Business (IJEB), Vol.5, No.3, pp 263-275, 2007
  • Deena Yunam, Iyengar NChSN, AKannammal,  WebATU: Web Service Automated Testing Utility, Academic Open Internet Journal (AOIJ), Internet Computing, Vol 21, part6, p2  ( ISSN 1311-4360), 2007
  • Margret Anouncia S, Saravanan R,   Ontology Based Process Plan Generation for Image Processing, International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies,   - Vol. 2, No.3, pp. 211 – 22, 2007
  • Margret Anouncia S, Saravanan R, Hari Seetha,  Short term electric load prediction using Fuzzy BP, Journal of Computing and Information Technology – CIT, Vol 15 No.3, pp. 267-282 2007


  • Margret Anouncia S, Saravanan R,   Non-destructive testing using radiographic images – a survey, Published in the journal of Insight – British Journal of NDT, Vol  48, No.10, pp- 592 -597, 2006
  • Lakshmanan K, Iyengar NChSN,   A Note on Ambiguity of Internal Contextual Grammars, Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 369, Issue: (1-3), pp. 436–441, 2006
  • Kannammal, VRamachandran, Iyengar NChSN,  An Enhanced Secure and Scalable Model for Enterprise Applications using Automated Monitoring, Journal of Computer Science (JCS), Science Publications, and New York,  USA, Vol. 2 No.7, pp. 589-594, 2006
  • Kannammal, VRamachandran, Iyengar NChSN,  Reliable Multi Agent System for E-Business Applications, Academic Open Internet Journal(AOIJ)Internet Computing, Vol-18, ISSN 1311-4360, 2006
  • Gayatri Mohankrishna, Iyengar NChSN, A Kannammal,  Secure Service Management using mobile Devices, Academic Open Internet Journal(AOIJ)Internet Computing, Vol-18, 2006
  • Lakshmanan K,    End-marked Maximal Depth-first Contextual Grammars, Proceedings of Developments in Language Theory 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (DLT’06), LNCS-4036, pp. 339–350, California,USA, 2006


  • R R William, Iyengar NChSN,   Compression of wave file by linear scaling, AMSE Periodicals France, Vol. 48 no. 4, pp 19-36, 2005
  • AKannamal, Iyengar NChSN,   Automated Response by Mobile Agents to Intrusion, The Pacific and Asian Journal of Mathematiccal Science, Vol.1,No.1, pp 1-14, 2005
  • Rajasekhara Babu M, Iyengar NChSN,   Automated response by mobile agents to intrusion detection, The Pacific and Asian Journal of Mathematical Science,  2005