Jan 27 - Jan 27


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VIT Mathematical Meet – A National Mathematical Contest for School Students is a mega annual event organized by the Department of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, VIT, Vellore; in order to create and encourage the mathematical inventiveness in young minds at the school level. The Department of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore is delighted to proclaim the VIT Mathematical Meet – 2024, the 28th Annual Celebrations of the VIT Mathematics Association, to be held in VIT, Vellore on 27th January, 2024 (Saturday) from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
Mathematics is an important subject which is the basis of many other subjects, such as Science, Engineering, Technology, Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Business, Management, Economics, Social Sciences, etc. Mathematics is the only field where the knowledge is cumulative and higher order. This Mathematical Meet will help participants to face competitions and to understand how to apply knowledge. Moreover, every interesting and worthwhile venture in life comes with some elements of pressure: competition teaches students how to handle it. Math contests are a tremendous social and intellectual opportunity for students. So, the goal of the meet is to encourage the students to develop a lifelong interest in mathematics.

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