April 25th 1953 is a momentous day in the world of molecular science and genetics.This day in history marked as the discovery of DNA, which was one of the most important landmarks in the field of science that laid foundation for better understanding of the role that genetics plays in health and diseases.In 1953, the incredible work of Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, Rosalind Franklin and their colleagues forever etched this milestone in the path of research and innovative exploration.They also published paper in the NATURE Journal on the structure of DNA.April 2003 is also momentous for the completion of human Genome project.To commemorate this novel occasion of the World DNA day,Department of Biomedical Science (SBST),Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore is organizing The 6th DNA day 2019, on the 2nd and 3rd February which falls on Saturday and Sunday.Our aim is to bring the brightest young minds together and explore the future world of science.